While vision and mission statements are often used interchangeably, they serve distinct purposes. A vision describes where an organization wants to be in the future, focusing on opportunities rather than today's problems. It inspires and guides. In contrast, a mission statement defines an organization's goals and priorities for the present, outlining how the vision will be achieved. It should be concise and clarify the primary objective of increasing stakeholder value for shareholders, employees, and customers. Together, vision and mission provide direction, motivation, and focus to take an organization to its future aspirations.
3. Although often used
interchangeably, mission and
vision statements are distinctly
different, and each has its own
purpose, style, criteria, and
components. .
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
4. The vision is bigger picture
and future oriented while the
mission is more immediately
focused on the present.
It is the vision that defines
the end game and the
mission is the road map that
will take you there.
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
5. Vision dictates Mission which determines
Strategy, which surfaces Goals that frame
Objectives, which in turn drives the Tactics
that tell an organization what Resources,
Infrastructure and Processes are needed to
support a certainty of execution (Mike
Myatt, 1988).
vision mission strategy objectives tactics
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
7. "Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare."
Japanese proverb Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
8. Corporate vision is a short and inspiring
statement of what the organization intends
to become and to achieve at some point in
the future, often stated in competitive
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
9. You have to create a grand, noble
vision which elevates the energy,
enthusiasm and self-esteem of
everyone in the company while
ensuring that everybody sees a
benefit in following the vision!
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
10. "To achieve great things, you need
ambitious visions. And it does not
matter that vision cannot be laid
out in details. It is the direction that
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
11. A company's vision is what it wants to achieve
in the long term. It must convey a sense of
direction, discovery, and opportunity that can
communicated to all employees. It should not
focus so much on today's problems, but rather
on tomorrow's opportunities.
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
13. A mission statement makes concrete
the leader's view of the direction and
purpose of the organization.
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
14. A well-crafted mission statement can
provide the focus and motivation you
need to take your business to the next
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
15. A mission statement should be
a short and concise statement
of goals and priorities
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
16. The primary goal of any business is to increase
stakeholder value.
The most important stakeholders are
o shareholders who own the business,
o employees who work for the business,
o and clients or customers who purchase products
and/or services from the business.
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
18. Yahoo's mission statement:
To be the most essential global internet
service for consumers and businesses.
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
19. Pilgrim's Pride food company places a high value on customer
satisfaction. Consequently, their mission statement reads:
Our job is outstanding customer
satisfaction . . . Everyday.
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal
20. Amazon.com's mission statement is a good example of a far-
reaching goal:
To be the most customer-centric company in the world,
where people can find and discover anything they want
to buy online.
Copyright: 2009 Turgut Ziyal