IFS Mobile Webinars Master Series - Get Get Smarter Get MobilityMartin Gunnarsson
Data can be difficult to manage at the best of times, but mobile data has to be even more relevant and concise in order to be processed efficiently. Here we share our expertise so you can get the inside track on business intelligence.
Accessibility is Primarily About People and Processes, Not Digital Resources!lisbk
際際滷s for a talk on "Accessibility is Primarily About People and Processes, Not Digital Resources!" given as a pre-recorded slidecast (with audio) by Brian Kelly, Cetis at the OZeWAI 2013 conference held at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia on Friday 29 November 2013.
For further information see http://ukwebfocus.wordpress.com/events/ozewai-2013/
Vous allez apprendre comment un d辿veloppeur ou un architecte peut tester assez facilement la mise en place dun environnement relativement complexe, pour un co短t modique.
Le tutoriel montre aussi concr竪tement comment le cloud et un environnement demeure peuvent fonctionner ensemble (ici au niveau de lauthentification). Il sagit l encore dun exemple dimpl辿mentation de ce que peut 棚tre le cloud hybride !
Pare de fazer 叩gil e seja 叩gil - Enucomp 2013Claudia Melo
O mundo hoje 辿 repleto de sistemas: a tecnologia est叩 bem difundida em muitos setores, produtos e servi巽os. Hoje desenvolvimento de software 辿 quase uma commodity: sempre h叩 um Jo達o na esquina que promete entregar software. M辿todos 叩geis surgiram para ajudar times e organiza巽探es a entregarem software mais r叩pido e com maior qualidade em um mercado extremamente competitivo e turbulento. No entanto, n達o basta usarmos pr叩ticas e tecnologias do mundo 叩gil para termos sucesso. preciso *ser* 叩gil, abra巽ar valores e princ鱈pios. Neste bate-papo vou compartilhar um pouco da minha experi棚ncia sobre agilidade e dar dicas que podem ajudar os futuros profissionais de tecnologia a se posicionarem frente aos desafios atuais e serem, de fato, 叩geis.
This document summarizes a presentation on regional planning given by Andrew Sancton, a professor of political science. It outlines some of the key problems that can arise when municipalities act independently without regional coordination, such as infrastructure inefficiencies and a lack of control over externalities. The presentation then discusses potential solutions to address these problems, including voluntary cooperation between municipalities, special-purpose bodies for infrastructure or planning, boundary changes, regional government, and provincial regulation.
Office Word 2007 es un programa de creaci坦n de documentos que permite crear y compartir documentos utilizando una interfaz de usuario intuitiva junto con herramientas de escritura completas.
The document provides information on Chartered Geographer status, a professional accreditation awarded by the Royal Geographical Society to geographers who demonstrate geographical skills and knowledge. To apply, candidates must have a degree in geography or related field plus 6 years of experience, or 15 years of experience without a degree. Applicants must also be a Fellow of the RGS, prove ongoing professional development and geographical work experience, and justify why they should receive Chartered status. Benefits of receiving Chartered Geographer status include career enhancement, recognition of experience and commitment to geography, and access to RGS membership benefits and events.
[Tuto] Sql backup : Comment sauvegarder une base de donn辿es SQL Server dans l...Microsoft Technet France
Vous allez voir une version simple de cloud hybride. SQL Server demeure, son backup dans le nuage. Le cloud hybride, ce nest pas si compliqu辿 !
O documento descreve a fun巽達o sys._current_frames() em Python, que fornece os frames de pilha de todas as threads ativas em um processo. Isso permite rastrear problemas de desempenho e deadlocks, coletando traces de pilha em tempo real de todas as threads. O documento tamb辿m discute como o LongRequestLogger usa essa fun巽達o para diagnosticar e resolver gargalos de desempenho em aplica巽探es web complexas.
Este documento propone una capacitaci坦n de ingl辿s de 5 a単os para el personal docente y administrativo de la Universidad Tecnol坦gica Equinoccial. El curso tendr叩 niveles desde A1 hasta B2 y se impartir叩 de forma virtual. El primer m坦dulo se centrar叩 en el uso del presente progresivo y las preposiciones de tiempo. La metodolog鱈a ser叩 ADDIE y se utilizar叩n herramientas como internet y una plataforma virtual.
Preverco new EDGE texture wood flooring introduction 2013Preverco
The EDGE texture features the look of a well worn floor, with years of life built in to it, combined with the reliability of a modern flooring product. Randomized saw and distressed marks on most floorboards are combined with various irregularities to create a natural and authentic effect. This new incomparable product is in line with the "Rustic-chic" trend very popular in North America. The EDGE name and the selected color names evoke the most popular high-end ski resorts in the world:
Names that make you dream.
- Quando c'eran le cascine e i corsi d'acqua
- Olona fiume di Milano, fiume che scompar
- Quando la ferrovia cingeva Milano
- Fabbriche, industrie, artigiani, case, operai
- Storia di comunit e mutamenti
Manual pr叩ctico para el sector textil - confeccionesProColombia
Este documento presenta las reglas de origen establecidas en el Acuerdo de Promoci坦n Comercial entre Colombia y Estados Unidos para el sector textil-confecciones. Explica conceptos como clasificaci坦n arancelaria, criterios de origen, reglas espec鱈ficas de origen y requisitos complementarios. Fue elaborado por la Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) con el fin de brindar una gu鱈a pr叩ctica sobre este tema para empresas colombianas.
Os open data masterclass november 2013 v3.1Luke Hampson
This document provides an agenda and overview for an OS Open Data Masterclass being held by Ian Holt. The agenda includes introductions, presentations on open data and exercises working with OS open data. Some key points from the document include:
- Ian Holt will give presentations on open data and introduce exercises working with health and wellbeing data
- Attendees will participate in field trips and masterclasses on styling open data and using OS OpenSpace
- The document discusses sources of open data including from governments, citizen catalogues, and independent sources
- It outlines the benefits of open data in empowering citizens and innovation
Este documento resume las 11 semanas de un curso sobre t辿cnicas de comunicaci坦n. Cubri坦 temas como redacci坦n y comprensi坦n lectora, la comunicaci坦n y el lenguaje, comunicaci坦n escrita, di叩logo oral y tipograf鱈a, y las emociones en la comunicaci坦n. La autora aprendi坦 sobre diferentes aspectos de la comunicaci坦n que le ser叩n 炭tiles profesionalmente. El curso le ense単坦 varias formas de desenvolverse profesionalmente de manera enriquecedora.
This document discusses using geospatial data and augmented reality technology together. It provides examples of augmented reality being used with location data and maps for applications in utilities, heritage, architecture, planning and entertainment. The document also describes a case study of using these technologies for public consultation during wind farm planning by allowing stakeholders to visualize proposed developments in an immersive way. It argues that augmented reality can make geospatial data more flexible and accessible compared to traditional static maps.
These slides discuss why the Compumatrix Virtual Prepaid Cards are the perfect partner for shoppers these holidays with our Earn Back Rewards program. It is a perfect time to build your digital asset by leveraging your savings with online, digital or virtual currencies.
Office Word 2007 es un programa de creaci坦n de documentos que permite crear y compartir documentos utilizando una interfaz de usuario intuitiva junto con herramientas de escritura completas.
The document provides information on Chartered Geographer status, a professional accreditation awarded by the Royal Geographical Society to geographers who demonstrate geographical skills and knowledge. To apply, candidates must have a degree in geography or related field plus 6 years of experience, or 15 years of experience without a degree. Applicants must also be a Fellow of the RGS, prove ongoing professional development and geographical work experience, and justify why they should receive Chartered status. Benefits of receiving Chartered Geographer status include career enhancement, recognition of experience and commitment to geography, and access to RGS membership benefits and events.
[Tuto] Sql backup : Comment sauvegarder une base de donn辿es SQL Server dans l...Microsoft Technet France
Vous allez voir une version simple de cloud hybride. SQL Server demeure, son backup dans le nuage. Le cloud hybride, ce nest pas si compliqu辿 !
O documento descreve a fun巽達o sys._current_frames() em Python, que fornece os frames de pilha de todas as threads ativas em um processo. Isso permite rastrear problemas de desempenho e deadlocks, coletando traces de pilha em tempo real de todas as threads. O documento tamb辿m discute como o LongRequestLogger usa essa fun巽達o para diagnosticar e resolver gargalos de desempenho em aplica巽探es web complexas.
Este documento propone una capacitaci坦n de ingl辿s de 5 a単os para el personal docente y administrativo de la Universidad Tecnol坦gica Equinoccial. El curso tendr叩 niveles desde A1 hasta B2 y se impartir叩 de forma virtual. El primer m坦dulo se centrar叩 en el uso del presente progresivo y las preposiciones de tiempo. La metodolog鱈a ser叩 ADDIE y se utilizar叩n herramientas como internet y una plataforma virtual.
Preverco new EDGE texture wood flooring introduction 2013Preverco
The EDGE texture features the look of a well worn floor, with years of life built in to it, combined with the reliability of a modern flooring product. Randomized saw and distressed marks on most floorboards are combined with various irregularities to create a natural and authentic effect. This new incomparable product is in line with the "Rustic-chic" trend very popular in North America. The EDGE name and the selected color names evoke the most popular high-end ski resorts in the world:
Names that make you dream.
- Quando c'eran le cascine e i corsi d'acqua
- Olona fiume di Milano, fiume che scompar
- Quando la ferrovia cingeva Milano
- Fabbriche, industrie, artigiani, case, operai
- Storia di comunit e mutamenti
Manual pr叩ctico para el sector textil - confeccionesProColombia
Este documento presenta las reglas de origen establecidas en el Acuerdo de Promoci坦n Comercial entre Colombia y Estados Unidos para el sector textil-confecciones. Explica conceptos como clasificaci坦n arancelaria, criterios de origen, reglas espec鱈ficas de origen y requisitos complementarios. Fue elaborado por la Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) con el fin de brindar una gu鱈a pr叩ctica sobre este tema para empresas colombianas.
Os open data masterclass november 2013 v3.1Luke Hampson
This document provides an agenda and overview for an OS Open Data Masterclass being held by Ian Holt. The agenda includes introductions, presentations on open data and exercises working with OS open data. Some key points from the document include:
- Ian Holt will give presentations on open data and introduce exercises working with health and wellbeing data
- Attendees will participate in field trips and masterclasses on styling open data and using OS OpenSpace
- The document discusses sources of open data including from governments, citizen catalogues, and independent sources
- It outlines the benefits of open data in empowering citizens and innovation
Este documento resume las 11 semanas de un curso sobre t辿cnicas de comunicaci坦n. Cubri坦 temas como redacci坦n y comprensi坦n lectora, la comunicaci坦n y el lenguaje, comunicaci坦n escrita, di叩logo oral y tipograf鱈a, y las emociones en la comunicaci坦n. La autora aprendi坦 sobre diferentes aspectos de la comunicaci坦n que le ser叩n 炭tiles profesionalmente. El curso le ense単坦 varias formas de desenvolverse profesionalmente de manera enriquecedora.
This document discusses using geospatial data and augmented reality technology together. It provides examples of augmented reality being used with location data and maps for applications in utilities, heritage, architecture, planning and entertainment. The document also describes a case study of using these technologies for public consultation during wind farm planning by allowing stakeholders to visualize proposed developments in an immersive way. It argues that augmented reality can make geospatial data more flexible and accessible compared to traditional static maps.
These slides discuss why the Compumatrix Virtual Prepaid Cards are the perfect partner for shoppers these holidays with our Earn Back Rewards program. It is a perfect time to build your digital asset by leveraging your savings with online, digital or virtual currencies.
The document contains a table with specifications for various bolts including diameter, length, material classification. The table lists the quantity of each type of bolt. There are specifications for M12, M16, M18, and M20 bolts of varying lengths and materials.
This document provides a general view of an assembly at a scale of 1:50. The assembly contains various labeled components from A to Y arranged in a grid-like pattern across 5 sections. Key details of the assembly are shown at the specified scale for reference.