The document discusses the issue of elementary school bullying. It notes that while bullying was once dismissed as "boys being boys", it can seriously impact children's psychological development. It describes differences between how boys and girls typically bully. The presence of cell phones exacerbates cyber bullying. The document then introduces two hypothetical students, Annie and Katy, to illustrate how bullying dynamics can play out. It outlines the author's research at a local elementary school regarding their anti-bullying programs and how students typically bully. The author proposes creating a system to teach children when it is appropriate to report bullying and make standing up for others socially acceptable.
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1. School Bullying
The issue that I chose for this project is elementary school bullying. It is not a new problem
and everyone had to deal with it at some point in their life. For a long while bullying was not
even considered a serious issue.
2. Boys will be boys
Most parents and teachers would say boys will be boys and think that bullying is a natural
part of growing up that everyone has to go through.
3. Even though it is true for most kids, who grow up to be happy individuals and forget about
that bigger older kid that made their life hell in third grade...
4. ... Some kids are highly effected by bullying, become depressed and have a risk of developing
serious psychological disorders. A lot of bullied kids become insecure, which is not fatal, but
de鍖nitely doesnt help out in the adult years.
5. Overt and aggressive
There is a pretty big difference between girl and boy bullies. Boy bullies are more overt and
aggressive, while...
6. Sneaky and mean
...girl bullies are usually sneaky and often times brutal. With boys bullying is usually
physical, but girls use humiliation and exclusion as their primary weapons.
7. Ever present cell phones
The presence of cell phones and mobile devices does not help the issue, making cyber
bullying a huge threat.
9. How can I help?
So how can I help?
I think that by teaching kids how to deal with bullying and abuse in elementary school,
speci鍖cally 2nd and 3d grades, I can prepare them for what awaits them in middle and high
school, where bullying is a lot more severe and aggressive.
10. Annie, 8
-nice and friendly
-willing to play with other kids
-a little bit socially awkward because of her sheltered upbringing. She usually spends lunches
by herself and tends to play alone in recess.
11. Annies parents are avid environmentalists, which is a good thing.
-live in an eco-friendly house
-eat only home-made organic foods
-let their daughter play with environmentally-friendly toys only
-wear natural clothes
This, however, makes Annie stand out from the crowd and makes other kids hesitant to play
with her.
12. Katy, 8 1/2
-a natural leader; bossy
-wears nice clothes and has nice toys and phones
-she often has sleep-over parties where the girls are treated to expensive meals and fun
13. Katys parents arelive in a big house in the suburbs, eat out for every meal.
Give their daughter expensive toys and designer clothes to make up for the little time they
spend with her.
14. Annies vulnerability and different upbringing makes her an easy target for more popular
Katy. Katy does not allow Annie to play with her and her group of friends, making her feel
isolated. She also calls Annie names and makes fun of her. Other kids, who dont cheer on,
simply ignore the situation because they dont want to be bullied themselves.
15. There are always two sides to every story.
Even though Annie is obviously a victim, Katy is also a child crying for help.
16. Craving attention like any other kid and lacking it at home, Kathy tries to get it by being the
queen bee and torturing weaker kids. This allows her to fake the feeling of self-importance
and raises her self-esteem.
I, however, want to focus on kids like Annie, who are usually the targets of stronger, bossy
18. This school seems to be very nurturing and provides nice healthy facilities for the students.
20. Something that differentiates the school from other elementaries is the ABC program, ABC
standing for Active Learning, Being Safe and Caring. You can see posters like this for every
facility in the school that describes how students should behave.
22. And disengaging layout that is not interesting for a grown-up, let alone an 8-year-old kid.
24. Even though the school has the program, it does not seem to target the kids very efficiently
and this is something that I want to participate in.
25. My interviews with parents and the principal of Sun鍖ower Elementary helped me 鍖nd out an
interesting fact. If a child gets bullied, but develops a friendship or has someone that will
stand up for him, the bully stops. The older kids get, however, the less they are prone to tell
on the bully.
26. My research showed that most students are bullied in schools. The same number of them,
however, does not stand up for another kid if they see them getting bullied.
27. I also found out that most bullies have a support team that is cheering them on and the
most common actions are name-calling and physical contact like beating.
28. My solution would be creating a system that will teach the kids how to differentiate between
being a tell-tale and reporting someone who is a threat to everyones safety.
29. I want it to become cool to stand up for someone. I would like it to be something that
children will be able to have with them at all times, alongside the ABC posters that should be
more engaging and interesting.