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Visualising Bike Share
From Boris Bikes in
London to Bike Share
across the World
Oliver OBrien
Photo CC-NC-By-SA Adam Bowie on Flickr
 Intro to bike share
 Around the world
 Analysing trends
 Other community
Photo CC-By Charlotte Gilhooly on Flickr
What is a
Bike Share?
 A scheme allowing
bikes to be hired from
(and returned to)
certain locations
 City or campus based
 Typical use is for short
 Generally fully
automated (in theory)
 Require an account
linked to a credit card
Photo CC-NC-By-ND Terry Freedman on Flickr
 Docks  The things
which hold onto the
bikes and release them
 Stations  groups of docks
 Spaces  docks which are empty
Photo CC-By Les Hutchins on Flickr
The Bikes
 Normally odd
looking, lively colours
 Eye catching amongst
street furniture
 For sponsor branding
 To discourage theft
 Custom designed with
non-standard parts, to
prevent part theft.
Photos CC-By tsuacctnt and CC-NC-By-ND Monica Vidal on Flickr
Worldwide Distribution of Bike Shares
From bike-sharing.blogspot.com.
Current Locations for my Visualisation
City Official Name Installed System # of Bikes
London Barclays Cycle Hire July 2010 Bixi 4,300
Barcelona Bicing March 2007 Bikemi 4,200
Milan Bikemi December 2008 Bicing 1,100
Saragossa Bizi May 2008 Bicing 800
Girona Girocleta September 2009 TNT 100
Washington DC
and Arlington
Capital Bikeshare September 2010 Bixi 650
Montreal Bixi May 2009 Bixi 4,200
Minneapolis Nice Ride June 2010 Bixi 600
Denver B-cycle April 2010 B-cycle 350
Melbourne Bike Share June 2010 Bixi 400
Rejected Locations 
City Official Name System # of Bikes Reason
Shanghai Forever Forever 50,000 Rate limiting
Stockholm City Bikes Bicing 1,000 Blocking the data
Cardiff OYBike OYBike 100 Key changes at midnight
Lyon VeloV Velib 3,000 Scraping proving difficult
Paris Velib Velib 17,300 Take-down request
Brussels Villo Velib 1,700 Take-down request
Dublin dublinbikes Velib 400 Take-down request
Valencia Valenbisi Velib 1,000 Take-down request
Seville Sevici Velib 1,850 Take-down request
Vienna Citybike Velib 750 Take-down request
Toyama Cyclocity Velib 130 Take-down request
Brisbane CityCycle Velib 500 Would result in take-down request
To Be Added
City Official Name Installed System # of Bikes
Mexico City Ecobici February 2010 Bicing 1,000
Rio Samba November 2009 Samba 100
Torino Tobike June 2010 Tobike 1,200
Dijon Velodi June 2008 Bikemi 350
 Any others which have websites with location data
for stations and counts for both bikes and spaces
 Not Nextbike schemes in Eastern Europe (no spaces)
 But they do have bike IDs for up to 5 bikes at each dock
 Not various large schemes in China (no website)
 Not Velib (as requested by operator)
Melbourne  Helmets
 Scheme started in June
2010, slow to grow
 By law, helmets must be
worn (or AU$150 fine)
 Helmets are not supplied
with the scheme
 Can now buy AU$5 helmet
from two vending machines
or a supermarket chain
 Return to a supermarket for
AU$3 cash-back
 Also launched in the middle
of winter
Source and image from bike-sharing.blogspot.com
Brussels  Wheres My Villo?
 Campaign group
 Aiming to improve:
 Service level transparency
 Tracking performance measures
 Interested in comparing with
other cities
Source and images from wheremyvillo.be
Denver  Conspiracy
 Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes is warning
voters that Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper's policies,
particularly his efforts to boost bike riding, are converting
Denver into a United Nations community.
Dan Maes said Denver's
B-Cycle bike-sharing
program was promoted by
a group that puts the
environment above citizen
 article in the Denver Post
Source denverpost.com, photo CC-By-NC Trace Altman on Flickr
Lets Visualise Them!
 Obtain the data from the operators websites
 Some provide XML/JSON/KML
 Lots of Regex parsing
 Velib-based systems require two stages
 Store it for analysis
 Stick it on a map
 OpenLayers has some nice vector styling for points
 OpenStreetMap-based background
 Charts of historical trends via the Google Chart API
Background map CC-By-SA OpenStreetMap contributors
Background map CC-By-SA OpenStreetMap contributors
Animation over 48 hours
 All in Javascript
 Using SVG (or VML in Internet Explorer)
 The animation is extremely slow in I.E.
 Not great in Firefox
 Excellent in Chrome/Safari
N Europe:
1. London
2. Paris
3. Dublin
4. Brussels
1. Barcelona
2. Girona
3. Valencia
4. Seville
1. Wash. DC
2. Montreal
3. Minneapolis
4. Denver
1. Vienna
2. Milan
3. Toyama, JP
4. Melbourne
Bike/Dock Ratio
 A key component in the optimisation of a bike hire
 For the users, having too many bikes is very bad
 Frustrating if you cant drop off your bike while the clock
is ticking.
 But more bikes mean more visibility for the
scheme and promotion for the sponsors
Bike/Dock Ratio
 No of bikes per 100 docks
 Based on max availability
at around 5am (no usage)
 Averaged over a few weeks
City Ratio/100
Melbourne 60
London 56
Montreal 56
Denver 54
Milan 52
Dublin 51
Minneapolis 50
Toyama 50
Barcelona 49
Washington DC 49
Girona 48
Paris 47
Vienna 47
Brussels 46
Seville 42
Valencia 39
Average 50
Background map CC-By-SA OpenStreetMap contributors Preliminary/unreviewed data
Peak Usage % (Weekday)
 Max % of bikes being used
 Data from last Wednesday
 Not directly measurable
 Assumes that usage
dropped to zero overnight
 Simple analysis, not
considering the effect of
weather conditions, public
holidays or special events
City Peak
Dublin 41%
London 25%
Valencia 22%
Girona 21%
Barcelona 20%
Seville 20%
Milan 18%
Paris 15%
Montreal 13%
Melbourne 12%
Washington DC 11%
Brussels 10%
Toyama 9%
Vienna 9%
Denver 8%
Minneapolis 6%
Photos CC-NC-By-ND D1v1d on Flickr Preliminary/unreviewed data
Peak Usage % (Weekend)
 Max % of bikes being used
 Data from last Saturday
 Weekend usage much
higher than weekday usage
for the U.S. cities, lower for
City Peak
Dublin 25%
Barcelona 20%
Washington DC 19%
Denver 18%
Girona 17%
Valencia 16%
Vienna 12%
Seville 11%
Milan 11%
Minneapolis 11%
London 10%
Paris 10%
Montreal 8%
Brussels 7%
Melbourne 5%
Toyama 3%
Photos CC-NC-By DDOT DC on Flickr Preliminary/unreviewed data
 Tweet-o-Meter for bikes
 Steven Gray (@frogo)
 Using Google Gauges
 See the real life Tweet-
o-Meters at the new
British Library Growing
Knowledge exhibition
 Should be easy to hack
to show the Bike-o-
Meters instead
Weekday Use  1. Europe ex-Spain
Preliminary/unreviewed data
Weekday Use  2. Spain
Preliminary/unreviewed data
Weekday Use  3. Rest of World
Preliminary/unreviewed data
Weekend Use  1. Europe ex-Spain
Preliminary/unreviewed data
Weekend Use  2. Spain
Preliminary/unreviewed data
Weekend Use  3. Rest of World
Preliminary/unreviewed data
More Analysis
 Graph shows
number of bikes
available to hire
 Effect of rain
 Using the CASA
weather station
 Effect of the
tube strikes
Preliminary/unreviewed data
More Analysis!
 Geodemographics of
a city area based on
usage patterns of
stations within it?
 Could combine with
existing demographic
data to predict likely
usage patterns of
new stations
Clustering output courtesy of James CheshirePreliminary/unreviewed data
Even More Analysis!
Redistribution Effectiveness
 Which cities have the most effective redistributions?
 When does the redistribution occur?
 Does it actually make things worse?
Redistribution Effectiveness
Preliminary/unreviewed data
Even More Analysis Possible?
 Shapes and sizes of cities and their schemes
 How convenient is the scheme for the intended users?
 Coverage in residential versus commercial areas
 Dock station densities
 How far away from your destination to you need to go to
find a docking station?
 Would require bike-level information rather than
station-level as at present
Also in the Community
 Adrian Short (@adrianshort)
 first Boris Bikes API for London
 Andrew Larcombe (@andrewl)
 Where Are The Bikes API - A universal PHP API for
extracting data for bike share schemes
 Currently includes over 60 schemes
Also in the Community
 Aidan Slingsby (City Uni)
 Includes seeing ahead for
the next four hours
 Tom Taylor
 Cycle Hire Explorer
 Includes total usage counts
 Lots of cycle hire apps
for iPhone/Android
Screenshot of Aidan Slingsbys TFL Bikes graphs
Also in the Community
Screenshots of some of
the apps on the iPhone
(iOS4) for the London
Cycle Hire scheme.
Clockwise from top left:
Cycle Hire Live,
iLondonCycle, London
Cycle, Bixou Lite, Blue
Lanes, Apple App Store
Email: o.obrien [at] ucl.ac.uk
Blog: oliverobrien.co.uk
Twitter: @oobr
Photo CC-NC-By Kurtis Garbutt on Flickr

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Visualising Bike Share (#geomob 21 October 2010)

  • 1. Visualising Bike Share From Boris Bikes in London to Bike Share across the World Oliver OBrien UCL CENTRE FOR ADVANCED SPATIAL ANALYSIS Photo CC-NC-By-SA Adam Bowie on Flickr
  • 2. Contents Intro to bike share Around the world Visualising Analysing trends Other community efforts Photo CC-By Charlotte Gilhooly on Flickr
  • 3. What is a Bike Share? A scheme allowing bikes to be hired from (and returned to) certain locations City or campus based Typical use is for short durations Generally fully automated (in theory) Require an account linked to a credit card Photo CC-NC-By-ND Terry Freedman on Flickr
  • 4. Docks The things which hold onto the bikes and release them Stations groups of docks Spaces docks which are empty Photo CC-By Les Hutchins on Flickr Terminology
  • 5. The Bikes Normally odd looking, lively colours Eye catching amongst street furniture For sponsor branding To discourage theft Custom designed with non-standard parts, to prevent part theft. Photos CC-By tsuacctnt and CC-NC-By-ND Monica Vidal on Flickr
  • 6. Worldwide Distribution of Bike Shares From bike-sharing.blogspot.com.
  • 7. Current Locations for my Visualisation City Official Name Installed System # of Bikes London Barclays Cycle Hire July 2010 Bixi 4,300 Barcelona Bicing March 2007 Bikemi 4,200 Milan Bikemi December 2008 Bicing 1,100 Saragossa Bizi May 2008 Bicing 800 Girona Girocleta September 2009 TNT 100 Washington DC and Arlington Capital Bikeshare September 2010 Bixi 650 Montreal Bixi May 2009 Bixi 4,200 Minneapolis Nice Ride June 2010 Bixi 600 Denver B-cycle April 2010 B-cycle 350 Melbourne Bike Share June 2010 Bixi 400
  • 8. Rejected Locations City Official Name System # of Bikes Reason Shanghai Forever Forever 50,000 Rate limiting Stockholm City Bikes Bicing 1,000 Blocking the data Cardiff OYBike OYBike 100 Key changes at midnight Lyon VeloV Velib 3,000 Scraping proving difficult Paris Velib Velib 17,300 Take-down request Brussels Villo Velib 1,700 Take-down request Dublin dublinbikes Velib 400 Take-down request Valencia Valenbisi Velib 1,000 Take-down request Seville Sevici Velib 1,850 Take-down request Vienna Citybike Velib 750 Take-down request Toyama Cyclocity Velib 130 Take-down request Brisbane CityCycle Velib 500 Would result in take-down request
  • 9. To Be Added City Official Name Installed System # of Bikes Mexico City Ecobici February 2010 Bicing 1,000 Rio Samba November 2009 Samba 100 Torino Tobike June 2010 Tobike 1,200 Dijon Velodi June 2008 Bikemi 350 Any others which have websites with location data for stations and counts for both bikes and spaces Not Nextbike schemes in Eastern Europe (no spaces) But they do have bike IDs for up to 5 bikes at each dock Not various large schemes in China (no website) Not Velib (as requested by operator)
  • 10. Melbourne Helmets Scheme started in June 2010, slow to grow By law, helmets must be worn (or AU$150 fine) Helmets are not supplied with the scheme Can now buy AU$5 helmet from two vending machines or a supermarket chain Return to a supermarket for AU$3 cash-back Also launched in the middle of winter Source and image from bike-sharing.blogspot.com
  • 11. Brussels Wheres My Villo? Campaign group Aiming to improve: Reliability Distribution Service level transparency Tracking performance measures Interested in comparing with other cities Source and images from wheremyvillo.be
  • 12. Denver Conspiracy Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes is warning voters that Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper's policies, particularly his efforts to boost bike riding, are converting Denver into a United Nations community. Dan Maes said Denver's B-Cycle bike-sharing program was promoted by a group that puts the environment above citizen rights. article in the Denver Post Source denverpost.com, photo CC-By-NC Trace Altman on Flickr
  • 13. Lets Visualise Them! Obtain the data from the operators websites Some provide XML/JSON/KML Lots of Regex parsing Velib-based systems require two stages Store it for analysis Stick it on a map OpenLayers has some nice vector styling for points OpenStreetMap-based background Charts of historical trends via the Google Chart API 'id:"([0-9]+?)".*?name:"(.+?)".*?lat:"(.+?)".*?long:"(.+?)".*?nbBikes:"([0-9]+?)".*? nbEmptyDocks:"([0-9]+?)".*?installed:"(.+?)".*?locked:"(.+?)".*?temporary:"(.+?)".*?'
  • 16. Animation over 48 hours All in Javascript Using SVG (or VML in Internet Explorer) The animation is extremely slow in I.E. Not great in Firefox Excellent in Chrome/Safari http://oobrien.com/vis/bikes/timeline.php?city=london
  • 17. N Europe: 1. London 2. Paris 3. Dublin 4. Brussels Spain: 1. Barcelona 2. Girona 3. Valencia 4. Seville America: 1. Wash. DC 2. Montreal 3. Minneapolis 4. Denver 1. Vienna 2. Milan 3. Toyama, JP 4. Melbourne
  • 18. Bike/Dock Ratio A key component in the optimisation of a bike hire scheme For the users, having too many bikes is very bad Frustrating if you cant drop off your bike while the clock is ticking. But more bikes mean more visibility for the scheme and promotion for the sponsors
  • 19. Bike/Dock Ratio No of bikes per 100 docks Based on max availability at around 5am (no usage) Averaged over a few weeks City Ratio/100 Melbourne 60 London 56 Montreal 56 Denver 54 Milan 52 Dublin 51 Minneapolis 50 Toyama 50 Barcelona 49 Washington DC 49 Girona 48 Paris 47 Vienna 47 Brussels 46 Seville 42 Valencia 39 Average 50 Background map CC-By-SA OpenStreetMap contributors Preliminary/unreviewed data
  • 20. Peak Usage % (Weekday) Max % of bikes being used Data from last Wednesday Not directly measurable Assumes that usage dropped to zero overnight Simple analysis, not considering the effect of weather conditions, public holidays or special events City Peak Dublin 41% London 25% Valencia 22% Girona 21% Barcelona 20% Seville 20% Milan 18% Paris 15% Montreal 13% Melbourne 12% Washington DC 11% Brussels 10% Toyama 9% Vienna 9% Denver 8% Minneapolis 6% Photos CC-NC-By-ND D1v1d on Flickr Preliminary/unreviewed data
  • 21. Peak Usage % (Weekend) Max % of bikes being used Data from last Saturday Weekend usage much higher than weekday usage for the U.S. cities, lower for Europe City Peak Dublin 25% Barcelona 20% Washington DC 19% Denver 18% Girona 17% Valencia 16% Vienna 12% Seville 11% Milan 11% Minneapolis 11% London 10% Paris 10% Montreal 8% Brussels 7% Melbourne 5% Toyama 3% Photos CC-NC-By DDOT DC on Flickr Preliminary/unreviewed data
  • 22. Bike-o-Meter casa.ucl.ac.uk/bom Tweet-o-Meter for bikes Steven Gray (@frogo) Using Google Gauges See the real life Tweet- o-Meters at the new British Library Growing Knowledge exhibition Should be easy to hack to show the Bike-o- Meters instead
  • 23. Weekday Use 1. Europe ex-Spain Preliminary/unreviewed data
  • 24. Weekday Use 2. Spain Preliminary/unreviewed data
  • 25. Weekday Use 3. Rest of World Preliminary/unreviewed data
  • 26. Weekend Use 1. Europe ex-Spain Preliminary/unreviewed data
  • 27. Weekend Use 2. Spain Preliminary/unreviewed data
  • 28. Weekend Use 3. Rest of World Preliminary/unreviewed data
  • 29. More Analysis London Graph shows number of bikes available to hire Effect of rain Using the CASA weather station Effect of the tube strikes Preliminary/unreviewed data
  • 30. More Analysis! Clustering Geodemographics of a city area based on usage patterns of stations within it? Could combine with existing demographic data to predict likely usage patterns of new stations Clustering output courtesy of James CheshirePreliminary/unreviewed data
  • 31. Even More Analysis! Redistribution Effectiveness Distribution Which cities have the most effective redistributions? When does the redistribution occur? Does it actually make things worse?
  • 33. Even More Analysis Possible? Shapes and sizes of cities and their schemes How convenient is the scheme for the intended users? Coverage in residential versus commercial areas Dock station densities How far away from your destination to you need to go to find a docking station? Flows Would require bike-level information rather than station-level as at present
  • 34. Also in the Community Adrian Short (@adrianshort) first Boris Bikes API for London http://borisapi.heroku.com/ Andrew Larcombe (@andrewl) Where Are The Bikes API - A universal PHP API for extracting data for bike share schemes Currently includes over 60 schemes http://github.com/andrewl/watb/
  • 35. Also in the Community Aidan Slingsby (City Uni) www.gicentre.org/tfl_bikes/ Includes seeing ahead for the next four hours Tom Taylor Cycle Hire Explorer Includes total usage counts cyclehire.tomtaylor.co.uk/ Lots of cycle hire apps for iPhone/Android Screenshot of Aidan Slingsbys TFL Bikes graphs
  • 36. Also in the Community Screenshots of some of the apps on the iPhone (iOS4) for the London Cycle Hire scheme. Clockwise from top left: Cycle Hire Live, iLondonCycle, London Cycle, Bixou Lite, Blue Lanes, Apple App Store
  • 37. Thanks! Email: o.obrien [at] ucl.ac.uk Blog: oliverobrien.co.uk Twitter: @oobr Photo CC-NC-By Kurtis Garbutt on Flickr

Editor's Notes

  • #2: The picture is of the T-shirt that was given out to the first 1000 people that signed up for the scheme in London.
  • #4: Fully automated, including sign-up and operation. However London, at least, employs workers at some of the stations at rush-hour to provide extra capacity (bikes in the morning, spaces in the evening). This is a short term measure. Waterloo will shortly get 350 docks which should alleviate this problem.
  • #5: This is a familiar scene to commuters leaving the terminal stations in the morning, or leaving the City in the evening...
  • #6: Above: Minneapolis Nice Ride. Below: Barcelona Bicing
  • #13: http://www.denverpost.com/election2010/ci_15673894
  • #18: The cities are at roughly the same scale (exactly the same zoom level, which = scale * cosine (latitude))
  • #20: Screenshot of empty bike stations in west Barcelona at 9pm on Wednesday.
  • #21: Note this is just one days worth of data and doesnt control for weather conditions or special events.
  • #22: Note this is just one days worth of data and doesnt control for weather conditions or special events.
  • #24: London, Dublin and Brussels have a slightly earlier evening peak than Milan and Paris. Vienna doesnt use the scheme to commute.
  • #25: Use at lunch is as much as (or more than) during the evening rush hour, and the evening peak occurs at around 7pm the Spanish siesta working pattern. Girona is very small, so usage rises gradually during the day, rather than having a morning rush hour.
  • #26: Denver doesnt have the rush hour peaks showing that few commuters are using the scheme, possible due to the U.S car culture?
  • #27: Usage in general much lower than during the week, and mainly late afternoon use, particularly in Paris and Milan.
  • #28: Spain still has a siesta at the weekends! (The effect is noticeable in four of the five Spanish cities included.) The bikes also get used all through the evenings.
  • #29: Higher usage at the weekend than during weekdays, in the US.
  • #34: Comparing world city dynamics based on bike shares!