This document provides an overview of bike share programs around the world and efforts to visualize their data. It discusses various bike share systems, challenges with data collection, and analyses of trends like peak usage and bike/dock ratios in different cities. The author describes their website visualizing real-time bike share station and availability data for several cities. Community efforts to analyze and build APIs and apps for bike share data are also mentioned.
Planning Wars - Planning lessons from liveable citiesAndrew Nash
Urban transport planning lessons from Vienna, Zurich, San Francisco, New York and cyberspace. Vienna: the importance of infrastructure. Zurich: the benefits of efficiency. San Francisco: don't be afraid of congestion. New York: planning needs political courage and brains. Cyberspace: information technology is revolutionising participation in city planning and service provision.
The document summarizes Sipedala, a bike sharing service in Siena, Italy started in 2015. It provides details on the 13 stations located around the city and how users can register for the service using a smart card. While over 900 people subscribed, the service was not widely used by university students due to few bikes, lack of information and stations not near campus. A survey found subscribers were generally satisfied but complained about unavailable or broken bikes. The service shows potential to grow through partnerships and more stations near the university.
Ke ipsos columbia_university_report_june_2015_pa_final_versionIpsos
The first ever Nairobi opinion poll on transportation conducted for the Center for Sustainable Urban Development of Earth Institute, Columbia University in partnership with the Kenya Alliance of Resident Associations (KARA).
This document summarizes a presentation on planning and challenges of multimodal transit networks. It discusses measuring transportation projects based on passenger volume and user experience rather than just traffic flow. It also presents a vision for expanding the Mystic River Greenway trail network in eastern Massachusetts to create a more integrated multimodal system.
This document discusses a study conducted on a planned bike share program in San Jose, California. 115 surveys were administered in areas where bike share kiosks would be located to understand who would use the program, how much they would pay, and why. The study found most people would use bike share to run errands and pay more than other cities' programs. It also found the highest use would be around Diridon Station. The results suggest the program could charge higher prices or seek sponsors to fund maintenance and education.
The document provides information about the Moulton Bicycle Company and its expansion to Egypt. It discusses Moulton's history and products, including folding bicycles. For the Egyptian market, it analyzes the macro environment, segments customers into classes based on income, and discusses a market penetration pricing strategy to introduce Moulton's unique folding bicycles. The goal is to dominate the Egyptian and regional bicycle market with a revolutionary portable bicycle.
International Cycling Infrastructure, Best Practice Study, Phil JonesDesign South East
The document summarizes a study of international cycling infrastructure best practices. It visited 14 cities with high cycling rates to compare their approaches. The study aims to inform London's cycling plans and provide guidance to transportation authorities. Common success factors identified include strong political support for cycling, dedicated cycling infrastructure separated from traffic, and prioritization of cyclists at intersections.
Londons Barclays Cycle Hire: Innovative Usages of Data by Third-Party Devel...CASA, UCL
London's Barclays Cycle Hire scheme launched in July 2010, and within two months a developer had released an API providing real-time data on docking station availability. Over a million journeys were made by October 2010, and flow data on initial journeys was released by Transport for London in January 2011. APIs and data releases have enabled third-party developers to create apps and visualizations that help users and increase awareness of the cycle hire scheme. However, different cities vary in their willingness to explicitly or implicitly allow external use and release of bike share data.
Dynamic Fleet Sizing Problem for an E-Scooter Valet ServiceJoseph Chow
This document proposes a dynamic fleet sizing algorithm for an e-scooter valet service. It outlines using Citi Bike trip data to analyze demand trends and prepare the data spatially. It then describes using Clarke-Wright's method to determine the optimal fleet size based on hourly demand. Route generation is done using Google OR-Tools' CVRP algorithm. Results show the dynamic fleet model accurately predicts vehicle needs and has comparable mileage to static fleets. A cost-benefit analysis finds the proposed model has lower costs than Citi Bike. Additional areas for exploration are also identified.
The document describes a capstone project to develop a model for predicting the popularity of bikeshare stations based on characteristics of surrounding neighborhoods. Previous studies found factors like population demographics, proximity to transit and amenities influenced station usage. The project uses data on DC bikeshare trips, stations, census demographics, and nearby amenities to explore correlations and build regression models. Feature selection addresses multicollinearity issues to create a model utilizing the most predictive variables for station popularity. The goal is a model applicable to other cities that increases bikeshare sustainability.
7A_2_Preliminary results of a spatial analysis of dublin citys bike rental sc...GISRUK conference
This document summarizes preliminary results from analyzing spatial and temporal data from Dublin City's bike rental scheme. Key findings include:
- Usage patterns show higher demand during weekday rush hours and lunchtime, with quieter weekends.
- Stations near public transportation hubs and city centers see more usage. Integrating bikes with transportation supports ridership.
- Weather impacts usage, with rainy days seeing little use until evening spikes.
- Future work could integrate population and flow models to better understand bike trips and predict station usage across Dublin.
Title: New Tools for Estimating Walking and Bicycling Demand
Track: Sustain
Format: 90 minute panel
Abstract: Walking and bicycling demand estimates can make a stronger case for investing in new facilities and are necessary inputs to important planning tasks. This session presents state-of-the-art tools to predict walking and bicycling demand at varying geographic scales. Tools include: 1) a framework to incorporate walking into regional travel demand models; 2) a method to estimate bicycle and pedestrian traffic based on count data; 3) new mode choice models; and 4) a web-based repository of non-motorized demand analysis tools.
Presenter: Patrick Singleton Portland State University
Co-Presenter: J. Richard (Rich) Kuzmyak Renaissance Planning Group
Co-Presenter: Greg Lindsey University of Minnesota, Humphrey School
Co-Presenter: Jeremy Raw Federal Highway Administration
The document advocates for increasing funding for active transportation (walking, biking, and transit) in Denver to $40 million per year. It notes that Denver currently spends less than $1 million annually on biking and walking infrastructure, compared to tens of millions spent by other major cities. The document outlines problems with the current lack of safe and complete active transportation networks and public support for improved options. It proposes solutions like establishing dedicated annual funding, building out planned bike and sidewalk networks, and identifying revenue sources to fund the $800 million needed over 10 years.
The document advocates for increasing funding for active transportation in Denver to $40 million per year to build out Denver's bike and pedestrian networks. It notes that Denver currently spends less than $1 million annually on biking and walking infrastructure compared to millions spent by other major cities. The proposal is to use revenues from budgets, bonds, and taxes to fund building and maintaining over 2,000 miles of sidewalks and bike lanes over the next 10 years to create a safer, more connected active transportation system in Denver. It asks organizations to support the Denver Streets Partnership campaign to advocate for this increased funding.
RV 2014: Urban Circulator Roundtable: Shaping Cities one Challenge at a Time ...Rail~Volution
Urban Circulator Roundtable: Shaping Cities One Challenge at a Time AICP CM 1.5
An urban circulator roundtable? How appropriate! Hear speakers from around the country -- Austin; Atlanta; Minneapolis-St. Paul; Portland-- experienced in different disciplines of urban circulator implementation. Start with short presentations from each unique perspective, then focus on the challenges and issues associated with implementation -- outreach, financing, traffic, etc. -- and how each organization overcame these challenges.
Moderator: Neil McFarlane, General Manager, TriMet, Portland, Oregon
Paul Zebell, Project Manager, Bureau of Transportation, City of Portland, Oregon
April Manlapaz, Transit Project Manager, AECOM, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Derek Benedict, PE, Transportation Engineer, URS Corporation, Austin, Texas
D.J. Baxter, Executive Director, Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, Utah
Jim Erkel, Attorney & Program Director, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, St. Paul, Minnesota
Lisa Gordon, Chief Operating Officer, Atlanta Beltline, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia
Harvard Transportation Case Study: Developing a Regional Bike Sharing ProgramHarvard Campus Services
Harvard is developing a regional bike sharing program called Hubway to promote sustainable transportation. The program aims to expand bike infrastructure and reduce car trips through a network of solar-powered docking stations across Boston and nearby municipalities. Users can access bikes through a membership and take trips up to 30 minutes for free. The goals are to grow the system to over 400 stations and 5000 bikes to encourage cycling as mainstream transportation.
The document advocates for increasing funding for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure in Denver to $40 million per year. It notes that Denver currently spends less than $1 million annually on biking and walking projects, compared to tens of millions spent by other major cities. The proposal is to build out Denver's missing sidewalk and bicycle networks over the next 10 years by establishing a dedicated funding source and pursuing budget savings, bonds, and taxes. Support is requested from partners to help pass ballot measures and encourage city leaders to adopt the $40 million annual funding goal.
RV 2014: Can We Get There from Here? First and Last Miles by Genevieve HutchisonRail~Volution
Can We Get There from Here? First and Last Miles AICP CM 1.5
Pasadena, Charlotte and Boulder have all gotten creative to connect their first and last miles. Learn how as we explore what's often the last piece of the transportation puzzle. See how bicycle and pedestrian improvements can provide access to busy corridors and enable everyone to start and complete their trips. First and last miles can take many forms: Investigate a range of solutions here.
Moderator: Dylan Jones, Architect, Gensler, Los Angeles, California
Carlos Hernandez, AICP, Principal, Fox Tuttle Transportation Group, Boulder, Colorado
Dan Gallagher, AICP, Transportation Planning Manager, Charlotte Department of Transportation, Charlotte, North Carolina
Whitney Pitkanen, Senior Project Manager, CALSTART, Pasadena, California
Genevieve Hutchison, Senior Transportation Planner/Bicycle Program Coordinator, Denver, Colorado
Learning from the Nonmotorized Pilot Program - Lessons in Active Transportati...BikeTexas
This document discusses how Minneapolis has become a national leader in active transportation through culture change. It outlines the Bike Walk Twin Cities program that helped double the city's bike infrastructure and increase bike commuting. The program focused on strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and innovative projects to connect paths to transit and communities. It has led to national recognition of Minneapolis' progress in biking and walking.
Reston Bike Share Feasibility Study: Public Open HouseFairfax County
The document summarizes a feasibility study examining a potential bike sharing system for Reston, Virginia. It describes bike sharing as a network of bicycles distributed around an area for short one-way trips. The study examined the viability of a 13-station, 130-bike system in Reston and identified opportunities like connections to transit and an existing bicycling culture. Key challenges included community densities, locating stations on private property, and identifying funding sources. The study concluded a bike share system was feasible for Reston if careful planning addressed issues like wayfinding, trails, access, and securing capital and operating funds.
More than Just Lines on a Map: Best Practices for U.S Bike Routes
This session highlights best practices and lessons learned for U.S. Bike Route System designation, as well as how and why these routes should be integrated into bicycle planning at the local and regional level.
Presenter: Kevin Luecke Toole Design Group
Co-Presenter: Virginia Sullivan Adventure Cycling Association
ATS14- Transit and active transportation- Jeff OwenBTAOregon
This session will highlight how transit forms the backbone of a larger active transportation system and helps connect travelers to areas that are beyond their reach by bike or walking alone. Hear about this framework from various scales short trips, regional commutes, statewide travel and beyond. Presentations will cover recent trends and analysis in CTUs (cycle-transit users), bikes-on-board, bike parking, locating bike share with transit stations and planning efforts underway, as well as real stories from current travelers who combine active transportation and transit.
CyclePhilly - Media Architecture Biennale Finalist PresentationCorey Acri
The document summarizes the CyclePhilly project, which developed a smartphone app and website to track bicycle trips in the Philadelphia region. The app collects GPS data to better understand cycling routes and movements. Since May 2014, it has recorded over 12,000 trips made by around 300 riders. The data is being shared with city partners to inform bike infrastructure planning and studies.
Presented at the 46th Society of Cartographers Summer School in Manchester on September 10 2010. The abstract for the talk was as follows: "OpenStreetMap is coming of age, but as it starts to be used more in the mainstream, the age-old questions of quality and completeness are coming to the fore. A range of data sources have been used to build up the map in the UK, from GPS traces to aerial imagery, historic mapping, NaPTAN and the OS Open Data release, each with their own benefits and limitations. This talk looks at a number of studies and tools developed to quantify, compare and address accuracy and coverage of the project in the UK, in an attempt to answer the key questions - is it complete yet and just how good is it?"
The document provides an overview of OpenStreetMap (OSM), a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. It summarizes OSM's history as a Wikipedia-style map launched in 2004. It describes how anyone can contribute data through GPS tracking, imagery, or editing in the browser or desktop software. Major sections outline how OSM is used around the world, organizing mapping parties, applications created by companies using OSM data, and specialized maps like OpenCycleMap that have been derived from the project.
More Related Content
Similar to Visualising Bike Share (#geomob 21 October 2010) (20)
Londons Barclays Cycle Hire: Innovative Usages of Data by Third-Party Devel...CASA, UCL
London's Barclays Cycle Hire scheme launched in July 2010, and within two months a developer had released an API providing real-time data on docking station availability. Over a million journeys were made by October 2010, and flow data on initial journeys was released by Transport for London in January 2011. APIs and data releases have enabled third-party developers to create apps and visualizations that help users and increase awareness of the cycle hire scheme. However, different cities vary in their willingness to explicitly or implicitly allow external use and release of bike share data.
Dynamic Fleet Sizing Problem for an E-Scooter Valet ServiceJoseph Chow
This document proposes a dynamic fleet sizing algorithm for an e-scooter valet service. It outlines using Citi Bike trip data to analyze demand trends and prepare the data spatially. It then describes using Clarke-Wright's method to determine the optimal fleet size based on hourly demand. Route generation is done using Google OR-Tools' CVRP algorithm. Results show the dynamic fleet model accurately predicts vehicle needs and has comparable mileage to static fleets. A cost-benefit analysis finds the proposed model has lower costs than Citi Bike. Additional areas for exploration are also identified.
The document describes a capstone project to develop a model for predicting the popularity of bikeshare stations based on characteristics of surrounding neighborhoods. Previous studies found factors like population demographics, proximity to transit and amenities influenced station usage. The project uses data on DC bikeshare trips, stations, census demographics, and nearby amenities to explore correlations and build regression models. Feature selection addresses multicollinearity issues to create a model utilizing the most predictive variables for station popularity. The goal is a model applicable to other cities that increases bikeshare sustainability.
7A_2_Preliminary results of a spatial analysis of dublin citys bike rental sc...GISRUK conference
This document summarizes preliminary results from analyzing spatial and temporal data from Dublin City's bike rental scheme. Key findings include:
- Usage patterns show higher demand during weekday rush hours and lunchtime, with quieter weekends.
- Stations near public transportation hubs and city centers see more usage. Integrating bikes with transportation supports ridership.
- Weather impacts usage, with rainy days seeing little use until evening spikes.
- Future work could integrate population and flow models to better understand bike trips and predict station usage across Dublin.
Title: New Tools for Estimating Walking and Bicycling Demand
Track: Sustain
Format: 90 minute panel
Abstract: Walking and bicycling demand estimates can make a stronger case for investing in new facilities and are necessary inputs to important planning tasks. This session presents state-of-the-art tools to predict walking and bicycling demand at varying geographic scales. Tools include: 1) a framework to incorporate walking into regional travel demand models; 2) a method to estimate bicycle and pedestrian traffic based on count data; 3) new mode choice models; and 4) a web-based repository of non-motorized demand analysis tools.
Presenter: Patrick Singleton Portland State University
Co-Presenter: J. Richard (Rich) Kuzmyak Renaissance Planning Group
Co-Presenter: Greg Lindsey University of Minnesota, Humphrey School
Co-Presenter: Jeremy Raw Federal Highway Administration
The document advocates for increasing funding for active transportation (walking, biking, and transit) in Denver to $40 million per year. It notes that Denver currently spends less than $1 million annually on biking and walking infrastructure, compared to tens of millions spent by other major cities. The document outlines problems with the current lack of safe and complete active transportation networks and public support for improved options. It proposes solutions like establishing dedicated annual funding, building out planned bike and sidewalk networks, and identifying revenue sources to fund the $800 million needed over 10 years.
The document advocates for increasing funding for active transportation in Denver to $40 million per year to build out Denver's bike and pedestrian networks. It notes that Denver currently spends less than $1 million annually on biking and walking infrastructure compared to millions spent by other major cities. The proposal is to use revenues from budgets, bonds, and taxes to fund building and maintaining over 2,000 miles of sidewalks and bike lanes over the next 10 years to create a safer, more connected active transportation system in Denver. It asks organizations to support the Denver Streets Partnership campaign to advocate for this increased funding.
RV 2014: Urban Circulator Roundtable: Shaping Cities one Challenge at a Time ...Rail~Volution
Urban Circulator Roundtable: Shaping Cities One Challenge at a Time AICP CM 1.5
An urban circulator roundtable? How appropriate! Hear speakers from around the country -- Austin; Atlanta; Minneapolis-St. Paul; Portland-- experienced in different disciplines of urban circulator implementation. Start with short presentations from each unique perspective, then focus on the challenges and issues associated with implementation -- outreach, financing, traffic, etc. -- and how each organization overcame these challenges.
Moderator: Neil McFarlane, General Manager, TriMet, Portland, Oregon
Paul Zebell, Project Manager, Bureau of Transportation, City of Portland, Oregon
April Manlapaz, Transit Project Manager, AECOM, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Derek Benedict, PE, Transportation Engineer, URS Corporation, Austin, Texas
D.J. Baxter, Executive Director, Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, Utah
Jim Erkel, Attorney & Program Director, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, St. Paul, Minnesota
Lisa Gordon, Chief Operating Officer, Atlanta Beltline, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia
Harvard Transportation Case Study: Developing a Regional Bike Sharing ProgramHarvard Campus Services
Harvard is developing a regional bike sharing program called Hubway to promote sustainable transportation. The program aims to expand bike infrastructure and reduce car trips through a network of solar-powered docking stations across Boston and nearby municipalities. Users can access bikes through a membership and take trips up to 30 minutes for free. The goals are to grow the system to over 400 stations and 5000 bikes to encourage cycling as mainstream transportation.
The document advocates for increasing funding for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure in Denver to $40 million per year. It notes that Denver currently spends less than $1 million annually on biking and walking projects, compared to tens of millions spent by other major cities. The proposal is to build out Denver's missing sidewalk and bicycle networks over the next 10 years by establishing a dedicated funding source and pursuing budget savings, bonds, and taxes. Support is requested from partners to help pass ballot measures and encourage city leaders to adopt the $40 million annual funding goal.
RV 2014: Can We Get There from Here? First and Last Miles by Genevieve HutchisonRail~Volution
Can We Get There from Here? First and Last Miles AICP CM 1.5
Pasadena, Charlotte and Boulder have all gotten creative to connect their first and last miles. Learn how as we explore what's often the last piece of the transportation puzzle. See how bicycle and pedestrian improvements can provide access to busy corridors and enable everyone to start and complete their trips. First and last miles can take many forms: Investigate a range of solutions here.
Moderator: Dylan Jones, Architect, Gensler, Los Angeles, California
Carlos Hernandez, AICP, Principal, Fox Tuttle Transportation Group, Boulder, Colorado
Dan Gallagher, AICP, Transportation Planning Manager, Charlotte Department of Transportation, Charlotte, North Carolina
Whitney Pitkanen, Senior Project Manager, CALSTART, Pasadena, California
Genevieve Hutchison, Senior Transportation Planner/Bicycle Program Coordinator, Denver, Colorado
Learning from the Nonmotorized Pilot Program - Lessons in Active Transportati...BikeTexas
This document discusses how Minneapolis has become a national leader in active transportation through culture change. It outlines the Bike Walk Twin Cities program that helped double the city's bike infrastructure and increase bike commuting. The program focused on strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and innovative projects to connect paths to transit and communities. It has led to national recognition of Minneapolis' progress in biking and walking.
Reston Bike Share Feasibility Study: Public Open HouseFairfax County
The document summarizes a feasibility study examining a potential bike sharing system for Reston, Virginia. It describes bike sharing as a network of bicycles distributed around an area for short one-way trips. The study examined the viability of a 13-station, 130-bike system in Reston and identified opportunities like connections to transit and an existing bicycling culture. Key challenges included community densities, locating stations on private property, and identifying funding sources. The study concluded a bike share system was feasible for Reston if careful planning addressed issues like wayfinding, trails, access, and securing capital and operating funds.
More than Just Lines on a Map: Best Practices for U.S Bike Routes
This session highlights best practices and lessons learned for U.S. Bike Route System designation, as well as how and why these routes should be integrated into bicycle planning at the local and regional level.
Presenter: Kevin Luecke Toole Design Group
Co-Presenter: Virginia Sullivan Adventure Cycling Association
ATS14- Transit and active transportation- Jeff OwenBTAOregon
This session will highlight how transit forms the backbone of a larger active transportation system and helps connect travelers to areas that are beyond their reach by bike or walking alone. Hear about this framework from various scales short trips, regional commutes, statewide travel and beyond. Presentations will cover recent trends and analysis in CTUs (cycle-transit users), bikes-on-board, bike parking, locating bike share with transit stations and planning efforts underway, as well as real stories from current travelers who combine active transportation and transit.
CyclePhilly - Media Architecture Biennale Finalist PresentationCorey Acri
The document summarizes the CyclePhilly project, which developed a smartphone app and website to track bicycle trips in the Philadelphia region. The app collects GPS data to better understand cycling routes and movements. Since May 2014, it has recorded over 12,000 trips made by around 300 riders. The data is being shared with city partners to inform bike infrastructure planning and studies.
Presented at the 46th Society of Cartographers Summer School in Manchester on September 10 2010. The abstract for the talk was as follows: "OpenStreetMap is coming of age, but as it starts to be used more in the mainstream, the age-old questions of quality and completeness are coming to the fore. A range of data sources have been used to build up the map in the UK, from GPS traces to aerial imagery, historic mapping, NaPTAN and the OS Open Data release, each with their own benefits and limitations. This talk looks at a number of studies and tools developed to quantify, compare and address accuracy and coverage of the project in the UK, in an attempt to answer the key questions - is it complete yet and just how good is it?"
The document provides an overview of OpenStreetMap (OSM), a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. It summarizes OSM's history as a Wikipedia-style map launched in 2004. It describes how anyone can contribute data through GPS tracking, imagery, or editing in the browser or desktop software. Major sections outline how OSM is used around the world, organizing mapping parties, applications created by companies using OSM data, and specialized maps like OpenCycleMap that have been derived from the project.
CASA Conference - Spatial Interaction Modelling, Geodemographics for Higher E...CASA, UCL
The document discusses using spatial interaction models to analyze the flows of students from schools and colleges to universities in the UK. It describes simplifying the classic gravity model to make it applicable to this scenario, including reducing the number of origin and destination variables. The results of applying the simplified model are shown and some anomalous cases that could be improved are discussed, along with ideas for further refinements to the model.
This document describes OpenOrienteeringMap (OOM), an open source project that uses OpenStreetMap data to automatically generate orienteering maps. OOM produces maps for both street and forest orienteering in different styles. It allows for minutely updates from OSM and generates tiles and PDFs on demand. While it currently focuses on street orienteering, the creator hopes it could one day produce maps as detailed as professionally made orienteering maps.
CensusGIV - Geographic Information Visualisation of Census DataCASA, UCL
The document discusses the development of CensusGIV, a prototype for providing innovative geographic visualization of UK census small area statistics. It aims to develop an interactive web-based mapping application using open source technologies to allow users to easily explore and analyze census data through dynamic choropleth maps and other visualization techniques. The document outlines the objectives, design considerations, system architecture, and timeline for the CensusGIV prototype. Key aspects discussed include data access, map creation, color theory, and a modular client-server architecture.
Higher Education Profiling using Open Source GIS - A Primer on OpenStreetMap ...CASA, UCL
This document describes using open source tools like OpenStreetMap, Mapnik, and OpenLayers to create an interactive online atlas for visualizing and analyzing higher education and related government spatial data in the UK. The atlas allows non-technical users to view metrics like school performance and socio-economic indicators in an accessible and self-contained web application without any software installation. The tools were chosen to meet requirements of being straightforward, accessible without plugins, and fully controlled without dependencies on external parties. The atlas was created by generating map tiles from OpenStreetMap and other data with Mapnik and displaying them interactively with OpenLayers.
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1. Visualising Bike Share
From Boris Bikes in
London to Bike Share
across the World
Oliver OBrien
Photo CC-NC-By-SA Adam Bowie on Flickr
2. Contents
Intro to bike share
Around the world
Analysing trends
Other community
Photo CC-By Charlotte Gilhooly on Flickr
3. What is a
Bike Share?
A scheme allowing
bikes to be hired from
(and returned to)
certain locations
City or campus based
Typical use is for short
Generally fully
automated (in theory)
Require an account
linked to a credit card
Photo CC-NC-By-ND Terry Freedman on Flickr
4. Docks The things
which hold onto the
bikes and release them
Stations groups of docks
Spaces docks which are empty
Photo CC-By Les Hutchins on Flickr
5. The Bikes
Normally odd
looking, lively colours
Eye catching amongst
street furniture
For sponsor branding
To discourage theft
Custom designed with
non-standard parts, to
prevent part theft.
Photos CC-By tsuacctnt and CC-NC-By-ND Monica Vidal on Flickr
7. Current Locations for my Visualisation
City Official Name Installed System # of Bikes
London Barclays Cycle Hire July 2010 Bixi 4,300
Barcelona Bicing March 2007 Bikemi 4,200
Milan Bikemi December 2008 Bicing 1,100
Saragossa Bizi May 2008 Bicing 800
Girona Girocleta September 2009 TNT 100
Washington DC
and Arlington
Capital Bikeshare September 2010 Bixi 650
Montreal Bixi May 2009 Bixi 4,200
Minneapolis Nice Ride June 2010 Bixi 600
Denver B-cycle April 2010 B-cycle 350
Melbourne Bike Share June 2010 Bixi 400
8. Rejected Locations
City Official Name System # of Bikes Reason
Shanghai Forever Forever 50,000 Rate limiting
Stockholm City Bikes Bicing 1,000 Blocking the data
Cardiff OYBike OYBike 100 Key changes at midnight
Lyon VeloV Velib 3,000 Scraping proving difficult
Paris Velib Velib 17,300 Take-down request
Brussels Villo Velib 1,700 Take-down request
Dublin dublinbikes Velib 400 Take-down request
Valencia Valenbisi Velib 1,000 Take-down request
Seville Sevici Velib 1,850 Take-down request
Vienna Citybike Velib 750 Take-down request
Toyama Cyclocity Velib 130 Take-down request
Brisbane CityCycle Velib 500 Would result in take-down request
9. To Be Added
City Official Name Installed System # of Bikes
Mexico City Ecobici February 2010 Bicing 1,000
Rio Samba November 2009 Samba 100
Torino Tobike June 2010 Tobike 1,200
Dijon Velodi June 2008 Bikemi 350
Any others which have websites with location data
for stations and counts for both bikes and spaces
Not Nextbike schemes in Eastern Europe (no spaces)
But they do have bike IDs for up to 5 bikes at each dock
Not various large schemes in China (no website)
Not Velib (as requested by operator)
10. Melbourne Helmets
Scheme started in June
2010, slow to grow
By law, helmets must be
worn (or AU$150 fine)
Helmets are not supplied
with the scheme
Can now buy AU$5 helmet
from two vending machines
or a supermarket chain
Return to a supermarket for
AU$3 cash-back
Also launched in the middle
of winter
Source and image from
11. Brussels Wheres My Villo?
Campaign group
Aiming to improve:
Service level transparency
Tracking performance measures
Interested in comparing with
other cities
Source and images from
12. Denver Conspiracy
Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes is warning
voters that Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper's policies,
particularly his efforts to boost bike riding, are converting
Denver into a United Nations community.
Dan Maes said Denver's
B-Cycle bike-sharing
program was promoted by
a group that puts the
environment above citizen
article in the Denver Post
Source, photo CC-By-NC Trace Altman on Flickr
13. Lets Visualise Them!
Obtain the data from the operators websites
Some provide XML/JSON/KML
Lots of Regex parsing
Velib-based systems require two stages
Store it for analysis
Stick it on a map
OpenLayers has some nice vector styling for points
OpenStreetMap-based background
Charts of historical trends via the Google Chart API
16. Animation over 48 hours
All in Javascript
Using SVG (or VML in Internet Explorer)
The animation is extremely slow in I.E.
Not great in Firefox
Excellent in Chrome/Safari
17. N Europe:
1. London
2. Paris
3. Dublin
4. Brussels
1. Barcelona
2. Girona
3. Valencia
4. Seville
1. Wash. DC
2. Montreal
3. Minneapolis
4. Denver
1. Vienna
2. Milan
3. Toyama, JP
4. Melbourne
18. Bike/Dock Ratio
A key component in the optimisation of a bike hire
For the users, having too many bikes is very bad
Frustrating if you cant drop off your bike while the clock
is ticking.
But more bikes mean more visibility for the
scheme and promotion for the sponsors
19. Bike/Dock Ratio
No of bikes per 100 docks
Based on max availability
at around 5am (no usage)
Averaged over a few weeks
City Ratio/100
Melbourne 60
London 56
Montreal 56
Denver 54
Milan 52
Dublin 51
Minneapolis 50
Toyama 50
Barcelona 49
Washington DC 49
Girona 48
Paris 47
Vienna 47
Brussels 46
Seville 42
Valencia 39
Average 50
Background map CC-By-SA OpenStreetMap contributors Preliminary/unreviewed data
20. Peak Usage % (Weekday)
Max % of bikes being used
Data from last Wednesday
Not directly measurable
Assumes that usage
dropped to zero overnight
Simple analysis, not
considering the effect of
weather conditions, public
holidays or special events
City Peak
Dublin 41%
London 25%
Valencia 22%
Girona 21%
Barcelona 20%
Seville 20%
Milan 18%
Paris 15%
Montreal 13%
Melbourne 12%
Washington DC 11%
Brussels 10%
Toyama 9%
Vienna 9%
Denver 8%
Minneapolis 6%
Photos CC-NC-By-ND D1v1d on Flickr Preliminary/unreviewed data
21. Peak Usage % (Weekend)
Max % of bikes being used
Data from last Saturday
Weekend usage much
higher than weekday usage
for the U.S. cities, lower for
City Peak
Dublin 25%
Barcelona 20%
Washington DC 19%
Denver 18%
Girona 17%
Valencia 16%
Vienna 12%
Seville 11%
Milan 11%
Minneapolis 11%
London 10%
Paris 10%
Montreal 8%
Brussels 7%
Melbourne 5%
Toyama 3%
Photos CC-NC-By DDOT DC on Flickr Preliminary/unreviewed data
22. Bike-o-Meter
Tweet-o-Meter for bikes
Steven Gray (@frogo)
Using Google Gauges
See the real life Tweet-
o-Meters at the new
British Library Growing
Knowledge exhibition
Should be easy to hack
to show the Bike-o-
Meters instead
23. Weekday Use 1. Europe ex-Spain
Preliminary/unreviewed data
24. Weekday Use 2. Spain
Preliminary/unreviewed data
25. Weekday Use 3. Rest of World
Preliminary/unreviewed data
26. Weekend Use 1. Europe ex-Spain
Preliminary/unreviewed data
27. Weekend Use 2. Spain
Preliminary/unreviewed data
28. Weekend Use 3. Rest of World
Preliminary/unreviewed data
29. More Analysis
Graph shows
number of bikes
available to hire
Effect of rain
Using the CASA
weather station
Effect of the
tube strikes
Preliminary/unreviewed data
30. More Analysis!
Geodemographics of
a city area based on
usage patterns of
stations within it?
Could combine with
existing demographic
data to predict likely
usage patterns of
new stations
Clustering output courtesy of James CheshirePreliminary/unreviewed data
31. Even More Analysis!
Redistribution Effectiveness
Which cities have the most effective redistributions?
When does the redistribution occur?
Does it actually make things worse?
33. Even More Analysis Possible?
Shapes and sizes of cities and their schemes
How convenient is the scheme for the intended users?
Coverage in residential versus commercial areas
Dock station densities
How far away from your destination to you need to go to
find a docking station?
Would require bike-level information rather than
station-level as at present
34. Also in the Community
Adrian Short (@adrianshort)
first Boris Bikes API for London
Andrew Larcombe (@andrewl)
Where Are The Bikes API - A universal PHP API for
extracting data for bike share schemes
Currently includes over 60 schemes
35. Also in the Community
Aidan Slingsby (City Uni)
Includes seeing ahead for
the next four hours
Tom Taylor
Cycle Hire Explorer
Includes total usage counts
Lots of cycle hire apps
for iPhone/Android
Screenshot of Aidan Slingsbys TFL Bikes graphs
36. Also in the Community
Screenshots of some of
the apps on the iPhone
(iOS4) for the London
Cycle Hire scheme.
Clockwise from top left:
Cycle Hire Live,
iLondonCycle, London
Cycle, Bixou Lite, Blue
Lanes, Apple App Store
37. Thanks!
Email: o.obrien [at]
Twitter: @oobr
Photo CC-NC-By Kurtis Garbutt on Flickr
Editor's Notes
#2: The picture is of the T-shirt that was given out to the first 1000 people that signed up for the scheme in London.
#4: Fully automated, including sign-up and operation. However London, at least, employs workers at some of the stations at rush-hour to provide extra capacity (bikes in the morning, spaces in the evening). This is a short term measure. Waterloo will shortly get 350 docks which should alleviate this problem.
#5: This is a familiar scene to commuters leaving the terminal stations in the morning, or leaving the City in the evening...
#6: Above: Minneapolis Nice Ride. Below: Barcelona Bicing
#18: The cities are at roughly the same scale (exactly the same zoom level, which = scale * cosine (latitude))
#20: Screenshot of empty bike stations in west Barcelona at 9pm on Wednesday.
#21: Note this is just one days worth of data and doesnt control for weather conditions or special events.
#22: Note this is just one days worth of data and doesnt control for weather conditions or special events.
#24: London, Dublin and Brussels have a slightly earlier evening peak than Milan and Paris. Vienna doesnt use the scheme to commute.
#25: Use at lunch is as much as (or more than) during the evening rush hour, and the evening peak occurs at around 7pm the Spanish siesta working pattern. Girona is very small, so usage rises gradually during the day, rather than having a morning rush hour.
#26: Denver doesnt have the rush hour peaks showing that few commuters are using the scheme, possible due to the U.S car culture?
#27: Usage in general much lower than during the week, and mainly late afternoon use, particularly in Paris and Milan.
#28: Spain still has a siesta at the weekends! (The effect is noticeable in four of the five Spanish cities included.) The bikes also get used all through the evenings.
#29: Higher usage at the weekend than during weekdays, in the US.
#34: Comparing world city dynamics based on bike shares!