This document discusses using digital storytelling in foreign language learning. Digital storytelling combines multimedia like images, audio, and video to tell a story. It can be used to scaffold reading, provide listening practice through downloadable stories, and allow students to generate their own writing and speaking through digital stories. Tools like PhotoStory3 allow teachers to create digital stories for lessons and students to make their own stories for practice.
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Visualising Language Learning
2. Outline
S What is Digital storytelling?
S Digital storytelling as a visual mediathe rationale
S The application of digital storytelling toolphoto storyin
3. What is digital storytelling?
S Digital storytelling is not a tool but a technique (e-
language, 2013)
S An idea of combining a variety of multimedia
images, audio, and videoto tell a story (Robin, 2006;
Choi, 2012)
S Using digital media to construct texts to tell, share, and
preserve (Digital Storytelling Association as cited in Choi, 2012)
S Sanchez (2009) asserted that the form of digital storytelling in
Second Life is similar to general digital storytelling
4. Cont.
S Example of digital storytelling tools
S Imovie (macintosh software)
S Movie Maker (Windows)
S VoiceThread (web 2.0 tool)
S Capslez (Web 2.0 tool)
S Photo Story 3 (Windows)
5. Digital storytelling as a visual
mediathe rationale
S Computer programs that include the sounds of the words as
well as illustrative pictures provide opportunity for practice with
a variety of contexts, both written and spoken
(Barani, Mazandarani, Rezaie, 2010, p. 5364)
S Collecting, creating, analyzing, and combining visual images
with written text with digital storytelling tools (Burmark, 2004)
S Repeated exposure for deep understanding (Choi, 2012)
S Visual impact on multiple intelligences ( Gangwer, 2009)
6. Cont.
S Development of ICT from text to audio-visual in 21st
century (Warschauer, 2000)
S Digital natives (Prensky, 2001)
S Constructivist and collaborative learning
S Engaging/motivating
7. The application of digital storytelling
tool in EFL/ESL
S Personal narratives, historical events, and information
about specific topic (Robin, 2006)
S Reading scaffolding (Choi, 2000)
S Listening and reading: Downloadable previously-created
digital story and/or teacher-created digital stories
S Writing and Speaking: Student-generated data
(Nunan, 1999)
8. Cont.
S Teacher-created digital stories current lessons within a
larger unit.
S Choose digital storytelling application which is suitable
with the professional context (e.g. Microsoft photo story)
10. Example of digital storytelling
11. References Lists
Barani, G., Mazandarani, O., & Rezaie, S. H. S. (2010). The effect of application of picture into picture audio-visual aids on vocabulary
learning of young Ir anian ELF learners. Procedia-Soc ial and Behavioral Sc ienc es, 2(2), 5362-5369.
Burmark, L. (2004). Visual presentations that prompt, flash & transform. Media and Methods, 40(6), 45.
Choi, D. (2012). Digital Storytelling Technology for Developing Schema for ESL/EFL Reading Comprehension. Secondary English
Education, 5(1).
E-language (2013). E-learning with web 2.0. retrieved Novermber 11, 2013, from
Gangwer, T. (Ed.). (2009). Visual impact, visual teaching: Using images to strengthen learning. SAGE.
Nunan, D. (1999). Second Language Teaching & Learning. Boston: Heinle & Heinle
Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1. On the horizon,9(5), 1-6.
Sanchez, J. (2009). Pedagogical Applications of Second Life. Library Technology Reports, 45(2), 21-28.
Robin, B. (2006, March). The educational uses of digital storytelling. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education
International Conference (Vol. 2006, No. 1, pp. 709-716).
Warschauer, M. (2000). The death of cyberspace and the rebirth of CALL.English Teachers Journal, 53(1), 61-67.