This document provides an overview of key terminology and concepts related to print media design and layout. It defines terms like headlines, captions, cutlines, grids, and page furniture. It discusses typography, font choices, and headline sizing. It also covers the importance of visual hierarchy, white space, and using images, graphics, and color effectively on the page. The document emphasizes the importance of considering the reader experience and using design principles to guide them through the content. It promotes an integrated approach between writing, editing, and design according to the WED model.
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1. Design without thinking is
like a story with no plot
s i gn
sen D
t H an
at Ha
t i ons
LAYOUT, 2014
2. Terminology
Body copy ( t ype)
Capt i on ( onder skr i f )
Capt i on st or i e
Col ophon ( r edaksi el ys)
Col um
ns ( kol om e)
Cr edi t s ( byl i ne/ kr edi et e)
Cr oss- head
Deck ( dek of r eel )
Dr op cap
Ear ( oor t j i es)
Gut t er
Headl i ne
I nt r o, bl ur b, l ead,
st andf i r st
Ki cker
Por t r ai t
Lead st or y, page
Leadi ng
Over l i ne
Page f ur ni t ur e
Panel , box
Pl acar ds, newsbi l
Poi nt s of ent r y
Pul l - quot e
Si dehead
Sl ug
St and- al one
St andf i r st ( kassi
l ead
4. The big 4
i nes
Bodyt ype
Pi ct ur es
Cut l i nes ( onder skr i f t e)
6. Basic typography
There are thousands of lettertypes, also called
The Helvetica font family has different
members: light, medium, bold, extended
Helvetica black
Helvetica Condensed
Hlve co p sse
e tica mre d
7. Sans what?
is a serif lettertype
This is n sans serif lettertype
(sans means without
in French)
This is a heading set as italic
st and = t he page
The bui l di ng l i ne = t he out l i ne
of t he gr i d or pr i nt ar ea
The f oundat i on = t he gr i d
Fr ont door = m n el em
ent on
W ndows = pi ct ur es, gr aphi cs
Decor at i ons = wi ndow f r am
bel l , out si de l i ght s, dr op
caps, capt i ons, col our
9. The stand
The page
Pr i nt ar ea
Gr i d
hor i zont al
and ver t i cal
Col um
Gut t er
Edi t or i al and
adver t or i al
gr i d
10. Size matters
Br oadsheet
Tabl oi d
Squar e t ab
Ber l i ner ( not a
set si ze,
depends on
pr i nt i ng pr ess)
11. What is what?
Br oadsheet s, t abl oi d, squar e t abl oi d
Em and pi cas and cent i m er s t oo
Gut t er s ( di e af l ooppype)
Col um
Bast ar d m
easur em
ent s
Pi ct ur es
Adver t i sem
ent s
Ful l col our , bl ack and whi t e, spot
col our
13. Grids and more
The top line is a 7 column
editorial grid structure for a
broadsheet like Die Burger or
The bottom line is a 10
column advertisement grid
structure for a broadsheet.
14. Put this on the page
The page
Tabl oi d,
br oadsheet ,
Ber l i ner , shor t
t abl oi d
Di m
ensi ons
s, pi cas and cm
Gr i d
Gut t er
Col um
Bast ar d
easur em
ent s
Pi ct ur es
Gr aphi cs
Adver t i sem
ent s
Col our
Bl ack and whi t e
16. Find a
Caption/ cutline
Pull out quote (none)
Dropcap (none)
Justified headline
Bastard measurement
17. The building blocks
ar e t he
bui l di ng bl ock s:
r em ber t hat t ex t
i s n t one
di m
ensi onal
Headi ngs ar e t he
r oof
Gr aphi cs , pi ct ur es
ar e t he wi ndows
But wher e i s t he
19. Di spl ay headl i ne
I nt r o
Dr op cap ( I ni t i al
Jum l i ne ( a l i ne
t el l i ng t he r eader
what page t hi s st or y
i s j um ng t o) , or
al so a r ef er i f i t
t el l s t he r eader wher e
i n t he paper you can
r ead m e about t hi s
st or y
I nf o gr aphi c
Cut of f r ul e
20. Where is the front door?
r y poi nt s
Look at t he page i n f r ont of
you, what i s t he f i r st t hi ng
you see?
The pi ct ur es, gr aphi cs, m n
headl i ne?
Pul l out quot es
26. Headlines
Good headlines have three elements according to
Tim Sutton, a top newspaper designer and
Space at the end of each deck (it creates white space, a
place for the reader to take a breath between all the copy
on the page)
Leading: (the space between the decks) If the leading is
done correctly, a heading that consists out of more than
one deck, will be read as one visual element
Spacing of letters (tracking/kerning)
27. A heavy affair
This is a 10 pt headline in Boomer Condensed Bold
This is a 20 pt headline in Boomer Condensed Bold
This is a 30 pt headline
This is a 40 pt headline
This is a 50 pt
And a 60 pt
And 96 pt
28. Headlines
Serif of san serif?
Tracking (decreases or
increase spacing between all
the letters in a word)
Kerning (decreases spacing
between two letters)
See Harrower p25
29. More about headlines
Look at t he page
hat dr aws your
at t ent i on?
And t hen
Headl i nes ar e
t he st r ongest
weapon i n you
l ayout t ool ki t
31. Your
st or y can be a pr i ze
wi nni ng st or y, t he pi ct ur e t o,
but can you see i t f r om 2
m er s away?
er s sel dom wr i t e
headl i nes, but i f you want t o
cr eat e good l ayout , you need t o
know t he i ns and out s of
headl i nes, wher e i t needs t o be
pl aced, and what t he di f f er ent
f ont s ar e and t he si zes t hat
ar e avai l abl e
Source: Tim Harrower, The Newspaper Designers Notebook
33. How many decks?
1 col
decks or
decks or
decks or
deck or
or lines
Har r ower page 29
34. Well written headlines
rite as people speak
Use the present
tense; ex. Mbeki vetos arms
sales, not Arm sales are vetoed by Mbeki
Never break up words
If youve got an excellent heading, talk to the
layouter to enlarge or decrease the size
35. Remember
Harrowers four functions:
Headings sums up the story
Headings prioritises stories, because more
important stories get bigger headlines
It entices readers to read the story
It anchors the layout of the story and creates
hierarchy on the page
36. A 100 years ago many fonts were used in
Upper and lower case was used
All headings were centered
Today uppercase headings arent used, except
in tabloids
Flush left is the norm
Can be used in many ways
39. Captions
Check your
Dont repeat the same word in the photo
heading and the caption
If you use a historical picture, use the exact
date, September 6, 1997 (the funeral of Diana,
Princess of W
Source: Poynter
40. Captions
Identify the people from left
to right
Include the ages, especially when there are
children in the picture
Bonus: include a quote
Dont attribute emotions to animals
Source: Naomi Halperin; Picture editor at THE MORNING CALL, Allentown, PA
41. Pictures
There are three basic
forms: horizontal, vertical
& square
Horizontal: this is the most
common shape for news
pics. We view the world
horizontally through our
own eyes, and when u pick
up a camera, this is the
shape you instantly see
though some subjects (like
basketball players and
space shuttle launches)
may demand a vertical
Source: Tim Harrower, The Newsdesigners Handbook, Fifth Edition
42. Pictures
S u r sa es m t e
q a e r o eim s
c n id r dted l s o
o s e e h ul t f
tetr es a e .
h he h ps
R m m e , to g , ta
e e br h u h h t
tec n e t f p oois
h o tn o a h t
m r im o tn ta it
o e p ra t h n s
s a e A c p e c p oo
h p . ce t a h h t
o it o ntr s a d
n s w em , n
d s nit n otep g s
e ig
o t h ae o
it a sr n a p sibe
s s to g s o s l
w ae e it s a e
h tv r s h p
43. Pictures
Vertical: Vertical shapes
are often considered
more dynamic than
either squares or
horizontals. Because
verticals are often so
deep, they often seem
related to any story
parked alongside even
if they are not.
Source: Tim Harrower, The Newspaper Designers Handbook
44. Pictures and cutlines
ho, where, when, what
ood cutlines expand on
the content and dont
repeat the obvious in the
A crop gone wrong
47. What is WED?
W is writing, editing and design
It s a philosophy: become a spesialist in one, but have
understanding for the other two corners
Each corner is important, if one is more important
than the other, there is no integration between the
different departments of the newspapers (writers,
photographers, subeditors, layouters)
Break down the walls and work together for a better
W was developed by Mario G
arcia and Roy Peter
Clarke while they were at the Poynter Institute
50. REMEMBER: the reader
is the most
important person
Always ask the question: HOW CAN I HELP
THE READER? (put on the hat of writer,
editor and designer) Key elements:
Plan your stories
ork together
Respect your audience
Source: Ron Reason en Poynter
51. Writing
Think about
the graphical potential of your
story: pictures, graphics, pie chart, fever chart,
ive all you background info to the graphic
designer or designer
rite visually
Talk, talk and talk some more
52. Editing
Break down the walls between the word and the
visual artists
Talk about the strategy behind a story (the
writer, graphic artist, layouter, photographers,
content manager)
If you have a multi media desk: include them in
53. Design
There is no W without design, so there can be no
W without writing and
Visual artist ask: what is the story? W
hat is the point
of the story? W is the mood of the story?
Look for graphical elements
Swop hats with the writer and editor
Remember: simplicity works best
Pictures, graphics, colour, typography
54. The reader and WED
Readers dont
give a tick for W they just
except that the layout must draw them into the
page and let them read what is on the page.
me through my eyes. Pull me
by my neck,
and lead me to the text, even if I
am not so interested in the story to
begin with
55. But where to start?
Look at the page in front of you
Is it a left hand or a right hand page?
How does the advertisements look?
Is the style of your newspaper modular?
Read the copy! Can you include a mugshot? Can a
graphic be included?
Rather keep the graphics and pictures away from the
57. Does everything fit?
To much copy for
the page?
Call the content manager and discuss the
stories and page
Remember: a page has boundaries
Remember the front door: what on the page
must catch the attention of the reader FIRST
59. It doesnt fit!
the text (10% is the rule of thumb)
Crop the pic (a little at the top, or bottom,
otherwise resize)
Trim the story at the bottom, next or under the
Can the heading be reduced in size?
Can the ad be moved?????
60. Too short, what now?
Check comments can what
has been cut out,
be put back?
Enlarge the pic
Pull out quote? Mug shot?
Enlarge the headline
Dont copyfit, only in extreme circumstances
House ads
61. Jumping Jack
hen you wrap copy around a pic, leave at
5-6 lines beneath the pic/ graphic
atch out for narrow copy (6 ems for pic
captions, 8 ems for a story)
Not to wide = max is 20 ems, and then ragged
right the copy
63. What draws attention?
Readers like colour on a page, but it s not a guarantee
that they will read the page
A big, dominant picture or other visual element, in FC
or BW will draw the attention of the reader FIRST
Readers look first at the right hand page and then at
the left hand page
64. What draws atttention?
washes (screens), in FC or BW also
draws the readers attention
The size and where you place the visual
element, is more important than if the visual
element is in colour or BW
Rock the boat: A strong main headline can also
be the first element that readers look at
66. Colour
W are the colours that your newspaper uses?
According to Mario G
arcia the three elements of colour
is: 1. movement 2. temperature 3. symbolism
Some colours are wall flowers, others are in your face
Blue and grey are wall flowers, not as bold as red and
yellow that scream READ ME
Blue and grey also dont have as much movement as red
72. In the subediting office
hen in doubt, ask or
put in comment
Dont talk on deadline
Leave cellphone chats for later
G a notebook
Use your spell check
Use your dictionary
73. The wise men.
Kenny Irby
Mario Garcia
Ron Reason
Tim Harrower
Charles Apple
Yacek Utko
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