This document discusses seven instructional strategies from Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock's book "Classroom Instruction that Works" and provides examples of how to apply them using visuals and nonlinguistic representations. Specifically, it outlines how illustrations, animations, graphic organizers, sound, and kinesthetic representations can be used to enhance memory recall, illustrate content, organize material, and stimulate learners. Examples provided include using illustrations in a book to provide visual consistency, creating an audio version for auditory learners, and including graphic organizers to help students organize research for a project.
2. Marzano, Pickering, and
5.Nonlinguistic representations
1. Identifying similarities and di鍖erences
6. Cooperative learning
2. Summarizing and note-taking
7. Setting objectives and providing feedback
3. Reinforcing e鍖ort and providing
8. Generating and testing hypotheses
4. Homework and practice
9. Questions, cues, and advance organizers
4. Illustrations &
Enhances memory reca!
Used to i!ustrate the content
There is evidence to su(est that
memory for pictures is genera!y
better than memory for words...
Use in moderation
Tend to be e鍖ective when learners are not novices with the content.
(The Essentials of Instructional Design)
5. Graphic Organizers
Make thinking visible Identi鍖es similarities
and di鍖erences
Organizes & classi鍖es
material Combination of
linguistic and imagery
When Should I. mode
Quote? Paraphrase? Summarize?
6. Sound
Not a visual, but sti! very important
Helps with memory reca! the acquisition, processing, and retrieval of
new information...
Stimulates the learner
8. Writers To The
Bookbuilder Coaches (Illustrations & Animations)
Use for visual consistency throughout
the book
Create a audio
version of the book for
auditory learners
9. ...continued
Use graphic organizers within
the book itself to organize
Have examples of graphic
organizers that students could
use during the research part of
a project(see example)鍖ler/.../pg_1883876298.doc
10. Sources
Images a! found -om Google Images
Brown, Abbie and Timothy Green. The Essentials of
Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental
Principles with Processes and Practice. Second Edition.
Boston: Pearson, 2011.