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Vital Times
The changing role of brand within the
health & life sciences industry
We believe brands have the power not only to change individual            core business driver  one that directly influences a manufacturers
lives, but to change the world. We also believe that brands are the       business strategy from the very beginning. It must be seen as a way
most underleveraged business asset within the health and life             to emotionally connect with customers, drive long-term loyalty and
sciences industry.                                                        generate revenue.

   We believe brands are the                                              Looking at your brands with a critical eye?
                                                                          Our industry, unlike others, is experiencing value-driven
   most underleveraged business                                           transformational change at an unprecedented rate.

   asset within the health & life                                         Our complex, disparate and demanding customer groups (payers,

   sciences industry.                                                     providers, consumers) are at the core of this change. Payers are
                                                                          working to drive down costs, while providers are being required to
                                                                          address the needs of consumers more directly via superior clinical
                                                                          results. To add to the challenge, consumers typically shy away from
This can no longer be the case.                                           what most healthcare companies are offering, yet with an increasing
                                                                          level of discernment and savvy when they do. (See Figure 1)
A brand is more than just a symbol, slogan or trade name. It
transcends logos and visual identities. Brands are living business
assets that come to life across all touchpoints when created and                 Figure 1
managed properly. They establish identity, provide differentiation
and, most importantly, drive economic value.                                     Healthcare has a unique customer
                                                                                 dynamic unlike any other industry
Why are brands particularly important to the                                     Three core groups, each comprised of a plethora
health & life sciences industry?                                                 of sub groups, are wrestling for power and to
                                                                                 have their needs met.
First, brands possess the unique ability to transform attitudes.
Our industry sells products and services that consumers dont
necessarily want to buy  products and services that tend to remind
them of imperfect health or force them to confront their mortality.
The role that brands play within the health & life sciences industry                                                     Payers
                                                                                                                     Show me the value
is not to simply identify a particular product or service, but rather
                                                                                                          The payer is gaining in in鍖uence over the
to transform patients attitudes towards the treatment or solution                                            MD and driving down costs at a
                                                                                                          corporate level versus at a product level
being offered. In effect, brands need to create a positive association,
and, in some cases, a sense of hope.                                                                                    Product Brands


Second, brands are capable of engaging consumers and healthcare
professionals by providing them with a much-needed sense of clarity                                                      BRAND

 highlighting both rational and irrational points of differentiation
among other products and services. By leveraging brands properly,
                                                                                 Consumers                                                                   Providers
manufacturers will be able to give patients a reason to use products             I dont want what                                                    Show me the bene鍖ts
                                                                                 youre selling
and services that go well beyond my doctor said so.                            The power, and health IQ,
                                                                                                                                                HCPs are under pressure
                                                                                                                                             from Payers to cut costs and
                                                                                 of the patient is growing leading
                                                                                                                                                patients to provide more
                                                                                 to push back on decisions and
                                                                                                                                                    efficacious solutions
Finally, brands are able to connect emotionally with their respective            higher demand for results

audiences. A well-managed brand finds the connective tissue between
the functional and emotional responses of the patientlinking
the head and the heart. Purchasing products and services requires            Source: InterbrandHealth

patients to make intimate and, in some cases, life-changing decisions.
Brands can play an instrumental role in guiding them through what         Furthermore the industry has recently experienced considerable M&A
can sometimes be a difficult and emotional decision-making process.       activity, downsizing, integration and diversification of portfolios.
                                                                          In the coming years, pharmaceutical companies will face patent
Given this understanding of the importance of brand in peoples           expiry and loss of exclusivity on a number of the blockbuster brands
lives, it is past time for us to evolve the role of brand in the health   that drove revenue streams in previous decades. End users will
& life sciences industry. A brand can no longer be viewed as strictly     demand more targeted therapies and pharmaceutical companies will
a promotional/communications tool. It must be recognized as a             experience less demand to deliver potential blockbuster products that
                                                                          once dominated their portfolios.

Vital Times  1
We believe this has led to a significant change in the role that brand                   product brands through a house of brands approach. Rather, industry
can and does play within our space, whether it be strengthening the                      leaders should use brands  all brands (corporate, product, category) 
product brand proposition or bringing the corporate brand into play                      in a smarter way. And, in some cases, this may involve industry leaders
for the first time. The role that brand plays at both a product and                      changing their respective brand models altogether.
corporate level is rapidly changing to meet the needs of the newer
commercial models. (See Figure 2)                                                        Some industry leaders will be inclined to shy away from exploring
                                                                                         alternative brand models due to the risk associated with linking
                                                                                         the corporate name to the products. But the proliferation and
       Figure 2                                                                          acceleration of traditional media, combined with the instantaneous
                                                                                         consumer dialogue of digital/social media outlets, are making
       The Role of Brand in Healthcare                                                   our world and our industry increasingly transparent. As such, the
                                                                                         separation between product and manufacturer can no longer be
       Brand has traditionally played a less prominent
       role in the healthcare sector than in other major                                 maintained. It is important for industry leaders to recognize this and
       consumer segments, but this is changing rapidly.                                  understand that they can benefit from a more aggressive approach 
                                                                                         one that elevates the role of the corporate brand and capitalizes
                                                                                         on the upside gains and loyalty that such an approach can create.
                                                                                         Does your corporate brand promise match your long-term
              60                                                                         business strategy?
       Role of
        (%) 40                                                                           For those health & life sciences leaders who fully dedicate themselves
                                                                                         to leveraging their respective corporate brands, the rewards will
              20                                                                         be numerous. In recognizing brand value as a strategic business and
                                                                                         financial asset, they will be able to drive demand, loyalty, retention
                    Perfumes      Soft    Consumer Consumer    Hotels   Rx     Bulk
                                                                                         and purchasing power for their respective organizations  all of which
                                 Drinks   Electronics Health                 Chemicals
                                                                                         will subsequently translate into an analytical measurement
                        Emotional                                        Rational
                                                                                         of downstream economic earnings and shareholder value.

   Source: Interbrand Analysis

                                                                                           The core value of a brand is
Many manufacturers are recognizing and responding to this
transformational change by shifting their focus from a product-                            derived from its ability to drive
oriented value offering to a more solutions-oriented value offering.
Additionally, solutions-based offerings are increasingly aligning to the                   demand, loyalty, retention and
brand proposition of the corporation or enterprise. While this shift
has been apparent throughout other sectors, it is just now beginning
                                                                                           purchasing power.
to have an impact on the health & life sciences sector. This current
trend is forcing many manufacturers to bolster the strength of the
corporate brand in order to create differentiation from competitors.                     Here are some core questions you should ask yourself as you assess
                                                                                         the value of your current brands:

                                                                                         1. How can brands create value for your organization and its
  The role of brand within the                                                              shareholders?

  health & life sciences industry is                                                     2. Does your corporate brand promise match your long-term
                                                                                            business strategy?
  to transform attitudes towards                                                         3. Has your commercial model changed significantly in the last three

  the products and services                                                                 to five years? Does your brand model properly align to any change
                                                                                            in your commercial model?
  being offered.                                                                         4. Are you maximizing the revenue potential of your product,
                                                                                            portfolio, and corporate brands?
                                                                                         5. Are your people (employees) fully engaged with your corporate
                                                                                            brand? Do they live the brand?
Is your brand model aligning with the changes
                                                                                         How we answer these questionsnot in words but, in our actions
in your commercial model?
                                                                                         will go a long way in determining whether we lead the inevitable
It is up to those leading the health & life sciences sector to challenge                 evolution of our industry, or lag behind. Put simply: The future of
the current brand model. The focus can no longer be solely on promoting                  health & life sciences branding is here. Lets embrace it together.

                                                                                                                                                   Vital Times  2
Wes Wilkes is InterbrandHealths
Executive Director of Global Strategy.

For more information on this subject
matter or to schedule a meeting with
InterbrandHealth, please email
or call 212.798.7500.

                                         Creating and managing
www.interbrandhealth.com                            brand value

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Vital Times Health

  • 1. Vital Times The changing role of brand within the health & life sciences industry
  • 2. We believe brands have the power not only to change individual core business driver one that directly influences a manufacturers lives, but to change the world. We also believe that brands are the business strategy from the very beginning. It must be seen as a way most underleveraged business asset within the health and life to emotionally connect with customers, drive long-term loyalty and sciences industry. generate revenue. We believe brands are the Looking at your brands with a critical eye? Our industry, unlike others, is experiencing value-driven most underleveraged business transformational change at an unprecedented rate. asset within the health & life Our complex, disparate and demanding customer groups (payers, sciences industry. providers, consumers) are at the core of this change. Payers are working to drive down costs, while providers are being required to address the needs of consumers more directly via superior clinical results. To add to the challenge, consumers typically shy away from This can no longer be the case. what most healthcare companies are offering, yet with an increasing level of discernment and savvy when they do. (See Figure 1) A brand is more than just a symbol, slogan or trade name. It transcends logos and visual identities. Brands are living business assets that come to life across all touchpoints when created and Figure 1 managed properly. They establish identity, provide differentiation and, most importantly, drive economic value. Healthcare has a unique customer dynamic unlike any other industry Why are brands particularly important to the Three core groups, each comprised of a plethora health & life sciences industry? of sub groups, are wrestling for power and to have their needs met. First, brands possess the unique ability to transform attitudes. Our industry sells products and services that consumers dont necessarily want to buy products and services that tend to remind them of imperfect health or force them to confront their mortality. The role that brands play within the health & life sciences industry Payers Show me the value is not to simply identify a particular product or service, but rather The payer is gaining in in鍖uence over the to transform patients attitudes towards the treatment or solution MD and driving down costs at a corporate level versus at a product level being offered. In effect, brands need to create a positive association, and, in some cases, a sense of hope. Product Brands Services Second, brands are capable of engaging consumers and healthcare CORPORATE professionals by providing them with a much-needed sense of clarity BRAND highlighting both rational and irrational points of differentiation among other products and services. By leveraging brands properly, Consumers Providers manufacturers will be able to give patients a reason to use products I dont want what Show me the bene鍖ts youre selling and services that go well beyond my doctor said so. The power, and health IQ, HCPs are under pressure from Payers to cut costs and of the patient is growing leading patients to provide more to push back on decisions and efficacious solutions Finally, brands are able to connect emotionally with their respective higher demand for results audiences. A well-managed brand finds the connective tissue between the functional and emotional responses of the patientlinking the head and the heart. Purchasing products and services requires Source: InterbrandHealth patients to make intimate and, in some cases, life-changing decisions. Brands can play an instrumental role in guiding them through what Furthermore the industry has recently experienced considerable M&A can sometimes be a difficult and emotional decision-making process. activity, downsizing, integration and diversification of portfolios. In the coming years, pharmaceutical companies will face patent Given this understanding of the importance of brand in peoples expiry and loss of exclusivity on a number of the blockbuster brands lives, it is past time for us to evolve the role of brand in the health that drove revenue streams in previous decades. End users will & life sciences industry. A brand can no longer be viewed as strictly demand more targeted therapies and pharmaceutical companies will a promotional/communications tool. It must be recognized as a experience less demand to deliver potential blockbuster products that once dominated their portfolios. Vital Times 1
  • 3. We believe this has led to a significant change in the role that brand product brands through a house of brands approach. Rather, industry can and does play within our space, whether it be strengthening the leaders should use brands all brands (corporate, product, category) product brand proposition or bringing the corporate brand into play in a smarter way. And, in some cases, this may involve industry leaders for the first time. The role that brand plays at both a product and changing their respective brand models altogether. corporate level is rapidly changing to meet the needs of the newer commercial models. (See Figure 2) Some industry leaders will be inclined to shy away from exploring alternative brand models due to the risk associated with linking the corporate name to the products. But the proliferation and Figure 2 acceleration of traditional media, combined with the instantaneous consumer dialogue of digital/social media outlets, are making The Role of Brand in Healthcare our world and our industry increasingly transparent. As such, the separation between product and manufacturer can no longer be Brand has traditionally played a less prominent role in the healthcare sector than in other major maintained. It is important for industry leaders to recognize this and consumer segments, but this is changing rapidly. understand that they can benefit from a more aggressive approach one that elevates the role of the corporate brand and capitalizes 100 on the upside gains and loyalty that such an approach can create. 80 Does your corporate brand promise match your long-term 60 business strategy? Role of Brand (%) 40 For those health & life sciences leaders who fully dedicate themselves to leveraging their respective corporate brands, the rewards will 20 be numerous. In recognizing brand value as a strategic business and financial asset, they will be able to drive demand, loyalty, retention 0 Perfumes Soft Consumer Consumer Hotels Rx Bulk and purchasing power for their respective organizations all of which Drinks Electronics Health Chemicals will subsequently translate into an analytical measurement Emotional Rational of downstream economic earnings and shareholder value. Source: Interbrand Analysis The core value of a brand is Many manufacturers are recognizing and responding to this transformational change by shifting their focus from a product- derived from its ability to drive oriented value offering to a more solutions-oriented value offering. Additionally, solutions-based offerings are increasingly aligning to the demand, loyalty, retention and brand proposition of the corporation or enterprise. While this shift has been apparent throughout other sectors, it is just now beginning purchasing power. to have an impact on the health & life sciences sector. This current trend is forcing many manufacturers to bolster the strength of the corporate brand in order to create differentiation from competitors. Here are some core questions you should ask yourself as you assess the value of your current brands: 1. How can brands create value for your organization and its The role of brand within the shareholders? health & life sciences industry is 2. Does your corporate brand promise match your long-term business strategy? to transform attitudes towards 3. Has your commercial model changed significantly in the last three the products and services to five years? Does your brand model properly align to any change in your commercial model? being offered. 4. Are you maximizing the revenue potential of your product, portfolio, and corporate brands? 5. Are your people (employees) fully engaged with your corporate brand? Do they live the brand? Is your brand model aligning with the changes How we answer these questionsnot in words but, in our actions in your commercial model? will go a long way in determining whether we lead the inevitable It is up to those leading the health & life sciences sector to challenge evolution of our industry, or lag behind. Put simply: The future of the current brand model. The focus can no longer be solely on promoting health & life sciences branding is here. Lets embrace it together. Vital Times 2
  • 4. Wes Wilkes is InterbrandHealths Executive Director of Global Strategy. For more information on this subject matter or to schedule a meeting with InterbrandHealth, please email info@interbrandhealth.com or call 212.798.7500. Creating and managing www.interbrandhealth.com brand value TM