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Prepared by
George deogratias MD5 student.
Archbishop James university college the constitute of
st.augustine university of Tanzania.
 Vitamin A is a broad term for a number of
similar compounds , First recognized fat
soluble vitamin
 Two forms :
a) Preformed vitamin A: retinoids ( from
b) Provitamin A: carotenoids
(predominantly beta carotene from
Dr george
Preformed vitamin A: Retinoids
 Active or usable form
 Four categories of retinoids:
a) retinol (b) retinal
c) retinoic acid (d) retinyl esters
All retinoids are absorbed as retinol.
Sources: animal products like liver, fish , fish
oils ,
milk , eggs etc.
 Liver is richest source
Dr george
 ProvitaminA: Carotenoids
 Precursor of vitamin A
 Predominantly beta carotene
 Body has to convert it into active vitamin
A after
 Sources: plant products like carrot , green
 vegetables , papaya , mango , bringal.
Functions of Vitamin A
 Vitamin A is essential to the normal
structure and function of the skin and
mucous membranes
 It is also required for cell differentiation
and therefore for normal growth and
 For normal vision
 For the immune system.
 Important in wound healing, bone
formation (e.g., teeth), healthy skin and
growth and lactation.
 Further, it may also be a factor in
preventing cancers.
 It has been shown to have antiviral
 Normally, the liver stores 80 to 90% of
the body's vitamin A.
 To use vitamin A, the body releases it
into the circulation bound to
prealbumin (retinol-binding protein)
 硫-Carotene and other provitamin
carotenoids, contained in green leafy
and yellow vegetables and deep- or
bright-colored fruits, are converted to
vitamin A.
 Inadequate intake-
 Fat malabsorption- sprue, cystic fibrosis,
pancreatic insufficiency, duodenal
bypass, chronic diarrhea, bile duct
obstruction, giardiasis
 liver disorders -cirrhosis
 General term applied to all the ocular
manifestations of impaired vitamin A
metabolism, from night blindness through
complete corneal destruction
 Xeros  dry
 ophthalmia  eye
 literally means  dry eye 
 conventionally xerophthalmia has become
 with vitamin A deficiency
Dr george
WHO Classification of
 XN (Night blindness)
 X1A ( Conjunctival xerosis)
 X1B ( Bitots spots)
 X2 ( Corneal xerosis)
 X3A ( Corneal ulceration/Keratomalacia affecting
less than one third corneal surface)
 X3B ( Corneal ulceration/Keratomalacia affecting
more than one third corneal surface)
 XS ( Corneal scars)
 XF ( Xerophthalmic fundus)
 Biochemical criterion: Plasma vitamin A < 0.35
 Is a major cause of preventable blindness in
children and especially in developing countries
 It is an inflammation of the cornea that is
associated with nutritional deficiency
 Risk factors-
 general malnutrition, diarrhea, measles, HIV/AIDS,
failure to thrive, lack of food diversity
 Although xerophthalmia is most prevalent with
children, it can also occur in adults with severe
malnutrition or in other health problems in which
lack of vitamin A in their diets is a factor.
 Night blindness, is an early symptom
 Superficial foamy patches composed of
epithelial debris and secretions on the
exposed bulbar conjunctiva (Bitot's spots
 It involves drying (xerosis) and thickening
of the conjunctivae and corneas.
 cornea erosions- keratomalacia
Other systems
 There is keratinization of Skin, drying,
scaling, and follicular thickening of the
 Mucous membranes disorders in the
respiratory, GI, and urinary tracts can
occur- infections
 Immunity is generally impaired
Bitot spots
The Bitots spot is a
raised, silvery white, foamy, triangular patch
keratinised epithelium, situated on the
bulbar conjunctiva in the inter-palpebral
Note; usually bilateral and temporal, and
less frequently nasal.
Corneal Xerosis
 The earliest change in the cornea is
punctate keratopathy .
 which begins in the lower nasal quadrant,
followed by haziness and/or granular
pebbly dryness
 Involved cornea lacks lustre.
Dr george deogratias
XFC (Xerophthalmic fundus)
Dr george
 It is characterized by
 typical seed-like, raised, whitish lesions
scattered uniformly over the part of the
fundus at the level of optic disc
 Apply an antibiotic -to prevent
secondary bacterial infection.
Ointment, e.g. tetracycline or
 Protect the eye with an eye shield in
order to prevent trauma.
 Vitamin A must be administered orally
immediately upon diagnosis-
 50,000 IU for infants < 6 mo, 100,000 IU
for infants 6 to 12 mo,
 200,000 IU for children > 12 mo and
adults should be given for 2 days; with
a third dose at least 2 wk later.
 For pregnant or lactating women,
prophylactic or therapeutic doses
should not exceed 10,000 IU /day to
avoid possible damage to the fetus or
 Antibiotcs, Mydiatrics
 Pad specially in X3A, X3B
 Avoid Exposure: Antibiotic Ointment
 Methyl Cellulose Drops
Dr george
1. Conjunctivoplasty
2. Keratoplasty
a. Prophylactic
b. Optical
Dr george
 Improve diet- dark green leafy vegetables,
deep- or bright-colored fruits (eg, papayas,
oranges), carrots, and yellow vegetables (eg,
squash, pumpkin).
 Vitamin Afortified milk and cereals, liver, egg
yolks, and fish liver oils are helpful.
 Carotenoids are absorbed better when
consumed with some dietary fat.
 Prophylactic supplements of vitamin A
palmitate in oil 60,000 RAE (200,000 IU) po every
6 mo- for all children between 1 - 5 years of
age; infants < 6 mo-1year can be given a one-
time dose of 15,000 RAE (50,000-100,000 IU),
Vitamin A Toxicity
 Accidental ingestion by children-more
than 300,000IU
 or chronic
 It usually occurs by taking more that 50,000 IU per
day for more than 3 months.
 It can lead to dry skin, mouth sores, vomiting, and
poor appetite.
 Eventually, it can cause increased pressure within the
brain, headaches, and problems thinking clearly. It
may also lead to an enlarged liver or to liver failure.
 There is evidence that high levels of retinol may
increase the risk of birth defects.
Ahsanteni sana
Dr george deogratias

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Vitamin a deficiency

  • 1. VITAMIN A DEFFICIENCY Prepared by George deogratias MD5 student. Archbishop James university college the constitute of st.augustine university of Tanzania. (biziriko1991@gmail.com) +255656592079 03/25/181
  • 2. Cont Vitamin A is a broad term for a number of similar compounds , First recognized fat soluble vitamin Two forms : a) Preformed vitamin A: retinoids ( from animals) b) Provitamin A: carotenoids (predominantly beta carotene from plants) 03/25/18 Dr george 2
  • 3. CONT Preformed vitamin A: Retinoids Active or usable form Four categories of retinoids: a) retinol (b) retinal c) retinoic acid (d) retinyl esters All retinoids are absorbed as retinol. Sources: animal products like liver, fish , fish oils , milk , eggs etc. Liver is richest source 03/25/18 Dr george 3
  • 4. Cont ProvitaminA: Carotenoids Precursor of vitamin A Predominantly beta carotene Body has to convert it into active vitamin A after consumption Sources: plant products like carrot , green leafy vegetables , papaya , mango , bringal. 03/25/18 george 4
  • 5. Functions of Vitamin A (Retinol) Vitamin A is essential to the normal structure and function of the skin and mucous membranes It is also required for cell differentiation and therefore for normal growth and development For normal vision For the immune system. 03/25/185
  • 6. Cont Important in wound healing, bone formation (e.g., teeth), healthy skin and growth and lactation. Further, it may also be a factor in preventing cancers. It has been shown to have antiviral properties. 03/25/186
  • 7. Metabolism Normally, the liver stores 80 to 90% of the body's vitamin A. To use vitamin A, the body releases it into the circulation bound to prealbumin (retinol-binding protein) 硫-Carotene and other provitamin carotenoids, contained in green leafy and yellow vegetables and deep- or bright-colored fruits, are converted to vitamin A. 03/25/187
  • 8. VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY- CAUSES; Inadequate intake- Fat malabsorption- sprue, cystic fibrosis, pancreatic insufficiency, duodenal bypass, chronic diarrhea, bile duct obstruction, giardiasis liver disorders -cirrhosis 03/25/188
  • 9. XEROPHTHALMIA General term applied to all the ocular manifestations of impaired vitamin A metabolism, from night blindness through complete corneal destruction Xeros dry ophthalmia eye literally means dry eye conventionally xerophthalmia has become synonymous with vitamin A deficiency 03/25/18 Dr george 9
  • 10. WHO Classification of xerophthalmia XN (Night blindness) X1A ( Conjunctival xerosis) X1B ( Bitots spots) X2 ( Corneal xerosis) X3A ( Corneal ulceration/Keratomalacia affecting less than one third corneal surface) X3B ( Corneal ulceration/Keratomalacia affecting more than one third corneal surface) XS ( Corneal scars) XF ( Xerophthalmic fundus) Biochemical criterion: Plasma vitamin A < 0.35 亮mol/L 03/25/1810
  • 11. Cont Is a major cause of preventable blindness in children and especially in developing countries It is an inflammation of the cornea that is associated with nutritional deficiency Risk factors- general malnutrition, diarrhea, measles, HIV/AIDS, failure to thrive, lack of food diversity Although xerophthalmia is most prevalent with children, it can also occur in adults with severe malnutrition or in other health problems in which lack of vitamin A in their diets is a factor. 03/25/1811
  • 12. Cont Night blindness, is an early symptom Superficial foamy patches composed of epithelial debris and secretions on the exposed bulbar conjunctiva (Bitot's spots It involves drying (xerosis) and thickening of the conjunctivae and corneas. cornea erosions- keratomalacia 03/25/1812
  • 13. Other systems There is keratinization of Skin, drying, scaling, and follicular thickening of the skin Mucous membranes disorders in the respiratory, GI, and urinary tracts can occur- infections Immunity is generally impaired 03/25/1813
  • 14. Bitot spots The Bitots spot is a raised, silvery white, foamy, triangular patch of keratinised epithelium, situated on the bulbar conjunctiva in the inter-palpebral area Note; usually bilateral and temporal, and less frequently nasal. 03/25/1814
  • 15. Corneal Xerosis The earliest change in the cornea is punctate keratopathy . which begins in the lower nasal quadrant, followed by haziness and/or granular pebbly dryness Involved cornea lacks lustre. Dr george deogratias 03/25/18 15
  • 16. XFC (Xerophthalmic fundus) 03/25/18 Dr george 16 It is characterized by typical seed-like, raised, whitish lesions scattered uniformly over the part of the fundus at the level of optic disc
  • 17. Treatment-Xerophthalmia Apply an antibiotic -to prevent secondary bacterial infection. Ointment, e.g. tetracycline or chloramphenicol Protect the eye with an eye shield in order to prevent trauma. Vitamin A must be administered orally immediately upon diagnosis- 03/25/1817
  • 18. Treatment 50,000 IU for infants < 6 mo, 100,000 IU for infants 6 to 12 mo, 200,000 IU for children > 12 mo and adults should be given for 2 days; with a third dose at least 2 wk later. For pregnant or lactating women, prophylactic or therapeutic doses should not exceed 10,000 IU /day to avoid possible damage to the fetus or infant 03/25/1819
  • 19. Cont A. MEDICAL Antibiotcs, Mydiatrics Pad specially in X3A, X3B Avoid Exposure: Antibiotic Ointment Methyl Cellulose Drops 03/25/18 Dr george 20
  • 20. Cont B. SURGERY 1. Conjunctivoplasty 2. Keratoplasty a. Prophylactic b. Optical REHABILITATION 03/25/18 Dr george 21
  • 21. Prevention Improve diet- dark green leafy vegetables, deep- or bright-colored fruits (eg, papayas, oranges), carrots, and yellow vegetables (eg, squash, pumpkin). Vitamin Afortified milk and cereals, liver, egg yolks, and fish liver oils are helpful. Carotenoids are absorbed better when consumed with some dietary fat. Prophylactic supplements of vitamin A palmitate in oil 60,000 RAE (200,000 IU) po every 6 mo- for all children between 1 - 5 years of age; infants < 6 mo-1year can be given a one- time dose of 15,000 RAE (50,000-100,000 IU), 03/25/1822
  • 22. Vitamin A Toxicity Accidental ingestion by children-more than 300,000IU or chronic It usually occurs by taking more that 50,000 IU per day for more than 3 months. It can lead to dry skin, mouth sores, vomiting, and poor appetite. Eventually, it can cause increased pressure within the brain, headaches, and problems thinking clearly. It may also lead to an enlarged liver or to liver failure. There is evidence that high levels of retinol may increase the risk of birth defects. 03/25/1823