This document discusses viticulture and urban wine culture in the Pened竪s region near Barcelona, Spain. It notes that the Pened竪s region produces 146 million liters of wine annually within 25 km of Barcelona, but Barcelona's 4.3 million residents alone cannot consume all of the region's production. It questions whether the future of the Pened竪s region is strictly related to viticulture given challenges competing on price and volume. The document advocates for adding value to wines and integrating viticulture into the broader agricultural sector through research, development, innovation and sustainable practices.
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Viticulture & urban wine culture
1. Viticulture & Urban Wine
By Oriol Guevara Abicon Wines SL
Winter 2013
2nd Working Group Meeting at ESAB
European Concerted Research Action
COST Action: Urban Agriculture Europe
5. Models of Agriculture in
Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Is the Penedes Area within the influence of Barcelona?
Is there territorial planning or agricultural politics
involving wine and the Penedes?
Is the future of Penedes strictly related only to
Is the Penedes more dependent of Barcelona than of
other winegrowing areas?
14. Models of Agriculture in
Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Is the Penedes Area within the influence of Barcelona?
Within distance?........ More or less
Created in 1960: protection origin&quality
5700 viticulturalists; 270 wineries; 148
companies; 150 to 200 million liters/year
Year 2009/10: 24000 Ha (19000 white grapes)
Year 2000/01: 27000 Ha (22000 white grapes)
Production: 146 million liters in 2008
(IDESCAT) Barcelona (Metrop.) is around 4.3 million people (2000)
(檎遺禽或永艶稼艶糸竪壊) Total production in 2008 was 146 million liters
146 Ml./ 4.3 Ml. = 34 lit/persxyear
15. (OIV) Wine consumption in Spain 2010/11 = 22 l/pers x year
(OIV) Wine consumption in Spain 1987/88 = 47 l/pers x year
(OEMV) Up to 2006
(OEMV) After 2006
consumption decreased
consumption decreased
in quantity but
in both quantity and
increased in
- Drink and drive new strict laws
- Restaurant vs home consumption
- New trends due to new social
tendencies: low alcohol, appealing
labels, new tops
- World/spanish recession
- etc
16. According to Pened竪s numbers:
Barcelona (Metro.) cannot consume todays production
No BASIC commodity of diet but IMPORTANT
Consumption trends are changing
Depression means sales decrease. also
Barcelona (Metro.) relies more and more on export
Barcelona (Metro.) is a target/competitive market: (INCAVI
2008) only 1 out of 5 bottles consumed in Catalunya-
Barcelona is produced in Catalonia; 2 from Rioja
Barcelona (Metro.) is a great potential public (25 km away)
for consumption, promotion, tourism
4.3 million people
10 million visitors/year
17. Models of Agriculture in
Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Is the Penedes Area within the influence of Barcelona?
Is there territorial planning or agricultural politics
involving wine and the Penedes?
Is the future of Penedes strictly related only to
Is the Penedes more dependent of Barcelona than of
other winegrowing areas?
20. Models of Agriculture in
Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Is the Penedes Area within the influence of Barcelona?
Is there territorial planning or agricultural politics
involving wine and the Penedes?.... Who knows!
Is the future of Penedes strictly related only to
Is the Penedes more dependent of Barcelona than of
other winegrowing areas?
21. Models of Agriculture in
Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Is the Penedes Area within the influence of Barcelona?
Is there territorial planning or agricultural politics
involving wine and the Penedes?
Is the future of Penedes strictly related only to
Cannot compete in price
Cannot compete in volume nor qualities
Is the Penedes more dependent of Barcelona than of
other winegrowing areas?
22. Models of Agriculture in
Barcelona Metropolitan Area
What to do ???????
Pull out vineyard acreage:. Economicaly unfeasible
Pull out vineyard acreage:. No because market is not
Barcelona but the World; it makes no sense
Replace vines: by what?...... Not possible (climate, soil,
water supply, culture, know-how, difficulty in
reconversion of a Sector that is responsible for more
than 2% of GDP, etc
23. Models of Agriculture in
Barcelona Metropolitan Area
What is POSSIBLE to do:
Look for realistic added value of commodity: stop lowering
Study integration of commodity in overall agriculture (region,
estate, continent, world)
Restructuring of sector according to studies of
strenghts/weaknesses report: enotourism, legacy,
complementing tourism, etc
Research + Development + Innovation . and Implementation
with control/redesign/reimplementation bucle strategy
24. Models of Agriculture in
Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Is happening: Should happen
Lack in reference Valid questionnaires +
Modelisation + proactive
figures (diluted in decisions + evaluation of
competent authorities results + redesign +
and privates) reimplementation +
Results: subjective,
By independent group/s
vague, conditionned,
numerous but Scientific method
Objectives marked by
Goals: if any partially politicians & method and
implementation by
or not achieved technicians
25. Models of Agriculture in
Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Important things to look after:
Culture: wine is part of a daily CULTURE
Landscape: vineyards vs ?????
Sustainability: to avoid all sorts of erosion/degradation
Agricultural income: enough to maintain it all
Which One Is Most Important?
All of them !!
28. earth, moon and wine: the constellation
Abicon Wines SL 2013
Oriol Guevara