This document provides instructions and sample questions for a C++ viva voce exam. It outlines the necessary documents to bring, proper attire, and time allocation. Students will answer programs for 2 out of 3 questions and be prepared to explain concepts and code logic. Sample viva questions cover key C++ topics like classes, objects, data structures, algorithms, and their differences. Students should prepare definitions and examples for each.
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Viva questions ds th c++
1. DS Through C++ Viva Questions
1. Remember the following:
a. ID card
b. Hall Ticket
c. Record (duly signed with faculty & HOD)
d. Observation(With correction)
e. Dress:
Girls: Formals
Boys: Formals with neat in-shirt
2. You need to answer 2 out of 3 programs.
3. Prepare programs by knowing the logic of them thoroughly.
4. Know the tracing of every program.
5. Answer viva questions as: first you tell definition (or straight answer) then you elaborate that with
suitable application (or example).
6. Write carefully. Take some time to recollect and if you want, write main logic in the last page with
7. My suggestion to divide the time as:
60 minutes: Writing Code
40+ 40 min: Execution
10 minutes: Viva
8. Prepare for the Viva by taking the following as sample questions.
Most Important Viva Questions:
2. DS Through C++ Viva Questions
Class, Object, Inheritance, Binary Tree Traversals with example, Stack,
Queue(with types),Heap(min Heap & max Heap), Heap Sort, Merge Sort,
Pure Virtual functions, Constructor, Destructor and basic C++ programming
Additional Viva Questions:
Prepare Definition and explain about the following terms (prepare
minimum of 3points for each)
1) Class
2) Object
3) Stack
4) Queue
5) Applications of stack and Queue
6) Constructor and its types
7) Destructor
8) Friend functions
9) Encapsulation
10) Polymorphism
11) Inheritance and its types
12) Data hiding
13) Data Abstraction
14) Scope resolution operator
15) Abstract class(pure virtual functions)
16) new and delete keywords
17) try, throw, catch
18) Function overloading
3. DS Through C++ Viva Questions
19) Operator overloading
20) Tree
21) Binary Tree
22) Binary Search Tree
23) Tree Traversals
24) AVL Tree
25) AVL Tree Rotations
26) B-Tree
27) Graph
28) BFS(Breadth First Search)
29) DFS(Depth First Search)
30) Trie and its types
31) KMP and Boyer-Moore logic
Difference between the following (prepare at least 2 r 3 points)
1) C vs C++
2) Structure vs Class
3) Constructor vs Destructor
4) BST vs AVL
5) Tree vs Graph
6) Array vs linked list