France is known for its food, wine, fashion brands, and landmarks like the Eiffel Tower. French is spoken by over 77 million people as a first language, mostly in France, and by hundreds of millions of others as a second or foreign language. Some key aspects of French culture presented include common greetings, fruits and foods, and songs - including the Disney song "Let It Go" translated into French.
French is a Romance language globally spoken by about 77 million
people as a first language (mother tongue),
By 190 million as a second language, and by about another 200 million
people as an acquired foreign language, with significant speakers in 57
Most native speakers of the language live in France, where the
language originated. The rest live essentially in Canada.
La Pomme - Apple
La Poire - Pear
L'Orange - Orange
La Banane - Banana
L'Ananas - Pineapple
Les Raisins - Grapes
La Cerise - Cherry
Le Pamplemousse - Grapefruit
Le Papaya - Papaya
La Past竪que - Water-melon
La P棚che - Peach
14. FOOD
Le Lait - Milk
L'Eau - Water
Le Sucre - Sugar
Le Sandwich - Sandwich
Le G但teau - Cake
Le Riz - Rice
Le Pudding - Pudding
Les L辿gumes - Vegetables
La Salade - Salad
Les Nouilles - Noodles
Les petits g但teaux - Cookies
La Sauce - Sauce
Le Jus - Juice
La Soupe - Soup