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A Thousand Words:
Creating Compelling Stories with Still Images
and Good Editing. 油

Frank Guttler
Frank Guttler
                            Producer by Trade, Educator by Accident
                           Began - TV News, Independent Film
                           and Visual FX Production
                            Former Associate Director,
                            AFI Screen Education Center
                            Now - Technical Specialist,
                            L.A. County Of鍖ce of Education
                            Adjunct Professor, Instructional
                            Technology Wilkes University,

....but I really want to direct.
e    am
                                                                   d: Th e W i l h e lm S c r
                                                 L  o s t & Fo u n
                 -up        H o l l y wo o d                     ade S i m p le
       Wa r m                                                M
                                Vis ua l    L a n g u ag e                         s
               a mm a r                                      of   Two L am p
S c re e n G r                St    o r y te l l i ng: Ta le                         n g a n d Edi t
                                                                                                     i ng
     S c e ne St  ud y                                         s:  St o r y te l l i
                                A Th o u s      a n d Wo rd
     Mo de l L e   sson                                       t h e Ef f e c t
                                Th e M      a n Be h i n d                c t Exam p le
          Ke n Bu r ns                                d  Wo rd s Pro
                                 A Th o us a n
            S c re e n i ng

Whats the difference between
  a SHOT and a SCENE?

           The part of a 鍖lm between two cuts

A series of shots combined to form a continuous block of
storytelling. The end of a scene is typically marked by a
change in location, style, or time.

Comparing Visual Language to
       the Printed Word

Sentence Paragraph   Chapter    Novel

 Shot      Scene     Sequence   Movie

A Tale of Two Lamps

  Digital Magic vs. Analog Mastery

Luxo, Jr.
   Directed by John
   Pixar Animation Studios
   2 minutes

   Directed by Spike Jonze
   60 sec.

A Thousand Words
Storytelling in Editing

 Intermediate skills
using, not abusing
transitions and effects.
 Narrating an image
with pan & scan a la
Ken Burns.
 Appreciating editing
as a storytelling tool.

Storytelling with Editing

  Learn responsible use of    Narrate the image using
   effects and transitions     Ken Burns Effect Pan & Scan.

A Thousand Words
    The Assignment: Create a photostory based on
    a set of provided images using movement, music
    and transitions to enhance the story.

  Core Concepts: Transitions are like Punctuation.
 Understand the narrative meaning of common
  transitions like Fade, Cross-Dissolve, Wipe and Iris.
 Avoid 鍖ash transitions that do not enhance the
 Use motion control effect to direct the viewers
  attention for maximum narrative value.


Ken Burns on the Ken Burns Effect

Ken Burns Tribute 29th Annual News & Documentary
               Emmy Awards (2008)
A Thousand Words
The Resource: Royalty-free, downloadable images that
suggest a compelling story.
  The American Memory Photo Archive at the
          U.S. Library of Congress

Frank Guttler


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Viz Lit slides

  • 1. presents A Thousand Words: Creating Compelling Stories with Still Images and Good Editing. 油 Frank Guttler frank@lightscameralearn.com www.lightscameralearn.com 1
  • 2. Frank Guttler Producer by Trade, Educator by Accident Began - TV News, Independent Film and Visual FX Production Former Associate Director, AFI Screen Education Center Now - Technical Specialist, L.A. County Of鍖ce of Education Adjunct Professor, Instructional Technology Wilkes University, Pennsylvania ....but I really want to direct. 2
  • 3. e am d: Th e W i l h e lm S c r L o s t & Fo u n -up H o l l y wo o d ade S i m p le Wa r m M Vis ua l L a n g u ag e s a mm a r of Two L am p S c re e n G r St o r y te l l i ng: Ta le n g a n d Edi t i ng S c e ne St ud y s: St o r y te l l i A Th o u s a n d Wo rd Mo de l L e sson t h e Ef f e c t Th e M a n Be h i n d c t Exam p le s je Ke n Bu r ns d Wo rd s Pro A Th o us a n S c re e n i ng 3
  • 4. Whats the difference between a SHOT and a SCENE? 4
  • 5. SHOT The part of a 鍖lm between two cuts SCENE A series of shots combined to form a continuous block of storytelling. The end of a scene is typically marked by a change in location, style, or time. 5
  • 6. Comparing Visual Language to the Printed Word Sentence Paragraph Chapter Novel Shot Scene Sequence Movie 6
  • 7. A Tale of Two Lamps Digital Magic vs. Analog Mastery 7
  • 8. Luxo, Jr. 1986 Directed by John Lasseter Pixar Animation Studios 2 minutes www.youtube.com/ watch?v=PvCWPZfK8pI 8
  • 9. IKEA Lamp 2002 Directed by Spike Jonze Advertisement 60 sec. www.youtube.com/watch? v=I07xDdFMdgw 9
  • 10. A Thousand Words Storytelling in Editing Intermediate skills using, not abusing transitions and effects. Narrating an image with pan & scan a la Ken Burns. Appreciating editing as a storytelling tool. 10
  • 11. Storytelling with Editing Learn responsible use of Narrate the image using effects and transitions Ken Burns Effect Pan & Scan. 11
  • 12. A Thousand Words The Assignment: Create a photostory based on a set of provided images using movement, music and transitions to enhance the story. Core Concepts: Transitions are like Punctuation. Understand the narrative meaning of common transitions like Fade, Cross-Dissolve, Wipe and Iris. Avoid 鍖ash transitions that do not enhance the story. Use motion control effect to direct the viewers attention for maximum narrative value. 12
  • 14. Ken Burns on the Ken Burns Effect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeqlHmhio4s 14
  • 15. Ken Burns Tribute 29th Annual News & Documentary Emmy Awards (2008) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBonhSydxKQ 15
  • 16. A Thousand Words The Resource: Royalty-free, downloadable images that suggest a compelling story. The American Memory Photo Archive at the U.S. Library of Congress http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/fsahtml/fahome.html 16