Vizeum Ireland is seeking applicants for its 2010 graduate program. Vizeum is a progressive media agency that offers global network resources alongside a small, dynamic culture. Graduates will gain experience in planning, digital media, and implementation roles and work collaboratively in an integrated environment. The agency looks for entrepreneurial, commercially-minded graduates with strong communication skills. The program provides tools for media training and career development. Applicants should submit a CV and cover letter by April 23rd for consideration.
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Vizeum graduate programme-2010
1. Your career starts here
Vizeum Ireland For further information please email:
Graduate Programme 2010
2. Your career starts here Why Vizeum?
Who are Vizeum Ireland? Where we are and
where we are going
An agency with a restless spirit The agency is a dynamic and fun environment
with strong business success.
Vizeum Ireland is one of the most progressive and We operate on a single floor, with an inclusive,
fastest growing media agencies in Ireland. informal, creative culture. Our mission
We offer the best combination of a small, dynamic statement, Start From a Different Place, is
culture (c.22 people) alongside global network about doing just that in everything we do.
resources and capabilities from being part of Vizeum is not stuffy or bureaucratic.
Vizeum global and the Aegis network. While we have dramatically grown in the past
two years, doubling our size, we have
This, together with the quality of our people, maintained a sense of family.
enables us to provide our clients with the best Every Irish agency talks about putting digital at
strategic thinking, trading and execution in media the heart of their business. We were the first
today. Irish agency to take digital to the next level in
this way.
We truly believe that the most exciting part of the
communications business is the Media. Here at
Vizeum, we dont claim to do the jobs of creative,
brand or PR agencies. Media gets our full attention
and we see digital as an exciting avenue to give
audiences the full picture on our clients brands.
3. Why Vizeum ?
Key brands
Our client list comprises of a mix of International
and local brands, from FMCG to Financial
Services, from Motors to Telecoms with
activities from direct response to long term brand
We aim to develop great thinking and build
innovation and creativity in the execution of our
strategies. In order to accomplish this, an
integrated approach is key to our continued
Vizeums planning department develops core
What will I do all day? strategic, implementational and communications
planning skills and does so in an environment
which actively nurtures creative and digital
As we work on one floor in a truly integrated way, thinking, unlike many other agencies.
all of our graduates get to know about all the Planning at Vizeum goes beyond the traditional
different roles in the agency. Most of our graduate disciplines; seeking to identify mutually beneficial
roles are in our Planning, Digital/Online and opportunities for clients and media
implementation areas. However, you will have an owners, as well as to build the most effective
opportunity to learn from all of our specialisms. strategies based on clear insight.
Our desire is that you develop practical experience
which will enhance your college learnings. You will DIGITAL:
report to a line manager who will oversee your The Vizeum digital team, based in-house unlike
activities and ensure you r graduate experience is most other agencies, draws together all of the
positive and beneficial to your career Groups digital businesses to provide an integrated
development. full service solution to clients.
The implementation team play an integral role in
the commercial success of Vizeum. A role in
implementation involves working closely with the
planning team on the strategy of a brand and
translating this into effective media placement.
Being experts in a given media (TV, radio, print),
you will advise, plan, negotiate and buy the
optimal media plan in line with the clients needs.
5. What we are we looking for? We have high standards for all our graduates and
will ensure everyone achieves their full potential,
whatever their background or level.
We look for graduates that are entrepreneurial,
commercial and collaborative. To be successful, as a starting point, you will need
to have the following:
Entrepreneurial means pushing forward creative Educated to degree level with a 2:1 or
and novel ideas and solutions that will engage equivalent
potential consumers. We go beyond just thinking Numerically astute with at least C grade
about everyday solutions. secured in Leaving Cert Maths
Excellent communication skills
Commercial means having an ability to
understand numerical information, how we can
add value to our clients business objectives and
what ideas will be relevant to their brands.
Collaborative means being at ease in networking
situations, listening and supporting others and the
ability to work in a team.
Graduates are vital to the success of the agency.
If you are successful in joining us we expect you to
make a positive contribution.
6. Whats in it for you?
All individuals are encouraged to develop and
If you have a passion for media, are hungry to work closely with their line manager who will help
learn and would like the opportunity to develop them identify their areas of growth and the
your career then Vizeum is the place for you. solutions needed. This will enable you to progress
as quickly as you want to.
As a graduate you could find yourself involved in
any of the following: Learning options such as skills training, educational
Managing client relationships and planning development and on-the job coaching are offered
placement of campaigns to engage consumers. to all our employees.
Negotiating with media owners from TV
channels, radio stations, newspapers and the
internet to deliver value to your clients.
Implementing creative digital media solutions
such as mobile marketing, email, search engine
marketing and trafficking.
Vizeum will give you the tools and knowledge you
need to develop into a media specialist.
7. How to apply
If you think youve got what it takes to Start From
a Different Place and work for an agency that
prides itself on challenging the norms of
communication, apply for a graduate role with CV
and cover letter to :
Suitable candidate will then be asked to interview
with two senior staff members. The interview will
involve a presentation on a relevant industry
The successful candidate will be notified within
five working days. All unsuccessful candidates will
be notified and given feedback.
The successful applicant will be awarded an initial
three month programme with a view to extending
to six months based on performance. This is not a
salaried position, however Vizeum will assist the
successful candidate with a contribution towards
living expenses.
Closing date for application is April 23rd, with
interviews running over the first two weeks of
8. Start applying
Vizeum Ireland For further information please email:
Graduate Programme 2010