This document provides directions for an activity where students are asked to find images online related to various topics and copy the image and its URL into a chart. The topics included hurricanes, the alphabet, flags, pictures from other countries, fireworks, and a National Geographic image of the Black Sea. Students are expected to search the web to find relevant pictures and paste them into the chart along with the URL for each image.
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1. Copying Images worksheet
Directions: Locate an image to fulfill the description on the left side of the chart. Copy the image and the URL for the image, and paste them in
the box..
Find a picture about Hurricanes. Find a picture about the Alphabet. Find a picture of a Flag.
Find a picture taken in another Find a picture of Fireworks.
country. Find a picture from National
Geographic about the Black Sea.
4. 1. This picture shows Hurricane Katrina, which destroyed some American cities.
2. This picture shows the cards of the alphabet, which the teacher can use to
educate children.
3. This picture shows the Palestinian flag fluttering in the air.
4. This image reflects the tourist park tourist in Singapore.
5. A picture of the fireworks during its deployment in the air at night.
6. This picture shows the Black Sea and the waves crashing on the beach.