California's strict environmental regulations aimed at reducing pollution are forcing many manufacturing companies, both large and small, to close down or relocate out of the state due to high fines. One example is a small scooter company called Patmont Motor Werks that was fined millions of dollars by the California Air Resources Board and was forced to relocate to Nevada. A former EPA scientist believes that while California aims to be environmentally friendly, the overzealous actions of environmental boards will lead to economic downfall as industries continue to leave the state due to regulations that provide little actual environmental benefit.
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1. Environmentally economically
friendly state, poor decision
alifornia is known for being environmentally labor costs and cheaper production.
friendly and is considered a leader in Today, Patmont is still family-owned but was
environmentalism. However, one man believes the forced out of California to Nevada.
states drive to be in the forefront in that endeavor The owner was heartbroken, said Lassle.
will lead to its economic downfall. The CARB 鍖ned them millions of dollars for air
Je鍖 Lassle, a Fallbrook resident and former pollution.
Environmental Protection Agency scientist, Ironically, the scooter company is considered
believes that manufacturing companies both eco-friendly because it provides an alternative to
large and small are being forced out of California driving automobiles. The company also donates a
because environmental boards, like the California portion of its pro鍖t to the Arbor Day Foundation.
Air Resources Board (CARB) and the South Gregg Industries, an El Monte-based iron
Coast Air Quality District (SCAQD), have gone casting manufacturer in the industrial, automotive
overboard by creating regulations that have little and truck industry, also closed its doors recently
bene鍖t to the environment. and laid o鍖 600,000 employees because it could
One such company forced out of California not pay the 鍖nes that piled against them after the
after being 鍖ned millions of dollars was Patmont SCAQD detected an untraceable smell in their
Motor Werks, manufacturers of the small general area.
motorized GoPed scooter. Californias forest products and furniture
Andrea Verdin Patmont, a small, family-owned business industries are next to be a鍖ected by the actions of
STAFF WRITER company based out of Pleasanton, had prided itself Californias environmental leaders, Lassle said.
Paul Gallaher on being a company that had not moved overseas At an April 24 meeting in Reno, NV, California
STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER to produce its products to take advantage of low Senate and Assembly members conducted