Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang penggunaan smartphone sebagai media pembelajaran fisika. Secara singkat, dokumen menyatakan bahwa smartphone dapat digunakan sebagai osiloskop portabel untuk mengukur besaran fisika seperti percepatan bebas jatuh, dan bahwa media pembelajaran fisika tidak harus mahal jika memanfaatkan teknologi sehari-hari.
1) A 3D optical illusion of a girl chasing a ball has been placed in the road near schools in Vancouver to get drivers to slow down by appearing as if they have hit the girl.
2) Japanese retailer Uniqlo is running a Twitter campaign called "Tweet for a Treat" where tweeting about items on their website can lower the prices before their new online store launch.
3) Lingerie brand Wonderbra unveiled a large 3D billboard in London featuring their latest bra that requires special 3D glasses to see the "full effect."
The document shares a message with the reader about the value of friendship and spreading kindness. It tells the reader that they are special and important to others, reminding them that a simple email or message can brighten someone's day when they are feeling sad. It encourages the reader to pass the message along to at least four friends in order to spread more kindness in the world.
10 internet technologies educators should be informed aboutsana825
This document discusses 10 internet technologies that educators should be aware of in 2011 including: 1) video and podcasting resources like YouTube and iTunes U for sharing lectures and tutorials, 2) digital presentation tools for creating and sharing presentations, 3) collaboration and brainstorming tools like Google Docs and virtual whiteboards, 4) blogs for sharing content and student work, 5) social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter, 6) lecture capture software to record and share lectures, 7) student response systems like clickers for polling and surveys, 8) educational games for game-based learning, 9) open educational resources for sharing content, and 10) tablets like the iPad for educational applications and as digital whiteboards. The document encourages educators to
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang penggunaan smartphone sebagai media pembelajaran fisika. Secara singkat, dokumen menyatakan bahwa smartphone dapat digunakan sebagai osiloskop portabel untuk mengukur besaran fisika seperti percepatan bebas jatuh, dan bahwa media pembelajaran fisika tidak harus mahal jika memanfaatkan teknologi sehari-hari.
1) A 3D optical illusion of a girl chasing a ball has been placed in the road near schools in Vancouver to get drivers to slow down by appearing as if they have hit the girl.
2) Japanese retailer Uniqlo is running a Twitter campaign called "Tweet for a Treat" where tweeting about items on their website can lower the prices before their new online store launch.
3) Lingerie brand Wonderbra unveiled a large 3D billboard in London featuring their latest bra that requires special 3D glasses to see the "full effect."
The document shares a message with the reader about the value of friendship and spreading kindness. It tells the reader that they are special and important to others, reminding them that a simple email or message can brighten someone's day when they are feeling sad. It encourages the reader to pass the message along to at least four friends in order to spread more kindness in the world.
10 internet technologies educators should be informed aboutsana825
This document discusses 10 internet technologies that educators should be aware of in 2011 including: 1) video and podcasting resources like YouTube and iTunes U for sharing lectures and tutorials, 2) digital presentation tools for creating and sharing presentations, 3) collaboration and brainstorming tools like Google Docs and virtual whiteboards, 4) blogs for sharing content and student work, 5) social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter, 6) lecture capture software to record and share lectures, 7) student response systems like clickers for polling and surveys, 8) educational games for game-based learning, 9) open educational resources for sharing content, and 10) tablets like the iPad for educational applications and as digital whiteboards. The document encourages educators to
Managing ONLY devices is BYOD Policy FAILURE Apperian
Are you aware of the liabilities of managing your employees' personally owned devices?
Are you investing in the technology you really need?
Are you confident in the security of your device management?
If you're unsure of the answers, view this eye-opening webinar with Alan Murray, Senior Vice President of Product at Apperian, as he addresses how and why app-level management is the answer for BYOD.
A mini-workshop with an actual case study on how the International Sign Association (ISA)
worked with 16 affiliated local sign associations in significantly changing ISA兵s governance,
membership and financial structures, including reducing their board of directors by half and
altering ISA兵s relationship with local sign organizations.
Lori Anderson, President & CEO, International Sign Association
John Allen, Executive Vice President, Allen Industries
Patti King, Executive Director, Arizona Sign Association
Glenn Tecker, Chairman and Co-CEO, Tecker International
AD visory is a program designed to support newly qualified chartered accountants. It consists of one-on-one meetings and workshops to guide participants through career options and the job search process. Consultants identify career ambitions, challenge participants, and present all possible routes to achieve goals. The program helps market participants to employers through CV workshops and proactively approaching potential employers. Consultants also prepare participants for competency-based interviews and provide support through the entire process.
Smarthphone Berbasis Android: Pembelajaran Fisika dengan EksperimenSparisoma Viridi
Dokumen ini membahas tentang penggunaan smartphone berbasis sistem operasi Android untuk eksperimen fisika. Smartphone memiliki berbagai sensor seperti akselerometer, kamera, dan mikrofon yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat ukur untuk mengukur besaran-besaran fisika seperti percepatan, intensitas cahaya, dan tekanan udara. Beberapa contoh eksperimen fisika yang dapat dilakukan menggunakan smartphone adalah mengukur percepatan p
Some reflections on the state of urban planning law and practice in Spain: An...Julio Tejedor Bielsa
Urban planning law in Spain is undergoing significant changes due to various pressures. The bursting of the housing bubble revealed flaws in Spain's traditional urban planning model. Additionally, the European Commission and Court of Justice have criticized aspects of Spanish urban planning. This document discusses some of the complex interests at play in urban planning, including social, political, economic, environmental, and media influences. It also examines issues like speculation in the housing and land markets, the role of technical experts, and decentralization of decision-making power to local governments. Overall, the document analyzes challenges facing reforms to Spanish urban planning law and practice.
Tumbukan Tak-Elastik Partikel sebagai Model Terbentuknya AsteroidSparisoma Viridi
Asteroid tidak dapat dipandang sebagai suatu benda padat, melainkan kumpulan partikel butiran yang terikat oleh gaya gravitasi. Gaya normal antar partikel mencegah partikel-partikel saling tumpang-tindih.
The document outlines the requirements to get admission including being 19 years old or older, submitting high school or equivalent transcripts and grades, meeting the minimum IELTS requirement of 6.5 with no individual module below 5.5. It then lists over 70 programs offered and provides information on benefits of joining Dhrron Consultancy such as free IELTS coaching, career counseling, accommodation assistance, and airport pickup. Contact information is given for Dhrron Consultancy located in Vadodara, Gujarat.
1) Marie Curie nasceu na Pol担nia em 1867 e se formou com medalha de ouro aos 15 anos, indo estudar na Universidade Livre de Vars坦via.
2) Em 1891, mudou-se para Paris para estudar na Sorbonne, onde se formou em F鱈sica e Matem叩tica.
3) Em 1898, Marie e seu marido Pierre Curie isolaram os elementos pol担nio e r叩dio, recebendo o Pr棚mio Nobel de F鱈sica em 1903 por esta descoberta.
Centennial College welcomes international students to enrich their educational experience and values diversity. It recognizes that there are many paths to success and offers flexible programming to meet diverse needs. Students can gain practical experience and knowledge in their field of study to succeed. The college provides support for international students to assist with their transition through advisors and an international education office. It offers over 70 diploma, certificate and degree programs across various fields including business, engineering, health, and media arts.
2. VLAD TEPESVladTepes var kalla丹ur Drak炭laVladTepes var fursti 鱈 furstad脱minu Wallachiu 鱈 R炭men鱈u 叩 14. 旦ldBramStoker skrifar s鱈丹an b坦k um Drak炭la 叩 18. 旦ld Dracoe丹a Dracul 叩 r炭mensku 綻箪丹ir dreki
3. VOLGAVolga er st坦rflj坦t 鱈 R炭sslandiLengsta 叩 鱈 Evr坦pu H炭n er mesta siglingalei丹 innanlands 鱈 R炭sslandiin kemur upp 鱈 Valdaih脱丹um h炭n er 3700 metra l旦ng h炭n rennur 鱈 Kasp鱈ahaf
4. SANKTI PTURSBORGSankti P辿tursborg er borg sem stendur vi丹 叩nna NevuUm 4,7 millj坦nir b炭a 鱈 borginni sov辿tt鱈manum 1924 til 1991 h辿t borgin Len鱈ngrad
5. s鱈gaunarSt脱rsti minnihlutah坦pur Evr坦pu eru s鱈gaunarS鱈gaunar kalla sig Rom e丹a RomaniS鱈gaunar eiga uppruna sinn a丹 rekja til Indlandskomu til Evr坦pu 叩 14 旦ldN炭 叩 d旦gum eru 綻eir flestir 鱈 l旦ndum Austur-Evr坦pu綻eir b炭a 綻坦 um alla 叩lfuna
6. RALFJLLralfj旦ll er mj旦g langur fjallgar丹ur 鱈 mi丹vesturhluta R炭sslandsralfj旦ll er u.綻.b 2500 km l旦ngralfj旦ll skiptast 鱈 fimm sv脱丹i