The document is a presentation about lookup functions in Microsoft Excel. It introduces LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, and HLOOKUP functions. It provides examples of how to use each function to lookup values in tables and return results. It also shares some fun facts about Excel's history and capabilities.
2. Topics covered LOOKUP VLOOKUP HLOOKUPSaturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft Excel
3. What is Lookup?In Excel, theLookupfunction returns a value from a range (one row or one column) or from an array. Lookup is the simple function to return the value from a specific range. This function looks for a piece of information in a list, and then picks an item from a second range of cells.=LOOKUP(WhatToLookFor,RangeToLookIn,RangeToPickFrom)The WhatToLookFor should be a single item.The RangeToLook in can be either horizontal or vertical.The RangeToPickFrom must have the same number of cells in it as the RangeToLookin.Be careful not to include unnecessary heading in the ranges as these will cause errors.Saturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft Excel
4. Consider the table belowHow to find the value of Eric for Feb?Formula: =LOOKUP(Eric,D4:G10,F4:F10)OR =LOOKUP(D8,D4:G10,F4:F10)Answer: 120Saturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft Excel
5. Lookup - ExampleSaturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft ExcelDo you know? Microsoft originally marketed a spreadsheet program called Multiplan in 1982! Excel came out in 1985 for MAC and in 1987 for Windows. Until then, world used only one software Lotus 123
6. What is lookup (Array)?This function looks for a piece of information in a list, and then picks an item from the last cell in the adjacent row or column.Formula: =LOOKUP(F12,D4:G10) OR LOOKUP(Eric,D4:G10) Saturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft Excel
7. What is Vlookup?This function scans down the row headings at the side of a table to find a specified item.When the item is found, it then scans across to pick a cell entry.'=VLOOKUP(ItemToFind,RangeToLookIn,ColumnToPickFrom,SortedOrUnsorted)The ItemToFind is a single item specified by the user.The RangeToLookIn is the range of data with the row headings at the left hand side.The ColumnToPickFrom is how far across the table the function should look to pick from.The Sorted/Unsorted is whether the column headings are sorted. TRUE for yes, FALSE for no.Saturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft Excel
8. Consider the same exampleFind the value of Eric for Feb?=VLOOKUP(Eric,D3:G10,3,0) OR VLOOKUP(D8,D3:G10,3,0)We put Zero to inform computer that we require the exact valueWe put one to inform the computer that we require approximate value (nearest)Answer is 120Saturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft Excel
9. VLOOKUP - exampleSaturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft ExcelDo you know? In a Excel 2007 Table, there are 16,000 Possible Columns and 1 Million possible Rows, that makes a total of 16,000,000,000 (16 Billion) Entries per table!
10. What is Hlookup?This function scans across the column headings at the top of a table to find a specified item. When the item is found, it then scans down the column to pick a cell entry. =HLOOKUP(ItemToFind,RangeToLookIn,RowToPickFrom,SortedOrUnsorted)The ItemToFind is a single item specified by the user. The RangeToLookIn is the range of data with the column headings at the top.The RowToPickFrom is how far down the column the function should look to pick from. The Sorted/Unsorted is whether the column headings are sorted. TRUE (or 1) for yes, FALSE (or 0) for no. Saturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft Excel
11. Consider same table horizontally plotted:Find the value of Eric for Mar? =HLOOKUP(E18,C18:H21,4,0) OR =HLOOKUP(Eric,C18:H21,4,0) Answer is 69Saturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft Excel
12. Hlookup - exampleSaturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft ExcelOpen Office is a free and open alternative to Microsoft Office! This is developed by Sun Microsystems. Try it out at
13. Learn Excel!Saturday, September 25, 2010An introduction to Microsoft ExcelThis excel worksheet will help you to understand basic formulas and tricks in Excel. Funny facts: Microsoft threatened 17 year old Mike Rowe with a lawsuit after the young man launched a website named