This document contains a list of English words and phrases related to jumping, leaping, underscoring, topping up, rigging, tampering, saddling, fretting, payments, defaults, and deploying as well as the Spanish translations for household appliance and utility. It provides vocabulary for discussing household finances, utilities, and payments in both English and Spanish.
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Vocab power to the powerless
1. To blare
To leapfrog
To vault
A household
To sap
To be under way
To tweak
To pilfer
To underscore (a hyphen: - an
underscore: _)
To top up
Ubiquitous: ubicuo
To rig (elections for example)
Tampered with
Household appliance: electrodom辿stico
To saddle with
2. A utility (Iberdrola, Endesa)
To fret
Wholesale vs Retail
Upfront: por adelantado
Instalments: plazos / cuotas
To deploy: desplegar