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to act on the price              niche strategy             price-sensitive product        key factor of success 
after-sales activities           one-stop shopping          price competitiveness          launch a product 
after-sales service              open question              price limit                    law of demand and supply 
assisted brand identification    own brand products         price perception               long term forecast 
to be competitive                panel - consumer panel     price/quality effect           loss leader price 
to be out of stock               parallel import            product image                  loss of competitiveness 
behaviour pattern                penetration index          product life cycle             mail-order company 
blind product test               perceived quality          product manager                mail-order sale 
brand equity                     pilot scheme               product oriented               make a survey 
brand extension                  pilot shop                 product policy                 market scope 
brand loyalty                    pilot survey               product range                  market analysis 
brand positioning                point of sale (POS)        propensity to consume          market area 
brand preference                 position                   psychological threshold        market elasticity 
brand range                      positioning                public relations (PR)          market evaluation 
brand strategy                   potential market           purchase headquarters          market expansion 
brand switching                  premium price              purchasing group               market niche 
brand value                      END OF SHEET 1             qualitative interview          market oriented 
branded product                  competitor                 qualitative research           sales promotion 
buy for fun                      competitor profile         quality management             sales response 
buying frequency                 consumer association       quantitative interview         sales tactics 
buying habit                     consumer panel             quantitative research          sell-in activity 
buying motivation                consumer survey            random sample                  sell-out activity 
call planning                    convenience goods          random sampling                selling methods 
cannibalization                  convenience store          redemption                     semiotic analysis 
cartel price                     corporate identity         redemption costs               to shop in the shop 
case history                     corporate image            reference price                shopping centre (GB) - mall (US) 
cash and carry                   cost per call              reference value                single brand distribution 
certificate of guarantee         cost per contact           registered trademark           social-economic factors 
chain of retailers               coverage                   repositioning                  socio-economic characteristics 
cluster analysis                 customer loyalty           retail outlet                  sole selling price 
commercial strategy              customer satisfaction      retail prices                  soundout the market 
competition                      customer service           retailer brand                 specialised store 
competitive advantage            cut-throat competition     sales analysis                 statistical survey 
competitive products             demand and supply curve    END OF SHEET 2                 sub-brand 
competitiveness                  demand components          experience curve               substitute products 
market penetration               department stores          fashion product                supply curve 
market potential                 discount superstores       first entry advantage          targeted distribution 
market research                  display material           foreign dumping                taste test 
market segmentation              distribution               franchising                    telephone research 
market share                     distribution chain         free sample                    trade fair 
market size                      distribution channel       game theory                    trade mark 
market survey                    distribution cost          gap analysis                   trademark - brand name 
market test                      distributor                group interview                trend 
marketing goals                  domestic market            guided interview               unbranded product 
marketing mix                    driving effect             historical brand               unfair competition 
marketing plan                   economic model             hypermarket                    unstructured interview 
marketing techniques             empirical research         imitation                      user 
mass-market product              entry barriers             imitative effect               value chain 
maturity phase                   excess of supply           in-store survey                value system 
memory research                  exhibition - show          incentive price                variety store (GB) - variety shop (US) 
merchandiser                     exhibition stand           international competitiveness  wholesale stores 
minimarket                       exit barriers              interviewee                    wholesaler brand 
mission                          prestige product           introductory offer             win-win strategy 
multipack                        price-sensitive buyers     introductory stage 
Vocab sheet marketing

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Vocab sheet marketing

  • 1. to act on the price  niche strategy  price-sensitive product  key factor of success  after-sales activities  one-stop shopping  price competitiveness  launch a product  after-sales service  open question  price limit  law of demand and supply  assisted brand identification  own brand products  price perception  long term forecast  to be competitive  panel - consumer panel  price/quality effect  loss leader price  to be out of stock  parallel import  product image  loss of competitiveness  behaviour pattern  penetration index  product life cycle  mail-order company  blind product test  perceived quality  product manager  mail-order sale  brand equity  pilot scheme  product oriented  make a survey  brand extension  pilot shop  product policy  market scope  brand loyalty  pilot survey  product range  market analysis  brand positioning  point of sale (POS)  propensity to consume  market area  brand preference  position  psychological threshold  market elasticity  brand range  positioning  public relations (PR)  market evaluation  brand strategy  potential market  purchase headquarters  market expansion  brand switching  premium price  purchasing group  market niche  brand value  END OF SHEET 1 qualitative interview  market oriented  branded product competitor  qualitative research  sales promotion  buy for fun  competitor profile  quality management  sales response  buying frequency  consumer association  quantitative interview  sales tactics  buying habit  consumer panel  quantitative research  sell-in activity  buying motivation  consumer survey  random sample  sell-out activity  call planning  convenience goods  random sampling  selling methods  cannibalization  convenience store  redemption  semiotic analysis  cartel price  corporate identity  redemption costs  to shop in the shop  case history  corporate image  reference price  shopping centre (GB) - mall (US)  cash and carry  cost per call  reference value  single brand distribution  certificate of guarantee  cost per contact  registered trademark  social-economic factors  chain of retailers  coverage  repositioning  socio-economic characteristics  cluster analysis  customer loyalty  retail outlet  sole selling price  commercial strategy  customer satisfaction  retail prices  soundout the market  competition  customer service  retailer brand  specialised store  competitive advantage  cut-throat competition  sales analysis  statistical survey  competitive products  demand and supply curve  END OF SHEET 2 sub-brand  competitiveness  demand components  experience curve  substitute products  market penetration  department stores  fashion product  supply curve  market potential  discount superstores  first entry advantage  targeted distribution  market research  display material  foreign dumping  taste test  market segmentation  distribution  franchising  telephone research  market share  distribution chain  free sample  trade fair  market size  distribution channel  game theory  trade mark  market survey  distribution cost  gap analysis  trademark - brand name  market test  distributor  group interview  trend  marketing goals  domestic market  guided interview  unbranded product  marketing mix  driving effect  historical brand  unfair competition  marketing plan  economic model  hypermarket  unstructured interview  marketing techniques  empirical research  imitation  user  mass-market product  entry barriers  imitative effect  value chain  maturity phase  excess of supply  in-store survey  value system  memory research  exhibition - show  incentive price  variety store (GB) - variety shop (US)  merchandiser  exhibition stand  international competitiveness  wholesale stores  minimarket  exit barriers  interviewee wholesaler brand  mission  prestige product  introductory offer  win-win strategy  multipack  price-sensitive buyers  introductory stage