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Group 2
Muhammad Billit Shotta' Purana 2210181039
Ahmad Faizin 2210181040
Mohamad Johan Arifin 2210181050
Dekasari Putri Suwandi 2210181052
Robotics (n)
the science of designing and operating robots.
Simple Past:
Robotics was one of the things that PENS is
known for
Past Continuous:
I was studying Robotics while Faiz was eating
Design (v) (n)
/d肘za肘n/ Definition:
(v) to make or draw plans for something
(n) a drawing or set of drawings showing how
a building or product is to be made and how it
will work and look.
Simple Past:
Johan designed a PCB board last night
Past Continuous:
He was designing a PCB board while his father
was reading a newspaper
Device (n)
an object or machine that has been invented
for a particular purpose.
Simple Past:
Arduino UNO was one of the best device to
make a project
Past Continuous:
He was researching the device while I was
looking for my phone
a simple plan that represents a machine,
system, or idea, etc. often drawn to explain
how it works.
Simple Past:
The diagram was wet because of spilled water
Past Continuous:
I was making a diagram when the rain began
Diagram (n)
(the length of) a straight line that reaches from
one point on the edge of a round shape or
object, through its centre, to a point on the
opposite edge.
Simple Past:
Did the iron's diameter grew because of the
Past Continuous:
She was measuring the iron's diameter when I
Diameter (n)
Diesel (n)
a type of heavy oil used as fuel
Simple Past:
Did your car use Diesel as fuel?
Past Continuous:
At 11.00, She was buying diesel fuel
Dimension (n)
a measurement of something in a particular
direction, especially its height, length, or width.
Simple Past:
Did your personality has several dimensions?
Past Continuous:
Billit was making three dimensional sculptures
when Dad was working
Direction (n)
the position towards which someone or
something moves or faces.
Simple Past:
Johan walked according to the direction on the
Past Continuous:
He was giving directions when I asked.
Extract the essential meaning or most
important aspects of something.
Simple Past:
He distilled the water yesterday
Past Continuous:
At 9.00, he was looking for the word distill on
the dictionary
Distill (v)
Distribution (n)
the process of giving things out to several
people, or spreading or supplying something.
Simple Past:
The distribution of packet data was success
last month
Past Continuous:
He was giving them food distribution when
they needed it.
Elastic (adj)
(of a material) able to stretch and be returned
to its original shape or size.
Simple Past:
He shot his friend with elastic rubber
Past Continuous:
At 09.30, he was researching how to make
elastic wallet.
Electronics (n)
the scientific study of electric current and the
technology that uses it.
Simple Past:
She bought a washing machine at electronics
store two days ago.
Past Continuous:
Dani was teaching Electronics to the student
when the Electricity died
Electrical (adj)
using electricity for power, involved in the
production or movement of electricity, or
related in some way to electricity.
Simple Past:
He used to be Electrical Engineer
Past Continuous:
At 09.00, He was teaching in the middle of an
electrical storm
one of the parts of something that makes it
work, or a quality that makes someone or
something effective.
Simple Past:
Did you buy electronic elements yesterday?
Past Continuous:
She was testing the electronic elements when
Faiz arrived
Element (n)
Ellipse (n)
a curve in the shape of an oval
Simple Past:
She drew ellipse in her book
Past Continuous:
She was studying Ellipse equation during
lunch time
a set of mathematical instructions or rules
that, especially if given to a computer, will help
to calculate an answer to a problem.
Simple Past:
He made algorithm for a calender program
last week
Past Continuous:
At 11.30, He was searching algorithm for face
Algorithm (n)
Engine (n)
a machine that uses the energy from liquid
fuel or steam to produce movement.
Simple Past:
He studied the car's engine yesterday
Past Continuous:
At 11.30, He was researching how to repair
the Boat's engine
the original model of something from which
later forms are developed.
Simple Past:
Faiz made a computer's prototype last week
Past Continuous:
Faiz was making a prototype when his mom
Prototype (n)
Prototipe (n)
(n) a person with a high level of knowledge or
skill relating to a particular subject or activity.
(adj) having or showing a lot of knowledge or
Simple Past:
She used to be an expert programmer
Past Continuous:
She was looking for an expert programmer
when Billit was resigned
Expert (n) (adj)
Fabrication (n)
the act of producing a product, especially in an
industrial process.
Simple Past:
I saw the fabrication of a motorboat yesterday
Past Continuous:
At 10.00, I was seeing the fabrication of a
the act of turning around a fixed point.
Simple Past:
Billit saw the earth's rotation video on the
Past Continuous:
Billit was seeing the earth's rotation video
while Faizin was cleaning the room
Rotation (n)
Microkernel (n)
a small modular part of an operating system
kernel which implements its basic features.
Simple Past:
Mr. Mobed taught us what is Microkernel
Past Continuous:
At 10.30, Deka was studying about
Scheme (n)
a plan for doing or organizing something.
Simple Past:
Johan made a scheme for a project last night
Past Continuous:
Johan was making a project scheme while Faiz
was reading a book
Kinetic (adj)
involving or producing movement
Simple Past:
He researched about motor's kinetic last night
Past Continuous:
At 10.00, he was studying kinetic system in a
Thank You

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Vocabulary Engineering Enrichment 2

  • 1. VOCAB ENRICHMENT Group 2 Muhammad Billit Shotta' Purana 2210181039 Ahmad Faizin 2210181040 Mohamad Johan Arifin 2210181050 Dekasari Putri Suwandi 2210181052
  • 2. Robotics (n) /robt蓑揃肘ks/ Definition: the science of designing and operating robots. Simple Past: Robotics was one of the things that PENS is known for Past Continuous: I was studying Robotics while Faiz was eating lunch Robotik
  • 3. Design (v) (n) /d肘za肘n/ Definition: (v) to make or draw plans for something (n) a drawing or set of drawings showing how a building or product is to be made and how it will work and look. Simple Past: Johan designed a PCB board last night Past Continuous: He was designing a PCB board while his father was reading a newspaper Desain
  • 4. Device (n) /d肘va肘s/ Definition: an object or machine that has been invented for a particular purpose. Simple Past: Arduino UNO was one of the best device to make a project Past Continuous: He was researching the device while I was looking for my phone Perangkat
  • 5. Definition: a simple plan that represents a machine, system, or idea, etc. often drawn to explain how it works. Simple Past: The diagram was wet because of spilled water Past Continuous: I was making a diagram when the rain began pouring Diagram (n) /da肘..鼻r脱m/ Diagram/bagan
  • 6. Definition: (the length of) a straight line that reaches from one point on the edge of a round shape or object, through its centre, to a point on the opposite edge. Simple Past: Did the iron's diameter grew because of the heat? Past Continuous: She was measuring the iron's diameter when I arrived Diameter (n) /da肘脱m..t蓑/ Diameter
  • 7. Diesel (n) /di.zl/ Definition: a type of heavy oil used as fuel Simple Past: Did your car use Diesel as fuel? Past Continuous: At 11.00, She was buying diesel fuel Disel/solar
  • 8. Dimension (n) /d肘men.n/ Definition: a measurement of something in a particular direction, especially its height, length, or width. Simple Past: Did your personality has several dimensions? Past Continuous: Billit was making three dimensional sculptures when Dad was working Dimensi
  • 9. Direction (n) /da肘rek.n/ Definition: the position towards which someone or something moves or faces. Simple Past: Johan walked according to the direction on the map Past Continuous: He was giving directions when I asked. Arah
  • 10. Definition: Extract the essential meaning or most important aspects of something. Simple Past: He distilled the water yesterday Past Continuous: At 9.00, he was looking for the word distill on the dictionary Distill (v) /d肘st肘l/ Menyaring
  • 11. Distribution (n) /d肘s.tr肘bju.n/ Definition: the process of giving things out to several people, or spreading or supplying something. Simple Past: The distribution of packet data was success last month Past Continuous: He was giving them food distribution when they needed it. Distribusi
  • 12. Elastic (adj) /il脱s.t肘k/ Definition: (of a material) able to stretch and be returned to its original shape or size. Simple Past: He shot his friend with elastic rubber Past Continuous: At 09.30, he was researching how to make elastic wallet. Elastis
  • 13. Electronics (n) /ilektr.n肘ks/ Definition: the scientific study of electric current and the technology that uses it. Simple Past: She bought a washing machine at electronics store two days ago. Past Continuous: Dani was teaching Electronics to the student when the Electricity died Elektronik
  • 14. Electrical (adj) /ilek.tr肘.kl/ Definition: using electricity for power, involved in the production or movement of electricity, or related in some way to electricity. Simple Past: He used to be Electrical Engineer Past Continuous: At 09.00, He was teaching in the middle of an electrical storm Elektris/listrik
  • 15. Definition: one of the parts of something that makes it work, or a quality that makes someone or something effective. Simple Past: Did you buy electronic elements yesterday? Past Continuous: She was testing the electronic elements when Faiz arrived Element (n) /el..mnt/ Elemen
  • 16. Ellipse (n) /il肘ps/ Definition: a curve in the shape of an oval Simple Past: She drew ellipse in her book Past Continuous: She was studying Ellipse equation during lunch time Elips
  • 17. Definition: a set of mathematical instructions or rules that, especially if given to a computer, will help to calculate an answer to a problem. Simple Past: He made algorithm for a calender program last week Past Continuous: At 11.30, He was searching algorithm for face detection Algorithm (n) /脱l.鼻.r肘.丹m/ Algoritma
  • 18. Engine (n) /en.d肘n/ Definition: a machine that uses the energy from liquid fuel or steam to produce movement. Simple Past: He studied the car's engine yesterday Past Continuous: At 11.30, He was researching how to repair the Boat's engine Mesin
  • 19. Definition: the original model of something from which later forms are developed. Simple Past: Faiz made a computer's prototype last week Past Continuous: Faiz was making a prototype when his mom called Prototype (n) /pro.t蓑.ta肘p/ Prototipe (n)
  • 20. Definition: (n) a person with a high level of knowledge or skill relating to a particular subject or activity. (adj) having or showing a lot of knowledge or skill. Simple Past: She used to be an expert programmer Past Continuous: She was looking for an expert programmer when Billit was resigned Expert (n) (adj) /ek.spt/ Ahli
  • 21. Fabrication (n) /f脱b.rke肘.n/ Definition: the act of producing a product, especially in an industrial process. Simple Past: I saw the fabrication of a motorboat yesterday Past Continuous: At 10.00, I was seeing the fabrication of a motorboat Pembuatan
  • 22. Definition: the act of turning around a fixed point. Simple Past: Billit saw the earth's rotation video on the internet Past Continuous: Billit was seeing the earth's rotation video while Faizin was cleaning the room Rotation (n) /rote肘.n/ Rotasi
  • 23. Microkernel (n) /m朝krkrn()l/ Definition: a small modular part of an operating system kernel which implements its basic features. Simple Past: Mr. Mobed taught us what is Microkernel yesterday Past Continuous: At 10.30, Deka was studying about Microkernel mikrokernel
  • 24. Scheme (n) /skim/ Definition: a plan for doing or organizing something. Simple Past: Johan made a scheme for a project last night Past Continuous: Johan was making a project scheme while Faiz was reading a book Skema
  • 25. Kinetic (adj) /k肘net蓑.肘k/ Definition: involving or producing movement Simple Past: He researched about motor's kinetic last night Past Continuous: At 10.00, he was studying kinetic system in a motor Kinetis