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Nur Cahyo  2210181048 Cli鍖ord Jason  2210181041
Churun  2210181053 M. Iqbal Alfarabi - 2210181049
1 (n)
(n) Pencabutan
(n) the act of stating o鍖icially that an agreement, right, or
legal document is no longer e鍖ective
Past Simple The revocation of their license was a
necessary precaution to the company
Past Cont.They were protesting about the revocation of
their rights to vote
2 (n)
(n) Satelit
(n) a natural object moving around a larger object in
space, or an arti鍖cial object sent up into space to travel
around the earth
Past Simple the satellite has been there since 1958
Past Cont. they were installing a new satellite back when
old one went out of commision
3 (n), (adj)
(n) Visual
(adj) Penglihatan
(n) something such as a picture, photograph, or piece of
鍖lm used to give a particular e鍖ect or to explain
(adj) visual stimulus/impact/abilities
Past Simple the storm was pretty rough and visual
visibility su鍖ered due to heavy snow
Past Cont. Margaret says they were concerned about the
visual aspects of the project
4 (n)
(n) Instalasi
(n) an occasion when equipment, furniture, or a computer
program is put into position or made ready to use
Past Simple Make sure the installation is in pristine
condition before the event
Past Cont. don and the boys were conducting
maintenance on the installation last thursday
5 (n)
(n) Instrumen
(n) a tool or other device, especially one without electrical
power, used for performing a particular piece of work
Past Simple He forgot the measuring intruments so we
have to go by gut
Past Cont. They were working on the machine with
mechanical instruments
6 (n)
(n) Persimpangan
(n) the place where two or more roads join or cross each
Past Simple we passed the intersection 5 miles ago
Past Cont. you said there were supposed to be an
intersection an hour ago
7 (n), (adj)
(n) Sambungan
(adj) Gabungan
(n) a place where two things are fastened together
(adj) belonging to or shared between two or more people
Past Simple Mika did a joint project with Mr. Caelan last
Past Cont. Tony was installing the joint when Jake
installed the wheel.
8 (n), (v)
(n) Tuas
(v) Mencongkel
(n) a bar or handle for operating a machine etc
(v) to move a bar or handle around a 鍖xed point
Past Simple Nana levered a sarden cans lid with a spoon.
Past Cont. They didnt pull the machines lever when the
factory blacked out.
9 (n), (v)
(n) Gaya angkat (鍖sika)
(v) Mengangkat
(n) the force on the wing of a bird or aircraft that keeps it
in the air as it moves forward
(v) to move something from a lower to a higher
Past Simple The teacher already taught us about
aircraft lift last meeting.
Past Cont. Tiana was lifting the tray when her dog
stole a beignet from it.
10 (n)
(n) Cairan
(n) a substance that 鍖ows easily and is neither a gas nor a
Past Simple The liquid was already boiled one hour before
it needed.
Past Cont. The witch villain was 鍖ghting the male lead
when the female lead vanished the magic liquid.
11 (n), (v)
(n) Muatan
(v) Memuat
(n) Something which is being carried
(v) to take or put on what is to be carried (especially if
Past Simple Nick already loaded the luggages into the car.
Past Cont. That truck was passing by the bridge when its
load scattered to the air.
12 (n)
(n) Mesin
(n) a piece of equipment with several moving parts that
uses power to do a particular type of work
Past Simple Workers here already learned how to operate
the printing machine.
Past Cont. The machine was being 鍖xed when Clara
wanted to use it.
13 (n)
(n) pengelolaan
(n) the process of dealing with or controlling things or
Past Simple I studied 鍖nancial management on campus
Past Cont. All of management teams in this company were
not having good communication.
14 (n)
(n) manufaktur
(n) the making of articles on a large scale using machinery;
industrial production.
Past Simple The manufacturing of a car made easy by
mechanical industrialization.
Past Cont. Xiaomi company was manufacturing an Android
type smartphone since 2010.
15 (n)
(n) konverter
(n) a person or thing that converts something.
Past Simple The current boost converter system broke by
short circuit.
Past Cont. The boost converter in our electronic board was
having an electrical problem when blackout happens.
16 (n)
(n) pengukuran
(n) the action of measuring something.
Past Simple Our electrical measurement system ran
smoothly with new electronic board.
Past Cont. The International Standard measurement
system was having more popularity than the Imperial
17 (v)
(v) memekanisasi
(v) introduce machines or automatic devices into (a
process or place).
Past Simple In 1800s, English began to mechanize their
industry to improve productivity.
Past Cont. Indonesia was not having a good mechanize
industry right now..
18 (adj)
(adj) modular
(adj) employing or involving a module or modules as the
basis of design or construction.
Past Simple Modular photovoltaic cell in our company
broke because of thunder
Past Cont. Our motor control system was using modular
transistor to generate three phase trapezoidal wave.
19 (verb)
(verb) mencetak
(verb) make something, usually for a specific function
Past Simple: He molded the new engine structure with
clay and iron
Past Cont. Lisa was molding the bell when the explosion
20 (noun)
(noun) gerakan
(noun) an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession
of still pictures of a moving object
Past Simple: The motion of the picture made her sick
Past Cont. He was creating a new monitor to give a better
motion for a better experience
21 (noun)
(noun) kesimpulan
(noun) a belief or opinion that you develop from the
information that you know
Past Simple: He created the plate based on the inference
of the book that he read
Past Cont. Ros辿 was close to 鍖nishing her projects when
she got a new inference from the lesson
22 (noun)
(noun) Kisi
(noun) a pattern or structure made from horizontal and
vertical lines crossing each other to form squares
Past Simple: He drawn the tangent line on the grid for his
Past Cont. Jennie was creating a new grid system for the
citys electrical system
23 (verb)
(verb) Transmisi
(verb) to broadcast something, or to send out or carry
signals or messages using radio, television, etc
Past Simple: The tower transmitted signals from the
studio to the TV
Past Cont. The phones were transmitting several signal
to the wi鍖
24 (noun)
(noun) sinkronisasi
(Noun) the fact of happening at the same time, or the act
of making things happen at the same time:
Past Simple: Jisoos phone turned o鍖 in synchronization
with the blackout
Past Cont. We were watching the synchronization
between the new cars speed and the electric engine

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  • 2. Revocation 1 (n) [/re.vke肘.n/] (n) Pencabutan De鍖nition: (n) the act of stating o鍖icially that an agreement, right, or legal document is no longer e鍖ective Past Simple The revocation of their license was a necessary precaution to the company Past Cont.They were protesting about the revocation of their rights to vote
  • 3. Satellite 2 (n) [/s脱t蓑.l.a肘t/] (n) Satelit De鍖nition: (n) a natural object moving around a larger object in space, or an arti鍖cial object sent up into space to travel around the earth Past Simple the satellite has been there since 1958 Past Cont. they were installing a new satellite back when old one went out of commision
  • 4. Visual 3 (n), (adj) [/v肘.u.l/] (n) Visual (adj) Penglihatan De鍖nition: (n) something such as a picture, photograph, or piece of 鍖lm used to give a particular e鍖ect or to explain something (adj) visual stimulus/impact/abilities Past Simple the storm was pretty rough and visual visibility su鍖ered due to heavy snow Past Cont. Margaret says they were concerned about the visual aspects of the project
  • 5. Installation 4 (n) [/肘n.stle肘.n/] (n) Instalasi De鍖nition: (n) an occasion when equipment, furniture, or a computer program is put into position or made ready to use Past Simple Make sure the installation is in pristine condition before the event Past Cont. don and the boys were conducting maintenance on the installation last thursday
  • 6. Instrument 5 (n) [/肘n.str.mnt/] (n) Instrumen De鍖nition: (n) a tool or other device, especially one without electrical power, used for performing a particular piece of work Past Simple He forgot the measuring intruments so we have to go by gut Past Cont. They were working on the machine with mechanical instruments
  • 7. intersection 6 (n) [/肘n.t蓑sek.n/] (n) Persimpangan De鍖nition: (n) the place where two or more roads join or cross each other Past Simple we passed the intersection 5 miles ago Past Cont. you said there were supposed to be an intersection an hour ago
  • 8. JOINT 7 (n), (adj) [/d肘nt/] (n) Sambungan (adj) Gabungan De鍖nition: (n) a place where two things are fastened together (adj) belonging to or shared between two or more people Past Simple Mika did a joint project with Mr. Caelan last year. Past Cont. Tony was installing the joint when Jake installed the wheel.
  • 9. LEVER 8 (n), (v) [/lev./] (n) Tuas (v) Mencongkel De鍖nition: (n) a bar or handle for operating a machine etc (v) to move a bar or handle around a 鍖xed point Past Simple Nana levered a sarden cans lid with a spoon. Past Cont. They didnt pull the machines lever when the factory blacked out.
  • 10. LIFT 9 (n), (v) [/l肘ft/] (n) Gaya angkat (鍖sika) (v) Mengangkat De鍖nition: (n) the force on the wing of a bird or aircraft that keeps it in the air as it moves forward (v) to move something from a lower to a higher position Past Simple The teacher already taught us about aircraft lift last meeting. Past Cont. Tiana was lifting the tray when her dog stole a beignet from it.
  • 11. LIQUID 10 (n) [/l肘k.w肘d/] (n) Cairan De鍖nition: (n) a substance that 鍖ows easily and is neither a gas nor a solid Past Simple The liquid was already boiled one hour before it needed. Past Cont. The witch villain was 鍖ghting the male lead when the female lead vanished the magic liquid. https://unsplash.com/@_louisreed
  • 12. LOAD 11 (n), (v) [/lod/] (n) Muatan (v) Memuat De鍖nition: (n) Something which is being carried (v) to take or put on what is to be carried (especially if heavy) Past Simple Nick already loaded the luggages into the car. Past Cont. That truck was passing by the bridge when its load scattered to the air. https://unsplash.com/@_louisreed
  • 13. MACHINE 12 (n) [/min/] (n) Mesin De鍖nition: (n) a piece of equipment with several moving parts that uses power to do a particular type of work Past Simple Workers here already learned how to operate the printing machine. Past Cont. The machine was being 鍖xed when Clara wanted to use it. https://unsplash.com/@_louisreed
  • 14. MANAGEMENT 13 (n) [/manijmnt/] (n) pengelolaan De鍖nition: (n) the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. Past Simple I studied 鍖nancial management on campus Past Cont. All of management teams in this company were not having good communication.
  • 15. MANUFACTURING 14 (n) [/man(y)fakCHriNG/] (n) manufaktur De鍖nition: (n) the making of articles on a large scale using machinery; industrial production. Past Simple The manufacturing of a car made easy by mechanical industrialization. Past Cont. Xiaomi company was manufacturing an Android type smartphone since 2010.
  • 16. CONVERTER 15 (n) [/knvrdr/] (n) konverter De鍖nition: (n) a person or thing that converts something. Past Simple The current boost converter system broke by short circuit. Past Cont. The boost converter in our electronic board was having an electrical problem when blackout happens.
  • 17. MEASUREMENT 16 (n) [/meZHrmnt/] (n) pengukuran De鍖nition: (n) the action of measuring something. Past Simple Our electrical measurement system ran smoothly with new electronic board. Past Cont. The International Standard measurement system was having more popularity than the Imperial System.
  • 18. MECHANIZE 17 (v) [/mekn朝z/] (v) memekanisasi De鍖nition: (v) introduce machines or automatic devices into (a process or place). Past Simple In 1800s, English began to mechanize their industry to improve productivity. Past Cont. Indonesia was not having a good mechanize industry right now..
  • 19. MODULAR 18 (adj) [/m辰jlr/] (adj) modular De鍖nition: (adj) employing or involving a module or modules as the basis of design or construction. Past Simple Modular photovoltaic cell in our company broke because of thunder Past Cont. Our motor control system was using modular transistor to generate three phase trapezoidal wave.
  • 20. MOLD 19 (verb) [/mld/] (verb) mencetak De鍖nition: (verb) make something, usually for a specific function Past Simple: He molded the new engine structure with clay and iron Past Cont. Lisa was molding the bell when the explosion happens
  • 21. MOTION 20 (noun) [/mSH()n/] (noun) gerakan De鍖nition: (noun) an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object Past Simple: The motion of the picture made her sick Past Cont. He was creating a new monitor to give a better motion for a better experience
  • 22. INFERENCE 21 (noun) [/肘n.fr.ns/] (noun) kesimpulan De鍖nition: (noun) a belief or opinion that you develop from the information that you know Past Simple: He created the plate based on the inference of the book that he read Past Cont. Ros辿 was close to 鍖nishing her projects when she got a new inference from the lesson
  • 23. GRID 22 (noun) [/grid/] (noun) Kisi De鍖nition: (noun) a pattern or structure made from horizontal and vertical lines crossing each other to form squares Past Simple: He drawn the tangent line on the grid for his presentation Past Cont. Jennie was creating a new grid system for the citys electrical system
  • 24. TRANSMIT 23 (verb) [/tr脱nzm肘t/] (verb) Transmisi De鍖nition: (verb) to broadcast something, or to send out or carry signals or messages using radio, television, etc Past Simple: The tower transmitted signals from the studio to the TV Past Cont. The phones were transmitting several signal to the wi鍖
  • 25. SYNCHRONIZATION 24 (noun) [/s肘.kr.na肘ze肘.n/] (noun) sinkronisasi De鍖nition: (Noun) the fact of happening at the same time, or the act of making things happen at the same time: Past Simple: Jisoos phone turned o鍖 in synchronization with the blackout Past Cont. We were watching the synchronization between the new cars speed and the electric engine