This document lists 59 different trades or occupations, including those related to leatherworking (tanner), metalworking (cutler), street cleaning (scavenger), baking/cooking (confectioner), gambling (croupier), animal husbandry (grazier), transportation (stevedore), and more. It also covers trades involving traveling to sell goods (peddler, chapman, hawker), crafts like pottery (potter) and wheelwright, as well as service jobs like librarian, mayor, veterinarian, and stenographer.
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1. Traders
This Vocabulary-Traders is a list, full of words related to the Traders.
1. Tanner´One whoconvertsraw hide intoleather
2. Cutler´One whomakesordealsincuttinginstruments,e.g.knives
3. Scavenger´.One whocleansthe street
4. Charwomen´A womanemployedtocleaninsideabuilding
5. Confectioner´One whosellssweetsandpastries
6. Crimp´One whoentrapsmento serve inthe army
7. Croupier´One whocollectsthe betsandpaysout tothe winnerinthe gamblingclub
8. Janitor´One whotakescare of a building
9. Poulterer´One whosellsfowls,ducks,turkeysetc´
10. Cashier´One whopaysoutmoneyat a bank
11. Teller´One whopays outmoneyat a bank
12. Upholsterer´One whomakesandsellscushionsandcoversformotor-cars
13. Usurer´One wholendsmoneyatanexorbitantrate
14. Cartographer´One whodraws maps
15. Philatelist´One whocollectspostage stamps
16. Conjuror´One whoperformstricksbysleightof hands
17. Prestidigitator´One whoperformstricksby sleightof hands
18. Juggler´One who performstricksbysleightof hands
19. Funambulist´One whowalksonropes
20. Acrobat´One whoperformsdaringgymnasticfeats
21. Grazier´One whopasturescattle forthe market
22. Huckster´One whotravelsfromplace to place sellingmiscellaneousarticles
23. Pedlar´ One whotravelsfromplace to place sellingmiscellaneousarticles
2. 24. Chapman´ One who travelsfromplace toplace sellingmiscellaneousarticles
25. Hawker´ One whotravelsfromplace to place sellingmiscellaneousarticles
26. Potter´One whomakespots,cupsetc´
27. Tinker´One whogoesplace to place mendingpots
28. Shoemaker´One whomendsshoes
29. Cobbler´One whomendsshoes
30. Colporteur´One whotravelsfromplace toplace sellingreligiousarticles
31. Peripatetic´A teacherwhotravels fromplace toplace to give instructions
32. Invigilator´One whowatchesoverstudentstakinganexamination
33. Curator´A personincharge of museum
34. Almoner´A hospital welfare officer
35. Librarian´The personincharge of library
36. Principal´The headof a college
37. Mayor´The headof a towncouncil or corporation
38. Pawnbroker´One wholendsmoneyandkeepsgoodsassecurity
39. Scrivener´One whodrawsupcontracts and alsolendsmoneyoninterest
40. Shipwright´One whobuildsships
41. Stevedore´One wholoadsandunloadsships
42. Wheelwright´Onewhomakeswheelsforcarriagesandcarts
43. Auctioneer´One whosellsarticlesatpublicsales
44. Undertaker´A tradesmanwhomanagesfunerals
45. Veterinarian´One skilledinthe treatmentof diseasesof animals
46. Stenographer´One whowritesshorthand
47. Poet´One whowritespoetry
48. Novelist´One whowritesnovels
49. Author´One whowritesbooks
3. 50. Lexicographer´One whocompilesadictionary
51. Stationer´One whosellspaper,ink,penandotherwritingmaterials
52. Taxidermist´One whopreservesthe skinof the animals
53. Ethnologist´One well versedinthe science of humanraces
54. Anthropologist´One whostudiesthe evolutionof mankind
55. Psychologist´One whostudiesthe workingof the human-mind
56. Chandler´One whomakesandsellscandles
57. Plumassier´One whoworksordealsinfeathersforapparel
58. Bursar´The treasurerof a college ora university
59. Purser´Anofficerincharge of the storesandaccounts on a ship