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This Vocabulary-Traders is a list, full of words related to the Traders.
1. Tanner´One whoconvertsraw hide intoleather
2. Cutler´One whomakesordealsincuttinginstruments,e.g.knives
3. Scavenger´.One whocleansthe street
4. Charwomen´A womanemployedtocleaninsideabuilding
5. Confectioner´One whosellssweetsandpastries
6. Crimp´One whoentrapsmento serve inthe army
7. Croupier´One whocollectsthe betsandpaysout tothe winnerinthe gamblingclub
8. Janitor´One whotakescare of a building
9. Poulterer´One whosellsfowls,ducks,turkeysetc´
10. Cashier´One whopaysoutmoneyat a bank
11. Teller´One whopays outmoneyat a bank
12. Upholsterer´One whomakesandsellscushionsandcoversformotor-cars
13. Usurer´One wholendsmoneyatanexorbitantrate
14. Cartographer´One whodraws maps
15. Philatelist´One whocollectspostage stamps
16. Conjuror´One whoperformstricksbysleightof hands
17. Prestidigitator´One whoperformstricksby sleightof hands
18. Juggler´One who performstricksbysleightof hands
19. Funambulist´One whowalksonropes
20. Acrobat´One whoperformsdaringgymnasticfeats
21. Grazier´One whopasturescattle forthe market
22. Huckster´One whotravelsfromplace to place sellingmiscellaneousarticles
23. Pedlar´ One whotravelsfromplace to place sellingmiscellaneousarticles
24. Chapman´ One who travelsfromplace toplace sellingmiscellaneousarticles
25. Hawker´ One whotravelsfromplace to place sellingmiscellaneousarticles
26. Potter´One whomakespots,cupsetc´
27. Tinker´One whogoesplace to place mendingpots
28. Shoemaker´One whomendsshoes
29. Cobbler´One whomendsshoes
30. Colporteur´One whotravelsfromplace toplace sellingreligiousarticles
31. Peripatetic´A teacherwhotravels fromplace toplace to give instructions
32. Invigilator´One whowatchesoverstudentstakinganexamination
33. Curator´A personincharge of museum
34. Almoner´A hospital welfare officer
35. Librarian´The personincharge of library
36. Principal´The headof a college
37. Mayor´The headof a towncouncil or corporation
38. Pawnbroker´One wholendsmoneyandkeepsgoodsassecurity
39. Scrivener´One whodrawsupcontracts and alsolendsmoneyoninterest
40. Shipwright´One whobuildsships
41. Stevedore´One wholoadsandunloadsships
42. Wheelwright´Onewhomakeswheelsforcarriagesandcarts
43. Auctioneer´One whosellsarticlesatpublicsales
44. Undertaker´A tradesmanwhomanagesfunerals
45. Veterinarian´One skilledinthe treatmentof diseasesof animals
46. Stenographer´One whowritesshorthand
47. Poet´One whowritespoetry
48. Novelist´One whowritesnovels
49. Author´One whowritesbooks
50. Lexicographer´One whocompilesadictionary
51. Stationer´One whosellspaper,ink,penandotherwritingmaterials
52. Taxidermist´One whopreservesthe skinof the animals
53. Ethnologist´One well versedinthe science of humanraces
54. Anthropologist´One whostudiesthe evolutionof mankind
55. Psychologist´One whostudiesthe workingof the human-mind
56. Chandler´One whomakesandsellscandles
57. Plumassier´One whoworksordealsinfeathersforapparel
58. Bursar´The treasurerof a college ora university
59. Purser´Anofficerincharge of the storesandaccounts on a ship

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  • 1. Traders This Vocabulary-Traders is a list, full of words related to the Traders. 1. Tanner´One whoconvertsraw hide intoleather 2. Cutler´One whomakesordealsincuttinginstruments,e.g.knives 3. Scavenger´.One whocleansthe street 4. Charwomen´A womanemployedtocleaninsideabuilding 5. Confectioner´One whosellssweetsandpastries 6. Crimp´One whoentrapsmento serve inthe army 7. Croupier´One whocollectsthe betsandpaysout tothe winnerinthe gamblingclub 8. Janitor´One whotakescare of a building 9. Poulterer´One whosellsfowls,ducks,turkeysetc´ 10. Cashier´One whopaysoutmoneyat a bank 11. Teller´One whopays outmoneyat a bank 12. Upholsterer´One whomakesandsellscushionsandcoversformotor-cars 13. Usurer´One wholendsmoneyatanexorbitantrate 14. Cartographer´One whodraws maps 15. Philatelist´One whocollectspostage stamps 16. Conjuror´One whoperformstricksbysleightof hands 17. Prestidigitator´One whoperformstricksby sleightof hands 18. Juggler´One who performstricksbysleightof hands 19. Funambulist´One whowalksonropes 20. Acrobat´One whoperformsdaringgymnasticfeats 21. Grazier´One whopasturescattle forthe market 22. Huckster´One whotravelsfromplace to place sellingmiscellaneousarticles 23. Pedlar´ One whotravelsfromplace to place sellingmiscellaneousarticles
  • 2. 24. Chapman´ One who travelsfromplace toplace sellingmiscellaneousarticles 25. Hawker´ One whotravelsfromplace to place sellingmiscellaneousarticles 26. Potter´One whomakespots,cupsetc´ 27. Tinker´One whogoesplace to place mendingpots 28. Shoemaker´One whomendsshoes 29. Cobbler´One whomendsshoes 30. Colporteur´One whotravelsfromplace toplace sellingreligiousarticles 31. Peripatetic´A teacherwhotravels fromplace toplace to give instructions 32. Invigilator´One whowatchesoverstudentstakinganexamination 33. Curator´A personincharge of museum 34. Almoner´A hospital welfare officer 35. Librarian´The personincharge of library 36. Principal´The headof a college 37. Mayor´The headof a towncouncil or corporation 38. Pawnbroker´One wholendsmoneyandkeepsgoodsassecurity 39. Scrivener´One whodrawsupcontracts and alsolendsmoneyoninterest 40. Shipwright´One whobuildsships 41. Stevedore´One wholoadsandunloadsships 42. Wheelwright´Onewhomakeswheelsforcarriagesandcarts 43. Auctioneer´One whosellsarticlesatpublicsales 44. Undertaker´A tradesmanwhomanagesfunerals 45. Veterinarian´One skilledinthe treatmentof diseasesof animals 46. Stenographer´One whowritesshorthand 47. Poet´One whowritespoetry 48. Novelist´One whowritesnovels 49. Author´One whowritesbooks
  • 3. 50. Lexicographer´One whocompilesadictionary 51. Stationer´One whosellspaper,ink,penandotherwritingmaterials 52. Taxidermist´One whopreservesthe skinof the animals 53. Ethnologist´One well versedinthe science of humanraces 54. Anthropologist´One whostudiesthe evolutionof mankind 55. Psychologist´One whostudiesthe workingof the human-mind 56. Chandler´One whomakesandsellscandles 57. Plumassier´One whoworksordealsinfeathersforapparel 58. Bursar´The treasurerof a college ora university 59. Purser´Anofficerincharge of the storesandaccounts on a ship