VOF has helped protect over 730,000 acres of land since 1966 using conservation easements. Conservation easements are voluntary agreements that keep land undeveloped and in rural use like farming and forestry. They provide tax benefits to landowners while keeping land on the tax rolls and benefiting the community by protecting natural resources. The process of establishing a conservation easement involves VOF evaluating the property, negotiating an agreement, and recording the permanent easement.
6. Easement Characteristics:
Flexible and individual to protect unique land
features and allow for individual situations
Perpetual (required for tax benefits)
Cost effective keeps land on tax roles
Significant tax benefits
The community benefits as well, as easements
protect air quality, soil, water quality, rural
8. Easements limit Division of land :
Best always to remain as a whole.
Over 150 acres-- two parcels possible depending on
individual propertys conservation values and character
300 acres could be as many as three depending on
characteristics and conservation values.
9. DwellingsDwellings:: One to two dwellings permitted
per retained parcel. The second dwelling
usually guest or farm managers house
4500 sq. ft review size max for each house
6500 sq ft total per parcel or per 100 acres
10. Other easement terms:
Forest Management: Stewardship
Plan, BMPs and Pre-harvest Plan
Farm Buildings: 4,500 to 10,000
sq ft review size depending on
propertys size and use.
Stream Buffers: strongly
recommended esp. for perennial
and significant streams or rivers.
11. Two variations on VOF easements:
Standard VOF conservation easement
New working farm or farmstead variant
12. Working farm variant contains a Farmstead
where more flexibility is permitted in
exchange for fewer divisions and dwellings
outside the farmstead.
Large farm buildings in farmstead by right.
13. Working Farm variant also permits:
more flexibility in uses in a designated
Housing without limitation in Farmstead
Ag processing buildings of any size in the
14. What a VOF easement Does and Doesnt Do
You can still sell your land or pass it on to
You can continue to farm, hunt, fish, or
harvest timber on your land.
You can change types of crops and continue
rural uses such as home occupations.
It does NOT give the public access to your
Easements are totally voluntary, but they
also are forever.
Federal Income Tax Deduction: 30% of AGI
for up to six years. (may improve if pending
legislation passes).
Federal Estate Tax Exclusion: Up to $500K
exclusion from Estate Tax for eased land.
Federal Estate Tax Reduction: Easements
also lower the amount of liability by
reducing the value of land in estate.
VA State Tax Credit: 40% of easement
value this credit can be transferred or sold
17. 1997 VA General Assembly created a new fund:
Open Space Lands Preservation Trust Fund
to assist landowners with the costs of conveying
open-space easements and (when funds allow)
the purchase of all or part of the value of the
18. Open-SpaceOpen-Space PreservationPreservation TrustTrust
Costs That the Fund May Reimburse:
1. Legal costs
2. Appraisal and other costs
3. All or part of the easement's value
Priority May Be Given In Applications That:
1. Seek cost-reimbursement only
2. Demonstrate financial need
3. Cover a family-owned and operated farm
20. Step One: Contact VOF
Office to get information
Step Two: Farm visit
Step Three: Land owner consults advisors
and family and decides to proceed. VOF and
landowner agree on terms for easement
Step Three A: Talk to mortgage holder
if there is a mortgage on the property.
21. Steps Four through Six:
VOF staff does research on the property
the landowners lawyer does a title search
the landowner, his lawyer, and VOF
develop a deed of easement agreeable to all.
22. Step Seven: VOF Board of Trustees meets and
approves the easement proposal.
Step Eight: VOF staff makes second farm visit to do
Baseline Documentation Report
23. Step Nine: Finalizing deed of easement
Step Ten: Recording deed in the county
Extra step: crow with satisfaction that your
land is forever protected.
24. Conservation Easements a flexible, cost effective choice for
private landowners to safeguard rural lands and resources.