Short Promo introduction to VoIP Drupal, a platform to enable your Website to interact with a regular phone.
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Short VoIP Drupal Introduction - What is it?
1. The VoIP Drupal Platform
Open Source
Hello Drupal
A Hands On Experience
Mind Blowing
API Series of Tutorials
2. What is VoIP Drupal?
A suite of modules that enable Drupal Websites to interact with regular phones.
There are approximately 830 million smartphone users and 5.6 BILLION regular
telephone users worldwide. Why build 'apps' that only work with smartphones?
Widen your audience and engage the world.
Hello shopping cart,
What is the total due
on my order? OK.
Call me when it is
ready to ship!
and one more idea...
5. People love to fill out forms on your Website... NOT!
You can't get away that
easily! Your account can
I want to register for the be created using your
contest, but I do not want to caller ID information.
fill out a bunch of forms!
6. Potential VoIP Drupal Applications
VoIP Drupal is a PLATFORM that many applications can be built upon
Call centers
2-1-1 and 3-1-1 community hotlines
Phone - and SMS - based surveys
Group communications
Story recording / playback
Audio speed dating services
Language training
Audio tours
Adventure games
Interactive community radio programs
Emergency announcements
Get Out the Vote campaigns
8. VoIP Drupal
These are the modules
that work together as the
VoIP Drupal Platform
In this series of
hands on Webinars,
we will walk you
through installation
and configuration of
each VoIP Drupal
10. The Visual VoIP Drupal Workspace
This is the visual editor. Drag and drop scripts elements into the workspace to
arrange events and create scripts for user interaction or routing calls.
11. Ways to Get Involved
Play with script examples in the sandbox at
Create new modules, new sites, tutorials
Contribute code and documentation
Organize meetups in your area –
Help us spread the word, using social media!
12. Upcoming VoIP Drupal Events
List of Future Webinars, Meetups and Events
Stay tuned to
for dates of future Webinars
Office Hours: Every Wednsday at noon EST.
We will be answering questions and discussing VoIP Drupal-related
topics. To participate, meet us at the newly created VoIP Drupal chat
13. Presented by: Micky Metts
For additional information on the VoIP Drupal Project:
Special Thanks to:
Dr. Leo Burd and the MIT Center for Civic Media -
Drupal is a registered trademark of Dries Buytaert -
Editor's Notes
#8: My Dot Tour pilot that ran in Fields Corner/Dorchester