This document discusses various employee and self-employed related expenses that may be deductible for individual income tax purposes. It provides examples and explanations of deductible expenses related to transportation, travel, moving, education, entertainment, home offices, and other categories. One example discusses Morgan, a recent college graduate who accepted a sales job that requires travel and maintaining a home office since no workspace was provided. The document summarizes tax treatment and documentation requirements for claiming various business expense deductions.
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Individual Income Taxes
Chapter 9
Deductions: Employee and
2. 2
The Big Picture (slide 1 of 2)
Morgan, a recent college graduate who majored in
finance, has accepted a job with Kite Corporation.
The job is in sales and will require travel and some
entertainment (i.e., business lunches).
She will be based in a major metropolitan area in
another state.
Kite has no available space in the locale, so she will have
to maintain her own work facility.
In addition to her salary, Morgan will receive a travel
However, Kite has made it clear that the allowance will not cover
all of her travel expenses.
3. 3
The Big Picture (slide 2 of 2)
Morgan is delighted with the new job since it
will enable her to maintain a flexible work
Furthermore, working out of her own apartment
avoids a time-consuming and costly commute.
What are some of the income tax problems
presented by this situation?
Read the chapter and formulate your response.
4. 4
Employee vs. Self-Employed
(slide 1 of 2)
Business expenses for self-employed persons
are deductible for AGI
Reported on Schedule C
Unreimbursed business expenses for
employees are generally deductible from AGI
subject to 2% of AGI floor
Reported on Form 2106 (Employee Business
Expenses) and Schedule A (Itemized Deductions)
5. 5
Employee vs. Self-Employed
(slide 2 of 2)
Person is classified as an employee if:
Subject to will and control of another with respect
to what shall be done and how it shall be done
Another furnishes tools or the place of work
Income based on time spent rather than task
6. 6
Employee Expenses
Fall into one of the following categories:
7. 7
Transportation Expenses
(slide 1 of 2)
Transportation expense defined
Very limited, only from job site to job site and
commuting to/from temporary work place
Commuting from home to work and back is
Additional costs incurred to transport heavy tools
Employees with more than one job
8. 8
Transportation Expenses
(slide 2 of 2)
Amount deductible
Actual expenses
Must keep adequate records of all expenses and
depreciation is limited, or
Automatic mileage method
56 cents per mile for business miles for 2014
Adjustment to basis of auto is required for depreciation
considered allowed
Plus parking, tolls, etc.
Adequate documentation of mileage required
9. 9
The Big Picture - Example 9
Commuting Expense
Return to the facts of The Big Picture on p. 9-1.
Because Morgan will have an office in her
home, the apartment will be her principal place
of business.
Thus, any transportation from her home to
business sites will not be disallowed as a
commuting expense
10. 10
The Big Picture - Example 11
Automatic Mileage Method
Return to the facts of The Big Picture on p. 9-1.
During Morgans senior year in college, her parents
gave her one of the family carsa 2009 Chevrolet
Morgan has no idea as to the cars original cost or the
odometer reading at the time the car was registered in her
She has, however, kept track of the miles driven for
business since she accepted her new job.
Morgan should use the automatic mileage method in
claiming business use of the car.
11. 11
Travel Expenses
(slide 1 of 2)
Travel expense defined
Expenses while away from tax home overnight
on business
Includes transportation, lodging, meals, and
miscellaneous expenses
12. 12
Travel Expenses
(slide 2 of 2)
Away from home requirement
Need not be a 24-hour period but must be longer
than ordinary work day and taxpayer will need to
rest during release time
Being away should be a temporary situation (not
in excess of 1 year)
Tax Home generally means business location,
post, or station of the taxpayer
Some exceptions are allowed under new
13. 13
Restrictions on Travel Expenses
(slide 1 of 2)
Convention travel expenses
No deduction for travel unless directly related to
taxpayers trade or business
Example: Doctor attending out-of-town seminar on
estate planning would not have deductible travel
Restrictions apply to the deductibility of travel
expenses of the taxpayers spouse or dependent
Generally, accompaniment by the spouse or dependent
must serve a bona fide business purpose, and
The expenses must be otherwise deductible
14. 14
Restrictions on Travel Expenses
(slide 2 of 2)
Education travel expenses
Travel as a form of education is not deductible
Example: Spanish language professor traveling to Spain
to work on the language would not have deductible
travel expenses
Example: Spanish history professor traveling to Spain
to study historical documents available only in Spanish
museums would have deductible travel expenses
15. 15
Combined Business/Pleasure Travel
(slide 1 of 4)
Only actual expenses for business are
Meals, lodging and other expenses must be
allocated between business and personal days
Deductibility of transportation costs depends
on whether the trip is domestic or foreign
16. 16
Combined Business/Pleasure Travel
(slide 2 of 4)
For domestic travel
If primary purpose of trip is business,
transportation is deductible in full
If primary purpose is pleasure, no deduction for
transportation allowed, but other expenses (e.g.,
lodging) associated with business days are
17. 17
Combined Business/Pleasure Travel
(slide 3 of 4)
For foreign travel
Transportation expenses must be allocated between
business and personal unless:
Trip is 7 days or less,
Less than 25% of time was for personal purposes, or
Taxpayer had no substantial control over arrangements
for the trip
18. 18
Combined Business/Pleasure Travel
(slide 4 of 4)
Travel days are considered business days
Weekends, legal holidays and intervening days
are business days if both the preceding and
succeeding days are business days
If trip is primarily for pleasure, no
transportation expenses are deductible
19. 19
Moving Expenses
Deductible for moves in connection with the
commencement of work at a new principal
place of work
Two tests must be met for moving expenses to
be deductible
Distance test
Time test
20. 20
Moving Expenses - Distance Test
Distance from old home to new job must be at
least 50 miles farther than from old home to
old job
New home location not relevant for decision
21. 21
Example of Distance Test
Gail lived 20 miles
from her old job
Gails new job is 75
miles from her old
Gail meets the
distance test
20 mi.20 mi.
75 mi.75 mi.
22. 22
Moving Expenses - Time Test
(slide 1 of 2)
Taxpayer must be full-time employee for 39
weeks in the 12-month period following the
move, or
Self-employed must work in new location for
78 weeks during the next two years following
the move
39 of the weeks must be in the first 12 months
Test waived if die, disabled, discharged, or
23. 23
Moving Expenses - Time Test
(slide 2 of 2)
If time test not met during taxable year, two
Take the deduction in year moved. If test is not
met in following year, either:
Include the amount deducted in gross income in the
following year, or
File amended return for year of move
Alternatively, wait until time test is met and then
file amended return for year of move
24. 24
Deductible Moving Expenses
Qualified moving expenses include
reasonable expenses of:
Moving household goods and personal effects to
new location
Expenses of travel for taxpayer and family to new
Actual auto costs (not depreciation) or mileage rate of
$.235 per mile for each car in 2014
Meals are not deductible as moving expense
25. 25
Tax Treatment of
Moving Expenses
Unreimbursed moving expenses are deductible
for AGI
Reimbursement or payment by employer:
For qualified moving expenses, amount is
excluded from gross income, but no deduction for
related expenses
For nonqualified moving expenses, amount is
included in gross income and no deduction is
26. 26
The Big Picture - Example 29
Moving Expenses
Return to the facts of The Big Picture on p. 9-1.
Even though this is her first job, Morgan will
be entitled to a moving expense deduction.
This presumes that she is not reimbursed by Kite
Corporation for these expenses.
The mileage on her car also is allowed.
Her deduction is for AGI and can be claimed
even if she chooses the standard deduction
27. 27
Education Expenses
(slide 1 of 3)
Education expenses of an employee are
deductible if they are incurred:
To maintain or improve existing skills, or
To meet express requirements of the employer or
requirements imposed by law to retain
employment status
28. 28
Education Expenses
(slide 2 of 3)
Education expenses of an employee are not
deductible if they are incurred:
To meet minimum educational standards for
existing job, or
To qualify taxpayer for new trade or business
30. 30
Deduction For Qualified Tuition and
Related Expenses (slide 1 of 3)
A deduction is allowed for AGI for qualified
tuition and related expenses involving higher
education (i.e., postsecondary)
31. 31
Deduction For Qualified Tuition and
Related Expenses (slide 2 of 3)
The maximum deduction depends on filing
status and Modified AGI
32. 32
Deduction For Qualified Tuition and
Related Expenses (slide 3 of 3)
Qualified tuition and related expenses include
whatever is required for enrollment
Usually, student activity fees, books, room and
board are not included
Expenses need not be work related
Deduction is not available for married persons
filing separately
33. 33
The Big Picture - Example 32
Education Expenses
Return to the facts of The Big Picture on p. 9-1.
After starting her new job, Morgan enrolls in
the night program of a local law school.
Although Morgan does not plan to practice law,
she feels that a law degree would advance her
Except for the tuition she pays (see the
discussion of 則 222), none of her expenses
relating to the education will be deductible.
34. 34
Entertainment Expenses
(slide 1 of 3)
Deductions are very restricted due to abuse
Deductible amount allowed:
50% of meals and entertainment costs including related
taxes, tips, cover charges, parking fees, and room rental
100% of transportation costs
Amounts cannot be lavish or extravagant
In certain situations, the 50% cutback for meals is
eased for certain, very limited, types of employees
35. 35
Entertainment Expenses
(slide 2 of 3)
The 50% cutback rule has a number of
exceptions, such as:
Situations where full value of meals or
entertainment is included in income
Meals and entertainment are provided in a
subsidized eating facility or where the de minimis
fringe benefit rule is met
Employer-paid recreational activities for
e.g., the annual Christmas party or spring picnic
36. 36
Entertainment Expenses
(slide 3 of 3)
Entertainment expenses are classified as
Directly related to business
Actual business meeting or discussion occurs during
meal or entertainment
Associated with business
Meal or entertainment that directly precedes or follows
business meeting or discussion
37. 37
Restrictions on Entertainment
Expenses (slide 1 of 3)
Club dues
Generally not deductible
Exception: Clubs formed for public service and
community volunteerism (e.g., Kiwanis, Rotary)
Business entertainment expenses incurred at club
are still deductible (50%)
38. 38
Restrictions on Entertainment
Expenses (slide 2 of 3)
Ticket purchases for entertainment
Amounts paid in excess of face value of ticket are
not deductible
Limitation on deductibility of luxury skybox
39. 39
Restrictions on Entertainment
Expenses (slide 3 of 3)
Business gifts
Business gifts of tangible personalty with a value
of $25 or less per person per year are deductible
Incidental costs (e.g., gift-wrapping) are not included in
the cost of the gift in applying the limit
If the value is $4 or less (e.g., pen with company
name) then not subject to $25 limit
Gifts to employers or superiors are not
40. 40
Office in the Home
(slide 1 of 2)
Deductibility is very restricted due to abuse
Office must be used exclusively and on a regular
basis as:
The principal place of business, or
A place of business used by clients, patients, or
For employees, office must also be for the
convenience of the employer
41. 41
Office in the Home
(slide 2 of 2)
What constitutes principal place of
Home office qualifies as a principal place of
business if:
Taxpayer conducts admin. and mgmt. activities in the
home office, and
There is no other fixed location where taxpayer
conducts these activities
42. 42
Office in the Home Deduction
(slide 1 of 5)
Deduction can be determined in either of two
The regular (actual expense) method, or
The simplified (safe harbor) method
43. 43
Office in the Home Deduction
(slide 2 of 5)
Regular method
Relevant expenses are categorized as direct or
Direct expenses benefit only the business part of the
home (e.g., the office is repainted)
Deducted in full
Indirect expenses are for maintaining and operating the
Allocate between business and personal
44. 44
Office in the Home Deduction
(slide 3 of 5)
Regular method
Allowable home office expenses cannot create a
Amounts allowed as itemized deductions anyway
must be deducted first
e.g., mortgage interest & real estate taxes
Any disallowed amounts are carried forward and
used in future years subject to the same limitations
45. 45
Office in the Home Deduction
(slide 4 of 5)
Regular method
All home office expenses of an employee are misc.
itemized deductions, except those (such as interest
and taxes) that qualify as other personal itemized
Home office expenses of a self-employed
individual are trade or business expenses and are
deductible for AGI
46. 46
Office in the Home Deduction
(slide 5 of 5)
Simplified method
A home office expense deduction of $5 per square
foot is allowed
Since no more than 300 square feet can be counted, the
maximum deduction is limited to $1,500
No deduction is allowed for depreciation or other
actual expenses of operating the home
Otherwise deductible amounts for interest and taxes
may still be deducted in full
No carryover of unused amounts is allowed
47. 47
Other Employee Expenses
A partial list of other employee expenses that
are deductible includes:
Special clothing (uniforms)
Union dues
Professional expenses
Job hunting in same profession
Educator expenses (deductible for AGI)
Limited to $250 per year for supplies, etc. of elementary
and secondary school teachers
48. 48
The Big Picture - Example 47
Job Hunting Expenses
Return to the facts of The Big Picture on p. 9-1.
Recall that Morgan conducted an extensive job
search before obtaining her position with Kite
Because this is her first job, the expenses she
incurred in the search are not deductible.
49. 49
Contributions to Retirement Accounts
(slide 1 of 2)
Retirement plans fall into two major
classifications depending on who is covered
For employees usually follow one of two income
tax approaches
Most plans allow an exclusion from income for the
contributions the employee makes to the pension plan
Alternatively, using the approach followed by a
traditional IRA, a contributing employee is allowed a
deduction for AGI
Maximum deduction is $5,500 for 2014
50. 50
Contributions to Retirement Accounts
(slide 2 of 2)
Retirement plans for self-employed taxpayers
Called Keogh (or H.R. 10) plans
Follow the deduction approach of traditional IRAs
Amounts contributed under a plan are deductible for
51. 51
Classification of Employee Expenses
(slide 1 of 2)
Depends on whether they are reimbursed and,
if reimbursed, under what type of plan
52. 52
Classification of Employee Expenses
(slide 2 of 2)
Employers can have three types of
reimbursement plans
No reimbursement is given
53. 53
Accountable Plan
(slide 1 of 2)
Plan must require adequate accounting to the
employer for expense reimbursed, and
Any excess reimbursements must be returned
to the employer
54. 54
Accountable Plan
(slide 2 of 2)
Adequate accounting is
Submitting a record, with receipts, to the
employer, or
Using a per diem allowance that is not more than
the Federal per diem rate
Employee reports no income and takes no
deduction to the extent of the reimbursed
55. 55
Substantiation for Expenditures
(slide 1 of 2)
No deduction allowed for an expense if the
taxpayer does not have adequate records for
the expense
Therefore, taxpayers need to have good records for
employee or self-employed expenses
In some cases, use of per diem allowance will be
deemed substantiation
56. 56
Substantiation for Expenditures
(slide 2 of 2)
Records should include:
The amount of the expense
The time and place of travel or entertainment (or
date of gift)
The business purpose of the expense
The business relationship of the taxpayer to the
person entertained (or receiving the gift)
57. 57
Nonaccountable Plan
Plan that does not require adequate accounting
or return of excess reimbursement or both
Reimbursed amounts received under this plan are
included in gross income
Expenses are deductible from AGI as
miscellaneous itemized deductions subject to the
2% of AGI limitation
58. 58
Unreimbursed Employee Expenses
Expenses are deductible from AGI as
miscellaneous itemized deductions subject to
the 2% of AGI limitation
If employee could have received, but did not seek,
reimbursement for whatever reason, none of the
employment-related expenses are deductible
59. 59
Miscellaneous Itemized
Miscellaneous itemized deductions subject to
the 2% of AGI limitation
Certain miscellaneous expenses must be added
together and the amount in excess of 2% of
taxpayers AGI is deductible from AGI (i.e.,
itemized deduction reported on Sch. A)
60. 60
Examples of Miscellaneous Itemized
Deductions Subject to 2% Floor
Most reimbursed expenses under a nonaccountable
Unreimbursed employee expenses
Section 212 expenses not related to rents and
Tax return preparation fee
Hobby expenses
Investment expenses (except interest and taxes)
61. 61
Examples of Miscellaneous Itemized
Deductions Not Subject to 2% Floor
Impairment-related work expenses of
handicapped individuals
Gambling losses to the extent of winnings
Certain terminated annuity payments
62. 62
Computing 2% of AGI Limitation
(slide 1 of 2)
Taxpayer, a single individual, provides the following
information for 2014
$30,000 AGI
$ 6,500 deductible interest expense and taxes paid
$ 1,500 employee business expenses, and
$ 500 tax return preparation fee
63. 63
Computing 2% of AGI Limitation
(slide 2 of 2)
Example (contd)
Interest and taxes $6,500
Misc. expenses:
Employee bus. exp. $1,500
Tax return prep. 500
Total $2,000
Less 2% AGI - 600 1,400
Itemized deductions $7,900
64. 64
Refocus On The Big Picture (slide 1 of 5)
Several tax issues might arise as a result of Morgans
new job.
The first tax issue relates to the dependency exemption.
If Morgan was living at home and accepted the job late in the year,
she could qualify as a dependent of her parents.
If so, they might also be able to claim the qualified tuition deduction
(or the lifetime learning credit).
If, however, her employment began early in the year, it
may not be possible for her parents to claim her as a
dependent either because
She is not a qualifying child due to the self-supporting limitation,
She is not a qualifying relative due to the gross income limitation
see Chapter 3.
65. 65
Refocus On The Big Picture (slide 2 of 5)
Other tax issues would include the following.
Job hunting expenses - Morgans extensive search for employment
suggests that she may have incurred job hunting expenses
Such expenses are not deductible in a first job setting.
Moving Expenses - Her qualified moving expenses are not so restricted.
Moving expenses are deductions for AGI.
Office in the home deduction - Under the circumstances, Morgan is
justified in claiming an office in the home deduction using either the
regular method or the simplified method.
Under the regular method, the deduction would include a portion of the rent
and utilities paid and related maintenance costs.
The safe harbor method would allow Morgan $5 per square foot for business
space, but not more than 300 square feet, or $1,500.
Under either method, she would also be allowed depreciation (or expensing) of
office equipment and furnishings (e.g., computer, copier, desk, file cabinet).
She must be careful not to violate the exclusive use restriction.
66. 66
Refocus On The Big Picture (slide 3 of 5)
Travel Morgan is required to travel as part of her job and so
will use her car for business.
Thus, she will need to make a choice between the automatic mileage
method and the actual cost method.
Since her tax home is in her apartment, she will have no nondeductible
commuting expenses.
67. 67
Refocus On The Big Picture (slide 4 of 5)
Travel Allowance Tax treatment depends on whether it is an
accountable plan
If she renders an adequate accounting (and has to return any excess) to
Kite Corporation, then her allowance need not be reported on her
Federal income tax return.
Nonreimbursed amounts, however, must be allocated between meals and
entertainment (subject to the 50% cutback) and other employment-related
The balance is an itemized deduction subject to the 2 percent-of-AGI floor.
If she does not render an adequate accounting, the full allowance is
included in her gross income.
All of the meals and entertainment expenses are subject to the 50%
cutback, and
The total of all employment-related expenses is an itemized deduction
subject to the 2 percent-of-AGI floor.
68. 68
Refocus On The Big Picture (slide 5 of 5)
If Morgan started her job late in the year, it is unlikely
that she will be in a position to itemize her
Instead, she will claim the standard deduction effectively
eliminating her ability to deduct any employment-related
Morgan must maintain adequate substantiation
regarding all of these employment related
Detailed records are particularly important in arriving at
the office in the home deduction and the business use of an
automobile under the actual cost method.
69. 息 2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
If you have any comments or suggestions concerning this
PowerPoint Presentation for South-Western Federal
Taxation, please contact:
Dr. Donald R. Trippeer, CPA
SUNY Oneonta