Volcano Vocabulary List & Definitions provides key terms related to volcanoes including: disaster which refers to a catastrophic event often resulting in loss of life or property; dormant meaning not currently active; erosion as the gradual process of being worn away by natural forces; eruption as the bursting forth of material from a volcano; lava as molten rock that flows from an erupting volcano; and ash as the fine material thrown from an erupting volcano. Additional terms are magma as the molten material under the earth's crust where igneous rock forms; pumice as a light volcanic glass used for cleaning; summit referring to the topmost part; vent as an opening or outlet; and crater denoting an opening
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Volcano vocabulary list
1. Volcano Vocabulary List & Definitions
disaster A catastrophic event, often resulting in loss of life
and property.
dormant Not active.
erosion The gradual process of being eroded by the forces
of nature.
eruption The process of bursting forth.
lava Molten rock that flows out of a volcano.
ash Fine material thrown out of a volcano when it
magma Molten material under the earth's crust where
igneous rock is formed.
pumice A light glass thrown up from volcanoes used for
cleaning, smoothing, or polishing.
summit The topmost part of anything.
vent An opening or way out, an outlet.
crater An opening at the top of a volcano that is shaped
like a bowl.