Voltage drop calculator for street lights. Works with Excel 365. Get file by downloading presentation.
Open object presentation. Click 'Enable Content'. Right click over object for "Package Shell Object"->"Activate Content"->Press "OPEN" button to see VDROP folder. Open folder for the files.
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Voltage Drop Calculator for Street Lighting
1. Voltage Drop Calculator for Street Lights. Press a button to select a sheet. If
opening for the first time, disable the read only with the Options button to use.
Though in Excel 97, this sheet did work with Excel 2007 without any changes.
There is Excel VB code used to activate the buttons and other functions.
2. Enter the cable lengths to find voltage drop. Used drop down menu to select a
different wire size. ‘Length to Zero’ resets the cable lengths to zero. ‘Compare to
copper’ copies the information to another sheet for comparison.
3. The lengths are copied and a comparison is show. The copper has a lower voltage
drop. Press ‘Return’ to go back to the original sheet.
5. Multi-conductor sheet. Select the watts in the string. Use the ‘Default To’ to select a single value.
Pressing ‘Default To’ will set the sting to 100W for example. The wire size from the transformer to
the 1st light can be selected followed by the wire size to rest of the string.