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Thank you to all our
Lets look at the
impact you had this
Over 1,700 volunteers:
 Gave 54,000 hours of service
 Which equates to $1.1 Million in labor
 Which is about the work of 26 full-
time employees for a year!
Affinity volunteers ignited
the passion of alumni using
130 volunteer leaders to
match alumni with groups
they are passionate about,
from the Marching 97 to the
Wall Street Council.
AAO volunteers welcomed potential members to
the Lehigh family in 38 states and eight nations
and opened the eyes of potential students.
The Awards
Committee honored
exceptional alumni
with 25 awards.
Deborah Zajac 97, founding
member, Young Alumni
Council, 2012 Alumni Award
Athletics Partnership volunteers threw events,
bonded former athletes to campus athletics
and helped raise $2 million for student-
The Board of Directors pushed the interests of
Lehigh alumni forward.
Across the country, regional club volunteers
planned parties, networking opportunities and
cultural programs (over 300 events!) for
Lehigh alumni.
Kayaking on the Potomac with
the Lehigh DC Club
Greek Alumni Council helped keep
Greek life strong at Lehigh and
provided support for the newest
Class Leadership volunteers broke records
and kept their classmates informed with class
columns, phone calls and social media.
Class of 1987
You may see a member of the Senior Alumni
Council greeting alums in the Alumni
Association or students (over 14,000 of them!)
at the Admissions desk. They also send
birthday cards to alumni celebrating 75+ years
of a Lehigh-filled life.
Bob Kirchberger 69
Young Alumni Council made changes so that they
could reach out to the newest Lehigh alums with
events, volunteering and more.
Volunteers from every generation are donating time
to make todays Lehigh better.
# Number of Volunteers
# number of volunteers
Volunteers are making a lasting impact
across the country
What our volunteers have to say about their
Smith 55
grow over
the years
Yussen 99
around the
closer to
D'Orsi '87
her love
for Lehigh
the 25th
Thomas 02
shows young
alums the
of supporting
Thank You!
For more information about Lehighs
volunteers, testimonials from volunteers
and to find more volunteer opportunities,
head here.
Share your volunteer experience on our
Facebook page!

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Volunteer impact report

  • 1. Thank you to all our volunteers! Lets look at the impact you had this year
  • 2. Over 1,700 volunteers: Gave 54,000 hours of service Which equates to $1.1 Million in labor hours Which is about the work of 26 full- time employees for a year!
  • 3. Affinity volunteers ignited the passion of alumni using 130 volunteer leaders to match alumni with groups they are passionate about, from the Marching 97 to the Wall Street Council.
  • 4. AAO volunteers welcomed potential members to the Lehigh family in 38 states and eight nations and opened the eyes of potential students.
  • 5. The Awards Committee honored exceptional alumni with 25 awards. Deborah Zajac 97, founding member, Young Alumni Council, 2012 Alumni Award winner
  • 6. Athletics Partnership volunteers threw events, bonded former athletes to campus athletics and helped raise $2 million for student- athletes.
  • 7. The Board of Directors pushed the interests of Lehigh alumni forward.
  • 8. Across the country, regional club volunteers planned parties, networking opportunities and cultural programs (over 300 events!) for Lehigh alumni. Kayaking on the Potomac with the Lehigh DC Club
  • 9. Greek Alumni Council helped keep Greek life strong at Lehigh and provided support for the newest members.
  • 10. Class Leadership volunteers broke records and kept their classmates informed with class columns, phone calls and social media. Class of 1987 volunteers
  • 11. You may see a member of the Senior Alumni Council greeting alums in the Alumni Association or students (over 14,000 of them!) at the Admissions desk. They also send birthday cards to alumni celebrating 75+ years of a Lehigh-filled life. Bob Kirchberger 69
  • 12. Young Alumni Council made changes so that they could reach out to the newest Lehigh alums with events, volunteering and more.
  • 13. Volunteers from every generation are donating time to make todays Lehigh better. 0 100 200 300 400 500 # Number of Volunteers # number of volunteers
  • 14. Volunteers are making a lasting impact across the country
  • 15. What our volunteers have to say about their experiences: Dick Smith 55 loves watching students grow over the years David Yussen 99 connects Lehigh alumni around the world Jennifer Gonzalez 08 makes Lehigh feel closer to home Laura D'Orsi '87 showed her love for Lehigh through planning the 25th Reunion Alissa Thomas 02 shows young alums the importance of supporting Lehigh
  • 16. Thank You! For more information about Lehighs volunteers, testimonials from volunteers and to find more volunteer opportunities, head here. Share your volunteer experience on our Facebook page! Facebook.com/lehighalumni

Editor's Notes