This document outlines Ron Munitz's presentation on Android reverse engineering. Some key points:
- Ron will demonstrate the Android build process and then the "unbuild" or reverse engineering process. This will include using tools like apktool, dex2jar, and jd-gui.
- The presentation will be 50 minutes and cover decompiling an app's resources, converting dex files to jars and class files, and using a Java decompiler to view source code.
- If time allows, Ron may also demonstrate network analysis using packet interceptors.
- The slides for the presentation are available online but the focus should be on the terminal demonstration and explanation.
- Reverse engineering Android apps can
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Voxxed days Vilnius 2015 - Android Reverse Engineering Lab
Ron Munitz
Founder & CEO - The PSCG
Voxxed Days
18 September 2015
Android Reverse
Engineering Lab
(Un)Build recipes
The slides are available online at:
2. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
息 Copyright Ron Munitz 2015
3. about://Ron Munitz
Founder and CEO of the PSCG
The Premium Embedded/Android consulting and Training firm
Android*, Linux*, Security* Trainer and Instructor
The PSCG, NewCircle and the Linux Foundation
Senior Lecturer at Afeka College of Engineering and
Holon Institute of Technology
Founder and (former) CTO of Nubo Software
The first Remote Android Workspace
Always up for something new. Builder, Adviser.
Building up on diverse engineering experience:
Distributed Fault Tolerant Avionic Systems
Highly distributed video routers
Real Time, Embedded, Server bringups
Operating Systems, very esoteric libraries, 0s, 1s and lots of them.
4. Agenda: 50 minutes on fire
This is an Android Reverse Engineering lab.
That does not require profound knowledge in
Yet in order to understand unbuilding, we will
first explain the Android build process
And then explain and show the unbuild process.
The lab is Studio/Eclipse/Gradle/Studio
If time permits (and it wont), well show Network
analysis using network packet interceptors.
5. Agenda: 50 minutes on fire
The slides are published in the URL in the
title slide
But dont (completely) rely on them. The only
thing you should really care about is the
terminal, and the spoken words.
Feel free to record.
8. Android Application Build Process
The Android Asset Packaging Tool (aapt) takes your
application resource files, such as the
AndroidManifest.xml file and the XML files for your
Activities, and compiles them. An is also
produced so you can reference your resources from
your Java code.
The aidl tool converts any .aidl interfaces that you
have into Java interfaces.
All of your Java code, including the and .aidl
files, are compiled by the Java compiler and .class
files are output.
The dex tool converts the .class files to Dalvik byte
code. Any 3rd party libraries and .class files that you
have included in your project are also converted into
.dex files so that they can be packaged into the final
.apk file.
9. Android Application Build Process
All non-compiled resources (such as images),
compiled resources, and the .dex files are sent to
the apkbuilder tool to be packaged into an .apk file.
Once the .apk is built, it must be signed with either
a debug or release key before it can be installed to
a device.
Finally, if the application is being signed in release
mode, you must align the .apk with the zipalign
tool. Aligning the final .apk decreases memory
usage when the application is running on a device.
10. Application Signing
All Android applications must be signed. Application or
code signing is the process of digitally signing a given
application using a private key to:
Identify the code's author
Detect if the application has changed
Establish trust between applications
Note: A popular attack surface.
11. Odex, OBB, and the likes
The picture listed before is incomplete, because there
are additional [optional] phases:
ODEX: Optimized DEX code, or more precisely a JIT
Can be generated on build time, on on runtime,
on the fly.
Relevant for both User and platform apps.
OBB: Opaque Binary Blobs - Binaries extending
APK files. Original purpose: APK size limitation.
Generated on Build time (if at all).
User apps only (Of course platform can just load
another file, etc.)
12. Odex, OBB, and the likes
There are tools for obtaining information
from both
But dont count on the OBB, as they are completely
arbitrary file formats. Usually used for some textures,
and other resources in Games and more.
As long as an app is not Forward-Locked,
one can read entire APKs via the
And read into the class files, use the classloader,
And also just copy the APK App exporting apps.
13. Android Application Build Process
Lollipop and Marshmallow.
We will concentrate on the AOSP master
branch, as per mid-September, 2015
14. APK installation
Packages can be installed as part of the ROM
(/system), as part of the initial /data/ partition of the
ROM, via the Play store, direct links, attachments, and
adb install.
In either way, the PackageManager is responsible of
setting up the installation path and directories.
On pre Lollipop (Dalvik based) versions, the APKs were
installed, and then (possibly) JIT-ed
Or pre JIT-ed - DEX_PREOPT - Out of the scope of
this talk
On Lollipop - another phase of LLVM compiling using
dex2oat happens n the device itself
15. APK Installation: Why should one
care about JIT/OAT?
Well, in theory they shouldnt care much for
Lollipop/Marshmallow because the base
APK is redundant for installed apps.
However, Prebaked (ROM) and pre
optimized ODEX/OAT files are not
redundant to the APK, but rather split
No ODEX == No code.
Note: in Lollipop and Marshmallow all
DEX/ODEX files are really OAT files. Thats
extremely confusing, but thats the way it is.
16. Finding your files
Without getting into too many details:
Application data files go into:
Application itself (apk) goes into $ADIR:
ADIR is /data/app, /data/priv-app, system/app ,
Android Runtime OAT files go into $ODIR
We will not discuss DSOs, OBBs, and
forward locked apps at the moment.
There are ways to extract them, and except for the FL
17. ADIR ? ODIR?
These are names I made up, because the
folder hierarchy changes between versions.
For example: the OAT files (which will have
a misleading .dex extension) will be in the
following locations:
Marshmallow: Pretty much where the APK is:
Lollipop: In /data/dalvik-cache/<ARCH>/
Our examples will be on Marshmallow.
19. Reverse Engineering an App
In life, it is hard to build and easy to destroy
In Software it can be the same
But it doesnt have to.
Reverse Engineering is the process of
unbuilding. Decompiling. Extracting
information out of compiled programs
It is a fascinating domain
That can have disastrous outcomes
20. Android rev-eng Tools
Decodes resources to nearly original form and rebuild them after making
some modifications; it makes possible to debug smali code step by step.
dex2jar is a tool for converting Android's .dex format to Java's .class
format. just one binary format to another binary format, not to source.
JD-Project - jd-gui/jd-plugin
The Java Decompiler project aims to develop tools in order to decompile
and analyze Java 5 byte code and the later versions.
Custom oat2dex tools
Cut the DEX code out of the OAT code, so that the processed file would
be able to serve as input to the aforementioned tools.
21. Android rev-eng tools
Assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by dalvik, Android's Java VM
implementation. Supports the full functionality of the dex format (annotations,
debug info, line info, etc.)
Many time its MUCH EASIER to work on the smali level - especially when one
wants to modify and repackage an APK.
Androguard is mainly a tool written in python to play with :
Dex/Odex (Dalvik virtual machine) (.dex) (disassemble, decompilation),
APK (Android application) (.apk)
There are more. Commercial and non commercial
Most of the GUI tools just build on the most popular
command line tools - so we will concentrate on them.
When there is a will there is a way
There is a will. Code, data, behavioral attacks, IP.
22. Reverse Engineering an App
apktool takes your signed or
unsigned application apk and
readable AndroidMenifest.xml
All its resources.
.dex/.odex files as .smali files
which are dex disassembly.
dex2jar tool creates jars that contain .
class files of the application by
converting .dex files.
A Java Decompiler (*jd*) can then be
The source code can be retrieved
automatically by installing jd-
plugin on Eclipse and opening .
class files.
Signed Apk
.dex files Manifest
.class files Java files
23. Ahead Of Time Compiling (ART)
Experimental support before Lollipop
Default Runtime since Lollipop
AOT is a next generation JIT
In plain Italian: Your Java runs as native code.
It essentially compiles your DEX code, into
completely native code.
Seems like problem solved right?
Well not really.
Observe: oatdump --oat-file=<some file..>
24. Ahead Of Time Compiling (ART)
$ oatdump --oat-file=system@priv-app@Settings.apk@classes.dex ### Excerpts
27. Ahead Of Time Compiling (ART)
In other words the OAT files provide you with:
A full mapping from Native code to DEX byte
A full mapping from both to Java functions.
So you can apply the same techniques
for .dex file decompiling.
More tools: oat2dex, ...
28. How to oat2dex?
Search for the DEX_FILE_MAGIC
{ 0x64 0x65 0x78 0x0a 0x30 0x33 0x35 0x00 }
Get rid of everything before it, and
everything after the DEX code
Then use the Traditional tools on the
resulting file
For a Python implementation see:
29. Repackaging
Reverse Engineering is one thing. Modifying
an APK is another.
Sometimes it is easy to rebuild from Java
sources - after complete decompilation.
Most of the times its not Fallback to .
apktool d modify apktool b
baksmali modify smali
Anyway, one has to resign the applications
after modifications (and re-zipalign) using
30. Protecting Your Code
There are no 100% bullet-proof protections
There are however effective hardening methods
such as
String Encryption
Asset Encryption
Tamper Detection
And more
The tools exist at all levels: Java/ C/C++,
assembly, Javascript.
For more information - book a training
For just a teaser -look at some of my Ultimate
Android Security Checklist talks (always updating)
31. Follow up:
Android Security workshop
Public class in Tel-Aviv - October 18-20, 2015.
Discount Code: VoxxedDays1809
Private/Public classes in Lithuania?
Contact me -
33. Reversing Showcase
For resources we will
use apktool
Which are usually
available in the .
apk without charge
But in a binary
forms (i.e. XMLs)
38. Reversing Showcase
This tool will help
us open .class files
without source
In this case we
install JD-Project
as plugin to
There is also a
standalone version
39. Reversing Showcase
In order for JD-
Project to work, we
need to have the
jar in .classpath
For that we will
add jar file as
41. Reversing Showcase
But what if I dont have Eclipse?
Use jd-gui (my current choice)
Use other commercials or non commercials tools
There is also a plugin for Android Studio, but
it is not yet considered stable.