1. Errors were found in a self-audit but steps have been taken to correct them.
2. The bank opens from 8:30 to 3:30.
3. Questions can be directed to a provided phone number or email.
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Voz pasiva 2015
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Voz Pasiva
Voz Activa: The clerk made a mistake in your account
Sujeto verbo C.D. C.I.
Voz Pasiva: A mistake was made in your account by the clerk
C.D. + verbo tobe+ p.p. + C.I. + (by) sujeto nominal
C.D.= complemento directo (¿qué? – ¿quién?)
C.I.= complemento indirecto (¿dónde? – ¿Cuándo? – ¿Cómo? – ¿Por qué?)
P.P.= participio pasado
Tiempos de la voz pasiva
Presente simple: Sujeto (c.d.) + is/are/am + p.p
The store is opened at 8:30 La tienda es abierta / se abre a las 8:30
Pasado simple: Sujeto (c.d.) + was / were + p.p
The mistake was corrected el error fue corregido / se corrigió
Futuro: Sujeto (c.d.) + will be (won’t be) + p.p
The report will be reviewed El informe será revisado/ se se revisará
Presente Perfecto: Sujeto (c.d.) + have / has been + p.p
The current status report has been attached El informe de su situación actual ha sido adjuntado/ se ha
Pasado perfecto: Sujeto (c.d.) + had been + p.p
The code had been lost El código había sido (se había) perdido
Verbos modales: Sujeto (c.d.) + modal + be + p.p
The objectives must be accomplished Los objetivos deben ser logrados/ se deben lograr
Feasible goals should be suggested Metas alcanzables deberían ser sugeridas/ se deberían sugerir
All the accounts can be assessed in one day todas las cuentas pueden ser revisadas/ se puede revisar en
un día
Some accounting vacancies would be opened Algunos puestos de contaduría serían abiertos / se
Tiempos continuo: Sujeto (c.d.) + to be+ being + p.p
The employees are being evaluated Los empleados están siendo evaluados
The computers were being upgraded Las computadoras estaban siendo actualizadas
Algunas consideraciones:
1.- Cuando la voz pasiva aparece al final de la oración, especialmente después de un
sujeto muy largo, esta debe traducirse al principio de la oración
New data related to the investigation that you are doing were discovered
A better way to execute some of the operations must be created
Some of the items in the list have not been found
2.- Cuando la voz pasiva es seguida del infinitive (to), se debe agregar un “que” y reorganizar
la oración en español para dar mejor sentido.
Computers are considered to be indispensable in a company
Bosses are expected to be good leaders for his/her workers
2. 2
This program has been shown to help with the work
Some strategies were found to work better than others
You are supposed to bring the presentation
3.- Otras voces pasivas comunes:
As seen: como se ve
When …ing: cuando se …
While … ing: mientras se …
As shown: como se demostró
As seen in the graphics, sales rose this month
When driving it is not recommendable to talk on the phone
It is a good idea to have all documents at hand while preparing taxes
As shown in the results the project is not financially viable.
a.- Errors were found in the self-audit, but steps have been taken to correct them.
b.- The bank is opened from 8:30 to 3:30
c.- If you have questions, I can be reached at 712 288-1144, or you could send an e-mail
d.- Not before the survey responses have been collected and tabulated will it be possible to
know the opinions of our employees.
e.- If most of the opinions expressed by the survey respondents are negative, then more
research may be needed before we can proceed with the project.
F,.- Two serious omissions of income were discovered and corrected before the accounting
records were reviewed by the auditor.
g.- The financial projections were prepared for us by the accountant.
h.- Financial decisions should be taken with basis on accurate reports
i.- Our auditors have reviewed our accounting practices and considered them to be adequate
j.- Your account will be handled by our best talent.
k.- Some accounting practices are believed to be unnecessary
l.- As seen in the chart, the results are very convincing
** Recuerdaextraer el vocabulario