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E-Learning Course

 Lessons on Force

   Tutor: Yangzom

              Academic Vision                                E-Learning Vision
The students will become familiar with the      This course aims to equip the students with
concept of force and its application in daily   basic knowledge and application of
life.                                           technology as used in e learning.


Instructor Profile


Students Profile


Environment Profile

Class Strength: 20

No. of Lesson: 1

No. of Activities: 2

Time: 50 minutes

Mode of Instruction: Synchronous and Asynchronous

Learning Materials: notes, powerpoint, video clip

Course Content Objectives                        General Knowledge Objectives
After studying the chapter on force, each        At the end of the course, each student should
student should be able to:                       be able to:
ï‚· Define force in their own words.
ï‚· Describe the effects of force.                 ï‚·   Explain the concept of e-learning
ï‚· Derive the units of force.                     ï‚·   Follow the given directions to access
ï‚· Apply the relation F=ma to calculate               various materials on the web
    simple numerical problems on force.          ï‚·   Improve their typing speed
ï‚· Classify the two types of force with           ï‚·   Upload or download documents or
    examples.                                        information from the web
ï‚· Explain friction.                              ï‚·   Carry out proper (individual and
ï‚· Differentiate the types of frictional force.       collaborative) synchronous and
                                                     asynchronous discussion
ï‚· Appreciate the use of force in the simplest
    of everyday activities.                      ï‚·   Synthesize instructor and peer comments
                                                     in online discussions and respond
                                                 ï‚·   Perform web research
                                                 ï‚·   Evaluate the quality of websites through
                                                     their own understanding and use of it
                                                 ï‚·   Follow the netiquettes to carry out
                                                     academic e-learning

Getting-Started Resources

Introduction to Course and Coursesite

      Students to read How-to’s about the course and coursesite developed by the instructor
   ï‚·   Survey form to gather information on the usability of the course site
   ï‚·   Evaluation form for students to assess the coursesite and course content at the end of
       the course delivery

Course Syllabus

   ï‚·   Definition on force
   ï‚·   Effects of force
   ï‚·   Units of force
   ï‚·   Contact and non-contact force
   ï‚·   Friction as a contact force; Advantages and limitations of friction

Content Delivery               Course Content Resources

No. of Total Lessons           6
Lesson Materials               Notes, slide show, video clips, third-party websites, guest
                               speaker presentation
Course Delivery Resources      Quiz, write-ups, question and answers, discussions, course
                               assessment form
Assessment                     Coursesite assessment form

Course Materials            Facebook group, discussion through chats and comments, and
                            Google site, digital documents, e-books
Course and Course-site Assessment Resources

   ï‚·   Course Assessment Checklist
   ï‚·   Coursesite Assessment Checklist

    Topic           Learning             Activity              Assessment              Date
                    materials                              Course Objectives
1   What is     Notes on           Students asked to     The teacher will            March 1
    force?      introduction to    define force in their choose the best writing
                the concept of     own words and         and notify it on the
                force              compile atleast three course site with an
                Uses of force to   uses of force each in attached copy of it.
                push, pull,        everyday life in      Others will be asked to
                stretch, squeeze   terms of push, pull, judge and comment.
                and compress       stretch, squeeze and

                                   Type the activity in
                                   Google document
                                   and upload it on the
                                   course site.
2   Effects     The teacher        Students find the      The teacher will         March 7
    of force    will post an       required information   evaluate the students’
                announcement       and upload it on the   ability to synthesize
                for the students   course site.           the comments of
                to do a web                               friends and if they
                search to find  There will be an          follow the netiquettes.
                information on  asynchronous              The teacher will
                the effects of  discussion                choose the best
                force, prepare afacilitated by a          comment and post it on
                powerpoint      student member            the course site. Others
                slide show and  appointed by the          will be asked to further
                upload on       teacher about their       comment on it.
                slideshare.net  findings on the
                                effects of force.
                                {The teacher will
                                notify the day and
                                the time.}
3   Units of    Video clip on   Students will watch       Students will visit this   March 8
    force       Newton’s        the video clip posted     web and solve the
    and         Second Law      on the course site        questions given/ I’ll
    calculati   F=ma            and describe how          develop these
    on of                       F=ma, and will use        questions in google
    simple      http://www.ck1 the equation to            form and ask children
    numeric     2.org/concept/N derive the units as       to submit the answers.
    al          ewtons-First-   well. Students are
    problem     and-Second-     asked to write down       http://www.seethesolut
    s based     Laws-of-        their own                 ions.net/practice-
    on the      Motion/?ref=% understanding of the        exams-
    formula     2Fconcept%2F relation between F,          topic/69/?hideanswers
    of unit     Units-of-       m and a. They will        =1
    of force    Force%2F        upload their answer
                                written on a Google
                                document and the
                                teacher will provide

    Friction   ºÝºÝߣshow on       Students will read                                 March 14
    as a       the concept of     the slides and grab                                March 15
4   Contact    friction           an overview of the
    force      http://www.slid    concept of friction
                                  Students will view       The teacher will assess
               Video clip on      the video and            the project and grade
               friction           answer the questions     their work.
               https://www.yo     posted by the
               utube.com/watc     teacher on the site.
               h?v=0iTDu45_       Students will design
               9mc                a simple experiment
                                  to demonstrate the
                                  force of friction,
                                  shoot a short video
                                  on it explaining the
                                  features, and upload
                                  it on the coursesite.    Students will solve the
                                  Students will also       problems and post their
                                  solve the questions      answers via a facebook
                                  related to friction      group.
                                  posted by the
                                  teacher on the site.
5   Advanta                       Students will gather     The teacher will grade    March 18
    ges and                       as many advantages,      and send it to the
    disadva                       disadvantages of         students through gmail
    ntages                        friction in real life,
    of                            make a report in
    friction                      Google document,
                                  and submit it to the
                                  teacher by attaching
                                  it to Gmail.
6   Increasi    Related          The students will        The teacher will         March 21
    ng and      websites         explore the related      evaluate the work and
    decreasi    http://wiki.answ websites and some        provide comments, and
    ng          ers.com/Q/How    websites on their        will visit the ‘history’
    friction    _do_you_increa   own, and discuss         and comment on their
                se_friction_bet  their understanding      participation.
                ween_two_surf    in groups using a
                ace              Google form. They
                                 will submit the final
                http://greenans version to the
                wers.com/q/115 teacher.


Lessons will be delivered as per the plan through online lessons.


Course and course site assessment forms will be posted on the website for the learners to fill

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  • 1. E-Learning Course Physics Lessons on Force Tutor: Yangzom
  • 2. THE VPODDDA COURSE INSTRUCTION CYCLE VISION PHASE Academic Vision E-Learning Vision The students will become familiar with the This course aims to equip the students with concept of force and its application in daily basic knowledge and application of life. technology as used in e learning. PROFILE PHASE Instructor Profile https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lwX_UwUtlcoDYIefKkgfUTnavD6dbtraaPQWCU3v4t E/viewform Students Profile https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nUyer_2oQpgTC0QbDEW_Ri7JmLxAVmln5xJ5dU1rl J0/viewform Environment Profile Class Strength: 20 No. of Lesson: 1 No. of Activities: 2 Time: 50 minutes Mode of Instruction: Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning Materials: notes, powerpoint, video clip
  • 3. OBJECTIVES PHASE Course Content Objectives General Knowledge Objectives After studying the chapter on force, each At the end of the course, each student should student should be able to: be able to: ï‚· Define force in their own words. ï‚· Describe the effects of force. ï‚· Explain the concept of e-learning ï‚· Derive the units of force. ï‚· Follow the given directions to access ï‚· Apply the relation F=ma to calculate various materials on the web simple numerical problems on force. ï‚· Improve their typing speed ï‚· Classify the two types of force with ï‚· Upload or download documents or examples. information from the web ï‚· Explain friction. ï‚· Carry out proper (individual and ï‚· Differentiate the types of frictional force. collaborative) synchronous and asynchronous discussion ï‚· Appreciate the use of force in the simplest of everyday activities. ï‚· Synthesize instructor and peer comments in online discussions and respond appropriately ï‚· Perform web research ï‚· Evaluate the quality of websites through their own understanding and use of it ï‚· Follow the netiquettes to carry out academic e-learning
  • 4. DESIGN PHASE Getting-Started Resources Introduction to Course and Coursesite ï‚· Students to read How-to’s about the course and coursesite developed by the instructor ï‚· Survey form to gather information on the usability of the course site ï‚· Evaluation form for students to assess the coursesite and course content at the end of the course delivery Course Syllabus ï‚· Definition on force ï‚· Effects of force ï‚· Units of force ï‚· Contact and non-contact force ï‚· Friction as a contact force; Advantages and limitations of friction Content Delivery Course Content Resources No. of Total Lessons 6 Lesson Materials Notes, slide show, video clips, third-party websites, guest speaker presentation Course Delivery Resources Quiz, write-ups, question and answers, discussions, course assessment form Assessment Coursesite assessment form Course Materials Facebook group, discussion through chats and comments, and Google site, digital documents, e-books Course and Course-site Assessment Resources ï‚· Course Assessment Checklist ï‚· Coursesite Assessment Checklist
  • 5. DEVELOPMENT PHASE Topic Learning Activity Assessment Date materials Course Objectives 1 What is Notes on Students asked to The teacher will March 1 force? introduction to define force in their choose the best writing the concept of own words and and notify it on the force compile atleast three course site with an Uses of force to uses of force each in attached copy of it. push, pull, everyday life in Others will be asked to stretch, squeeze terms of push, pull, judge and comment. and compress stretch, squeeze and compress. Type the activity in Google document and upload it on the course site. 2 Effects The teacher Students find the The teacher will March 7 of force will post an required information evaluate the students’ announcement and upload it on the ability to synthesize for the students course site. the comments of to do a web friends and if they search to find There will be an follow the netiquettes. information on asynchronous The teacher will the effects of discussion choose the best force, prepare afacilitated by a comment and post it on powerpoint student member the course site. Others slide show and appointed by the will be asked to further upload on teacher about their comment on it. slideshare.net findings on the effects of force. {The teacher will notify the day and the time.} 3 Units of Video clip on Students will watch Students will visit this March 8 force Newton’s the video clip posted web and solve the and Second Law on the course site questions given/ I’ll calculati F=ma and describe how develop these on of F=ma, and will use questions in google simple http://www.ck1 the equation to form and ask children numeric 2.org/concept/N derive the units as to submit the answers. al ewtons-First- well. Students are problem and-Second- asked to write down http://www.seethesolut s based Laws-of- their own ions.net/practice- on the Motion/?ref=% understanding of the exams- formula 2Fconcept%2F relation between F, topic/69/?hideanswers of unit Units-of- m and a. They will =1 of force Force%2F upload their answer written on a Google document and the teacher will provide
  • 6. feedback. Friction ºÝºÝߣshow on Students will read March 14 as a the concept of the slides and grab March 15 4 Contact friction an overview of the force http://www.slid concept of friction eshare.net/sufal thedude/friction -11534716 Students will view The teacher will assess Video clip on the video and the project and grade friction answer the questions their work. https://www.yo posted by the utube.com/watc teacher on the site. h?v=0iTDu45_ Students will design 9mc a simple experiment to demonstrate the force of friction, shoot a short video on it explaining the features, and upload it on the coursesite. Students will solve the Students will also problems and post their solve the questions answers via a facebook related to friction group. posted by the teacher on the site. 5 Advanta Students will gather The teacher will grade March 18 ges and as many advantages, and send it to the disadva disadvantages of students through gmail ntages friction in real life, of make a report in friction Google document, and submit it to the teacher by attaching it to Gmail.
  • 7. 6 Increasi Related The students will The teacher will March 21 ng and websites explore the related evaluate the work and decreasi http://wiki.answ websites and some provide comments, and ng ers.com/Q/How websites on their will visit the ‘history’ friction _do_you_increa own, and discuss and comment on their se_friction_bet their understanding participation. ween_two_surf in groups using a ace Google form. They will submit the final http://greenans version to the wers.com/q/115 teacher. 710/science- technology/phy sics/other/what- are-ways- reducing-and- increasing- DELIVERY PHASE Lessons will be delivered as per the plan through online lessons. ASSESSMENT PHASE Course and course site assessment forms will be posted on the website for the learners to fill up.