VPOSS for all Industries
1.) Optometry & Optical
Store and retrieve customer records
Optometrists require systems that can store a lot of information, including prescription records of their customers. Returning customers records can easily be retrieved for a fuss-free experience. The system must also be able to help the optometrist keep track of their customers eye-wear, and when they are ready for collection.
Easy deposits and collection
VPOSS supports the deposit function, which is necessary for optometrists. The system allows for easy deposits for individual customers, and can also help to keep track of when orders are ready for collection. It can also issue sales and tax invoices.
Keep track of your stock
The system lends ease to stock transfers, and adjustments for daily stock counts. Make things easier with VPOSS barcode scanning capabilities, and receive real time reports.
2.) Retail
Manage your inventory and stock
Easily keep track of what you have, and manage your numbers with an adjustment feature for daily stock counts.
Make your sales convenient
Barcode scanning capabilities make sales a breeze, and real time reports provide necessary information. To facilitate hassle free store membership joinings, register customer profiles on the spot through the system.
3.) Franchise
Manage multiple outlets
Keep track of multiple outlets, and manage them individually with separate order IDs, login accounts, and commission schemes. Separate purchase orders by branch, and easily organise for stocks transfers between branches.
Keep your stock in check
Barcode scanning capabilities, stock adjustment for daily counts, and daily reports make it easy for keeping track of all your stock.
Register customers for membership
Easily convert walk-in customers to members with the system, and register customer profiles on the spot.
4.) Services
Manage and maintain customer relationships
Easily access and record customer details on the spot for quick retrieval later. This provides plenty of avenues for premium customer servicing with their history records ready on hand. Real time reports also available.
Personalised commission schedules
Set up a flexible commission schedule for staffers, and choose from either sales volume, or products.
5.) Boutique
Manage your inventory and stocks
Adjust stock numbers easily after daily stock count, and retrieve and manage inventory numbers at a glance. Real time reports available.
Keep customers close
Manage and maintain customer relationships and record information on the spot via VPOSS POS.
Set up staff commission schedules
Take care of staffers commission schedules by setting up flexible systems, either by sales volume or products.
2. Login
VPOSS running on any HTML5 support web browser. It
mean you can run VPOSS on cross platform and device,
such as desktop PC, Laptop, iPad or Android tablet
The same interface for system admin, branchs manager
and staff access
5. Supplier
VPOSS allow system admin to
register supplier information
To provide better quality control,
system admin can assign selected
product to the supplier so that
branchs manager compulsory order
the item from the supplier
6. Purchase Order
VPOSS come with in-built purchase
order. System admin or branchs
manager can direct issue PO to the
supplier for stock purchase, and
send to selected warehouse or
It support hard copy print out for
email or fax to the supplier
7. Stock Transfer
Stock transfer in VPOSS is flexible
enough to handle all kind of
situation, such as:
For System admin:
Warehouse to warehouse
Warehouse to branch
Branch to branch
For Branchs manager:
Own branch to other branch
8. Return Order
We understand item delivered by
supplier might not in good condition
VPOSS allow system admin direct
issue return order based on the PO
and send to supplier
9. Categories
VPOSS support unlimited
categories with multiple level
Additional function provided in
category level include:
Quantity control Not all item
require quantity control, such as
services and you have control
Commission You can set
commission based on category
10. Products
VPOSS support unlimited products
with photo
Additional function provided
Cost You can set the cost of the
product for reference
Minimum Price Allow staff to
give flexible discount but yet have
Commission Not all product
under commission calculation. You
can control at product level
11. Products
Additional function provided
Barcode VPOSS support multiple
type of barcode format and allow to
print on the spot
Customer Group You can assign
discount based on customer group
and control at product level
13. Branch
Each branch/outlet is identical.
VPOSS allow system admin to set
different order ID by different prefix
for audit purposes
14. Commission
VPOSS support 2 types of
Based on sales volume
Based on Category
Sales volume commission is
identical for each branch/outlet
because we understand different
environment produce different
amount in sales. For example, outlet
in Mega shopping mall vs urbans
15. POS Access
VPOSS support unlimited POS
access account with 2 levels:
System admin allow to assign
different commission scheme based
on each account or by level
16. Stock
During daily stock count, stock lost
or damage might happen
VPOSS provide stock adjustment
function to align stocks quantity in
retail and VPOSS
18. Clean and Touch
friendly interface
VPOSS provide modern, yet clean
and touch screen friendly interface
Staff can choose product by touch
on the image or using barcode
19. Discount
VPOSS come with 2 types of
Based on fixed amount
Based on percentage
With minimum price control,
VPOSS will alert the staff if given
discounted price below minimum
In certain cases, VPOSS allow
manager to enter bypass code to sell
below minimum price
20. Payment
VPOSS support multiple payment
method such as cash, VISA,
MasterCard, Debit and others
One unique point for VPOSS is we
support deposit, and suitable for
business collect deposit
22. Product detail
In you are using iPad, Android or
Windows tablet as device, VPOSS is a
great tool for product presentation
to your customer
We display product information on
the screen and within a second, turn
your stuff into professional
23. Customer
VPOSS come with CRM and easily
to register your walk-in customer
information within a click
You can keep track your customer
information, order history and
additional record (Such as medical
record if use for pharmacy)
24. Pending Order
VPOSS support pending order. You
can serve the next customer without
waiting for existing customer to
complete the order
25. Invoice &
VPOSS not only support normal
thermal printer receipt, but support
sales invoice or tax invoice to cater
for your business need
27. Database
VPOSS can keep track all customer
information, no matter which branch
or outlet they from
You can use the database for
future marketing
28. Record
VPOSS can keep unlimited
customers history record and print
out in hard copy. You can use it to
keep customers medical record,
health condition and etc
29. Order History
You can view your customers
order history from the tab. Based on
the past order history, staff can
recommend suitable product to the
customer to serve them better as
priority customer
31. Inventory
Inventory report show you the
quantity of items in each warehouse
or branch
Filter: by date, by warehouse, by
branch, by category
32. Stock
Stock movement report display
stock-in and stock-out record
among warehouse and branch to
give you a better picture where your
stock go
Filter: by date
33. Daily
Daily settlement report provide
type of payment receive on the date
on selected branch
Filter: by date, by branch, by sales
person, by payment method
34. Sales Volume
Sales volume report provide
overview of sales information over
the selected period
Filter: by date, by branch
35. Sales Volume
by customer
Sales volume by customer report
provide insight and more detail
transaction about the selected
Filter: by date, by branch, by
customer, by sales person
36. Commission
Commission report auto calculate
the staffs commission by selected
date. You dont need to do manual
calculation anymore
Filter: by date, by branch, by sales
37. Pending
If your business running on
deposit, you might want to know
who havent clear the balance. The
report will do the job
Filter: by date, by branch, by sales