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Curriculum Vitae
Associate Professor & Head
PG Department of Chemistry
Pachaiyappas College for Men
Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India-631 501.
Mobile: 94884 39279
E-mail address: 1967sssr@gmail.com
Educational Qualifications:
Ph.D., 1990-1996 Physical Chemistry
University of Madras, Guindy
Campus, A.C. Tech.,
Chennai  600 025.
M.Sc., 1988 - 1990
General Chemistry R.K.M.Vivekananda College,
Mylapore, Chennai-600 004.
B.Sc., 1985-1988 General Chemistry A.A. Govt. Arts College, Cheyyar.
HSC (+2)
1982 -1984
First Group
(Maths, Physics,
Chemistry, Biology)
Govt. Higher Secondary School,
Vandavasi, T.V.Malai D.St.,
S.S.L.C (10th
1980 - 1982
Tamil, English, Maths,
Science, History
Govt. High School, Ponnur,
T.V.Malai D.St.,
Teaching Experience:
1. B.Sc., Chemistry, Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram, from
01.07.1996 Till Date.
2. M.Sc., Chemistry, Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram, from
07.02.2006 Till Date.
Research Topics for Ph.D. Thesis:
Triphase Catalysis: (Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Polymer
Supported Catalyst and Reagent in Organic Synthesis).
Work Experience:
Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF):
1. Dept. of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan,
R.O.C. 7th
Feb 2003- 31st
July 2004.
2. Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Hung Kuang University, Shalu, Taichung
County, Taiwan 43302, R.O.C. 1st
Aug 2004-27th
July 2006.
Awarded Joint CSIR-UGC (NET) Junior Research Fellowship (Dec.1989) by
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India.
Hands on Experiences in Research:
Polymer Supported Reagents:
1. Synthesis of insoluble polymer supported Benzyldiphenylamine  TiCl4 Complex
( PSBDPA - TiCl4 ).
2. Synthesis of polymer Supported pyridine - TiCl4 Complex (PVP TiCl4 ).
3. Synthesis of polymer Supported pyridine N-Oxide- TiCl4 Complex
(PVPNO- TiCl4 ).
4. Kinetic study of Ketalization and Acetalization reactions using the above
complexes as catalysts.
5. Esterfication of Acrylic acid with n-butanol using PVP- TiCl4.
6. Esterfication of n-Octanol with acetic acid using PVPNO-TiCl4.
7. Alkylation of Cyclohexanone with n-Butyl bromide under Triphase catalysis
(Insoluble phase transfer catalyst) condition.
Determination of carotenoids in human serum by using HPLC:
 Extraction of Various Carotenoids in Human Serum.
 Extraction of Various Carotenoids from Vegetables and Fruits.
 Extensive Experience in HPLC chromatographic separation.
 Extraction of Isoflavones from Fruits.
 Isomerization of various Carotenes under Ultrasonic and Illumination Condition.
Phase-Transfer Catalysis (PTC):
1. Synthesis of thioethers by using PTC and ultrasound.
2. Synthesis of epoxides under ultra sound assisted PTC conditions.
3. Synthesis of dichlorocarbene addition to alkenes under PTC condition.
4. C and N - Alkylation reaction under PTC condition.
5. Esterfication reaction under PTC condition.
6. Synthesis of acrylate polymers under biphase condition using PTC.
7. Synthesis of Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalysts and its Catalytic Activity for
Various Organic Reactions.
8. Preparation of Pb2Ru2O7 (Lead Ruthenium Pyrochlore) and its catalytic activity
towards various Oxidation Reactions.
Instruments Handled:
1. GC 17A, Shimadzu, Gas Chromatography.
2. Agilent 1100 model High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
3. Perkin Elmer Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometer.
4. Shimadzu FT-IR 8300 IR spectrophotometer.
5. Chemito UV-Visible Spectrophotometer.
6. Agilent 1100 GC-Mass spectrometer.
7. Sonicator.
Academic Activity:
1. Chief - Superintendent for Tamil Nadu Open University at Pachaiyappas
College for Men, Kanchipuram for the period of May/June 2007.
2. Chief-Superintendent for University of Madras at Pachaiyappas College for
Men, Kanchipuram for the periode of Apr/May 2007 and Nov 2007.
3. Chief-Superintendent for Tamil Nadu Teacher Educational University at
Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram for the periode of May/June
2007 and Nov.2007.
4. Care Taker NCC Officer Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram, from
April 2000 to March 2002.
5. Eaxaminer of Board Member for Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa
Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram-631 561.
6. B.Sc., and M.Sc., Chemistry Syllabus Board Member for University of Madras,
Chennai, March 2013.
7. M.Sc., Chemistry Question Paper setter for Madras Christian College, Chennai,
Dhanalakshmi Kandhaswamy Mudaliyar College, Vellore, Sri
Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University,
Enathur, Kanchipuram- 631 561.
8. PG Soft Skill Question paper Setter and Internal Examiner for the period of April
2008 to Nov.2009.
9. Council Member for Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram, from May
2007 to till date.
10. Reviewer for Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (Elsevier  Impact Factor 3.56) from
January 2013 onwards.
11. Reviewer for Industrial Engineering Chemistry & Research (ACS Journal) from
January 2010 till date.
12. Reviewer for Journal of Applied Polymer Science  Wiley from June 2013
13. Officer for Youth Red Cross (YRC) at Pachaiyappas College for Men,
Kanchipuram from June 2013, till date.
14. Discipline and Anti-Ragging committee member at Pachaiyappas College for
Men, Kanchipuram.
15. Internship conducting for M.Sc., Chemistry Students.
16. Summer course allotment for M.Sc., Chemistry Students.
17. Dean and Evening College Professor In-charge for Shift II at Pachaiyappas
College for Men, Kanchipuram from Sep.2012 to June 2013.
18. M.Phil., Chemistry Dissertation Valuation Examiner for Sri Chandrashekarendra
Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram
- 631 561.
19. M.Phil., Chemistry Viva-Voce Examiner for Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi
Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram.
20. Conducting Joint-CSIR-UGC NET Model Examinations for second M.Sc.,
Chemistry students at Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram.
21. Special Inviting Lecturers (Senior Professors) from University of Madras and
Gurunanak College, Chennai, for M.Sc., Chemistry Students at
Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram.
22. Act as a Invited Lecture at Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa
Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University on 6, 7th
March 2013 (National Seminar)
on Applications of Phase-Transfer Catalysis for preparing medicinally
important compounds.
Ph.D., Guided:
Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University
Enathur, Kanchipuram - 631 561.
1. Organic reactions under heterogeneous condition using phase-transfer
catalysis  A kinetic study, V. Selvaraj (Awarded, 30th
March 2014).
2. Polymerization of vinylic monomers under phase  transfer catalysis
condition  A kinetic study, S. Kavitha (Awarded, 12th
May 2014).
2. Kinetics of organic reactions under heterogeneous condition, S. Loganathan
(Awarded, 14th
May 2014).
4. Application of polymer supported catalysts and reagents in organic reactions.
K. Harikumar (Ph.D., Thesis submitted).
5. P. Abimannan, Project Fellow for the UGC awarded Major Research
Project work From 10th
June 2013 to 9th
June 2016.
M.Phil., Guided:
Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University
Enathur, Kanchipuram-631 561.
1. A new multi  site phase - transfer catalyst assisted polymerization of
acrylonitrile A Kinetic study.
P. Sakthivel (Enrolment Number: 1111CH011) December  2012
2. A Kinetic study of methyl acrylate polymerization under new phase-transfer
catalyst Condition.
K.Thirumalai (Enrolment Number: 1111CHO17) December-2012
3. Polymerization of Methylmethacrylate under Multi-Site Phase-Transfer
Catalysis Condition  A Kinetic Study.
V. Arunsakthi, (Enrolment Number: No: 1112CH002).
4. Combined effect of sonication and a new phase- transfer catalyst for the
hexylation of alpha naphthol- A kinetic study.
C. Sathishkumar (Enrolment Number: 1112CH016) December-2013
5. Polymerization of butyl methacrylate under multi-site phase-transfer catalysis
Condition - A kinetic study.
G.Thiyagarajan (Enrolment Number: 1112CH020) December-2013
6. Ultrasound Assisted N-Butylation of 硫 -Napthol under Heterogeneous
Condition  A Kinetic Study.
L. Madhavan (Enrolment Number: 1112CH011) December-2013
7. Ultrasound Assisted C-Alkylation of isobutyraldehyde under a new multisite-
Phase transfer catalyst- A Kinetic Study.
M.Mohammed illiyas(Enrolment Number :1113CH009) Auguest-2015
8. Copolymerization of glycidyl methacrylate and Acrylonitrile under
Heterogeneous condition in the presence of sonication  A kinetic study.
T.Saranya(Enrolment Number :1113CH020) Auguest-2015
9. Polymerization of allyl methacrylate under multi-site phase transfer catalysis
Condition with Ultrasonic irradiation- A kinetic study.
S.Vedachalam(Enrolment Number: 1113CH016) Auguest-2015
10. Ultrasound Assisted Dichlorocyclo propanation of 1,5-cucloctadiene under a
New multi-site phase transfer catalyst-A kinetic study.
K.Vinoth Kumar(Enrolment Number: 1113CH019) Auguest-2015
Bharathidhasan University (M. Phil., Degree):
1. Synthesis of 4-nirophenoxy derivative using a new multi-site phase-transfer
catalyst under heterogeneous condition
P. Abimannan (Reg. No: 2K12FT-38855)
Annamalai University (M. Phil., Degree):
1. N-Akylation of Imidazole under Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalyst.
T. Sankar (Enrolment Number: 4250600501) March  2008.
2. Polymerization of Vinylic Esters under Heterogeneous Condition.
V. Joy Cecily (Enrolment Number: 4250600138) April  2008.
3. Effect of Phase-Transfer Catalysts in the Polmerization of Vinylic Esters.
S. Rukmani (Enrolment Number: 4250600139) April  2008.
4. Polymerization of Vinylic Esters under Phase-Transfer Catalysis Condition.
C. Sudha (Enrolment Number: 4250600626) May  2008.
5. Polymerization of Vinylic Monomers in the Presence of Multisite Phase
Transfer Catalyst.
C. Malathy (Enrolment Number: 4250600141) August  2008.
6. Polymerization of Vinylic Monomers by Phase Transfer Catalysis
B. Hemamalini (Enrolment Number: 4250600628) August  2008.
7. Polymerization of Vinylic Monomers under Biphasic Condition
M. Sudha (Enrolment Number: 4250600543) September  2008.
8. N  Alkylation of Pyrrole under Multi-Site Phase Transfer Catalysis Condition
M. S. Sri Priya (Enrolment Number: 4250600218) October  2008.
9. Preparation of Polymers Under Heterogeneous Condition Using Multi-Site
Phase Transfer Catalysis Condition  A Kinetic Study.
R. Santha Mageswari (Enrolment Number: 4250600627) February  2009.
10. Multisite Phase Transfer Catalyst Assisted Polymerization of Vinylic
Monomers under Heterogeneous Condition.
M. Sharmila (Enrolment Number: 4250600333) March  2009.
Madurai Kamaraj University (M.Phil., Degree):
1. Polymerization of Methylmethacrylate and Ethylmethacrylate in the Presence of
Multi-Site Phase Transfer Catalyst  A Kinetic Study.
K. Kanchana (Enrolment Number: A7A6233001) June  2008
M. Sc., Guided / Guidance:
1. O-Allylation of Phenol under Phase-Transfer Catalyst.
M. Mohammad Illiyas (Reg. No: 2290093)
2. O-Allylation of Naphthol under Phase-Transfer Catalyst.
K.Vinoth Kumar (Reg. No: 2290097)
3. Preparation of N-Benzylimidazol using a New Multi  Site Phase Transfer
G. Tamilarasan (Reg. No: 2300091)
4. Preparation of 1,3 bis (allyloxy) benzene Under a New Multi  Site Phase 
Transfer Catalyst.
B. Umesh (Reg. No: 2300092)
5. Preparation of Allylphenylether under a New Multi  Site Phase  Transfer
V. Prakash (Reg. No: 2300089)
6. Preparation of 14 bis (allyloxy) benzene Under a New Multi  Site Phase 
Transfer Catalyst.
P. Rajkumar (Reg. No: 2300090)
7. Alkylation of Beta-naphthol under phase transfer condition.
B. Iswariya (Reg. No: 2320117)
A. Jayapriya (Reg. No: 2320118)
8. Synthesis of n-Butyl-2-naphthyl ether under heterogeneous condition.
S. Ramkumar (Reg. No: 2320113)
K. Lakashmi (Reg. No: 2320121)
9. Hexylation of 2-Naphthol with phase transfer catalyst.
C. Deenadhayalan (Reg. No: 2320110)
G. Sridevi (Reg. No: 2320130)
10. Preparation of 1-Butoxy-4-nitrobenzene under PTC condition.
D.R. Komathi (Reg. No: 2320120)
V. Rajalakshmi (Reg. No: 2320126)
11. Polymerization of Ethylmethacrylate under phase transfer catalysis condition.
A . Jayaseelan (Reg. No: 2320111)
D. Suresh (Reg. No: 2320114)
R. Praveen Kumar (Reg. No: 2320112)
1. Dr. J. Santhanalakshmi, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Professor and Head
Department of Physical Chemistry,
University of Madras,
Guindy Campus, Chennai
Tamil Nadu,
India 600 025
E-mail : drjslakshmi06@yahoo.co.in
Phone No : 044-22202816
Mobile No : 09884871752
2. Dr.S.Kaliraj, M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Pachaiyappas College for Men,
Tamil Nadu, India-631 501.
E-mail : kalirajpcm@gmail.com.
Mobile No : 9443521772.
3. Dr. P. Sekar, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
C.Kandaswamy Naidu College,
Anna Nagar, Chennai,
India-600 102.
Mobile No : 9841127410.
4. Dr. Bing Hui Chen, M.S., Ph.D.,
Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences,
Fu Jen Catholic University,
Taipei, Taiwan 242, R.O.C. ,
E mail: nutr1007@mails.fuj.edu.tw
5. Dr. Maw-Ling Wang, M.S., Ph.D.,
Professor & Dean
Department of Environmental Engineering,
Huang Kuang University,
Shalu, Taichung County,
Taiwan 43302, R.O.C.
E-mail: chmmlw@sunrise.hk.edu.tw
6. Dr.Narayanan, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Department of Inorganic Chemistry,
University of Madras,
Guindy Campus,
Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India 600 025
Phone No : 044-22202791
Mobile No : 09444299226.
7. Dr.T.Raj, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Associate Professor,
Department of Analytical Chemistry,
University of Madras,
Guindy Campus, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu,
India 600 025
E-mail : traju.dac@unom.ac.in
Phone No : 044-22202719
Mobile No : 09841193978
8. Dr.A.K.Mohakanakrishnan, M.Sc., Ph.D.,
Associate Professor
Department of Organic Chemistry,
University of Madras,
Guindy Campus, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu,
India 600 025.
Phone No : 044-22202810
Mobile No : 09941159831.
9. Dr.G.P.Raman, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Conroller of Examinations,
Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya,
Deemed University,
Kanchipuram-631 561.
10. Dr. S. Balaji, M.Sc., Ph.D.,
Professor and Head,
Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya,
Deemed University,
Kanchipuram-631 561.
E-mail : prof.balaji13@gmail.com
Phone No : 044-27264301
Mobile No : 09578613116
1. Polymer Supported Reagents-Part I : Ketalisation of cyclohexanone with
ethylene glycol by polymer supported diphenylamine- Titanium tetrachloride
complex. T. Balakrishnan and V.Rajendran, J.Macromol. Sci., Part A: Pure
and Appl.Chem., A33 (1), ( 1996) 103-113.
2. Polymer Supported Reagents- Part II. Kinetics of Esterfication of Acrylic acid
with n-Butanol using polymer supported Titanium Tetrachloride as catalyst.
T. Balakrishnan and V.Rajendran, J. Polym.Sci., Part A: Polymer Chem.,
35, (1997) 727-733.
3. Polymer Supported Reagents-III: Kinetic study of synthesizing n-Octylacetate
using insoluble TiCl4.
T. Balakrishnan and V.Rajendran, J.Apply. Polym.Sci., 78, (2000) 2075-2080.
4. An improved HPLC method for determination of carotenoids in human serum.
V. Rajendran, Y.S. Pub, B.H. Chen, Journal of Chromatography B, 824,
(2005) 99-106.
5. A kinetic study of thioether synthesis under the influence of ultrasound
assisted phase transfer catalysis conditions. Maw-Ling Wang and
Venugopal Rajendran, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical,
244, (2006) 237-243.
6. Ethoxylation of p-Chloronitrobenzene using phase-transfer catalysts by
ultrasound Irradiation  A kinetic Study. Maw-Ling Wang and
Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 14, (2007) 368-374.
7. Ultrasound assisted phase-transfer catalytic epoxidation of 1, 7-octadiene  A
kinetic Study. Maw-Ling Wang, and Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasonics
Sonochemistry, 14, (2007).46-54.
8. Kinetics for dichlorocyclopropanation of 1,7-octadiene under the influence of
Ultrasound assisted phase-transfer catalysis conditions.
Maw-Ling Wang and Venugopal Rajendran, Journal of Molecular Catalysis
A: Chemical, 273, (2007) 5-13.
9. Isomerization of 硫-carotene by titanium tetrachloride catalyst.
Venugopal Rajendran and B.H.Chen, Journal of Chemical Sciences, 119,
10. Dichlorocarbene addition to allyl phenyl ether under phase-transfer catalysis
Conditions  A Kinetic study.
Venugopal Rajendran, Maw-Ling Wang, Journal of Molecular Catalysis
A:Chemical, 288, (2008) 23-27.
11. A Study of synthesizing Benzaldehydes from Propylbenzenes and Cinnamic
Acid Derivatives. Maw-Ling Wang,Venugopal Rajendran, Journal of the
Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 39, (2008) 533-537.
12. Kavitha Sankar, Venugopal Rajendran, Free Radical Polymerization of
Methyl Methacrylate under Multi-site Phase-transfer Catalyst  A Kinetic
Study J.Chem. & Cheml. Sci. vol.2(1) (2012)39-59
13. Kavitha Sankar, Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasound assisted free radical
Polymerization of glycidyl methacrylate by a new disite phase-transfer
catalyst system: A kinetic study. Ultrason.Sonochem. 19 (2012) 1205-1212
14. Subramanian Loganathan, Venugopal Rajendran, Synthesis and
Characterization of a New Milti-Site Phase-Transfer Catalyst: Application
in Free Radical Polymerization of Benzyl Methacrylate Under Heterogeneous
Conditions  A Kinetic Study. J.Chem. & Cheml. Sci. 2 (1) (2012) 1-11.
15. Varathan Selvaraj, Venugopal Rajendran, Benzylation of Imidazole under a
New Multi-Site Phase  Transfer catalyst  A kinetic Study. J.Chem. & Cheml.
Sci. Vol.1 (4), (2011) 249-266
16. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppuswamy Harikumar, Synthesis of a New NP
Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalyst and its application to dichlorocarbene
addition reaction.
Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences in Vol.2 (1), (2012) 21-29.
17. Kavitha Sankar, Venugopal Rajendran, Polymerization of ethyl methacrylate
Under the influence of a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst system: A
kinetic Study, Ultrason.Sonochem. 20 (2013) 329-337.
18. Kavitha Sankar, Venugopal Rajendran, Free radical polymerization of
methyl methacrylate under the influence of ultrasound assisted a new bisite
phase-transfer catalyst system- A kinetic study. J.Ultra Chemistry 9(1),(2013)
19. Subramanian Loganathan, Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasound assisted
Polymerization of N-vinyl imidazole under phase-transfer catalysis condition
 A kinetic study. Ultrason. Sonochem. 20 (2013) 308-313.
20. S. Loganathan, Venugopal Rajendran, Radical polymerization of benzyl
methacrylate under unstirred ultrasonic irradiation with a new multi-site
phase-transfer catalyst-A Kinetic Study. J.Ultra Chemistry, 9(1), (2013)
21. Varathan Selvaraj, Venugopal `Rajendran, Preparation of 1,3-
bis(allyloxy)benzene under a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst combined
with ultrasonication A kinetic study. Ultrason. Sonochem. 20 (2013)
22. Varathan Selvaraj, Venugopal Rajendran, Propargylation of indene-1,3-dione
under a new phase-transfer catalyst combined with ultrasonication A kinetic
study. Ultrason. Sonochem. 21(2014)612-619.
23. Varathan Selvaraj, Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasound assisted the preparation
of 1- (4-nitrophenyl) imidazole under a new multi-site phase-transfer
catalyst  kinetic study. Ultrason. Sonochem.21 (2014) 620-627
24. Kuppusamy Harikumar, Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasound assisted the
preparation of 1- butoxy-4-nitrobenzene under a new multi-site phase-transfer
catalyst  Kinetic study, Ultrason. Sonochemistry 21, (2014) 208-215.
25. Varathan Selvaraj, Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*,
Ultrasound assisted arylation of benzyl alcohol with 4-chloronitrobenzene
under a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst in solid-liquid condition.
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 21 (2014) 1805-1814.
26. Pachaiyappan Abimannan, Varathan Selvaraj and Venugopal Rajendran*,
Sonication effect on the reaction of 4-bromo-1-methylbenzene with sodium
sulfide in liquidliquid multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition  Kinetic
study. Ultrasonics Sonochememistry. 23 (2015) 156-164.
27. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, Synthesis of 1,4-bis
(benzyloxy)benzene under sonication and a multi-site phase-transfer catalyst
in solid-liquid condition- kinetic aspect. International journal of science and
research 3 (2014) 332-340.
28. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, Ultrasound assisted
synthesis of 1-butoxynaphthalene under liquid-liquid multi-site phase-transfer
catalysis condition and their kinetics. International journal of science and
research 3 (2014) 1650-1655.
29. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, An Efficient
Ultrasound Promoted Single Spot Synthesis of P-Nitrophenyl Alkyl Ethers
Under Solid-Liquid Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalysis Condition.
International Journal of ChemTech Research 7 (2014-2015) 2208-2216.
30. Rajendran V* and Harikumar K, Ultrasound assisted synthesis of Diethyl
2,2-thiodiacetate with 2-bromoethylacetate under a new polymer-supported
phase-transfer catalyst in solid-liquid condition. Chemical Science Journal 6
(2015) 1-9.
31. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran, Synthesis of Diethyl
2,2'-(1,3-phenylenebis(oxy))diacetate Under a Multisite Phase-transfer
Catalyst and Ultrasound Irradiation in Solid-liquid Condition, Chem Sci Rev
Lett, 4 (2015)474-488.
32. V. Rajendran, V. Selvaraj and K. Harikumar, Dichlorocarbene addition of N-
vinylimmidazole under ultrasound assisted a new multi-site phase-transfer
catalyst- a kinetic study, Chemical Sciences Journal, 6 (2015) 1-8.
33. Pachaiyappan Abimannan , Varathan Selvaraj and Venugopal Rajendran,
Sonication effect on the reaction of 4-bromo-1-methylbenzene with sodium
Sulfide in liquid-liquid multi-site phase transfer catalysis condition-A kinetic
Study. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 23 (2015) 156-164.
34. K.Harikumar and V.Rajendran, Dichlorocyclopropanation of 留-methyl
styrene using phase -transfer catalyst - A kinetic study. Int. J. Curr .
Microbial . App. Sci., (2012) 1(1) :17-22.
35. V.Selvaraj, P.Sakthivel and V.Rajendren, Effect of Ultrasound in the free
radicals polymerization of acrylonitrile under a New multi-site phase- transfer
catalyst-A kinetic study. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 22 (2015) 265-271.
36. S.Loganathan and V.Rajendren, Ultrasound Irradiated polymerization of
Styrene under Heterogeneous condition- A kinetic study. J .Adv. Res. Poly.
Text. Engi., 2(1), (2015) 1-14.
37. V.Selvaraj, K.Harikumar, M.Sathiyaraj and V.Rajendren, Kinetic
Investigation of Nitroarylation of Pyrrole with 1-chloro-4-Nitrobenze Using
New multi-site phase transfer catalyst under Ultrasonic condition.
Chemical Sciences Journal 6, (2015) 3  9.
National Conference:
1. Venugopal Rajendran & T.Balakrishan, Attended and Presented a Research
Paper in the National Seminar on Catalysts for Synthetic Fuels and Pollution
Abetment held at Anna University, Chennai, India, in January  1996. The
title of the Presented paper is Acetalization of benzaldehyde using polymer
supported TiCl4.

2. Venugopal Rajendran , Sankar Kavitha Attended and Presented a Research
Paper in the National Conference on Material Chemistry held at Guru
Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 9th
2011. The title of the Presented paper is Free radical polymerization of butyl
acrylate initiated by phase- transfer catalyst- A Kinetic study. (Awarded: 3ed
3. Venugopal Rajendran Attended and Participate in the National Conference
on Recent Trends in Synthetic Methods and Chemistry of Natural Products
(SMNP-2011) held at Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu,
India, on 14th
& 15th
October  2011.
4. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj Attended and Presented a Research
Paper in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Synthetic Methods and
Chemistry of Natural product (SMNP -2011 Annamalai University, October
and 15th
, 2011. The title of the Presented paper is Synthesis and
characterization of Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalyst and its application in
dichlorocyclopropanation of cyclohexane-A kinetic study.
5. Venugopal Rajendran Attended in the National Conference on Material
Chemistry held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
India on 9th 11th February  2011.
6. Venugopal Rajendran Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the
National Conference on Recent Advances in Fundamental & applied
Sciences held at Vinayaka Missions University, Old Mahabalipuram Road,
Paiyanoor Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 25 & 26th
February  2011. The
title of the Presented paper is Polymerization of ethyl methacrylate initiated
by phase-transfer catalysis-A Kinetic study.
7. Venugopal Rajendran, Devaraj Ezhilarasu, Attended and Presented a
Research Paper in the National Conference on Popularization of Chemical
Sciences held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 6th
to 8th
January  2012. The title of the Presented paper is Alkylation of
Imidazole Under Heterogeneous Condition Using Phase-Transfer Catalyst 
A Kinetic Study.
8. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppusamy Harikumar, Attended and Presented a
Research Paper in the National Conference on Popularisation of Chemical
Sciences held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 6th
to 8th
January  2012. The title of the Presented paper is Kinetics for
Dichlorocyclopropanation of Cyclooctene under the Influence of Ultrasound
Assisted Phase-Transfer Catalysis Condition.
9. Venugopal Rajendran , Sankar Kavitha Attended and Presented a Research
Paper in the National Conference on Popularisation of Chemical Sciences
held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 6th
to 8th
January  2012.. The title of the Presented paper is ultrasound assisted free
radical polymerization ethyl methacrylate by a novel disite phase-transfer
catalysis-A Kinetic study.
10. Venugopal Rajendran Attended a Faculty Improvement Programe Workshop
on Eco Friendly Chemistry A Micro scale Approach held at Anna Adarsh
College for Women, Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 17th
July 2012.
11. Venugopal Rajendran Attended an International Workshop on Advanced
Topics in Chemistry and Physics (IWATCP-2012) held at Sri
Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Enathur,
Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, on 26 & 27th
November - 2012.
12. Venugopal Rajendran, Subramanian Loganathan Attended and Presented a
Research Paper in the National Conference on Popularisation of Chemical
Sciences held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
Chennai, on 6th
to 8th
January  2012. The title of the Presented paper is
Synthesis of 1,4-dibutoxy benzene by using a new multi-site phase transfer
catalyst under biphasic condition A kinetic study.
13. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppusamy Harikumar Attended and Presented a
Research Paper in the National Conference on New Vistas in Catalysis and
Surface Science (NVCSS -2012) Annamalai University, March 16 & 17th
2012. The title of the Presented paper is Allylation of Imidazol under
Heterogeneous Condition Using Phase-Transfer Catalyst  A Kinetic Study.
14. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj, Attended and Presented a Research
Paper in the National Conference on New Vistas in Catalysis and Surface
Science (NVCSS -2012) Annamalai University, March16 & 17th
, 2012. The
title of the Presented paper is Kinetics for Dichlorocyclopropanation of 1-
(allyloxy) naphthalene Under the Influence of Ultrasound Assisted Phase-
Transfer Catalysis Condition.
15. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj Attended International Workshop
on Advanced Topics in Chemistry and Physics(IWATCP-2012), held at Sri
Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram,
Tamil Nadu, India, on 26& 27th
November 2012.
16. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj, Attended and Presented a Research
Paper in the National Conference on Popularisation of Chemical Sciences
held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 6th
to 8th
January  2012. The title of the Presented paper is Synthesis of dialkyl
thioether under the influence of ultrasound assisted a new multi-site phase-
transfer catalysis condition  A kinetic study.
17. Venugopal Rajendran, Perumalsamy Sakthivel Attended workshop on
Ecofriendly Chemistry a microscale approach held at Anna Adarsh College
for Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 17th  18th July 2012. The title of
the Presented paper is A New Multi  Site Phase - Transfer Catalyst Assisted
Polymerization of Vinylic Monomer.
18. Venugopal Rajendran, K. Thirumalai Attended workshop on Ecofriendly
Chemistry a microscale approach held at Anna Adarsh College for Women,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 17th  18th July 2012. The title of the
Presented paper is A Kinetic Study Of Methyl Acrylate Polymerization Under
A New Multi-Site Phase- Transfer Catalyst Condition.
19. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan, Selvaraj, Attended workshop on Eco
friendly Chemistry a micro scale approach held at Anna Adarsh College
for Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 17th  18th July 2012. The title of
the Presented paper is Ultrasonically synthesis of thio ether compounds
under heterogeneous condition.
20. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppusamy Harikumar Attended and Presented a
Research Paper in the National Conference on New Frontiers in Organic
Chemistry and Process Reach (NFOCPR-2013) held at Stella Maris College,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 24th
to 25th
January  2013. The title of the Presented
paper is N-Alkylation of pyrrole under ultrasound irradiated a new multi-site
phase-transfer catalysis condition - A kinetic study.
21. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppusamy Harikumar, Attended and Presented a
Research Paper in the National Conference on Chemistry Education and
Research & National convention of Chemistry teachers (NCCT-2013)
Annamalai University, Nov 8th
, 2013. The title of the Presented paper is
Ultrasound assisted the preparation of 1-(prop-2-ynyl)-1-indole under a
phase-transfer catalyst - kinetic study.
22. Venugopal Rajendran, K. Harikumar, Invited lecture on the National
Conference of Chemistry Education and Research & National convention
of Chemistry Teachers (NCCT-2013) Annamalai University, Nov 8th
2013. The title of the Presented paper is Application of Phase-Transfer
23. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj, Attended and Presented a Research
Paper in the National Conference on  Chemistry Education and Research &
National convention of Chemistry Teachers (NCCT-2013) Annamalai
University, Nov 8th
, 2013. The title of the Presented paper is Synthesis
of 4-nitrophenoxy derivatives from 4-nitrophenol using a new multi-site
phase-transfer catalyst along with Ultrasound irradiation.
24. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj Attended and Presented a Research
Paper in the National Conference on Advances in Chemical Sciences and
Engineering held at Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mavidyalaya,
Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 &
7thMarch  2014. The title of the Presented paper is Ultrasound Methodology
for the Synthesis of 2,2-dibenzyl indene-1,3-dione with a new phase-transfer
catalysis condition (Awarded: Best Paper).
25. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppusamy Harikumar, Attended and Presented a
Research Paper in the National Conference on Advances in Chemical
Sciences and Engineer  held at Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa
Mavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 & 7thMarch 
2014. The title of the Presented paper is Benzyloxylation of 4-
nitrochlorobenzene under the combined effect of Ultrasound and multi-site
phase-transfer catalyst.
26. Venugopal Rajendran, Pachaiyappan Abimannan Attended and Presented a
Research Paper in the National Conference on Advances in Chemical
Sciences and Engineering held at Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa
Mavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 & 7thMarch 
2014. The title of the Presented paper is Nucleophilic substitution reaction of
hydroquinone under ultrasound-PTC conditions.
27. Venugopal Rajendran, Balasundharam Iswarya, Attended and Presented
M.Sc., Chemistry Project work entitled Ultrasonically synthesis of aromatic
aliphatic ether compound under heterogeneous condition in the National
Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and Engineering
held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 th
March  2014.
28. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppan Lakshmi, Attended and Presented her M.Sc
Project work entitled Alkylation of 4-nitrophenol under ultrasound irradiated
a new multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition in the National
Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and Engineering
held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 th
March  2014.
29. Venugopal Rajendran, Rajendran Komathi, Attended and Presented her
M.Sc., Project work entitled Amylation of phenol under ultrasound
irradiated a new multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition in the National
Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and Engineering
held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 th
30. Venugopal Rajendran, Azhvan Jayapriya, Attended and Presented her
M.Sc., Project work entitled Benzylation of phenol under ultrasound
irradiated a new multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition in the National
Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and Engineering
held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6th
March- 2014.
31. Venugopal Rajendran, Govindarajan Sridevi, Attended and Presented her
M.Sc., Project work entitled n-Butylation of 4-nitrophenol under ultrasound
irradiated a new multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition in the National
Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and Engineering
held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6th
32. Venugopal Rajendran, Veeraraghavan Rajalakshmi, Attended and Presented
her M.Sc., Project work entitled Benzylation of 4-nitrophenol under
ultrasound irradiated a new multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition in
the National Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and
Engineering held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
India, on 6th
March  2014.
33. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, Participated in the
national workshop on Mititating the menace of adulteration-Latest trends in
detection held at Anna Adarsh College for women, Chennai, India, on 20th
34. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, Participated and
presented a research paper in the national conference on scientific challenges
for a clean environment held from 30th
to 31st
March 2015 at Guru Nanak
College, Velachery, Chennai-600042.
35. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, Attended and poste
presentation of a research paper in the national conference on  Advances In
Chemical Sciences and Engineering (ncacse-2014) held at SCSVM
University (deemed university), Kanchipuram, India, held at March 6th
 2014. The title of the Presented paper is Nucleophilic substitution
reaction of hydroquinone under ultrasound-PTC condition.
36. P. Abimannan,V.Rajendren Participated in the national workshop on
Mititating the menace of adulteration-Latest trends in detection held
at Anna Adarsh College for women, Chennai, India, on 20th
37. P. Abimannan and V. Rajendran*, Participated and presented a research
paper in the national conference on scientific challenges for a clean
environment held from 30th
to 31st
March 2015 at Guru Nanak College,
Velachery, Chennai-600042.
International Conference:
1. Venugopal Rajendran, Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the
International Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences held at Madras
Christian College, Chennai, India, in October 2-4, 2008. The title of the
Presented paper is New Heteronuclear Multisite Phase-Transfer Catalysts and
their Applications to the Alkylation Reaction of Imidazole.
3. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, participated and
presented a research paper in the International Conference on Frontiers in
Chemical Sciences held at University of Madras, Chennai, India, in October
2-4, 2014.
4. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, presented a research
paper in the International Conference on Energy, Water and Environmental
Science & Technology (ICEWEST-2015) during 5th
to 6th
February 2015,
held at Presidency College, Chennai-600005.
5. Mohammadiliyas and Venugopal Rajendran*, presented a research
paper in the International Conference on Energy, Water and Environmental
Science & Technology (ICEWEST-2015) during 5th
to 6th
February 2015,
held at Presidency College, Chennai-600005.
5. P. Abimannan and V. Rajendran*, presented a research paper in the
International Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences held at
University of Madras, Chennai, India, in October 2-4, 2014.
6. P. Abimannan and V. Rajendran*, presented a research paper in the
International Conference on Energy, Water and Environmental Science &
Technology (ICEWEST-2015) during 5th
to 6th
February 2015, held at
Presidency College, Chennai-600005.
7. P. Abimannan and V. Rajendran*, presented a research paper in the
International Conference on  Water conservation Save blue to Save green on
August 2015, held at Anna Adarsh College for Women, Chennai-600040.
Project Handled
I. National Science Council (NSC) Taiwan
1. NSC 91-2745-P-030-005.
2. NSC 92-2811-B-030-001.
3. NSC 93-2811-E-241-001.
4. NSC 94-2811-E-241-001.
II. University Grants Commission, New Delhi, Major Research Project March
2013 - February 2016 (3 Years).Title: Ultrasound Assisted Multi-Site
Phase-Transfer Catalyst in Heterogeneous Organic Reactions.

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  • 1. Curriculum Vitae V.RAJENDRAN Associate Professor & Head PG Department of Chemistry Pachaiyappas College for Men Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India-631 501. Mobile: 94884 39279 E-mail address: 1967sssr@gmail.com vrajendran714@gmail.com Educational Qualifications: DEGREE YEAR BRANCH UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE Ph.D., 1990-1996 Physical Chemistry University of Madras, Guindy Campus, A.C. Tech., Chennai 600 025. M.Sc., 1988 - 1990 General Chemistry R.K.M.Vivekananda College, Mylapore, Chennai-600 004. B.Sc., 1985-1988 General Chemistry A.A. Govt. Arts College, Cheyyar. HSC (+2) 1982 -1984 First Group (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology) Govt. Higher Secondary School, Vandavasi, T.V.Malai D.St., S.S.L.C (10th ) 1980 - 1982 Tamil, English, Maths, Science, History Govt. High School, Ponnur, T.V.Malai D.St., 1
  • 2. Teaching Experience: 1. B.Sc., Chemistry, Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram, from 01.07.1996 Till Date. 2. M.Sc., Chemistry, Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram, from 07.02.2006 Till Date. Research Topics for Ph.D. Thesis: Triphase Catalysis: (Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Polymer Supported Catalyst and Reagent in Organic Synthesis). Work Experience: Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF): 1. Dept. of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 7th Feb 2003- 31st July 2004. 2. Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Hung Kuang University, Shalu, Taichung County, Taiwan 43302, R.O.C. 1st Aug 2004-27th July 2006. Awards: Awarded Joint CSIR-UGC (NET) Junior Research Fellowship (Dec.1989) by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India. Hands on Experiences in Research: Polymer Supported Reagents: 1. Synthesis of insoluble polymer supported Benzyldiphenylamine TiCl4 Complex ( PSBDPA - TiCl4 ). 2
  • 3. 2. Synthesis of polymer Supported pyridine - TiCl4 Complex (PVP TiCl4 ). 3. Synthesis of polymer Supported pyridine N-Oxide- TiCl4 Complex (PVPNO- TiCl4 ). 4. Kinetic study of Ketalization and Acetalization reactions using the above complexes as catalysts. 5. Esterfication of Acrylic acid with n-butanol using PVP- TiCl4. 6. Esterfication of n-Octanol with acetic acid using PVPNO-TiCl4. 7. Alkylation of Cyclohexanone with n-Butyl bromide under Triphase catalysis (Insoluble phase transfer catalyst) condition. Determination of carotenoids in human serum by using HPLC: Extraction of Various Carotenoids in Human Serum. Extraction of Various Carotenoids from Vegetables and Fruits. Extensive Experience in HPLC chromatographic separation. Extraction of Isoflavones from Fruits. Isomerization of various Carotenes under Ultrasonic and Illumination Condition. Phase-Transfer Catalysis (PTC): 1. Synthesis of thioethers by using PTC and ultrasound. 2. Synthesis of epoxides under ultra sound assisted PTC conditions. 3. Synthesis of dichlorocarbene addition to alkenes under PTC condition. 4. C and N - Alkylation reaction under PTC condition. 5. Esterfication reaction under PTC condition. 6. Synthesis of acrylate polymers under biphase condition using PTC. 7. Synthesis of Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalysts and its Catalytic Activity for Various Organic Reactions. 8. Preparation of Pb2Ru2O7 (Lead Ruthenium Pyrochlore) and its catalytic activity towards various Oxidation Reactions. 3
  • 4. Instruments Handled: 1. GC 17A, Shimadzu, Gas Chromatography. 2. Agilent 1100 model High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). 3. Perkin Elmer Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometer. 4. Shimadzu FT-IR 8300 IR spectrophotometer. 5. Chemito UV-Visible Spectrophotometer. 6. Agilent 1100 GC-Mass spectrometer. 7. Sonicator. Academic Activity: 1. Chief - Superintendent for Tamil Nadu Open University at Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram for the period of May/June 2007. 2. Chief-Superintendent for University of Madras at Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram for the periode of Apr/May 2007 and Nov 2007. 3. Chief-Superintendent for Tamil Nadu Teacher Educational University at Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram for the periode of May/June 2007 and Nov.2007. 4. Care Taker NCC Officer Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram, from April 2000 to March 2002. 5. Eaxaminer of Board Member for Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram-631 561. 6. B.Sc., and M.Sc., Chemistry Syllabus Board Member for University of Madras, Chennai, March 2013. 7. M.Sc., Chemistry Question Paper setter for Madras Christian College, Chennai, Dhanalakshmi Kandhaswamy Mudaliyar College, Vellore, Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram- 631 561. 8. PG Soft Skill Question paper Setter and Internal Examiner for the period of April 2008 to Nov.2009. 4
  • 5. 9. Council Member for Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram, from May 2007 to till date. 10. Reviewer for Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (Elsevier Impact Factor 3.56) from January 2013 onwards. 11. Reviewer for Industrial Engineering Chemistry & Research (ACS Journal) from January 2010 till date. 12. Reviewer for Journal of Applied Polymer Science Wiley from June 2013 onwards. 13. Officer for Youth Red Cross (YRC) at Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram from June 2013, till date. 14. Discipline and Anti-Ragging committee member at Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram. 15. Internship conducting for M.Sc., Chemistry Students. 16. Summer course allotment for M.Sc., Chemistry Students. 17. Dean and Evening College Professor In-charge for Shift II at Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram from Sep.2012 to June 2013. 18. M.Phil., Chemistry Dissertation Valuation Examiner for Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram - 631 561. 19. M.Phil., Chemistry Viva-Voce Examiner for Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. 20. Conducting Joint-CSIR-UGC NET Model Examinations for second M.Sc., Chemistry students at Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram. 21. Special Inviting Lecturers (Senior Professors) from University of Madras and Gurunanak College, Chennai, for M.Sc., Chemistry Students at Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram. 22. Act as a Invited Lecture at Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University on 6, 7th March 2013 (National Seminar) on Applications of Phase-Transfer Catalysis for preparing medicinally important compounds. 5
  • 6. Ph.D., Guided: Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University Enathur, Kanchipuram - 631 561. 1. Organic reactions under heterogeneous condition using phase-transfer catalysis A kinetic study, V. Selvaraj (Awarded, 30th March 2014). 2. Polymerization of vinylic monomers under phase transfer catalysis condition A kinetic study, S. Kavitha (Awarded, 12th May 2014). 2. Kinetics of organic reactions under heterogeneous condition, S. Loganathan (Awarded, 14th May 2014). 4. Application of polymer supported catalysts and reagents in organic reactions. K. Harikumar (Ph.D., Thesis submitted). 5. P. Abimannan, Project Fellow for the UGC awarded Major Research Project work From 10th June 2013 to 9th June 2016. M.Phil., Guided: Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University Enathur, Kanchipuram-631 561. 1. A new multi site phase - transfer catalyst assisted polymerization of acrylonitrile A Kinetic study. P. Sakthivel (Enrolment Number: 1111CH011) December 2012 2. A Kinetic study of methyl acrylate polymerization under new phase-transfer catalyst Condition. K.Thirumalai (Enrolment Number: 1111CHO17) December-2012 6
  • 7. 3. Polymerization of Methylmethacrylate under Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalysis Condition A Kinetic Study. V. Arunsakthi, (Enrolment Number: No: 1112CH002). 4. Combined effect of sonication and a new phase- transfer catalyst for the hexylation of alpha naphthol- A kinetic study. C. Sathishkumar (Enrolment Number: 1112CH016) December-2013 5. Polymerization of butyl methacrylate under multi-site phase-transfer catalysis Condition - A kinetic study. G.Thiyagarajan (Enrolment Number: 1112CH020) December-2013 6. Ultrasound Assisted N-Butylation of 硫 -Napthol under Heterogeneous Condition A Kinetic Study. L. Madhavan (Enrolment Number: 1112CH011) December-2013 7. Ultrasound Assisted C-Alkylation of isobutyraldehyde under a new multisite- Phase transfer catalyst- A Kinetic Study. M.Mohammed illiyas(Enrolment Number :1113CH009) Auguest-2015 8. Copolymerization of glycidyl methacrylate and Acrylonitrile under Heterogeneous condition in the presence of sonication A kinetic study. T.Saranya(Enrolment Number :1113CH020) Auguest-2015 9. Polymerization of allyl methacrylate under multi-site phase transfer catalysis Condition with Ultrasonic irradiation- A kinetic study. S.Vedachalam(Enrolment Number: 1113CH016) Auguest-2015 10. Ultrasound Assisted Dichlorocyclo propanation of 1,5-cucloctadiene under a New multi-site phase transfer catalyst-A kinetic study. K.Vinoth Kumar(Enrolment Number: 1113CH019) Auguest-2015 Bharathidhasan University (M. Phil., Degree): 7
  • 8. 1. Synthesis of 4-nirophenoxy derivative using a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst under heterogeneous condition P. Abimannan (Reg. No: 2K12FT-38855) Annamalai University (M. Phil., Degree): 1. N-Akylation of Imidazole under Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalyst. T. Sankar (Enrolment Number: 4250600501) March 2008. 2. Polymerization of Vinylic Esters under Heterogeneous Condition. V. Joy Cecily (Enrolment Number: 4250600138) April 2008. 3. Effect of Phase-Transfer Catalysts in the Polmerization of Vinylic Esters. S. Rukmani (Enrolment Number: 4250600139) April 2008. 4. Polymerization of Vinylic Esters under Phase-Transfer Catalysis Condition. C. Sudha (Enrolment Number: 4250600626) May 2008. 5. Polymerization of Vinylic Monomers in the Presence of Multisite Phase Transfer Catalyst. C. Malathy (Enrolment Number: 4250600141) August 2008. 6. Polymerization of Vinylic Monomers by Phase Transfer Catalysis B. Hemamalini (Enrolment Number: 4250600628) August 2008. 7. Polymerization of Vinylic Monomers under Biphasic Condition M. Sudha (Enrolment Number: 4250600543) September 2008. 8. N Alkylation of Pyrrole under Multi-Site Phase Transfer Catalysis Condition M. S. Sri Priya (Enrolment Number: 4250600218) October 2008. 9. Preparation of Polymers Under Heterogeneous Condition Using Multi-Site Phase Transfer Catalysis Condition A Kinetic Study. R. Santha Mageswari (Enrolment Number: 4250600627) February 2009. 10. Multisite Phase Transfer Catalyst Assisted Polymerization of Vinylic 8
  • 9. Monomers under Heterogeneous Condition. M. Sharmila (Enrolment Number: 4250600333) March 2009. Madurai Kamaraj University (M.Phil., Degree): 1. Polymerization of Methylmethacrylate and Ethylmethacrylate in the Presence of Multi-Site Phase Transfer Catalyst A Kinetic Study. K. Kanchana (Enrolment Number: A7A6233001) June 2008 M. Sc., Guided / Guidance: 1. O-Allylation of Phenol under Phase-Transfer Catalyst. M. Mohammad Illiyas (Reg. No: 2290093) 2. O-Allylation of Naphthol under Phase-Transfer Catalyst. K.Vinoth Kumar (Reg. No: 2290097) 3. Preparation of N-Benzylimidazol using a New Multi Site Phase Transfer Catalyst. G. Tamilarasan (Reg. No: 2300091) 4. Preparation of 1,3 bis (allyloxy) benzene Under a New Multi Site Phase Transfer Catalyst. B. Umesh (Reg. No: 2300092) 5. Preparation of Allylphenylether under a New Multi Site Phase Transfer Catalyst. V. Prakash (Reg. No: 2300089) 6. Preparation of 14 bis (allyloxy) benzene Under a New Multi Site Phase Transfer Catalyst. P. Rajkumar (Reg. No: 2300090) 7. Alkylation of Beta-naphthol under phase transfer condition. B. Iswariya (Reg. No: 2320117) A. Jayapriya (Reg. No: 2320118) 9
  • 10. 8. Synthesis of n-Butyl-2-naphthyl ether under heterogeneous condition. S. Ramkumar (Reg. No: 2320113) K. Lakashmi (Reg. No: 2320121) 9. Hexylation of 2-Naphthol with phase transfer catalyst. C. Deenadhayalan (Reg. No: 2320110) G. Sridevi (Reg. No: 2320130) 10. Preparation of 1-Butoxy-4-nitrobenzene under PTC condition. D.R. Komathi (Reg. No: 2320120) V. Rajalakshmi (Reg. No: 2320126) 11. Polymerization of Ethylmethacrylate under phase transfer catalysis condition. A . Jayaseelan (Reg. No: 2320111) D. Suresh (Reg. No: 2320114) R. Praveen Kumar (Reg. No: 2320112) Reference: 1. Dr. J. Santhanalakshmi, M.Sc., Ph.D. Professor and Head Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai Tamil Nadu, India 600 025 E-mail : drjslakshmi06@yahoo.co.in Phone No : 044-22202816 Mobile No : 09884871752 2. Dr.S.Kaliraj, M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. 10
  • 11. Principal, Pachaiyappas College for Men, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India-631 501. E-mail : kalirajpcm@gmail.com. Mobile No : 9443521772. 3. Dr. P. Sekar, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Principal, C.Kandaswamy Naidu College, Anna Nagar, Chennai, India-600 102. Mobile No : 9841127410. 4. Dr. Bing Hui Chen, M.S., Ph.D., Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan 242, R.O.C. , E mail: nutr1007@mails.fuj.edu.tw 5. Dr. Maw-Ling Wang, M.S., Ph.D., Professor & Dean Department of Environmental Engineering, Huang Kuang University, Shalu, Taichung County, Taiwan 43302, R.O.C. E-mail: chmmlw@sunrise.hk.edu.tw 11
  • 12. 6. Dr.Narayanan, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Professor, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India 600 025 Phone No : 044-22202791 Mobile No : 09444299226. 7. Dr.T.Raj, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 025 E-mail : traju.dac@unom.ac.in Phone No : 044-22202719 Mobile No : 09841193978 8. Dr.A.K.Mohakanakrishnan, M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 025. Phone No : 044-22202810 Mobile No : 09941159831. 9. Dr.G.P.Raman, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., 12
  • 13. Conroller of Examinations, Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram-631 561. 10. Dr. S. Balaji, M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor and Head, Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram-631 561. E-mail : prof.balaji13@gmail.com Phone No : 044-27264301 Mobile No : 09578613116 Publications: 1. Polymer Supported Reagents-Part I : Ketalisation of cyclohexanone with ethylene glycol by polymer supported diphenylamine- Titanium tetrachloride complex. T. Balakrishnan and V.Rajendran, J.Macromol. Sci., Part A: Pure and Appl.Chem., A33 (1), ( 1996) 103-113. 2. Polymer Supported Reagents- Part II. Kinetics of Esterfication of Acrylic acid with n-Butanol using polymer supported Titanium Tetrachloride as catalyst. T. Balakrishnan and V.Rajendran, J. Polym.Sci., Part A: Polymer Chem., 35, (1997) 727-733. 3. Polymer Supported Reagents-III: Kinetic study of synthesizing n-Octylacetate using insoluble TiCl4. T. Balakrishnan and V.Rajendran, J.Apply. Polym.Sci., 78, (2000) 2075-2080. 4. An improved HPLC method for determination of carotenoids in human serum. V. Rajendran, Y.S. Pub, B.H. Chen, Journal of Chromatography B, 824, (2005) 99-106. 13
  • 14. 5. A kinetic study of thioether synthesis under the influence of ultrasound assisted phase transfer catalysis conditions. Maw-Ling Wang and Venugopal Rajendran, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 244, (2006) 237-243. 6. Ethoxylation of p-Chloronitrobenzene using phase-transfer catalysts by ultrasound Irradiation A kinetic Study. Maw-Ling Wang and Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 14, (2007) 368-374. 7. Ultrasound assisted phase-transfer catalytic epoxidation of 1, 7-octadiene A kinetic Study. Maw-Ling Wang, and Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 14, (2007).46-54. 8. Kinetics for dichlorocyclopropanation of 1,7-octadiene under the influence of Ultrasound assisted phase-transfer catalysis conditions. Maw-Ling Wang and Venugopal Rajendran, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 273, (2007) 5-13. 9. Isomerization of 硫-carotene by titanium tetrachloride catalyst. Venugopal Rajendran and B.H.Chen, Journal of Chemical Sciences, 119, (2007)253-258 . 10. Dichlorocarbene addition to allyl phenyl ether under phase-transfer catalysis Conditions A Kinetic study. Venugopal Rajendran, Maw-Ling Wang, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemical, 288, (2008) 23-27. 11. A Study of synthesizing Benzaldehydes from Propylbenzenes and Cinnamic Acid Derivatives. Maw-Ling Wang,Venugopal Rajendran, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 39, (2008) 533-537. 12. Kavitha Sankar, Venugopal Rajendran, Free Radical Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate under Multi-site Phase-transfer Catalyst A Kinetic Study J.Chem. & Cheml. Sci. vol.2(1) (2012)39-59 14
  • 15. 13. Kavitha Sankar, Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasound assisted free radical Polymerization of glycidyl methacrylate by a new disite phase-transfer catalyst system: A kinetic study. Ultrason.Sonochem. 19 (2012) 1205-1212 14. Subramanian Loganathan, Venugopal Rajendran, Synthesis and Characterization of a New Milti-Site Phase-Transfer Catalyst: Application in Free Radical Polymerization of Benzyl Methacrylate Under Heterogeneous Conditions A Kinetic Study. J.Chem. & Cheml. Sci. 2 (1) (2012) 1-11. 15. Varathan Selvaraj, Venugopal Rajendran, Benzylation of Imidazole under a New Multi-Site Phase Transfer catalyst A kinetic Study. J.Chem. & Cheml. Sci. Vol.1 (4), (2011) 249-266 16. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppuswamy Harikumar, Synthesis of a New NP Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalyst and its application to dichlorocarbene addition reaction. Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences in Vol.2 (1), (2012) 21-29. 17. Kavitha Sankar, Venugopal Rajendran, Polymerization of ethyl methacrylate Under the influence of a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst system: A kinetic Study, Ultrason.Sonochem. 20 (2013) 329-337. 18. Kavitha Sankar, Venugopal Rajendran, Free radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate under the influence of ultrasound assisted a new bisite phase-transfer catalyst system- A kinetic study. J.Ultra Chemistry 9(1),(2013) 55-73. 19. Subramanian Loganathan, Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasound assisted Polymerization of N-vinyl imidazole under phase-transfer catalysis condition A kinetic study. Ultrason. Sonochem. 20 (2013) 308-313. 20. S. Loganathan, Venugopal Rajendran, Radical polymerization of benzyl methacrylate under unstirred ultrasonic irradiation with a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst-A Kinetic Study. J.Ultra Chemistry, 9(1), (2013) 161-176. 15
  • 16. 21. Varathan Selvaraj, Venugopal `Rajendran, Preparation of 1,3- bis(allyloxy)benzene under a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst combined with ultrasonication A kinetic study. Ultrason. Sonochem. 20 (2013) 1236-1244. 22. Varathan Selvaraj, Venugopal Rajendran, Propargylation of indene-1,3-dione under a new phase-transfer catalyst combined with ultrasonication A kinetic study. Ultrason. Sonochem. 21(2014)612-619. 23. Varathan Selvaraj, Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasound assisted the preparation of 1- (4-nitrophenyl) imidazole under a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst kinetic study. Ultrason. Sonochem.21 (2014) 620-627 24. Kuppusamy Harikumar, Venugopal Rajendran, Ultrasound assisted the preparation of 1- butoxy-4-nitrobenzene under a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst Kinetic study, Ultrason. Sonochemistry 21, (2014) 208-215. 25. Varathan Selvaraj, Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, Ultrasound assisted arylation of benzyl alcohol with 4-chloronitrobenzene under a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst in solid-liquid condition. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 21 (2014) 1805-1814. 26. Pachaiyappan Abimannan, Varathan Selvaraj and Venugopal Rajendran*, Sonication effect on the reaction of 4-bromo-1-methylbenzene with sodium sulfide in liquidliquid multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition Kinetic study. Ultrasonics Sonochememistry. 23 (2015) 156-164. 27. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, Synthesis of 1,4-bis (benzyloxy)benzene under sonication and a multi-site phase-transfer catalyst in solid-liquid condition- kinetic aspect. International journal of science and research 3 (2014) 332-340. 16
  • 17. 28. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, Ultrasound assisted synthesis of 1-butoxynaphthalene under liquid-liquid multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition and their kinetics. International journal of science and research 3 (2014) 1650-1655. 29. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, An Efficient Ultrasound Promoted Single Spot Synthesis of P-Nitrophenyl Alkyl Ethers Under Solid-Liquid Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalysis Condition. International Journal of ChemTech Research 7 (2014-2015) 2208-2216. 30. Rajendran V* and Harikumar K, Ultrasound assisted synthesis of Diethyl 2,2-thiodiacetate with 2-bromoethylacetate under a new polymer-supported phase-transfer catalyst in solid-liquid condition. Chemical Science Journal 6 (2015) 1-9. 31. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran, Synthesis of Diethyl 2,2'-(1,3-phenylenebis(oxy))diacetate Under a Multisite Phase-transfer Catalyst and Ultrasound Irradiation in Solid-liquid Condition, Chem Sci Rev Lett, 4 (2015)474-488. 32. V. Rajendran, V. Selvaraj and K. Harikumar, Dichlorocarbene addition of N- vinylimmidazole under ultrasound assisted a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst- a kinetic study, Chemical Sciences Journal, 6 (2015) 1-8. 33. Pachaiyappan Abimannan , Varathan Selvaraj and Venugopal Rajendran, Sonication effect on the reaction of 4-bromo-1-methylbenzene with sodium Sulfide in liquid-liquid multi-site phase transfer catalysis condition-A kinetic Study. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 23 (2015) 156-164. 17
  • 18. 34. K.Harikumar and V.Rajendran, Dichlorocyclopropanation of 留-methyl styrene using phase -transfer catalyst - A kinetic study. Int. J. Curr . Microbial . App. Sci., (2012) 1(1) :17-22. 35. V.Selvaraj, P.Sakthivel and V.Rajendren, Effect of Ultrasound in the free radicals polymerization of acrylonitrile under a New multi-site phase- transfer catalyst-A kinetic study. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 22 (2015) 265-271. 36. S.Loganathan and V.Rajendren, Ultrasound Irradiated polymerization of Styrene under Heterogeneous condition- A kinetic study. J .Adv. Res. Poly. Text. Engi., 2(1), (2015) 1-14. 37. V.Selvaraj, K.Harikumar, M.Sathiyaraj and V.Rajendren, Kinetic Investigation of Nitroarylation of Pyrrole with 1-chloro-4-Nitrobenze Using New multi-site phase transfer catalyst under Ultrasonic condition. Chemical Sciences Journal 6, (2015) 3 9. National Conference: 1. Venugopal Rajendran & T.Balakrishan, Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Seminar on Catalysts for Synthetic Fuels and Pollution Abetment held at Anna University, Chennai, India, in January 1996. The title of the Presented paper is Acetalization of benzaldehyde using polymer supported TiCl4. 2. Venugopal Rajendran , Sankar Kavitha Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Material Chemistry held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 9th 11th February 2011. The title of the Presented paper is Free radical polymerization of butyl acrylate initiated by phase- transfer catalyst- A Kinetic study. (Awarded: 3ed Prices) 18
  • 19. 3. Venugopal Rajendran Attended and Participate in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Synthetic Methods and Chemistry of Natural Products (SMNP-2011) held at Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India, on 14th & 15th October 2011. 4. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Synthetic Methods and Chemistry of Natural product (SMNP -2011 Annamalai University, October 14th and 15th , 2011. The title of the Presented paper is Synthesis and characterization of Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalyst and its application in dichlorocyclopropanation of cyclohexane-A kinetic study. 5. Venugopal Rajendran Attended in the National Conference on Material Chemistry held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 9th 11th February 2011. 6. Venugopal Rajendran Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Recent Advances in Fundamental & applied Sciences held at Vinayaka Missions University, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Paiyanoor Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 25 & 26th February 2011. The title of the Presented paper is Polymerization of ethyl methacrylate initiated by phase-transfer catalysis-A Kinetic study. 7. Venugopal Rajendran, Devaraj Ezhilarasu, Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Popularization of Chemical Sciences held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 6th to 8th January 2012. The title of the Presented paper is Alkylation of Imidazole Under Heterogeneous Condition Using Phase-Transfer Catalyst A Kinetic Study. 8. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppusamy Harikumar, Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Popularisation of Chemical Sciences held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 6th to 8th January 2012. The title of the Presented paper is Kinetics for 19
  • 20. Dichlorocyclopropanation of Cyclooctene under the Influence of Ultrasound Assisted Phase-Transfer Catalysis Condition. 9. Venugopal Rajendran , Sankar Kavitha Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Popularisation of Chemical Sciences held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 6th to 8th January 2012.. The title of the Presented paper is ultrasound assisted free radical polymerization ethyl methacrylate by a novel disite phase-transfer catalysis-A Kinetic study. 10. Venugopal Rajendran Attended a Faculty Improvement Programe Workshop on Eco Friendly Chemistry A Micro scale Approach held at Anna Adarsh College for Women, Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 17th July 2012. 11. Venugopal Rajendran Attended an International Workshop on Advanced Topics in Chemistry and Physics (IWATCP-2012) held at Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, on 26 & 27th November - 2012. 12. Venugopal Rajendran, Subramanian Loganathan Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Popularisation of Chemical Sciences held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Chennai, on 6th to 8th January 2012. The title of the Presented paper is Synthesis of 1,4-dibutoxy benzene by using a new multi-site phase transfer catalyst under biphasic condition A kinetic study. 13. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppusamy Harikumar Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on New Vistas in Catalysis and Surface Science (NVCSS -2012) Annamalai University, March 16 & 17th , 2012. The title of the Presented paper is Allylation of Imidazol under Heterogeneous Condition Using Phase-Transfer Catalyst A Kinetic Study. 14. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj, Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on New Vistas in Catalysis and Surface Science (NVCSS -2012) Annamalai University, March16 & 17th , 2012. The title of the Presented paper is Kinetics for Dichlorocyclopropanation of 1- 20
  • 21. (allyloxy) naphthalene Under the Influence of Ultrasound Assisted Phase- Transfer Catalysis Condition. 15. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj Attended International Workshop on Advanced Topics in Chemistry and Physics(IWATCP-2012), held at Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, on 26& 27th November 2012. 16. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj, Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Popularisation of Chemical Sciences held at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 6th to 8th January 2012. The title of the Presented paper is Synthesis of dialkyl thioether under the influence of ultrasound assisted a new multi-site phase- transfer catalysis condition A kinetic study. 17. Venugopal Rajendran, Perumalsamy Sakthivel Attended workshop on Ecofriendly Chemistry a microscale approach held at Anna Adarsh College for Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 17th 18th July 2012. The title of the Presented paper is A New Multi Site Phase - Transfer Catalyst Assisted Polymerization of Vinylic Monomer. 18. Venugopal Rajendran, K. Thirumalai Attended workshop on Ecofriendly Chemistry a microscale approach held at Anna Adarsh College for Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 17th 18th July 2012. The title of the Presented paper is A Kinetic Study Of Methyl Acrylate Polymerization Under A New Multi-Site Phase- Transfer Catalyst Condition. 19. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan, Selvaraj, Attended workshop on Eco friendly Chemistry a micro scale approach held at Anna Adarsh College for Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 17th 18th July 2012. The title of the Presented paper is Ultrasonically synthesis of thio ether compounds under heterogeneous condition. 20. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppusamy Harikumar Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on New Frontiers in Organic 21
  • 22. Chemistry and Process Reach (NFOCPR-2013) held at Stella Maris College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 24th to 25th January 2013. The title of the Presented paper is N-Alkylation of pyrrole under ultrasound irradiated a new multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition - A kinetic study. 21. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppusamy Harikumar, Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Chemistry Education and Research & National convention of Chemistry teachers (NCCT-2013) Annamalai University, Nov 8th 10th , 2013. The title of the Presented paper is Ultrasound assisted the preparation of 1-(prop-2-ynyl)-1-indole under a phase-transfer catalyst - kinetic study. 22. Venugopal Rajendran, K. Harikumar, Invited lecture on the National Conference of Chemistry Education and Research & National convention of Chemistry Teachers (NCCT-2013) Annamalai University, Nov 8th 10th , 2013. The title of the Presented paper is Application of Phase-Transfer Catalyst. 23. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj, Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Chemistry Education and Research & National convention of Chemistry Teachers (NCCT-2013) Annamalai University, Nov 8th 10th , 2013. The title of the Presented paper is Synthesis of 4-nitrophenoxy derivatives from 4-nitrophenol using a new multi-site phase-transfer catalyst along with Ultrasound irradiation. 24. Venugopal Rajendran, Varathan Selvaraj Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Advances in Chemical Sciences and Engineering held at Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mavidyalaya, Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 & 7thMarch 2014. The title of the Presented paper is Ultrasound Methodology for the Synthesis of 2,2-dibenzyl indene-1,3-dione with a new phase-transfer catalysis condition (Awarded: Best Paper). 22
  • 23. 25. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppusamy Harikumar, Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Advances in Chemical Sciences and Engineer held at Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 & 7thMarch 2014. The title of the Presented paper is Benzyloxylation of 4- nitrochlorobenzene under the combined effect of Ultrasound and multi-site phase-transfer catalyst. 26. Venugopal Rajendran, Pachaiyappan Abimannan Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the National Conference on Advances in Chemical Sciences and Engineering held at Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 & 7thMarch 2014. The title of the Presented paper is Nucleophilic substitution reaction of hydroquinone under ultrasound-PTC conditions. 27. Venugopal Rajendran, Balasundharam Iswarya, Attended and Presented M.Sc., Chemistry Project work entitled Ultrasonically synthesis of aromatic aliphatic ether compound under heterogeneous condition in the National Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and Engineering held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 th March 2014. 28. Venugopal Rajendran, Kuppan Lakshmi, Attended and Presented her M.Sc Project work entitled Alkylation of 4-nitrophenol under ultrasound irradiated a new multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition in the National Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and Engineering held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 th March 2014. 29. Venugopal Rajendran, Rajendran Komathi, Attended and Presented her M.Sc., Project work entitled Amylation of phenol under ultrasound irradiated a new multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition in the National Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and Engineering held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6 th March 2014. 23
  • 24. 30. Venugopal Rajendran, Azhvan Jayapriya, Attended and Presented her M.Sc., Project work entitled Benzylation of phenol under ultrasound irradiated a new multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition in the National Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and Engineering held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6th March- 2014. 31. Venugopal Rajendran, Govindarajan Sridevi, Attended and Presented her M.Sc., Project work entitled n-Butylation of 4-nitrophenol under ultrasound irradiated a new multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition in the National Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and Engineering held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6th March 2014. 32. Venugopal Rajendran, Veeraraghavan Rajalakshmi, Attended and Presented her M.Sc., Project work entitled Benzylation of 4-nitrophenol under ultrasound irradiated a new multi-site phase-transfer catalysis condition in the National Conference on Technical Seminar in Applied Sciences and Engineering held at St.Peters University, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6th March 2014. 33. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, Participated in the national workshop on Mititating the menace of adulteration-Latest trends in detection held at Anna Adarsh College for women, Chennai, India, on 20th August-2014. 34. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, Participated and presented a research paper in the national conference on scientific challenges for a clean environment held from 30th to 31st March 2015 at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai-600042. 24
  • 25. 35. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, Attended and poste presentation of a research paper in the national conference on Advances In Chemical Sciences and Engineering (ncacse-2014) held at SCSVM University (deemed university), Kanchipuram, India, held at March 6th & 7th 2014. The title of the Presented paper is Nucleophilic substitution reaction of hydroquinone under ultrasound-PTC condition. 36. P. Abimannan,V.Rajendren Participated in the national workshop on Mititating the menace of adulteration-Latest trends in detection held at Anna Adarsh College for women, Chennai, India, on 20th August-2014. 37. P. Abimannan and V. Rajendran*, Participated and presented a research paper in the national conference on scientific challenges for a clean environment held from 30th to 31st March 2015 at Guru Nanak College, Velachery, Chennai-600042. International Conference: 1. Venugopal Rajendran, Attended and Presented a Research Paper in the International Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences held at Madras Christian College, Chennai, India, in October 2-4, 2008. The title of the Presented paper is New Heteronuclear Multisite Phase-Transfer Catalysts and their Applications to the Alkylation Reaction of Imidazole. 3. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, participated and presented a research paper in the International Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences held at University of Madras, Chennai, India, in October 2-4, 2014. 25
  • 26. 4. Pachaiyappan Abimannan and Venugopal Rajendran*, presented a research paper in the International Conference on Energy, Water and Environmental Science & Technology (ICEWEST-2015) during 5th to 6th February 2015, held at Presidency College, Chennai-600005. 5. Mohammadiliyas and Venugopal Rajendran*, presented a research paper in the International Conference on Energy, Water and Environmental Science & Technology (ICEWEST-2015) during 5th to 6th February 2015, held at Presidency College, Chennai-600005. 5. P. Abimannan and V. Rajendran*, presented a research paper in the International Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences held at University of Madras, Chennai, India, in October 2-4, 2014. 6. P. Abimannan and V. Rajendran*, presented a research paper in the International Conference on Energy, Water and Environmental Science & Technology (ICEWEST-2015) during 5th to 6th February 2015, held at Presidency College, Chennai-600005. 7. P. Abimannan and V. Rajendran*, presented a research paper in the International Conference on Water conservation Save blue to Save green on 26th August 2015, held at Anna Adarsh College for Women, Chennai-600040. Project Handled I. National Science Council (NSC) Taiwan 1. NSC 91-2745-P-030-005. 2. NSC 92-2811-B-030-001. 3. NSC 93-2811-E-241-001. 4. NSC 94-2811-E-241-001. II. University Grants Commission, New Delhi, Major Research Project March 2013 - February 2016 (3 Years).Title: Ultrasound Assisted Multi-Site Phase-Transfer Catalyst in Heterogeneous Organic Reactions. 26