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息 2015 VMware Inc. All rights reserved.
vRealize Automation 7.0
Whats New | Spotlight Features
Erik Bussink
Solution Architect
bussink.ch | @ErikBussink
The Impact of the Accelerating Pace of Business
 Drive competitive advantage
 Enable new business opportunity
IT Operations
 Shorter release cycles
 Agile development processes
 Increased demand
 Faster delivery expectations
The Business
 Lower customer satisfaction
 Growing use of shadow IT
 Large application backlog
 Perceived as barrier to progress
 Increased risk
 Missed opportunity
Hybrid Cloud
(Private / Public)
Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC)
Cloud Management Platform enables the One Cloud, Any Application Approach
Compute Network Storage
End-User Computing
Cloud Management Platform
Virtualized Infrastructure
Compute Network Storage
Automating is key to a scalable and sustainable SDDC
SDDC requires a new management paradigm
Prodigious Level of Automation
 Logical construct of users and resources
(IT and financial)
 Policy-based life cycle management
 Self-service capabilities
Explosive Growth
 New SDDC objects (e.g. VMs, NSX controllers,
VSAN datastores)
 Management scope expands across virtual and
Task timeWait time
Full Automation Eliminates Wait Time
Service Blueprints
Dev Test Prod On Premise
Build VMs  New
or Clone
Get IP
Install, Setup, Configure Load Balancer Entries /
Firewall Changes
Web Server Configuration
1- 2 days 3- 5 days 3  5 days
1  2 days 4  7 days 2  3 days 2  5 days
External Interface & Integration
IT Processes
vRealize Automation 7.0
Whats New | Spotlight Features
Accelerate Time to Value (TTV)
 New Deployment Architecture
 Wizard-Based Automated Installation
Simplified Virtual Appliances HA Landscape
Identity Identity
IaaS Load
vRA Load Balancer
 Fewer Services to Deploy
 Fewer VAs to Manage
 Fewer External Dependencies
 Happy Customers
 All services automatically clustered
when deployed in an HA configuration
1. vRA Core Services
2. Embedded vRealize Orchestrator
3. vIDM (SSO) Services
4. vPostgres DB
IaaS Services (win)
vPostgres DB
Load Balancer
Load BalancerLoad Balancer
External ServicesFabric Endpoints*
Service 1
DEM 2 Web
Service 2
Agent 1 Agent 2
Mgr 2
Mgr 1
* not all represented
vRealize Automation 7.0 Deployment Architecture
HA | Distributed
Installing vRealize Automation 7.0 - Highlights
 Completely Revamped Installation Process
 Everything starts with a single download of the vRA VA (OVA)
 Installation wizard offers two different types of installs
 Simple Install  wizard-driven walk through for installing vRA in a monolithic (non-distributed)
 Enterprise Install  wizard-driven walk through for installation all components in a distributed,
highly-available vRA instance.
 Wizard locates IaaS installation candidates, leverages new management agent.
Deployment Options: Minimal vs. Enterprise
 Minimal assumes a POC like
 1 vRealize Automation
 1 Windows Server
 Enterprise assumes a fully
distributed install
 Advises user on load
balancer use
 Creates and places certs
 Creates database
IaaS Components: Assignment of Server Roles
 Wizard will detect and show
available machines in the
 Allows user to assign roles to
specific machines
 Machine discovery requires
management agent to be pre-
 A stand-alone pre-req checker
is available
Federated Identity
VMware Identity Management (vIDM)
vIDM - Enhanced Authentication Service
 Embedded Service in vRA appliance (no separate VAs)
 Integrated UI with common Look and Feel
 Enable new Enterprise use cases
 Features Enabled by vIDM
 Multiple domains to single tenant
 Single domain to multiple tenants
 Full OTB branding capabilities
 OTB 3rd party SAML Token Support
 OTB Smart Card Support
 Multi-factor authentication
 Login Auditing
 Major Scalability Improvements
 HA support (configured by wizard)
Active Directory
vRA Appliance
Auth Services
connecting to
multiple ADs
vIDM  Additional Features
Tenant and Directory Management
 Tenant isolation
 Tenant boundary is flexible, not bound by AD domains
 Sync the directory content to the local database
 Faster searches and logins
 Can sync only part of the directory
 Sync based on schedule or manually
 Define mapping of attributes
Support for Local Users
 AD is not required
 Basic operations for users add/remove/edit
 Local users are per tenant
vIDM  Per-Tenant Branding
 Branding configured per-
 Customize login screen
wallpaper and color pallet
 vRA UI global branding and
color pallet
Converged Blueprints (CBP)
Redefining Services Design
Converged Blueprint (CBP) Designer
Simplified Blueprint Authoring for IaaS and Applications
 Unified graphical canvas
for designing machines,
software components and
application stacks
 Ability to extend or define
external integrations in
the canvas through XaaS
(a.k.a ASD)
 Enable team
collaboration by
enhancing and
introducing fine grain
 Avoid App Services
complexity that often lead
to longer sales cycle or
reduced opportunity
App Authoring - Software Components Library
 The Software Architect (new role) authors software components
for use in the CBP Designer  no more external tools.
 Once published, software components are shared across
Business Groups, but not across Tenants
 Once Published, software components cannot be requested on
their own  they are only consumable in the CBP Designer
 Typical Application Creation Workflow:
 Create and publish software components, properties,
dependencies, etc.
 Application design with published software components using CBP
 Complete networking configuration for app blueprint
 Complete security configuration for app blueprint
 Publish, add to catalog, entitle, add EBS subscriptions (optional)
 Optionally Export App Blueprint (or Import others)
App Authoring - Significant Converged Capabilities
Added Feature / Function Details
Unified Canvas  Single model to author machines, applications, software components, and
XaaS blueprints.
 Consolidation of roles between vRA and AppServices
Machine Authoring  Author machine with standard configuration
 Use Puppet/Chef based configuration
Software Authoring  Author script based software
 Author Puppet/Chef content
Multi-Tier and Composite
 Authoring multi-tier application blueprints with dependencies and cross
node binding
 Author composite blueprints with individual sub-application blueprints
 Author blueprints using preconfigured XaaS service blueprints
Integrated Networking and
Security (NSX)
 NSX integration for single machine and multi-tier applications
 On-demand networks, security groups, and load balancing for single and
multi-tier blueprints (vSphere only)
Declarative Format  Declarative format for machine, software, application, and XaaS blueprints
 Import/Export a blueprint and save it in source control repository
vRA 7.0 Out of the Box Content
vRA 7 will ship with out-of-the-box
application blueprints for quick start
and TTV (top customer requests):
1. Windows System: Windows 2012
R2, IIS, MSSQL, .NET (#1 customer
2. LAMP Stack: RHEL and Apache Load
3. Micro Services App: This will mimic
an e-commerce app that will replace
the existing Dukes Bank example
4. Ruby on Rails App: 3-tier app with
Apache LB, Ruby on Rails, Oracle DB
 OOTB Blueprints are embedded in the vRA VA and
imported into vRA using CloudClient
 Additional application blueprints will be made available
for download from the Solutions Exchange:
 Multi-tier complex app, retail store use case
 Big Data app, Java app, Sharepoint 2013
Blueprints as Code
 Ability to read and create blueprints with a text editor of choice.
 Save it in source control like Git
 Machine blueprint in YAML format
 Application & Software blue prints currently in JSON format moving to YAML by GA
 Import/Export in same or multiple vRA instances
 Complete Blueprint is exported into a zip compressed format similar to the current ASD export
息 2015 VMware Inc. All rights reserved.
vRealize Automation 7
NSX + vRA 7
Cloud Management Technical Marketing
Application Deployment with On-Demand Networking & Security
 Logical switches and routers are created on
demand by NSX when the user creates an
 Single machine, single-tier or multi-tier topologies
 Supports NAT and routed topologies
 Automated IP addressing of both VMs and
 On-demand security groups built per app and per
tier with VMs placed into groups
 App isolation option
 Security policies applied to dynamically created
 Load-balancer configuration dynamically
deployed and dedicated to application
Application Deployment with On-Demand Micro-Segmentation
 Networking is pre-created by NSX admin
 VMs placed on pre-created logical
 On-demand security groups created when
application is deployed
 Security policies applied to dynamically
created groups
 Micro-segmentation on larger L2 networks
 Load-balancer configuration dynamically
 VMs and security groups removed when
app destroyed but networking remains
Application Deployment into Existing Network and Security
 Pre-created logical switches and routers defined
by the NSX admin - VMs are wired to pre-created
 Security Groups pre-defined to match security
tags for each tier of application
 When a cloud user selects a catalog item VMs
are wired to NSX switches and tagged with
appropriate security tags
 Enforcement is based on combining the tag with
the rules in the security group
 Applications can be single tier or multi-tier 
typically routed topologies
Simplified Application Centric Network and Security
 Applications configured with dedicated or shared
virtual switches and routers depending on needs
 Application level micro-segmentation security
 Dynamic configuration of application specific
load balancers without expensive physical
 Networks configured to meet unique performance
needs of each application
Dynamically Configure NSX Network and Micro-segmentation unique for each application
CBP - Networking and Security Integration
 Automated connectivity to
existing or on-demand
 Micro-segmentation for
application stack
 Automated security policy
enforcement thru NSX
security policies, groups
and tags
 On-demand dedicated
NSX load balancer
 Parent component only,
not application-level
NSX Integration for Blueprint Authoring & Deployment
LifeCycle Extensibility (LE) Redefines Ecosystem Integration
LifeCycle Extensibility  Ecosystem Automation
 No need of any additional development tools
 No need of deep knowledge how the core functionality works
 Centrally create and manage extensibility for all IaaS services
 Increase TTV with quick-n-easy extensibility use cases
 Quickly leverage existing workflows from within the vRA UI
 Scalable model
Create vRO WF Subscribe for Event1 2
Customize & Extend vRA using Event broker
LifeCycle Extensibility  Centralized Policy Management
Enable OOTB extensibility for IaaS and Application Services dynamically by leveraging the Event Broker
 Enable OTB
extensibility for IaaS
and Application
Services dynamically by
leveraging the Event
Broker Service (EBS)
 Invoke workflows based
on a policy-based
trigger configured for a
specific interesting
Invoke vRO Workflow to integrate with a custom service
based on the NAME of a blueprint, Custom Property Value,
Requestor ID, or machine and platform type.GO!
LifeCycle Extensibility  Event Broker (EBS) High-Level View
Cloud, Physical, virtual
vCA, AWS , Azure, Softlayer, ..
Event Broker Service (EBS)
Approvals Identity SW service SW agent
Resource Governance
 Compute, Storage,
 Reservation Policies
Infrastructure Abstraction Layer
Compute Network Storage
Orchestration Engine
 State Machine
 Life Cycle Workflows
 Data Collection
3rd party
 Load Balancers /
 Service Desk
 Web Services
vRealize Orchestrator
Updates | Features
Introducing the [new] vRO Control Center
The vRO 7.0 Control Center
 Embedded + External
 New modern UI for vRO setup, configuration,
workflow monitoring, troubleshooting, and other
useful information.
 Collect metrics for workflow execution
 Analyze running workflows
 General troubleshooting
 Manage, Import/Export central DB
 WAY more slick than previous legacy UI
New Plugin Management UI
 Install and Management Plugins
 Debugging + Logging Granularity Per-Plugin
 View Plugin Status, Enable / Disable as needed
 Switch to Legacy UI if this is all too much for you
Runtime Metrics and Monitoring
 Global View of all Running
 Manage Workflow Execution
 Search by Workflow Name
and Token ID
 View Multiple Workflows
 As with 6.x, Services, Catalog Items, and Actions
can be added to an Entitlement
 In 7.0, the list of Catalog Items includes Catalog
 Adding a Catalog Item type will entitle users to
objects built off of that type.
6.x 7.0
 As with 6.x, Actions and Approvals can be added to Entitlements.
 Entitlement dictates what the user can see & do
 Limit what actions a user can perform to the actions in the entitlement that enabled the
user to provision the resource.
 Actions are bound to Entitlements
 For actions to apply to a Resource, they must be granted in the same entitlement as the
relevant Catalog Items or Services
 This wasnt always the case
 In 7.0, Actions are bound to the entitlement resource was provisioned from
 In 6.x, if a user was entitled to an action - that action was available to all items
regardless of the entitlement it was provisioned from.
VMwares CMP Automates SDDC at Scale
Define Business Groups and
Allocate Budget
Create Reservations & Policies
Create Single Machine, Multi-
tier Application, or other
custom service blueprints
Standardize Requests and
Deploy Infrastructure Across
Private, Public, and Hybrid
Meter and Correlate Consumer
Usage and Costs
Collaborate Across Infra and
Ops Teams; Monitor
Infrastructure Across Private,
Public, and Hybrid Clouds
Remediate, Optimize, and
Reclaim Infrastructure Based
on Policies and Cost

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vRA7 What's New

  • 1. 息 2015 VMware Inc. All rights reserved. vRealize Automation 7.0 Whats New | Spotlight Features Erik Bussink Solution Architect ebussink@vmware.com bussink.ch | @ErikBussink
  • 2. The Impact of the Accelerating Pace of Business Applications Drive competitive advantage Enable new business opportunity Applications IT Operations Shorter release cycles Agile development processes DEMAND Increased demand Faster delivery expectations The Business RESULT Lower customer satisfaction Growing use of shadow IT Large application backlog Perceived as barrier to progress Increased risk Missed opportunity
  • 3. Hybrid Cloud (Private / Public) Physical Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) Cloud Management Platform enables the One Cloud, Any Application Approach 3 SOFTWARE-DEFINED DATA CENTER Compute Network Storage End-User Computing Extensibility Applications Cloud Management Platform BusinessOperationsAutomation Virtualized Infrastructure Compute Network Storage
  • 4. Automating is key to a scalable and sustainable SDDC SDDC requires a new management paradigm 4 Prodigious Level of Automation Logical construct of users and resources (IT and financial) Policy-based life cycle management Self-service capabilities Explosive Growth New SDDC objects (e.g. VMs, NSX controllers, VSAN datastores) Management scope expands across virtual and physical
  • 5. Task timeWait time Full Automation Eliminates Wait Time Semi-Automated Service Blueprints Policy-driven Automation Dev Test Prod On Premise Infrastructure Verification Build VMs New or Clone Get IP Install, Setup, Configure Load Balancer Entries / Firewall Changes Web Server Configuration 1- 2 days 3- 5 days 3 5 days 1 2 days 4 7 days 2 3 days 2 5 days Developer Request External Interface & Integration IT Processes Ticket 5
  • 6. vRealize Automation 7.0 Whats New | Spotlight Features 6CONFIDENTIAL
  • 7. Accelerate Time to Value (TTV) New Deployment Architecture Wizard-Based Automated Installation
  • 8. Applicati on Services Simplified Virtual Appliances HA Landscape 8 6.X vRA VA vRA VA Data Store Data Store Applicati on Services vRO vRO Identity Identity IaaS Load Balancer vRA Load Balancer AD, LDAP, SAML, 2FA 7.0 Fewer Services to Deploy Fewer VAs to Manage Fewer External Dependencies Happy Customers All services automatically clustered when deployed in an HA configuration 1. vRA Core Services 2. Embedded vRealize Orchestrator Instance 3. vIDM (SSO) Services 4. vPostgres DB SINGLE VIP NEEDED FOR ALL THESE SERVICES IN HA!
  • 9. IaaS Services (win) vRA VA vRA VAvRA Core vIDM vRO vPostgres DB RabbitMQ Load Balancer Load BalancerLoad Balancer External ServicesFabric Endpoints* DEM 1 Web Service 1 DEM 2 Web Service 2 Agent 1 Agent 2 Model Mgr 2 Model Mgr 1 * not all represented AD | LDAP vRealize Automation 7.0 Deployment Architecture HA | Distributed
  • 10. Installing vRealize Automation 7.0 - Highlights 10 Completely Revamped Installation Process Everything starts with a single download of the vRA VA (OVA) Installation wizard offers two different types of installs Simple Install wizard-driven walk through for installing vRA in a monolithic (non-distributed) instance Enterprise Install wizard-driven walk through for installation all components in a distributed, highly-available vRA instance. Wizard locates IaaS installation candidates, leverages new management agent.
  • 11. Deployment Options: Minimal vs. Enterprise Minimal assumes a POC like environment 1 vRealize Automation Appliance 1 Windows Server Enterprise assumes a fully distributed install Advises user on load balancer use Creates and places certs Creates database 11
  • 12. IaaS Components: Assignment of Server Roles Wizard will detect and show available machines in the deployment Allows user to assign roles to specific machines Machine discovery requires management agent to be pre- installed A stand-alone pre-req checker is available
  • 14. vIDM - Enhanced Authentication Service 14 Embedded Service in vRA appliance (no separate VAs) Integrated UI with common Look and Feel Enable new Enterprise use cases Features Enabled by vIDM Multiple domains to single tenant Single domain to multiple tenants Full OTB branding capabilities OTB 3rd party SAML Token Support OTB Smart Card Support Multi-factor authentication Login Auditing Major Scalability Improvements HA support (configured by wizard) Active Directory vRA Appliance Auth Services Auth Services connecting to multiple ADs
  • 15. vIDM Additional Features Tenant and Directory Management Tenant isolation Tenant boundary is flexible, not bound by AD domains Sync the directory content to the local database Faster searches and logins Can sync only part of the directory Sync based on schedule or manually Define mapping of attributes Support for Local Users AD is not required Basic operations for users add/remove/edit Local users are per tenant 15
  • 16. vIDM Per-Tenant Branding Branding configured per- Tenant Customize login screen wallpaper and color pallet vRA UI global branding and color pallet 16 Powered'by'VMware'Identity'Manager
  • 18. Converged Blueprint (CBP) Designer Simplified Blueprint Authoring for IaaS and Applications Unified graphical canvas for designing machines, software components and application stacks Ability to extend or define external integrations in the canvas through XaaS (a.k.a ASD) Enable team collaboration by enhancing and introducing fine grain roles Avoid App Services complexity that often lead to longer sales cycle or reduced opportunity
  • 19. App Authoring - Software Components Library The Software Architect (new role) authors software components for use in the CBP Designer no more external tools. Once published, software components are shared across Business Groups, but not across Tenants Once Published, software components cannot be requested on their own they are only consumable in the CBP Designer Typical Application Creation Workflow: Create and publish software components, properties, dependencies, etc. Application design with published software components using CBP Complete networking configuration for app blueprint Complete security configuration for app blueprint Publish, add to catalog, entitle, add EBS subscriptions (optional) Optionally Export App Blueprint (or Import others)
  • 20. App Authoring - Significant Converged Capabilities Added Feature / Function Details Unified Canvas Single model to author machines, applications, software components, and XaaS blueprints. Consolidation of roles between vRA and AppServices Machine Authoring Author machine with standard configuration Use Puppet/Chef based configuration Software Authoring Author script based software Author Puppet/Chef content Multi-Tier and Composite Applications Authoring multi-tier application blueprints with dependencies and cross node binding Author composite blueprints with individual sub-application blueprints Author blueprints using preconfigured XaaS service blueprints Integrated Networking and Security (NSX) NSX integration for single machine and multi-tier applications On-demand networks, security groups, and load balancing for single and multi-tier blueprints (vSphere only) Declarative Format Declarative format for machine, software, application, and XaaS blueprints Import/Export a blueprint and save it in source control repository (CloudClient)
  • 21. vRA 7.0 Out of the Box Content vRA 7 will ship with out-of-the-box application blueprints for quick start and TTV (top customer requests): 1. Windows System: Windows 2012 R2, IIS, MSSQL, .NET (#1 customer request) 2. LAMP Stack: RHEL and Apache Load Balancer 3. Micro Services App: This will mimic an e-commerce app that will replace the existing Dukes Bank example 4. Ruby on Rails App: 3-tier app with Apache LB, Ruby on Rails, Oracle DB 21 OOTB Blueprints are embedded in the vRA VA and imported into vRA using CloudClient Additional application blueprints will be made available for download from the Solutions Exchange: Multi-tier complex app, retail store use case Big Data app, Java app, Sharepoint 2013
  • 22. Blueprints as Code 22 Ability to read and create blueprints with a text editor of choice. Save it in source control like Git Machine blueprint in YAML format Application & Software blue prints currently in JSON format moving to YAML by GA Import/Export in same or multiple vRA instances Complete Blueprint is exported into a zip compressed format similar to the current ASD export
  • 23. 息 2015 VMware Inc. All rights reserved. vRealize Automation 7 NSX + vRA 7 Cloud Management Technical Marketing
  • 24. Application Deployment with On-Demand Networking & Security Logical switches and routers are created on demand by NSX when the user creates an application Single machine, single-tier or multi-tier topologies Supports NAT and routed topologies Automated IP addressing of both VMs and subnets On-demand security groups built per app and per tier with VMs placed into groups App isolation option Security policies applied to dynamically created groups Load-balancer configuration dynamically deployed and dedicated to application 24CONFIDENTIAL Web/App Database VM VM VM
  • 25. Application Deployment with On-Demand Micro-Segmentation Networking is pre-created by NSX admin VMs placed on pre-created logical switches On-demand security groups created when application is deployed Security policies applied to dynamically created groups Micro-segmentation on larger L2 networks Load-balancer configuration dynamically deployed VMs and security groups removed when app destroyed but networking remains 25CONFIDENTIAL Web/AppDatabase VM VMVM
  • 26. Application Deployment into Existing Network and Security Services Pre-created logical switches and routers defined by the NSX admin - VMs are wired to pre-created switches Security Groups pre-defined to match security tags for each tier of application When a cloud user selects a catalog item VMs are wired to NSX switches and tagged with appropriate security tags Enforcement is based on combining the tag with the rules in the security group Applications can be single tier or multi-tier typically routed topologies 26CONFIDENTIAL Web/App Database VM VM VM
  • 27. Simplified Application Centric Network and Security Web App Database VM VM VM VM VM VM 27 Applications configured with dedicated or shared virtual switches and routers depending on needs Application level micro-segmentation security Dynamic configuration of application specific load balancers without expensive physical hardware VM Networks configured to meet unique performance needs of each application VM VM VM VM VM VM VM Dynamically Configure NSX Network and Micro-segmentation unique for each application
  • 28. CBP - Networking and Security Integration Automated connectivity to existing or on-demand networks Micro-segmentation for application stack Automated security policy enforcement thru NSX security policies, groups and tags On-demand dedicated NSX load balancer Parent component only, not application-level 28 NSX Integration for Blueprint Authoring & Deployment
  • 29. Mission:Extensible LifeCycle Extensibility (LE) Redefines Ecosystem Integration CDK
  • 30. LifeCycle Extensibility Ecosystem Automation 30 No need of any additional development tools No need of deep knowledge how the core functionality works Centrally create and manage extensibility for all IaaS services Increase TTV with quick-n-easy extensibility use cases Quickly leverage existing workflows from within the vRA UI Scalable model Create vRO WF Subscribe for Event1 2 Customize & Extend vRA using Event broker
  • 31. LifeCycle Extensibility Centralized Policy Management Enable OOTB extensibility for IaaS and Application Services dynamically by leveraging the Event Broker Enable OTB extensibility for IaaS and Application Services dynamically by leveraging the Event Broker Service (EBS) Invoke workflows based on a policy-based trigger configured for a specific interesting event Invoke vRO Workflow to integrate with a custom service based on the NAME of a blueprint, Custom Property Value, Requestor ID, or machine and platform type.GO!
  • 32. LifeCycle Extensibility Event Broker (EBS) High-Level View XaaS Postgres Sql IaaS Cloud, Physical, virtual vCA, AWS , Azure, Softlayer, .. Event Broker Service (EBS) Approvals Identity SW service SW agent Resource Governance Compute, Storage, Network Reservation Reservation Policies Infrastructure Abstraction Layer Compute Network Storage Orchestration Engine State Machine Life Cycle Workflows Data Collection PluggableFramework 3rd party management systems CMDB IPAM / DNS / DHCP Load Balancers / Networking Service Desk Monitoring Systems Storage Management Databases Web Services vRealizeOrchestrator
  • 34. Introducing the [new] vRO Control Center The vRO 7.0 Control Center Embedded + External New modern UI for vRO setup, configuration, workflow monitoring, troubleshooting, and other useful information. Collect metrics for workflow execution Analyze running workflows General troubleshooting Manage, Import/Export central DB WAY more slick than previous legacy UI
  • 35. New Plugin Management UI Install and Management Plugins Debugging + Logging Granularity Per-Plugin View Plugin Status, Enable / Disable as needed Switch to Legacy UI if this is all too much for you
  • 36. Runtime Metrics and Monitoring Global View of all Running Workflows Manage Workflow Execution Search by Workflow Name and Token ID View Multiple Workflows Simultaneously
  • 37. Entitlements As with 6.x, Services, Catalog Items, and Actions can be added to an Entitlement In 7.0, the list of Catalog Items includes Catalog types Adding a Catalog Item type will entitle users to objects built off of that type. 6.x 7.0
  • 38. Entitlements As with 6.x, Actions and Approvals can be added to Entitlements. Entitlement dictates what the user can see & do Limit what actions a user can perform to the actions in the entitlement that enabled the user to provision the resource. Actions are bound to Entitlements For actions to apply to a Resource, they must be granted in the same entitlement as the relevant Catalog Items or Services This wasnt always the case In 7.0, Actions are bound to the entitlement resource was provisioned from In 6.x, if a user was entitled to an action - that action was available to all items regardless of the entitlement it was provisioned from.
  • 39. VMwares CMP Automates SDDC at Scale 39 DEFINE Define Business Groups and Allocate Budget CREATE Create Reservations & Policies Create Single Machine, Multi- tier Application, or other custom service blueprints REQUEST AND DEPLOY Standardize Requests and Deploy Infrastructure Across Private, Public, and Hybrid Clouds METER Meter and Correlate Consumer Usage and Costs MONITOR Collaborate Across Infra and Ops Teams; Monitor Infrastructure Across Private, Public, and Hybrid Clouds MANAGE Remediate, Optimize, and Reclaim Infrastructure Based on Policies and Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6