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Vrihi: An Effort to Conserve
Folk Rice Varieties
 West Bengal had over 5,550 Rice landraces until
 Over 5,200 of these varieties were shipped to
IRRI between 1965-75.
 Our intensive search over the past 11 years have
recovered only 640 landraces.
 The extant varieties include:
In Situ Conservation of
Folk Crop Genetic Diversity
 Vrihi was founded in 1997
 Works on the principle of Local Ex Situ
Seed Bank
 Distributes seeds to Farmers for Free
 Expands Seeds Exchange Network
 Documents Varietal Characteristics of Each
Landrace following INGER Guidelines
Accession and In Situ Conservation
 Vrihi has a collection of 920 Distinct
Traditional Varieties  the largest in
eastern India.
 Includes rare and unique germplasm 
like salt-tolerant varieties, flood tolerant
varieties and drought tolerant varieties.
 Each Landrace has been characterised
and documented.
Jugal: The Double-Grain Rice
Sateen: The Three-Grain Rice
On-Farm Research in Agroecology
* AgrobiodiversityDocumentation
Rice Farm Food Web
1. 1994. Industrial vs Ecological Agriculture (RFSTE,
New Delhi)
2. 1995. Seeds of Tradition, Seeds of Future: Folk Rice
Varieties of Eastern India (RFSTE, New Delhi)
3. 2009. Valuing folk crop varieties for agroecology and
food security Bioscience Resource 10: 7-12.
4. 2009. Biodiversity and complexity of rice farm
ecosystems: An empirical assessment Open Ecology
Journal 2: 112-129.
5. 2010. Two unique rice varieties from West Bengal
Seed Research 43 (forthcoming)
1. Circolo Culturale Ambientescienze (Cremona,
Italy) recognized Vrihi as Conservator of Global
Significance (2007)
2. FAO recognized Vrihi's effort as One of the best
examples of crop genetic diversity conservation
through community effort (2008)
3. PVPFRA, endowed Vrihi with the National Plant
Genome Saviour Award (2009)
From Negligence to Plagiarism
1. The W.B. State Agriculture Directorate
considered Vrihi's effort to be of no significance.
2. The Director even told in 2000 that effort to
conserve traditional crop varieties was futile,
unscientific, and anti-progress.
3. In 2008 and 2009, the Director reproduced
text and photographs from my copyrighted book,
without acknowledgement and citation, and
puboished them as his own work.
Photo of Jugal
Replica (L)
Original (R)
Photo of Sateen
Replica (L) Original (R)
Photos of Jugal and Sateen (Original)

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  • 1. Vrihi: An Effort to Conserve Folk Rice Varieties Dr.DebalDeb CentreforInterdisciplinaryStudies Barrackpore www.cintdis.org/Vrihi.html
  • 2. MASSIVE EROSION OF FOLK CROP GENETIC DIVERSITY West Bengal had over 5,550 Rice landraces until 1975. Over 5,200 of these varieties were shipped to IRRI between 1965-75. Our intensive search over the past 11 years have recovered only 640 landraces. The extant varieties include: FLOOD-TOLERANT, DROUGHT-TOLERANT, SALT- TOLERANT, AROMATIC AND MEDICINAL VARIETIES.
  • 3. In Situ Conservation of Folk Crop Genetic Diversity Vrihi was founded in 1997 Works on the principle of Local Ex Situ Seed Bank Distributes seeds to Farmers for Free Expands Seeds Exchange Network Documents Varietal Characteristics of Each Landrace following INGER Guidelines
  • 4. Accession and In Situ Conservation Vrihi has a collection of 920 Distinct Traditional Varieties the largest in eastern India. Includes rare and unique germplasm like salt-tolerant varieties, flood tolerant varieties and drought tolerant varieties. Each Landrace has been characterised and documented.
  • 5. AMAZING FARMER INNOVATIONS Jugal: The Double-Grain Rice
  • 6. AMAZING FARMER INNOVATIONS Sateen: The Three-Grain Rice
  • 7. On-Farm Research in Agroecology * AgrobiodiversityDocumentation *EnumerationofPestsandPredatorsinDifferent Afgroecosystems *StudyofAgronomicConsequencesofFarmMicro足 habitatDiversityEnhancement *StudyonFoodWebStructuralComplexity *EstimationofEoclogiucalResilienceof Agroecosystems *ExperimentswithDifferentCultivationSystems (Mulching,CoverCrops,TypesofComposting,SRIetc.)
  • 10. PublicationsfromVrihi'sResearch 1. 1994. Industrial vs Ecological Agriculture (RFSTE, New Delhi) 2. 1995. Seeds of Tradition, Seeds of Future: Folk Rice Varieties of Eastern India (RFSTE, New Delhi) 3. 2009. Valuing folk crop varieties for agroecology and food security Bioscience Resource 10: 7-12. 4. 2009. Biodiversity and complexity of rice farm ecosystems: An empirical assessment Open Ecology Journal 2: 112-129. 5. 2010. Two unique rice varieties from West Bengal Seed Research 43 (forthcoming)
  • 11. Vrihi'sRecognition 1. Circolo Culturale Ambientescienze (Cremona, Italy) recognized Vrihi as Conservator of Global Significance (2007) 2. FAO recognized Vrihi's effort as One of the best examples of crop genetic diversity conservation through community effort (2008) 3. PVPFRA, endowed Vrihi with the National Plant Genome Saviour Award (2009)
  • 12. From Negligence to Plagiarism 1. The W.B. State Agriculture Directorate considered Vrihi's effort to be of no significance. 2. The Director even told in 2000 that effort to conserve traditional crop varieties was futile, unscientific, and anti-progress. 3. In 2008 and 2009, the Director reproduced text and photographs from my copyrighted book, without acknowledgement and citation, and puboished them as his own work.
  • 13. Photo of Jugal Replica (L) Original (R)
  • 14. Photo of Sateen Replica (L) Original (R)
  • 15. Photos of Jugal and Sateen (Original)