1) The document discusses using a hypothetical "lifespan voting" system for the 2016 US presidential election where votes are weighted based on the average remaining lifespan of each voter's age group.
2) If this system was used, the analysis finds that Hillary Clinton would have won the election instead of Donald Trump by winning more electoral college votes.
3) The results show Clinton flipping key states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan in this lifespan voting scenario.
9. Y〉狠誘同なら
Figure 2: 2016 Presidential Elections: Counterfactual Electoral College Voting Outcome
Notes: The ?gure shows the distribution of electoral college votes for the 2016 presidential elections
between Democrat party candidate Hilary Clinton and Republican party candidate Donald Trump
The yellow section represents the 3 votes for party candidates other than the major parties. Th
outcome is estimated using ANES self-reported vote choice data. I allocate electoral college vote
to each candidate based on the ^winner-takes-all ̄ rule for 48 states and Washington D.C. I exclud
the district-level electoral votes for Maine (2 votes) and Nebraska (3 votes), as I cannot estimate th
plurality winner at the granularity of congressional districts using ANES data. I also assume ther
10. 巒eの掖Figure 3: 2016 Presidential Elections: Counterfactual Plurality Party by State
11. 巒eの掖澆篁Figure 4: 2016 Presidential Elections: States where Winner was ^Flipped ̄
13. 嘘瘁には弊旗g羨
Table 1: 2016 Presidential Elections: Voting Behavior by Generations (All Parties)
Generations Democrats Republicans Others
18-29 49.13 43.75 7.12
30-39 47.93 45.62 6.45
40-49 46.06 48.79 5.15
50-59 45.39 49.95 4.66
60-69 45.27 51.91 2.81
70-79 38.66 58.66 2.68
80-90 36.9 62.62 .48
Notes: The table shows the breakdown of vote proportions for all parties by age group for the
presidential election. The  ̄Others ̄ category includes any Independent or other party candidate
choice. The vote proportions are estimated using weighted vote counts from the ANES 2016 Time
Series data set. Respondents who did not register to vote, cast a ballot, or report their age, were
dropped. Those who had inappropriate or missing answers for vote choice were also dropped.