The document provides information about Vietnamese cultural etiquette and traditions, including:
- Respect for elders is highly valued, and children address family members by lineage rather than age.
- Public displays of affection should be avoided, and certain gestures like pointing with fingers are improper.
- Greetings involve bowing the head and saying "xin chao" followed by a person's name and title.
- Flowers are generally only given to women by men, and gifts should be useful items wrapped beautifully.
- Relationships are critical to business, and promises made should be ones that can be kept to preserve face.
Telephone Game - Drawing Version
Thursday, November 8, 12
First, make even groups of 6 people each
Second, each person in the group needs to get out
paper and pen/pencil
Third, an e-board member is going to show the
鍖rst person in the group a phrase and ask them to
draw it and then show the person behind them.
Remember no talking!
Thursday, November 8, 12
The person behind them will look at the phase and
try to copy it on their own paper and then show
the person behind them until the end of the line.
The person at the end of the line looks at the
phrase and then without any help, has to tell what
the phrase is to an e-board member!
If the group doesnt get it then the group has to
start all over from the start of the line.
Thursday, November 8, 12
If two groups both 鍖nish at the same time and
both groups have the phrase drawn right and
could tell you what it is then give each group one
more phrase to draw and then have them play the
game again.
Thursday, November 8, 12
6. v If two groups both 鍖nish at the same time and
both groups have the picture drawn right and could
tell you what it is then give each group one more
Vietnamese Etiquette
Thank you, for attending VSA meetings! from Vsa eboard
Thursday, November 8, 12
Vietnamese Chldren are taught from young to respect their elders.
They cannot question an adults authority, regardless of the
They address their family members by lineage and not by age.
Thursday, November 8, 12
8. Public Etquette
Avoid public displays of a鍖ection with a member of the opposite sex.
.Do not touch someone's head.
.Pass items with both hands.
.Do not point with your finger - use your hand.
.Do not stand with your hands on your hips.
.Do not cross your arms on your chest.
.Do not pass anything over someone's head.
.Do not touch anyone on the shoulder.
.Do not touch a member of the opposite sex.
.Shorts should only be worn at the beach.
Thursday, November 8, 12
9. Hello or Cho :)
The traditional way to greet adults would be to cross our arms and bow our heads
We would say hello followed by an honorific
(Example: 担ng, b, ch炭, b叩c)
Thursday, November 8, 12
10. Bye or Cho
Bye or Cho
Hi and Bye in Vietnamese is both Cho.
when greeting someone, say xin chao (seen
chow) + given name + title.
Thursday, November 8, 12
11. Dining Etiquette
Dining Etiquette
The host may serve guests, but will usually just invite
everyone to begin helping themselves.
Food is placed on dishes in the center of the table from
which each person helps him/herself.
Vietnamese style of dining is chopsticks and rice bowls.
Hold your rice bowl in your hand; it is considered lazy to eat
from a rice bowl that is on the table.
Thursday, November 8, 12
12. Gift Giving :D
Flowers are normally given only by men to
Always wrap a gift in colorful paper.
When visiting a Vietnamese home, bring a gift
for the hostess.
A gift for children or an elderly parent is also
Give items useful for daily activity.
Do not give handkerchiefs, anything black,
yellow 鍖owers or chrysanthemums.
Thursday, November 8, 12
13. Business Etiquette
Relationships are critical to successful business partnerships.
Always invest time in building a good relationship based on
both personal and business lines.
Any initial meeting should be solely used as a "getting to know
you" meeting.
oThe spoken word is very important. Never make promises that
you can not keep to as this will lead to a loss of face.
oBusiness gift giving is fairly common at the end of a meeting
or during a meal.
Thursday, November 8, 12
15. We love you and appreciate you for attending all past
meetings and showing an interest in VSA, and by that,
you help keep VSA alive!
Thursday, November 8, 12
Thursday, November 8, 12
Thursday, November 8, 12
20. Other Announcements
Canned Food Drive
HOV Thank You Dinner
After Birthday Special (Trang Viet)
November 14, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 12