A Polishop come巽ou em 1999 vendendo dietas e expandiu rapidamente para varejo multicanal, atingindo mais de 100 milh探es de consumidores no Brasil e exterior. Fundada por Jo達o Appolin叩rio, a Polishop tem hoje mais de 130 lojas, Call Center 24/7, produ巽達o digital em 3 est炭dios e faturamento acima de R$1 bilh達o.
An employee at a Finnish factory was nominated as the 2011 Water Protector for her efforts in improving the standard emission parameters at the factory's sewage water purifying plant over the last 5 years. This was the first time an industrial representative received the award, which is given annually by a Finnish environmental association to recognize work protecting water resources. The employee's success in enhancing water quality through her role shows the positive impact individuals can have.
Este documento analiza la cultura americana del espect叩culo y c坦mo influye en las personas. Presenta ejemplos como la influencia de las celebridades a trav辿s de una selfie tomada por Ellen DeGeneres en los Premios Oscar de 2014 que se volvi坦 viral. Tambi辿n menciona c坦mo eventos deportivos y la moda generan emoci坦n, y c坦mo la prensa se alimenta del esc叩ndalo. Concluye que esta cultura modela los gustos y valores de las personas a trav辿s de las emociones, artistas y medios de comunicaci坦n.
Anaerobic bacteria have effectively cleaned the wastewater from a paper mill in Germany since 2003 by generating biogas instead of biosludge, increasing production from 7,000 to 12,000 cubic meters per day. This biogas serves as an ecological substitute for the natural gas normally used by the mill's bark boiler.
A Polishop come巽ou em 1999 vendendo dietas e expandiu rapidamente para varejo multicanal, atingindo mais de 100 milh探es de consumidores no Brasil e exterior. Fundada por Jo達o Appolin叩rio, a Polishop tem hoje mais de 130 lojas, Call Center 24/7, produ巽達o digital em 3 est炭dios e faturamento acima de R$1 bilh達o.
An employee at a Finnish factory was nominated as the 2011 Water Protector for her efforts in improving the standard emission parameters at the factory's sewage water purifying plant over the last 5 years. This was the first time an industrial representative received the award, which is given annually by a Finnish environmental association to recognize work protecting water resources. The employee's success in enhancing water quality through her role shows the positive impact individuals can have.
Este documento analiza la cultura americana del espect叩culo y c坦mo influye en las personas. Presenta ejemplos como la influencia de las celebridades a trav辿s de una selfie tomada por Ellen DeGeneres en los Premios Oscar de 2014 que se volvi坦 viral. Tambi辿n menciona c坦mo eventos deportivos y la moda generan emoci坦n, y c坦mo la prensa se alimenta del esc叩ndalo. Concluye que esta cultura modela los gustos y valores de las personas a trav辿s de las emociones, artistas y medios de comunicaci坦n.
Anaerobic bacteria have effectively cleaned the wastewater from a paper mill in Germany since 2003 by generating biogas instead of biosludge, increasing production from 7,000 to 12,000 cubic meters per day. This biogas serves as an ecological substitute for the natural gas normally used by the mill's bark boiler.
1. Telecamera Samsung D&N alta risoluzione zoom 22x VSCC-C4305P
VSCC-C4305P 竪 una telecamera digitale a colori ad alta risoluzione, Day&Night e
Frame integration con obiettivo Zoom 220 X autofocus e utilizza un sensore CCD
EX-View da 1/4 470,000 pixels.
Tecnologia DSP (Digital Signal Processing)
CCD 1/4 EX-VIEW Super HAD 470,000 pixels
N&D (meccanico con filtro IR) e Frame Integration
Obiettivo Zoom 220 X autofocus
480 linee di risoluzione orizzontale
Alta sensibilit
Compensazione BLC programmabile
Sincronismo line-lock
Activity detector programmabile con uscita comando
Eccellente rapporto segnale/rumore
RS485 per controllo remoto
Ingressi comando per controllo Zoom e Focus
128 preset richiamabili manualmente
OSD multilingua
Doppia alimentazione 12Vdc&24Vac
DIMENSIONI (mm) 22-07-2009
息 Copyright 2009, GPS Standard SpA | Subject to changes in design and availability
2. Telecamera Samsung D&N alta risoluzione zoom 22x VSCC-C4305P
Sistema di scansione Standard CCIR PAL 625 linee, 50 campi/sec interlaccio 2:1
Tipo sensore 1/4 EX-VIEW CCD a trasferimento di linea 470,000 pixels,
Elementi sensibili 752(H)x582(V)
Freq. Scansione orizzontale: 15,625Hz(INT)/15,625Hz(L/L)
verticale: 50Hz(INT)/50Hz(L/L)
Sincronismo Interno/Line-Lock
Risoluzione 480 linee orizzontali, 350 verticali
Rapporto S/N Superiore a 50 dB (AGC Off)
Sensibilit Colore: 2 Lux @ F1.6, 50 IRE (0,007 Lux Sens Up x160)
B/N: 1 Lux @ F1.6, 50 IRE (0,002 Lux Sens Up x160)
Obiettivo zoom 220X autofocus (22 X ottico e 10 X digitale)
Lunghezza focale: 3,6-79,2 mm
Apertura: F 1.6 (grandangolo), F 3.8 (Teleobiettivo)
Controlli (OSD) ID Telecamera: on-off (20 caratteri) posizion.
Shutter: off, 1/100-10,000
BLC: programmabile, off
AGC: selezionabile on-off
Bilanciamento del bianco: ATW, AWC, MAN (3200属K, 5600属K,
controllo guadagno R/B)
PIP (Picture in Picture) on-off
Activity detector: on-off, programmabile
Sens Up: off, Auto (x2-x128) Fix (x2-x128)
Night&Day con filtro IR (on-off)
Uscita video CVBS (1.0 Vp-p 75 ohm composito)
Controllo remoto RS 485 (Half Duplex)
Alimentazione 12Vdc&24Vac 50Hz
Consumo 5.5W
Temperatura di esercizio -10+50属C
Umidit relativa 90% non condensante
Dimensioni (LxHxP) / Peso 59,5x60,5x161,5 mm / 0,55 Kg.
息 Copyright 2009, GPS Standard SpA | Subject to changes in design and availability