El documento describe la historia y el desarrollo de las computadoras a trav辿s de las diferentes generaciones, desde las primeras computadoras basadas en tubos de vac鱈o hasta las computadoras modernas basadas en chips. Tambi辿n discute las caracter鱈sticas y aplicaciones de las computadoras y su importancia para los seres humanos. Adem叩s, predice c坦mo podr鱈an ser las computadoras del futuro.
1. The document announces the 1st State Level Selection Test for 2016 for recruitment of Assistant Teachers in government secondary and higher secondary schools in West Bengal.
2. Eligible candidates must apply online between February 19th and March 15th, 2016 and pay fees between 24 hours after submitting the online form and March 19th, 2016.
3. The written examination will be MCQ-based and cover subjects at the Honors level for Hons/PG posts and Pass level for Work Education/Physical Education posts. Selection will be based on written exam, academic qualifications, and personality test scores.
This document discusses strategies for gaining community acceptance and overcoming opposition to proposed aggregate quarry projects. It finds that 62% of Americans oppose quarries in their hometown and politics are a major factor. It recommends conducting political due diligence, demonstrating public support, and engaging in community outreach before submitting permit applications. Key strategies include meeting with neighbors one-on-one early in the process, identifying and addressing concerns, and organizing supporters to speak at public hearings. Maintaining open communication, being responsive to complaints, and getting involved in the community through donations, tours and volunteer activities can help gain acceptance.
El documento describe c坦mo la tecnolog鱈a ha cambiado r叩pidamente en los 炭ltimos 20 a単os, con la aparici坦n de la web, las redes sociales y los smartphones, y c坦mo esto ha afectado a las profesiones, haciendo desaparecer algunas y transformar otras. Tambi辿n incluye una cita de John F. Kennedy sobre c坦mo la tecnolog鱈a puede crear nuevos empleos a pesar de eliminar otros.
Este documento resume tres tipos de organismos: carn鱈voros, que obtienen su energ鱈a y nutrientes principalmente de la carne; herb鱈voros, que se alimentan principalmente de plantas aunque tambi辿n pueden consumir prote鱈nas animales; y par叩sitos, que ampl鱈an su supervivencia utilizando a otras especies para cubrir sus necesidades vitales sin referirse necesariamente a la nutrici坦n.
This document summarizes key sources on mass incidents in China. It discusses how mass incidents have increased significantly in recent years due to socioeconomic changes and poor local governance failing to address citizen grievances. The sources analyzed categorize mass incidents and find most are disorganized with specific local demands, though social disturbances pose the largest threat to government stability. The document also notes the increasing role of the internet, with mass internet incidents able to force policy changes through mobilizing widespread support. Overall, the sources point to institutional failure at the local level as a major factor enabling the outbreak of mass incidents in China.
El documento describe la historia y el desarrollo de las computadoras a trav辿s de las diferentes generaciones, desde las primeras computadoras basadas en tubos de vac鱈o hasta las computadoras modernas basadas en chips. Tambi辿n discute las caracter鱈sticas y aplicaciones de las computadoras y su importancia para los seres humanos. Adem叩s, predice c坦mo podr鱈an ser las computadoras del futuro.
1. The document announces the 1st State Level Selection Test for 2016 for recruitment of Assistant Teachers in government secondary and higher secondary schools in West Bengal.
2. Eligible candidates must apply online between February 19th and March 15th, 2016 and pay fees between 24 hours after submitting the online form and March 19th, 2016.
3. The written examination will be MCQ-based and cover subjects at the Honors level for Hons/PG posts and Pass level for Work Education/Physical Education posts. Selection will be based on written exam, academic qualifications, and personality test scores.
This document discusses strategies for gaining community acceptance and overcoming opposition to proposed aggregate quarry projects. It finds that 62% of Americans oppose quarries in their hometown and politics are a major factor. It recommends conducting political due diligence, demonstrating public support, and engaging in community outreach before submitting permit applications. Key strategies include meeting with neighbors one-on-one early in the process, identifying and addressing concerns, and organizing supporters to speak at public hearings. Maintaining open communication, being responsive to complaints, and getting involved in the community through donations, tours and volunteer activities can help gain acceptance.
El documento describe c坦mo la tecnolog鱈a ha cambiado r叩pidamente en los 炭ltimos 20 a単os, con la aparici坦n de la web, las redes sociales y los smartphones, y c坦mo esto ha afectado a las profesiones, haciendo desaparecer algunas y transformar otras. Tambi辿n incluye una cita de John F. Kennedy sobre c坦mo la tecnolog鱈a puede crear nuevos empleos a pesar de eliminar otros.
Este documento resume tres tipos de organismos: carn鱈voros, que obtienen su energ鱈a y nutrientes principalmente de la carne; herb鱈voros, que se alimentan principalmente de plantas aunque tambi辿n pueden consumir prote鱈nas animales; y par叩sitos, que ampl鱈an su supervivencia utilizando a otras especies para cubrir sus necesidades vitales sin referirse necesariamente a la nutrici坦n.
This document summarizes key sources on mass incidents in China. It discusses how mass incidents have increased significantly in recent years due to socioeconomic changes and poor local governance failing to address citizen grievances. The sources analyzed categorize mass incidents and find most are disorganized with specific local demands, though social disturbances pose the largest threat to government stability. The document also notes the increasing role of the internet, with mass internet incidents able to force policy changes through mobilizing widespread support. Overall, the sources point to institutional failure at the local level as a major factor enabling the outbreak of mass incidents in China.
Com a crise econ担mica, os portugueses passaram a preferir f辿rias mais pr坦ximas e econ担micas, como em Portugal continental e ilhas. O Algarve continuou sendo o destino favorito, seguido pelas regi探es Norte, Madeira e Baixo Alentejo. Praia e sol foram as atividades mais procuradas no ver達o.
1. Telecamera Samsung Mini Dome IR da interno 1/3 VSDC-2020RP
Alta risoluzione: 600 linee TV (colore), 700 linee TV (B/N)
Day&Night meccanico con filtro IR
Illuminazione minima: 0 Lux (LED a infrarossi ON), distanza IR 7m
Obiettivo fisso integrato 3.6mm
Motion Detection
Controllo coassiale (Pelco-C)
Alimentazione: 12Vdc
息 Copyright 2011, GPS Standard SpA | Subject to changes in design and availability
2. Telecamera Samsung Mini Dome IR da interno 1/3 VSDC-2020RP
Video Dispositivo di acquisizione immagini CCD Super HAD 1/3"
Pixel totali 795(O) x 596(V)
Pixel effettivi 752(O) x 582(V)
Sistema di scansione 2 : 1 Interlacciato
Sincronizzazione Interna
Frequenza O: 15.625KHz / V : 50Hz
Risoluzione orizzontale A colori: 600 linee TV, B/N: 700 linee TV
Illuminazione minima A colori: 0.15 lux@F1.2 (50IRE)
B/N: 0 lux (LED a infrarossi ON)
Rapporto S / N 52 dB (AGC off, Peso on)
Uscita video CVBS : 1.0 Vp-p / 75立 composita
Obiettivo Lunghezza focale (rapporto di zoom) 3.6mm
Apertura max diaframma F2.0
Campo di visualizzazione angolare O: 66 / V : 49
Distanza minima dagli oggetti 0.4m
Obiettivo Fisso
Montaggio Su piastra
Caratteristiche Visualizzazione su schermo Supporto multilingue mediante cavo coassiale, Inglese,
operative francese, tedesco, spagnolo, italiano, cinese, russo, polacco,
ceco, rumeno, serbo, svedese, danese, turco, portoghese
Titolo telecamera Off / On (visualizzati 15 caratteri)
Day&Night Auto (ICR) / Esterno / A colori / B/N
Compensazione controluce BLC / HLC / Off
Miglioramento del contrasto SSDR (Off / On)
Riduzione digitale del rumore SSNRIII (Off / On)
Stabilizzazione dell'immagine digitale Off / On
Rilevazione movimento Off / On (8 zone programmabili)
Maschera privacy Off / On (12 zone programmabili)
Alta sensibilit 2x ~ 512x
(integrazione fotogrammi)
Controllo guadagno Off / Basso / Alto
Bilanciamento bianco ATW/Esterno/Interno/Manuale/AWC (1.700K属~11.000K属)
Velocit otturatore elettronico 1/50 ~ 1/120,000sec
Zoom digitale Off / On (1x ~ 16x)
Inversione Rov-V (Off / On) / Rov-V (Off / On)
Comunicazione Controllo coassiale (compatibile VSPC-300)
Protocollo Coassiale : Pelco-C (Coaxitron)
Distanza IR 7m (LED a infrarossi 8x)
Caratteristiche Temperatura -10属C ~ +50属C (+14属F ~ +122属F)
ambientali Umidit relativa Inferiore al 90%
Caratteristiche Tensione/corrente in ingresso 12Vdc 賊10%
elettriche Consumo Max. 2.5W
Caratteristiche Colore Avorio
meccaniche Dimensioni ( x H) 107 x 84 mm
Peso 280g
息 Copyright 2011, GPS Standard SpA | Subject to changes in design and availability