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The Price of Not Funding Vermont State Colleges
Believe it or not, in 22 years, the State has failed to increase funding to the Vermont State Colleges
(VSC) to keep up with inflation. This has resulted in our State Colleges experiencing an alarming 76%
drop in State appropriations from 1990 to 2013.
This year, the Shumlin Administration proposed to increase VSC funding by 2%, which would level
fund the system when you factor in this years projected 2% inflation rate. The VSC had requested a 4%
funding increase to help restore the VSC's affordability and competiveness, so even the Governors
proposal didnt quite meet the VSCs needs, but it did prevent an actual funding cut.
Enter the Vermont House, which recently voted cut the Governors 2% VSC funding
increase to just 1%. If that 1% is allowed to stand, the VSC will have to find money
somewhere to make up the difference. Where will the VSC find that
money? Its students, who will most likely be asked to
pay yet another tuition increase. This hurts our students,
and it further damages VSCs ability to recruit new
students in what is already a tough recruiting
To help VSC officials secure the full 2% increase,
VSEAs State Colleges members are joining
with them to urge the Senate to reject the House's cut
andinclude the full 2% in the new budget.
Contact your Senators today and ask them to include the Governors entire 2% funding increase to the
Vermont State Colleges!
Here are some talking points for when you call:
 Please restore the States proposed 2% increase for the State Colleges;
 Vermont ranks 47th in state appropriations for Higher Education, per 1,000 of personal income;
 VSC receives 18% of their funding from the State; national average for state colleges is 53%;
 VSC - 82% dependent on tuition for funding and the national average is 47%.
 The average Vermont student graduates with the 13th highest graduate debt in the nation.

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  • 1. The Price of Not Funding Vermont State Colleges Believe it or not, in 22 years, the State has failed to increase funding to the Vermont State Colleges (VSC) to keep up with inflation. This has resulted in our State Colleges experiencing an alarming 76% drop in State appropriations from 1990 to 2013. This year, the Shumlin Administration proposed to increase VSC funding by 2%, which would level fund the system when you factor in this years projected 2% inflation rate. The VSC had requested a 4% funding increase to help restore the VSC's affordability and competiveness, so even the Governors proposal didnt quite meet the VSCs needs, but it did prevent an actual funding cut. Enter the Vermont House, which recently voted cut the Governors 2% VSC funding increase to just 1%. If that 1% is allowed to stand, the VSC will have to find money somewhere to make up the difference. Where will the VSC find that money? Its students, who will most likely be asked to pay yet another tuition increase. This hurts our students, and it further damages VSCs ability to recruit new students in what is already a tough recruiting climate. To help VSC officials secure the full 2% increase, VSEAs State Colleges members are joining with them to urge the Senate to reject the House's cut andinclude the full 2% in the new budget. Contact your Senators today and ask them to include the Governors entire 2% funding increase to the Vermont State Colleges! Here are some talking points for when you call: Please restore the States proposed 2% increase for the State Colleges; Vermont ranks 47th in state appropriations for Higher Education, per 1,000 of personal income; VSC receives 18% of their funding from the State; national average for state colleges is 53%; VSC - 82% dependent on tuition for funding and the national average is 47%. The average Vermont student graduates with the 13th highest graduate debt in the nation.