This Edureka "Node.js Express tutorial" will help you to learn the Node.js express fundamentals with examples. Express.js is flexible and minimal node.js web application framework that provides robust set of features to develop mobile and web applications. It facilitates the rapid development of node.js applications. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial:
1) Why Express.js?
2) What is Express.js?
3) Express Installation
4) Express Routes
5) Express Middlewares
Pr└sentation donn└e ┐ l'Aperotech Oxalide, le 24 juin 2013.
Qu'est-ce que NodeJS ? pourquoi en parle-t-on autant ? quand l'utiliser ? qu'est-ce que l'asynchrone ? quelle est le contexte actuel du march└ du js / NodeJS ?
WebRTC + building a skype-like video chat with native javascriptMichele Di Salvatore
Presentation of my last talk at MilanoJS event. It is the case history of a project where we used the WebRTC to make a chat skype style, using also WebSockets with on NodeJS
Cette pr└sentation aborde plusieurs points :
* Qu'est-ce qu'un moteur de r┬gles ?
* Drools, les alternatives et son historique.
* R└sum└ d'un comparatif de moteur de r┬gles.
* Premi┬re r┬gle, une r┬gle simple !
* R┬gles lisibles pour un humain (DSL et Table de d└cision).
* Drools Guvnor (BRMS/BPMS, syst┬me de gestion de r└gles m└tiers).
* Drools Flow (Flow/WorkFlow).
* Drools Fusion (Event Processing).
* Performance :
o Algorithme de Rete
La pr└sentation fut dense. En effet, le focus a └t└ mis sur la derni┬re version de Drools, la version 5, qui propose └norm└ment de fonctionnalit└s.
Principles of Monitoring MicroservicesMichael Ducy
Containers and Microservices have radically changed how you get visibility into your applications. As developers have started to leverage orchestration systems on top of containers, the game is changing yet again. What was a simple application on a host before is now a sophisticated, dynamically orchestrated, multi-container architecture. It¨s amazing for development - but introduces a whole new set of challenges for monitoring and visibility.
In this talk we¨ll lay out five key principles for monitoring microservices and the containers they are based on. These principles take into account the operational difference of containers and microservices when compared to traditional architectures.
This talk is for the operator that needs to help development teams understand how visibility of apps has changed, and help teams implement these ideas. You¨ll walk away with a good understanding of the challenges of monitoring microservices and how you can set your team up for success.
This document provides examples of using Redis data structures to solve common data modeling problems. It discusses using Redis lists to improve logging performance, hashes to track daily visitor counts, JSON to implement shopping carts, sets for tracking likes on posts, and bits to count unique daily visitors at scale. Pipelines, Lua scripting, and read replicas are proposed to further optimize some solutions.
The document discusses Node.js and Express.js concepts for building web servers and applications. It includes examples of creating HTTP servers, routing requests, using middleware, handling errors, templating with views and layouts, and separating code into models and routes.
This document contains notes from a meeting on web application security. It discusses several common vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and clickjacking. It provides examples of how these vulnerabilities can occur and ways to prevent them, such as sanitizing user input, enabling CSRF protection middleware, and using the X-Frame-Options header. Keywords discussed include MySQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, and various attack vectors like CSRF, XSS, SQL injection, and clickjacking. The document aims to educate on security best practices for Python and Django web applications.
Pr└sentation donn└e ┐ l'Aperotech Oxalide, le 24 juin 2013.
Qu'est-ce que NodeJS ? pourquoi en parle-t-on autant ? quand l'utiliser ? qu'est-ce que l'asynchrone ? quelle est le contexte actuel du march└ du js / NodeJS ?
WebRTC + building a skype-like video chat with native javascriptMichele Di Salvatore
Presentation of my last talk at MilanoJS event. It is the case history of a project where we used the WebRTC to make a chat skype style, using also WebSockets with on NodeJS
Cette pr└sentation aborde plusieurs points :
* Qu'est-ce qu'un moteur de r┬gles ?
* Drools, les alternatives et son historique.
* R└sum└ d'un comparatif de moteur de r┬gles.
* Premi┬re r┬gle, une r┬gle simple !
* R┬gles lisibles pour un humain (DSL et Table de d└cision).
* Drools Guvnor (BRMS/BPMS, syst┬me de gestion de r└gles m└tiers).
* Drools Flow (Flow/WorkFlow).
* Drools Fusion (Event Processing).
* Performance :
o Algorithme de Rete
La pr└sentation fut dense. En effet, le focus a └t└ mis sur la derni┬re version de Drools, la version 5, qui propose └norm└ment de fonctionnalit└s.
Principles of Monitoring MicroservicesMichael Ducy
Containers and Microservices have radically changed how you get visibility into your applications. As developers have started to leverage orchestration systems on top of containers, the game is changing yet again. What was a simple application on a host before is now a sophisticated, dynamically orchestrated, multi-container architecture. It¨s amazing for development - but introduces a whole new set of challenges for monitoring and visibility.
In this talk we¨ll lay out five key principles for monitoring microservices and the containers they are based on. These principles take into account the operational difference of containers and microservices when compared to traditional architectures.
This talk is for the operator that needs to help development teams understand how visibility of apps has changed, and help teams implement these ideas. You¨ll walk away with a good understanding of the challenges of monitoring microservices and how you can set your team up for success.
This document provides examples of using Redis data structures to solve common data modeling problems. It discusses using Redis lists to improve logging performance, hashes to track daily visitor counts, JSON to implement shopping carts, sets for tracking likes on posts, and bits to count unique daily visitors at scale. Pipelines, Lua scripting, and read replicas are proposed to further optimize some solutions.
The document discusses Node.js and Express.js concepts for building web servers and applications. It includes examples of creating HTTP servers, routing requests, using middleware, handling errors, templating with views and layouts, and separating code into models and routes.
This document contains notes from a meeting on web application security. It discusses several common vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and clickjacking. It provides examples of how these vulnerabilities can occur and ways to prevent them, such as sanitizing user input, enabling CSRF protection middleware, and using the X-Frame-Options header. Keywords discussed include MySQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, and various attack vectors like CSRF, XSS, SQL injection, and clickjacking. The document aims to educate on security best practices for Python and Django web applications.