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Michael Ducy
[131]chromium binging ??? node.js? ?????
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Yuki Hattori
Redis data modeling examples
Redis data modeling examplesRedis data modeling examples
Redis data modeling examples
Terry Cho
???????????????? ??????? ?????? ?????????
???????????????? ??????? ?????? ????????????????????????? ??????? ?????? ?????????
???????????????? ??????? ?????? ?????????
Young-Ho Cho
Djangoアプリのデプロイにvするプラクティス / Deploy django application
Djangoアプリのデプロイにvするプラクティス / Deploy django applicationDjangoアプリのデプロイにvするプラクティス / Deploy django application
Djangoアプリのデプロイにvするプラクティス / Deploy django application
Masashi Shibata

Similar to ?? ? ???? ?? ?? Vue.js ?? (20)

Mongo db ???
Mongo db ???Mongo db ???
Mongo db ???
beom kyun choi
Front-end Development Process - ???? ??? ? ??
Front-end Development Process - ???? ??? ? ??Front-end Development Process - ???? ??? ? ??
Front-end Development Process - ???? ??? ? ??
JeongHun Byeon
[XECon+PHPFest 2014] jQuery ????? AngularJS ??? ??
[XECon+PHPFest 2014] jQuery ????? AngularJS ??? ??[XECon+PHPFest 2014] jQuery ????? AngularJS ??? ??
[XECon+PHPFest 2014] jQuery ????? AngularJS ??? ??
Jeado Ko
?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? NDC2011
?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? NDC2011?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? NDC2011
?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? NDC2011
Esun Kim
???? ??? ??, From c++98 to c++11, 14
???? ??? ??, From c++98 to c++11, 14 ???? ??? ??, From c++98 to c++11, 14
???? ??? ??, From c++98 to c++11, 14
?? ?
Nodejs, PhantomJS, casperJs, YSlow, expressjs
Nodejs, PhantomJS, casperJs, YSlow, expressjsNodejs, PhantomJS, casperJs, YSlow, expressjs
Nodejs, PhantomJS, casperJs, YSlow, expressjs
?? ?
???(Deep Learing) using DeepDetect
???(Deep Learing) using DeepDetect???(Deep Learing) using DeepDetect
???(Deep Learing) using DeepDetect
Junyi Song
Node.js and react
Node.js and reactNode.js and react
Node.js and react
Mean ???????? ???????? IoT ?????
Mean ???????? ???????? IoT ?????Mean ???????? ???????? IoT ?????
Mean ???????? ???????? IoT ?????
Jay Park
Partner Story(Megazone): ??? ?? ???? DeepDive
Partner Story(Megazone): ??? ?? ???? DeepDive Partner Story(Megazone): ??? ?? ???? DeepDive
Partner Story(Megazone): ??? ?? ???? DeepDive
Webframeworks angular js ??????
Webframeworks angular js ??????Webframeworks angular js ??????
Webframeworks angular js ??????
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC2010
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC2010??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC2010
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC2010
Ryan Park
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC10
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC10??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC10
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC10
Ryan Park
Ksug2015 jpa4 ??????????????
Ksug2015 jpa4 ??????????????Ksug2015 jpa4 ??????????????
Ksug2015 jpa4 ??????????????
Younghan Kim
????? ???? ??
????? ???? ??????? ???? ??
????? ???? ??
jaypi Ko
[NDC17] Unreal.js - ??????? ?? ?? UE4 ????
[NDC17] Unreal.js - ??????? ?? ?? UE4 ????[NDC17] Unreal.js - ??????? ?? ?? UE4 ????
[NDC17] Unreal.js - ??????? ?? ?? UE4 ????
?? ?
Meteor IoT
Meteor IoTMeteor IoT
Meteor IoT
Jaeho Lee
Front-end Development Process - ???? ??? ? ??
Front-end Development Process - ???? ??? ? ??Front-end Development Process - ???? ??? ? ??
Front-end Development Process - ???? ??? ? ??
JeongHun Byeon
[XECon+PHPFest 2014] jQuery ????? AngularJS ??? ??
[XECon+PHPFest 2014] jQuery ????? AngularJS ??? ??[XECon+PHPFest 2014] jQuery ????? AngularJS ??? ??
[XECon+PHPFest 2014] jQuery ????? AngularJS ??? ??
Jeado Ko
?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? NDC2011
?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? NDC2011?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? NDC2011
?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? NDC2011
Esun Kim
???? ??? ??, From c++98 to c++11, 14
???? ??? ??, From c++98 to c++11, 14 ???? ??? ??, From c++98 to c++11, 14
???? ??? ??, From c++98 to c++11, 14
?? ?
Nodejs, PhantomJS, casperJs, YSlow, expressjs
Nodejs, PhantomJS, casperJs, YSlow, expressjsNodejs, PhantomJS, casperJs, YSlow, expressjs
Nodejs, PhantomJS, casperJs, YSlow, expressjs
?? ?
???(Deep Learing) using DeepDetect
???(Deep Learing) using DeepDetect???(Deep Learing) using DeepDetect
???(Deep Learing) using DeepDetect
Junyi Song
Node.js and react
Node.js and reactNode.js and react
Node.js and react
Mean ???????? ???????? IoT ?????
Mean ???????? ???????? IoT ?????Mean ???????? ???????? IoT ?????
Mean ???????? ???????? IoT ?????
Jay Park
Partner Story(Megazone): ??? ?? ???? DeepDive
Partner Story(Megazone): ??? ?? ???? DeepDive Partner Story(Megazone): ??? ?? ???? DeepDive
Partner Story(Megazone): ??? ?? ???? DeepDive
Webframeworks angular js ??????
Webframeworks angular js ??????Webframeworks angular js ??????
Webframeworks angular js ??????
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC2010
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC2010??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC2010
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC2010
Ryan Park
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC10
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC10??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC10
??? ???? ??? ???? ??? in NDC10
Ryan Park
Ksug2015 jpa4 ??????????????
Ksug2015 jpa4 ??????????????Ksug2015 jpa4 ??????????????
Ksug2015 jpa4 ??????????????
Younghan Kim
????? ???? ??
????? ???? ??????? ???? ??
????? ???? ??
jaypi Ko
[NDC17] Unreal.js - ??????? ?? ?? UE4 ????
[NDC17] Unreal.js - ??????? ?? ?? UE4 ????[NDC17] Unreal.js - ??????? ?? ?? UE4 ????
[NDC17] Unreal.js - ??????? ?? ?? UE4 ????
?? ?

More from beom kyun choi (20)

DDD? ??? ???
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beom kyun choi
TDD ?????????? @ ?????
TDD ?????????? @ ?????TDD ?????????? @ ?????
TDD ?????????? @ ?????
beom kyun choi
keras ?? ????(intro)
keras ?? ????(intro)keras ?? ????(intro)
keras ?? ????(intro)
beom kyun choi
DDD ?? ???
DDD ?? ???DDD ?? ???
DDD ?? ???
beom kyun choi
Tensorflow regression ????? ??
Tensorflow regression ????? ??Tensorflow regression ????? ??
Tensorflow regression ????? ??
beom kyun choi
Ddd start ????? ????????&ksug
Ddd start ????? ????????&ksugDdd start ????? ????????&ksug
Ddd start ????? ????????&ksug
beom kyun choi
MVP ?? ??
MVP ?? ??MVP ?? ??
MVP ?? ??
beom kyun choi
??? ?? ??
??? ?? ????? ?? ??
??? ?? ??
beom kyun choi
????? KSUG 20151128
????? KSUG 20151128????? KSUG 20151128
????? KSUG 20151128
beom kyun choi
Event source ?????? ????? ?????
Event source ?????? ????? ?????Event source ?????? ????? ?????
Event source ?????? ????? ?????
beom kyun choi
Spring Boot ??
Spring Boot ??Spring Boot ??
Spring Boot ??
beom kyun choi
???????? ?????? ??
???????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ??
???????? ?????? ??
beom kyun choi
Ji ?? ?? (???????)
Ji ?? ?? (???????)Ji ?? ?? (???????)
Ji ?? ?? (???????)
beom kyun choi
?????? ????? ????
?????? ????? ?????????? ????? ????
?????? ????? ????
beom kyun choi
??????? ???????? ???? ????
??????? ???????? ???? ??????????? ???????? ???? ????
??????? ???????? ???? ????
beom kyun choi
??8 ??? API ??
??8 ??? API ????8 ??? API ??
??8 ??? API ??
beom kyun choi
????8 ???????? ????
????8 ???????? ????????8 ???????? ????
????8 ???????? ????
beom kyun choi
Zookeeper ??
Zookeeper ??Zookeeper ??
Zookeeper ??
beom kyun choi
??2 YARN ?? ??
??2 YARN ?? ????2 YARN ?? ??
??2 YARN ?? ??
beom kyun choi

?? ? ???? ?? ?? Vue.js ??

  • 1. ?? ? ???? ?? @ ? Vue.js ?? ???, 2,d90r8s@2,d90r8s.n.t, @OKKY 20180419 ??: /tt4s: :::.s10d.s/,r..n.t 2,d90r8s
  • 2. ? = ?J ? (?S) ?R? ? ?? h?? ?? ? b? ?? ? ).6 ~ ? TEpe.cript ? g?a, ?L, T? M ? npm, Earn, De2pack, parcel, 2a2el, ReqCireJ., A,(, .. ? C.. ? .aAA, +eAA, ´ ? b? h???c ? React, AngClar 2 , VCe.jA ? eV? ? ,=ca6, JaAmine, ´ 2
  • 3. C = M? ? (??) ??P ? ?? A ? S?? ? 3q=ery ? ??? Ang=lar 1 B? ? C++ ?J Bootstrap ? ?? ? +pring ),C ? (+P, t1ymeleaf 3
  • 4. ??? ?? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? 4
  • 5. ??? ?? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? 5
  • 6. ?? ? ??(2? ?P) ? ?? ?? A?? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? ?? ? ??P ?? ??? ? ??6 ?? ?? ? ? ??? ??P ?2 ?? ? SPA(S)n(le Pa(e A,,) ? ??? S? ?? ??6 ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? S? ?? ??6 ?? 6
  • 7. Reac. vs Angula, vs Vue.js ???: ?? ??:, ?7 ??, ???
  • 8. ??? ??? ? h ?? ?d ? ?j? ?o ? httEH://Htat:of?H.8oB/201(/front-:nd/r:HuAtH/ ? 3u:.?H? ,nguAar ?? ? ??c k???? ?j? n?? ?? ? ?e ?b????? n? ? httEH://kr.Ku:?H.org/K2/guid:/8oBEariHon.htBA ? ,nguAar 2?p 3u:.?Hc ?yN ?? (2:a8tf q??? v? ??) ? httE://7it.Ay/2/B133a (?i) httE://7it.Ay/2.ygZAf (l?) ? ?t Rq ?u ip V? r? ?s? ? ?? 3u:.?H? ??aZ g??m? ??X? ? httE://7it.Ay/2uXq:fu (?i) httE://7it.Ay/2K0-X0: (l?) )
  • 9. ? ?? Vue..s jb ? ??? ?? ?V? ??? ? ?? ? ??? ???(2 2(y )-nd-ng) ?? ? d??i ? ??g(SPA) ? ??i?S ? ?? ?? d??i ? ?A? Pe ?? ? ?a??A ?9 ?? ?9 ? P???A ?? n? ? ?? ?? 9
  • 10. ?? ?[ '0 ;ttpD://=D:<dd>e.net/madv<CuD/y');vC;=/ ,d<v <d="app". ,;(.T?,/;(. ??: ,<nput type="text" v-model="name" /. ??: ,<nput type="paDDwACd" v-model="password" /. ,;(.???,/;(. ??: ,<nput type="text" v-bind:value="name" /. ??: ,<nput type="paDDwACd" :value="password" /. ,;(.?,/;(. ,u>. ,><.?? : {{ name }},/><. ,><.?? : {{ password }},/><. ,/u>. ,<nput type="buttAn" v-on:click="init()" va>ue="??]" /. ,/d<v. ,DcC<pt type="text/=avaDcC<pt" DCc=";ttpD://.../vue.=D".,/DcC<pt. ,DcC<pt type="text/=avaDcC<pt".//,!301/T/3 vaC app = new Vue!{ el: #app , data: { name: "", password: "" }, methods: { init: :unct<An!" { t;<D.name = "<n<t"; t;<D.paDDwACd = ""; } } }" //44. ,/DcC<pt.
  • 11. +, ?? ??: ?? + ? + ??? ? ??? ???? ???, ??
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  • 16. ?? ?aN? ? S? ?? ? ??Y, ??d? ??? ?? ?aN? S? ?? ? ???? O ? '( EE =u<b6r " ' }} EE >: - 'Y.1' ) '/O' }} ┐ eb? ?? ? ?? EE <6ssag6.s?lit '').r6v6rs6 ).j>i= '') }} ┐ eb? ?? ? ?? <div v-bi=d)id+"'list-' " id",</div,
  • 17. ?c ?? ?Y a?: met;A7s ? ?c ?? e? ? f?? hi?, ??gV?? ?b ?? (7 vaC app . new Vue"{ e>: ! app!, 7ata: { name: "", 5<Ct;yeaC: t;<sYeaC - (), paCent1;ec=: fa>se, s;AwA:e: tCue }, methods: { reg: funct<An"# {´}, agem: funct<An"# { CetuCn t;<sYeaC - t;<s.5<Ct;yeaC, }, showToggle: funct<An"# { t;<s.s;AwA:e . !t;<s.s;AwA:e } } }# -7<v v-<f."s;AwA:e" v-on:click="showToggle"/ {{ agem() }} -'7<v/ -7<v v-<f."!s;AwA:e" v-on:click="showToggle"/ ?dh? -'7<v/
  • 18. ??? ?? ? ??? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?? ? v-on ???? ? ?: v-on:cl.ck, v-on:key8p, v-on:68b1.t, v-on:c-an,e ´ ? ??? ? ??? ? 6top, p5event, capt85e, once, ´ ? key8p ???? ? ???: ??? ? ??: ente5, tab, e6c, delete, 6pace, 8p, do:n, left, 5.,-t, ct5l, alt, 6-.ft, 1eta ? ??: ct5l65 18
  • 19. ??? ? '9 .=Bv B=/":pp"> .: hI>f/"#" v-on:click.prevent="help">??Y./:> .foIE> .=Bv> .D:;>D foI/"F:E>">??./D:;>D> .BFput typ>/"t>xt" B=/"F:E>" v-Eo=>D/"F:E>" v-on:keyup.enter="goTo('birthyear')" /> ./=Bv> .=Bv> .D:;>D foI/";BIthy>:I">?T./D:;>D> .BFput typ>/"t>xt" B=/";BIthy>:I" v-Eo=>D/";BIthy>:I" v-on:keyup.enter="goNext" =:t:-F>xt/"I>g"/> ./=Bv> ./foIE> .BFput B=/"I>g" typ>/";uttoF" v-on:click="reg" v:Du>/"V?" /> ./=Bv> v:I thBs9>:I / F>N D:t>(".g>t4uDD9>:I("- v:I :pp / F>N 8u>({ >D, #:pp # =:t:, { ´ }# E>tho=s, { h>Dp, fuF<tBoF(" { ´ }# goTo, fuF<tBoF(id" { =o<uE>Ft.g>tED>E>Ft1yI=(B=".fo<us("- }# go6>xt, fuF<tBoF(event" { v:I F>xtI= / >v>Ft.t:Ig>t.=:t:s>t.F>xt- v:I >D> / =o<uE>Ft.g>tED>E>Ft1yI=(F>xtI="- Bf (>D>" >D>.fo<us("- }# I>g, fuF<tBoF(" { :D>It("V?""- } } }" https,//jsfB==D>.F>t/E:=vBIus/;f<)(ph8/
  • 21. ??+? ? UI ?? ?? ? ??? + ? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ┐ ??: ?? ? ?? ┐ ??: ?2? ? ?? ?? UI ?? ?? ??? ? :: 1?, ?-I, ?,? 21
  • 22. ???? ? 22 (>empl/>e i2)"user-info-template"> (2iv cl/==)"c/<2"> (2iv cl/==)"c/<2-b:2y"> (2iv> (=p/n cl/==)"b/2ge b/2ge-p<im/<y">?H(/=p/n> (=p/n>{{ info./22<e== }}(/=p/n> (/2iv> (2iv> (=p/n cl/==)"b/2ge b/2ge-p<im/<y">H,(/=p/n> (=p/n>{{ info.hp }}(/=p/n> (/2iv> (2iv> (=p/n cl/==)"b/2ge b/2ge-p<im/<y">??(/=p/n> (=p/n>{{ info.c:n></c> }}(/=p/n> (/2iv> (2iv> (=p/n cl/==)"b/2ge b/2ge-p<im/<y">??(/=p/n> (=p/n>{{ info.unp/y }}(/=p/n> (/2iv> (/2iv> (/2iv> (/>empl/>e> Vue.component 'user-info'" { template' '#user-info-template'" props' -'info'. })
  • 23. ???? ?N '( <d;v ;d,"3pp" c<3ss,"co>t3;>er"- <user-info v-bind:info="infoData"></user-info> <3ct;v;ty-<;st v-b;>d)3ct;v;t;es,"3ct;v;t;es"-</3ct;v;ty-<;st- <3ct;v;ty-for= v-o>)3dded,"3dd/ew"-</3ct;v;ty-for=- </d;v- v3r 3pp , >ew VDe({ e<) "#3pp"# d3t3) { infoData) {}# activities) [2 }# cre3ted) fD>ct;o>(" { t:;s.<o3d("; }# =et:ods) { <o3d) fD>ct;o>(" { 3x;os.get(/so=ed3t3/" .t:e>((respo>se" ,- { t:;s.;>fo.3t3 , respo>se.d3t3.;>fo; t:;s.3ct;v;t;es , respo>se.d3t3.3ct;v;t;es; }".c3tc:((error" ,- { co>so<e.<og(error"; }"; }# ´ } }"; VDe.co=po>e>t( user-info # { te=p<3te) #Dser-;>fo-te=p<3te # props) [ info 2 }"
  • 24. ?V?? ??? ?? () 4ue.7ompoAeAt( a7t=v=ty-:oDm # { template, #a7t=v=ty-:oDm-template # data, :uA7t=oA(" { DetuDA { type, ""# Desult, ""# N }- }# met<ods, { De;, :uA7t=oA(" { vaD Aew17t / { "date", :oDmat2ate(Aew 2ate(""# "Desult", t<=s.Desult# "type", t<=s.type}- this.$emit("added", newAct)- } } }" .d=v =d/"app" 7lass/"7oAta=AeD"> .d=v v-s<ow/"loaded"> .useD-=A:o v-6=Ad,=A:o/"=A:o">./useD-=A:o> .a7t=v=ty-l=st ,a7t=v=t=es/"a7t=v=t=es">./a7t=v=ty-l=st> .a7t=v=ty-:oDm v-on:added="addNew">./a7t=v=ty-:oDm> ./d=v> ./d=v> vaD app / Aew 4ue({ el, "#app"# ... met<ods, { addNew, :uA7t=oA(Aew17t" { t<=s.a7t=v=t=es.pus<(Aew17t"- }# ... } }"- <ttps,//>s:=ddle.Aet/madv=Dus/(D;'zs76/
  • 25. ???? ?? ? ?? ??? ?5?? ?25 ???? ????? ?? 25 ?? ? ?????? ?? ? ??? ?? ? ??
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