The document discusses a message from martyred Imam 'Abdullah 'Azzam to youth, urging them to give some of their time to Allah while young. It then summarizes works by Ibn al-Qayyim, describing him as a fruit of Ibn Taymiyyah who distinguished himself with deep worship. The introduction highlights some of Ibn al-Qayyim's influential books on Islamic education and theology.
This document is the preface to a book titled "An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World", which is the third volume in a series on Surah al-Kahf. The preface provides background information on the author's 15+ year study of Gog and Magog, including public lectures on the topic that generated interest. It notes the author previously argued in another book that we now live in a world dominated by Gog and Magog. The preface expresses the hope that this new book will help convince Islamic scholars of the release of Gog and Magog. It also thanks Allah and provides context that the book was written in the Caribbean, continuing a tradition from the author's ancestors
1. The document discusses the significance of the Day of Judgment in Islam and how belief in it profoundly impacts one's actions and character.
2. It outlines several key events that will occur on the Day of Judgment, including the resurrection of the dead, appearance in the Plain of Hashr, and distribution of the Book of Deeds.
3. Death of an individual is described as a mini Judgment Day, and it is emphasized as an inevitable reality for all. The disobedient will have a difficult death while the pious will be greeted peacefully.
This document provides a preface and foreword for the book "Jerusalem in the Qur'an" by Imran N. Hosein. The preface discusses recent geopolitical events that further validate the analysis and predictions in Hosein's book. It notes the illegal invasion of Iraq and continuing oppression of Muslims in Palestine, Bosnia, and elsewhere. The foreword praises the meticulous documentation and timely nature of the book, which fills an intellectual and religious gap by refuting Zionist claims from authenticated religious sources. It asserts the book will serve as an important academic reference for Muslims worldwide in addressing the question of Jerusalem.
The document discusses two prophecies from hadiths about signs of the last day: [1] the uncovering of a mountain of gold along the Euphrates River, which some scholars interpret as referring to oil, and [2] a war between Muslims and Jews where Muslims will kill Jews until they hide behind objects that will then reveal their presence. The document provides context about the Euphrates River and explanations of hadiths related to the prophecies.
DESIGN West 2013 Presentation: Accelerating Android Development and DeliveryDavid Rosen
This document discusses accelerating the Android development process. It begins by noting the widespread use of Android and the challenges of slow builds and testing. It then outlines techniques for speeding up builds and Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) execution, including using more efficient build tools, dependency optimization, and test parallelization. Faster development cycles can be achieved through an integrated continuous delivery solution that applies these acceleration strategies and provides end-to-end process visibility.
OnAndroidConf 2013: Accelerating the Android Platform BuildDavid Rosen
Presented at the OnAndroidConf, October 22 2013,
Optimizing the Android build environment to perform at world-class level is a big challenge for many Android device and chipset makers today. Churning through thousands of platform builds per week requires laser-focus on high-performance infrastructure and tooling. If youre looking at improving your overall engineering and developer productivity, the software build use case is an obvious area to prioritize.
This technical talk will focus on the following aspects of the Android platform build:
Common Android platform build challenges and opportunities with real-life production references
The various Android build use cases and their needs full integration and release builds, developer incremental builds
Evolution of the Android build and codebase with trends and statistics
Detailed technical analysis of the Android platform build, highlighting opportunities for improvements
Proposed solutions and technical tricks to optimize an Android software build environment
Accelerate Your Visual Studio Software Build Environment with ElectricAcceler...David Rosen
This document summarizes how ElectricAccelerator can accelerate software builds in Visual Studio. It discusses how ElectricAccelerator parallelizes and distributes build tasks across servers and desktops to dramatically speed up builds. The document outlines ElectricAccelerator's key benefits like optimized dependency management and fault-tolerant workload distribution. It then provides an overview of ElectricAccelerator's Visual Studio plugin release which improves usability and speed through toolchain virtualization and initial build performance enhancements. Benchmark results show significant build time reductions using ElectricAccelerator.
The document provides information about several elements that can be harmful to humans and the environment, including mercury, uranium, aluminum, selenium, fluorine, and their negative health effects and environmental impacts. Mercury exposure can harm the nervous, immune and digestive systems. Uranium exposure poses both chemical and radiological risks like kidney damage. Aluminum intake is linked to neurological and bone disorders. Selenium in large amounts can damage organs. Fluorine compounds are toxic if ingested. Many elements accumulate in wildlife and water sources, concentrating up the food chain and affecting ecosystems.
The document discusses a marketing program called FlyPage that provides cost-effective traffic building and branding opportunities for small and mid-sized businesses. FlyPage offers both non-targeted and targeted advertising options, with targeted allowing businesses to focus on specific regions and industries. The document provides pricing details and examples of traffic metrics and costs from trial campaigns using FlyPage.
Signs of the last day by shaikh imran hoseinFawad Sodhar
The document discusses major and minor signs of the Last Day according to prophecies of Muhammad. It argues that six of the ten major signs have already occurred: 1) Dajjal (Antichrist), who was released in Muhammad's lifetime; 2) Gog and Magog, also released in his lifetime; 3) Smoke, referring to modern environmental pollution; 4) Three sinkings of the earth - one is speculated to be the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami; 5) The rising of the sun in the west has not occurred; 6) The descent of Jesus has not occurred. The remaining signs to be fulfilled are the beast, a fire coming from Yemen, and Jesus killing Dajjal.
O mercado ainda possui conceitos err担neos sobre o WordPress. Essa apresenta巽達o vem desmitificar alguns conceitos err担neos sobre esse sistema e mostrar com mais evid棚ncia as vantagem de usar esse CMS para os projetos da empresa.
This document provides an overview of a one day symposium on causes of mode effects on survey measurement. The symposium focused on how the mode of data collection can affect survey responses. It explored this topic through several presentations and discussions on how cognitive interviewing, visual/aural stimuli, interviewers, question format optimization, and question design affect comparability of responses across modes. The goal was to provide practical advice on improving portability of survey questions across different modes of data collection like telephone, web, and paper surveys.
The document discusses the Quranic verses and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad that prohibit riba (usury or interest). It presents several Quranic verses revealed between the 6th and 9th years of prophethood and hijrah that forbid consuming or charging interest. It also shares hadiths where the Prophet curses those who take or give interest and says interest has many evils. The Prophet warns that interest leads to scarcity and likens deliberately taking even a small amount of interest to committing serious sins like zina repeatedly. The document emphasizes that Islam strictly prohibits interest in all forms based on divine revelation and the teachings of the Prophet.
The document discusses two prophecies from hadiths about signs of the last day: [1] the uncovering of a mountain of gold along the Euphrates River, which some scholars interpret as referring to oil, and [2] a war between Muslims and Jews where Muslims will kill Jews until they hide behind objects that will then reveal their presence. The document provides context about the Euphrates River and explanations of hadiths related to the prophecies.
DESIGN West 2013 Presentation: Accelerating Android Development and DeliveryDavid Rosen
This document discusses accelerating the Android development process. It begins by noting the widespread use of Android and the challenges of slow builds and testing. It then outlines techniques for speeding up builds and Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) execution, including using more efficient build tools, dependency optimization, and test parallelization. Faster development cycles can be achieved through an integrated continuous delivery solution that applies these acceleration strategies and provides end-to-end process visibility.
OnAndroidConf 2013: Accelerating the Android Platform BuildDavid Rosen
Presented at the OnAndroidConf, October 22 2013,
Optimizing the Android build environment to perform at world-class level is a big challenge for many Android device and chipset makers today. Churning through thousands of platform builds per week requires laser-focus on high-performance infrastructure and tooling. If youre looking at improving your overall engineering and developer productivity, the software build use case is an obvious area to prioritize.
This technical talk will focus on the following aspects of the Android platform build:
Common Android platform build challenges and opportunities with real-life production references
The various Android build use cases and their needs full integration and release builds, developer incremental builds
Evolution of the Android build and codebase with trends and statistics
Detailed technical analysis of the Android platform build, highlighting opportunities for improvements
Proposed solutions and technical tricks to optimize an Android software build environment
Accelerate Your Visual Studio Software Build Environment with ElectricAcceler...David Rosen
This document summarizes how ElectricAccelerator can accelerate software builds in Visual Studio. It discusses how ElectricAccelerator parallelizes and distributes build tasks across servers and desktops to dramatically speed up builds. The document outlines ElectricAccelerator's key benefits like optimized dependency management and fault-tolerant workload distribution. It then provides an overview of ElectricAccelerator's Visual Studio plugin release which improves usability and speed through toolchain virtualization and initial build performance enhancements. Benchmark results show significant build time reductions using ElectricAccelerator.
The document provides information about several elements that can be harmful to humans and the environment, including mercury, uranium, aluminum, selenium, fluorine, and their negative health effects and environmental impacts. Mercury exposure can harm the nervous, immune and digestive systems. Uranium exposure poses both chemical and radiological risks like kidney damage. Aluminum intake is linked to neurological and bone disorders. Selenium in large amounts can damage organs. Fluorine compounds are toxic if ingested. Many elements accumulate in wildlife and water sources, concentrating up the food chain and affecting ecosystems.
The document discusses a marketing program called FlyPage that provides cost-effective traffic building and branding opportunities for small and mid-sized businesses. FlyPage offers both non-targeted and targeted advertising options, with targeted allowing businesses to focus on specific regions and industries. The document provides pricing details and examples of traffic metrics and costs from trial campaigns using FlyPage.
Signs of the last day by shaikh imran hoseinFawad Sodhar
The document discusses major and minor signs of the Last Day according to prophecies of Muhammad. It argues that six of the ten major signs have already occurred: 1) Dajjal (Antichrist), who was released in Muhammad's lifetime; 2) Gog and Magog, also released in his lifetime; 3) Smoke, referring to modern environmental pollution; 4) Three sinkings of the earth - one is speculated to be the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami; 5) The rising of the sun in the west has not occurred; 6) The descent of Jesus has not occurred. The remaining signs to be fulfilled are the beast, a fire coming from Yemen, and Jesus killing Dajjal.
O mercado ainda possui conceitos err担neos sobre o WordPress. Essa apresenta巽達o vem desmitificar alguns conceitos err担neos sobre esse sistema e mostrar com mais evid棚ncia as vantagem de usar esse CMS para os projetos da empresa.
This document provides an overview of a one day symposium on causes of mode effects on survey measurement. The symposium focused on how the mode of data collection can affect survey responses. It explored this topic through several presentations and discussions on how cognitive interviewing, visual/aural stimuli, interviewers, question format optimization, and question design affect comparability of responses across modes. The goal was to provide practical advice on improving portability of survey questions across different modes of data collection like telephone, web, and paper surveys.
The document discusses the Quranic verses and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad that prohibit riba (usury or interest). It presents several Quranic verses revealed between the 6th and 9th years of prophethood and hijrah that forbid consuming or charging interest. It also shares hadiths where the Prophet curses those who take or give interest and says interest has many evils. The Prophet warns that interest leads to scarcity and likens deliberately taking even a small amount of interest to committing serious sins like zina repeatedly. The document emphasizes that Islam strictly prohibits interest in all forms based on divine revelation and the teachings of the Prophet.