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VV Mineral Brushing Off
Since the company has reached the pinnacle of sand mining
industry, VV Minerals has been facing too many allegations
and rumours. As per our sources, the competitors are not
taking the success of VV Minerals very well, says S
Vaikundarajan, Director of the company.
VV Minerals is a Tamil Nadu based beach-mining company
exporting the largest amount of Garnet and Ilmenite from
India. It has been growing under the guidance of VV
Mineral S Vaikundarajan.
Ashish Kumar, the then district collector of Tuticorin in
Tamil Nadu, had conducted a raid on VV Minerals office. It
was exposed that he was involved with one of the
competitors and had planned the raid. The videos of Ashish
Kumar and the said competitors meeting were leaked and
Ashish Kumar was transferred in no time. Apparently,
Kumars earlier assignment too lasted for a short span of
only 45 days
In another allegation, VV Minerals was accused of
exporting Thorium, a strategic nuclear fuel which is barred
from being exported. The problem simply was the
governments rules and regulations, and the unnecessary
delay in passing the permissions for every minute thing.
Vaiundarajan said that presently VV Minerals did not have
the technology to separate Monazite from Ilmenite in the
Monazite particles contain Thorium. VV Minerals is still
seeking permission from the government to set up a plant
for separating Monazite and Thorium from Ilmenite.
Another point to be considered is that the government has
allowed a certain amount of Thorium content to be present
in the sand. Vaikundarajan assured that the Thorium
content found does not exceed the governments given
V.V. Minerals Blogs
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VV Mineral Brushing Off Allegations

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