Napoleon Bonaparte had both positive and negative impacts through his rule in France. Positively, he established the Napoleonic Code which expanded property rights and weakened feudalism. He also centralized the French government, increased suffrage and education. However, he left France bankrupt and lost its overseas colonies after 17 years of war that cost 6 million European lives and betrayed the democratic ideals of the French Revolution.
Leonardo da Vinci first gained notoriety for his work on the Baptism of Christ, painted in conjunction with Verrocchio. The Last Supper, painted in the 1490s, is considered Leonardo's most famous painting of that period. Leonardo died on May 2, 1519 at Clos Luc辿 in France, where he had spent his last years in the service of King Francis I of France, who was said to have held Leonardo's head in his arms as he died.
Rules to "manifest" money through the Law of AttractionLifeway
Clarity is Key: Get specific about what amount of money you want and what you'll use it for. Don't just wish for "more money." Instead, focus on a clear goal, like "I desire $X,XXX to comfortably pay off my student loans."
Believe and Feel Abundant: Cultivate a genuine belief that you deserve and can achieve financial abundance. Imagine yourself already having the money and the positive feelings it brings.
Positive Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations daily to shift your mindset. Examples include "Money flows to me easily and effortlessly," or "I am a wealth magnet."
Gratitude is Magnetic: Practice gratitude for the money you already have and for the future wealth coming your way. Expressing thankfulness strengthens the Law of Attraction.
Aligned Action: Don't expect money to magically appear. Take inspired action towards your financial goals. This could be looking for a new job, starting a side hustle, or learning new money-making skills.
Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer, physicist, and philosopher born in 1564 who made several important scientific discoveries. He invented an improved telescope that allowed him to observe that Jupiter had four moons and that the sun, not the Earth, was the center of our solar system. This contradicted the accepted geocentric view of the Catholic Church, resulting in Galileo being tried for heresy. He spent his last years under house arrest where he continued his scientific work until his death in 1642.
The document provides background information on Leonardo da Vinci and the time period in which he lived. It discusses the Renaissance and the Cinquecento period in Italy. It then summarizes Leonardo's biography, his education under Verrocchio, his most famous paintings like the Last Supper and Mona Lisa, and his scientific studies in anatomy and inventions like flying machines.
During the Scientific Revolution of the 1500s, scientists like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton made important contributions that changed views of the universe and established the scientific method. Copernicus proposed that the Earth revolved around the Sun, contradicting the Church's teachings. Kepler proved Copernicus right and also discovered elliptical orbits. Galileo improved the telescope and made observations supporting Copernicus, but got in trouble with the Church. Newton discovered gravity and laws of motion and established classical mechanics. Their work fundamentally transformed science and thinking.
1) Isaac Newton was an English mathematician and physicist born in 1642 who made seminal contributions to classical mechanics, inventing calculus and formulating the laws of motion and universal gravitation.
2) Newton's three laws of motion describe the relationship between an object's mass, its motion (including changes in motion), and the applied force. His law of universal gravitation states that a force exists between any two masses and this force decreases with the square of the distance between them.
3) Newton published his work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687, considered one of the most influential books in the history of science. It described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, forming the
Antoine Henri Becquerel was a French physicist born in 1852. He came from a family of scientists and became a professor of applied physics. In 1896, while investigating phosphorescence and X-rays, he discovered radioactivity by accident - he found that uranium salts exposed photographic plates even without light. This showed that uranium emitted radiation spontaneously. For this discovery, he shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with Pierre and Marie Curie. Marie Curie went on to further study radioactivity and name the phenomenon. Becquerel's discovery laid the foundation for uses of radiation in medicine today.
Powerful families known as bloodlines, including the Orsini, Breakspear, and Aldobrandini families, are said to secretly control major institutions and events in the world. They seek to exterminate most of the world's population as part of their agenda. These bloodlines view time in thousands of years rather than days and orchestrate wars and economic/political strategies accordingly. They reportedly control the Vatican and Jesuit Order, and use tools like religion, media, and military to achieve their goals of depopulation and power. The document discusses the influence and activities of these alleged secretive bloodlines.
Black holes are formed when a large star dies and collapses in on itself, compressing its matter into an incredibly small space with powerful gravity. Black holes can vary greatly in size, from being as small as a single atom to having a mass over a million times that of our Sun. Once matter crosses the event horizon of a black hole, it can never escape and is pulled inward towards the black hole's singularity at its center.
1) Ancient cultures like the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Israelites believed that the Earth was a flat disc floating on water, supported by pillars or a tree.
2) The Bible also implied a flat Earth, with references suggesting the Earth was flat and circular.
3) However, some Greeks began to believe the Earth was spherical because they observed the round shape of Earth's shadow on the Moon during lunar eclipses. Philosopher Pythagoras also accepted the spherical Earth view based on ships disappearing over the horizon.
4) By the 6th century BC, the view that the Earth was a sphere became widely accepted in ancient Greece.
This document provides a history and overview of black holes. It discusses that the idea of black holes was first proposed by John Mitchell in the 18th century. Key developments include Einstein's theory of relativity in 1915 and the work of Israel, Carter and Robinson establishing the no-hair theorem in the 1970s. The term "black hole" was first publicly used by John Wheeler and first recorded in an article by Ann Ewing. The document then covers the classification, features and examples of different types of black holes such as their event horizons, singularities, photon spheres, and ergospheres. Black holes can be supermassive, stellar-mass or hypothetical micro black holes. They are also classified based on their properties as
Meet the remaining heirs of the legendary rothschild dynastyMustakeem Chaudhri
This document profiles the current members of the prominent Rothschild banking dynasty. It introduces Nat Rothschild, who runs an advisory business in emerging markets, and other family members who are involved in finance, environmental activism, media, and classical music. The document then provides more details on individual family members, including their lineages and current activities. It aims to show that while less prominent than previous generations, today's Rothschilds still wield significant influence through their businesses, networks, and descendants who occupy important positions globally.
Juan Ponce de Le坦n was a Spanish explorer born in 1460 who led expeditions to Florida in search of the Fountain of Youth. On his first voyage in 1513, he encountered the northeast shore of Florida and named the region La Florida. While he did not find the Fountain of Youth, he became the first European to explore and claim Florida for Spain. He later became the first Governor of Puerto Rico and divided the native Tainos amongst settlers, treating them harshly through forced labor.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) fue un naturalista ingl辿s que desarroll坦 la teor鱈a de la evoluci坦n por selecci坦n natural. Realiz坦 un largo viaje de investigaci坦n a bordo del HMS Beagle que lo llev坦 a concebir su teor鱈a. Public坦 su obra fundamental "El origen de las especies" en 1859 donde explic坦 que las especies evolucionan a trav辿s del tiempo por medio de la selecci坦n natural de las variaciones gen辿ticas m叩s adaptadas.
Johnny Cirucci - Eaters of Children (2017).pdfSara Rivera
This document provides a summary and analysis of a book that exposes a global pedophile ring involving powerful elites. It details how access to power is granted through the ritualistic abuse and murder of children. The forward discusses how the author's research led them to discover the Catholic Church and Jesuits are behind many major conspiracies and coverups throughout history. Specific cases of pedophilia, murder, and ritual abuse linked to the Catholic Church are examined, including the Franklin coverup and allegations involving the Boys Town orphanage. The forward argues the book shows pedophilia is systemic within the Catholic priesthood and traces back to the origins of the Papacy.
based on his extensive reasearch into the people behind the scene attemping to control the entire population of the planet in his famous book "The world order" eustice gives his theory on the motives for their aganda
1) Luigi Galvani fue un cient鱈fico italiano del siglo XVIII que descubri坦 que la electricidad pod鱈a causar contracciones musculares. Realiz坦 experimentos con ranas que demostraban este efecto, lo que llev坦 al desarrollo del galvanismo.
2) Pascal fue un matem叩tico, f鱈sico y fil坦sofo franc辿s del siglo XVII. Hizo contribuciones importantes a las matem叩ticas y la f鱈sica en su juventud, pero luego se centr坦 en la filosof鱈a y la religi坦n desde una pers
El cubismo fue un movimiento art鱈stico pionero que surgi坦 en Francia entre 1907 y 1914 liderado por Picasso, Braque, Metzinger y Gleizes. Se caracteriz坦 por descomponer las formas de la realidad en geometr鱈as b叩sicas y mostrar m炭ltiples perspectivas en un mismo plano, rompiendo con la tradici坦n pict坦rica. Tuvo dos fases, el cubismo anal鱈tico que descompon鱈a las formas, y el sint辿tico que incorpor坦 collages. Fue una ruptura definitiva que abri坦 paso a las vanguardias del siglo
You are a law student from Holland studying in Bologna, Italy during the Renaissance period. You have greatly enjoyed learning about the advances in art, literature, and science happening in Italy and meeting influential Renaissance figures. Now a lawyer has offered you a job in Bologna, providing an opportunity to stay in Italy and continue benefiting from the vibrant culture, though it means postponing your return home to Holland.
O documento discute m辿todos para datar rochas, incluindo data巽達o relativa usando f坦sseis e data巽達o radiom辿trica. A data巽達o relativa permite comparar a idade de forma巽探es geol坦gicas, enquanto a data巽達o radiom辿trica mede a idade absoluta usando a desintegra巽達o radioativa. O documento tamb辿m fornece um exemplo de c叩lculo de idade radiom辿trica com base na porcentagem de is坦topos pais e filhos.
During the Scientific Revolution of the 1500s, scientists like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton made important contributions that changed views of the universe and established the scientific method. Copernicus proposed that the Earth revolved around the Sun, contradicting the Church's teachings. Kepler proved Copernicus right and also discovered elliptical orbits. Galileo improved the telescope and made observations supporting Copernicus, but got in trouble with the Church. Newton discovered gravity and laws of motion and established classical mechanics. Their work fundamentally transformed science and thinking.
1) Isaac Newton was an English mathematician and physicist born in 1642 who made seminal contributions to classical mechanics, inventing calculus and formulating the laws of motion and universal gravitation.
2) Newton's three laws of motion describe the relationship between an object's mass, its motion (including changes in motion), and the applied force. His law of universal gravitation states that a force exists between any two masses and this force decreases with the square of the distance between them.
3) Newton published his work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687, considered one of the most influential books in the history of science. It described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, forming the
Antoine Henri Becquerel was a French physicist born in 1852. He came from a family of scientists and became a professor of applied physics. In 1896, while investigating phosphorescence and X-rays, he discovered radioactivity by accident - he found that uranium salts exposed photographic plates even without light. This showed that uranium emitted radiation spontaneously. For this discovery, he shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with Pierre and Marie Curie. Marie Curie went on to further study radioactivity and name the phenomenon. Becquerel's discovery laid the foundation for uses of radiation in medicine today.
Powerful families known as bloodlines, including the Orsini, Breakspear, and Aldobrandini families, are said to secretly control major institutions and events in the world. They seek to exterminate most of the world's population as part of their agenda. These bloodlines view time in thousands of years rather than days and orchestrate wars and economic/political strategies accordingly. They reportedly control the Vatican and Jesuit Order, and use tools like religion, media, and military to achieve their goals of depopulation and power. The document discusses the influence and activities of these alleged secretive bloodlines.
Black holes are formed when a large star dies and collapses in on itself, compressing its matter into an incredibly small space with powerful gravity. Black holes can vary greatly in size, from being as small as a single atom to having a mass over a million times that of our Sun. Once matter crosses the event horizon of a black hole, it can never escape and is pulled inward towards the black hole's singularity at its center.
1) Ancient cultures like the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Israelites believed that the Earth was a flat disc floating on water, supported by pillars or a tree.
2) The Bible also implied a flat Earth, with references suggesting the Earth was flat and circular.
3) However, some Greeks began to believe the Earth was spherical because they observed the round shape of Earth's shadow on the Moon during lunar eclipses. Philosopher Pythagoras also accepted the spherical Earth view based on ships disappearing over the horizon.
4) By the 6th century BC, the view that the Earth was a sphere became widely accepted in ancient Greece.
This document provides a history and overview of black holes. It discusses that the idea of black holes was first proposed by John Mitchell in the 18th century. Key developments include Einstein's theory of relativity in 1915 and the work of Israel, Carter and Robinson establishing the no-hair theorem in the 1970s. The term "black hole" was first publicly used by John Wheeler and first recorded in an article by Ann Ewing. The document then covers the classification, features and examples of different types of black holes such as their event horizons, singularities, photon spheres, and ergospheres. Black holes can be supermassive, stellar-mass or hypothetical micro black holes. They are also classified based on their properties as
Meet the remaining heirs of the legendary rothschild dynastyMustakeem Chaudhri
This document profiles the current members of the prominent Rothschild banking dynasty. It introduces Nat Rothschild, who runs an advisory business in emerging markets, and other family members who are involved in finance, environmental activism, media, and classical music. The document then provides more details on individual family members, including their lineages and current activities. It aims to show that while less prominent than previous generations, today's Rothschilds still wield significant influence through their businesses, networks, and descendants who occupy important positions globally.
Juan Ponce de Le坦n was a Spanish explorer born in 1460 who led expeditions to Florida in search of the Fountain of Youth. On his first voyage in 1513, he encountered the northeast shore of Florida and named the region La Florida. While he did not find the Fountain of Youth, he became the first European to explore and claim Florida for Spain. He later became the first Governor of Puerto Rico and divided the native Tainos amongst settlers, treating them harshly through forced labor.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) fue un naturalista ingl辿s que desarroll坦 la teor鱈a de la evoluci坦n por selecci坦n natural. Realiz坦 un largo viaje de investigaci坦n a bordo del HMS Beagle que lo llev坦 a concebir su teor鱈a. Public坦 su obra fundamental "El origen de las especies" en 1859 donde explic坦 que las especies evolucionan a trav辿s del tiempo por medio de la selecci坦n natural de las variaciones gen辿ticas m叩s adaptadas.
Johnny Cirucci - Eaters of Children (2017).pdfSara Rivera
This document provides a summary and analysis of a book that exposes a global pedophile ring involving powerful elites. It details how access to power is granted through the ritualistic abuse and murder of children. The forward discusses how the author's research led them to discover the Catholic Church and Jesuits are behind many major conspiracies and coverups throughout history. Specific cases of pedophilia, murder, and ritual abuse linked to the Catholic Church are examined, including the Franklin coverup and allegations involving the Boys Town orphanage. The forward argues the book shows pedophilia is systemic within the Catholic priesthood and traces back to the origins of the Papacy.
based on his extensive reasearch into the people behind the scene attemping to control the entire population of the planet in his famous book "The world order" eustice gives his theory on the motives for their aganda
1) Luigi Galvani fue un cient鱈fico italiano del siglo XVIII que descubri坦 que la electricidad pod鱈a causar contracciones musculares. Realiz坦 experimentos con ranas que demostraban este efecto, lo que llev坦 al desarrollo del galvanismo.
2) Pascal fue un matem叩tico, f鱈sico y fil坦sofo franc辿s del siglo XVII. Hizo contribuciones importantes a las matem叩ticas y la f鱈sica en su juventud, pero luego se centr坦 en la filosof鱈a y la religi坦n desde una pers
El cubismo fue un movimiento art鱈stico pionero que surgi坦 en Francia entre 1907 y 1914 liderado por Picasso, Braque, Metzinger y Gleizes. Se caracteriz坦 por descomponer las formas de la realidad en geometr鱈as b叩sicas y mostrar m炭ltiples perspectivas en un mismo plano, rompiendo con la tradici坦n pict坦rica. Tuvo dos fases, el cubismo anal鱈tico que descompon鱈a las formas, y el sint辿tico que incorpor坦 collages. Fue una ruptura definitiva que abri坦 paso a las vanguardias del siglo
You are a law student from Holland studying in Bologna, Italy during the Renaissance period. You have greatly enjoyed learning about the advances in art, literature, and science happening in Italy and meeting influential Renaissance figures. Now a lawyer has offered you a job in Bologna, providing an opportunity to stay in Italy and continue benefiting from the vibrant culture, though it means postponing your return home to Holland.
O documento discute m辿todos para datar rochas, incluindo data巽達o relativa usando f坦sseis e data巽達o radiom辿trica. A data巽達o relativa permite comparar a idade de forma巽探es geol坦gicas, enquanto a data巽達o radiom辿trica mede a idade absoluta usando a desintegra巽達o radioativa. O documento tamb辿m fornece um exemplo de c叩lculo de idade radiom辿trica com base na porcentagem de is坦topos pais e filhos.
1. Wahado Foucaulta na wiecie i
w Politechnice Gdaskiej
Bogusaw Kusz
Wydzia Fizyki Technicznej
i Matematyki Stosowanej
Politechnika Gdaska
2. Historia
Jean Bernard L辿on Foucault planowa zosta
lekarzem, lecz ... mdla na widok krwi. Zaj
si materi nieo甜ywion osigajc znaczce
sukcesy w astronomii, chemii oraz fizyce
elektrycznoci i magnetyzmu. Najbardziej znany jest jako
tw坦rca dowiadczenia, kt坦re potwierdzao fakt, 甜e Ziemia
obraca si wok坦 osi. W swojej piwnicy Foucault zawiesi
odwa甜nik (5kg) na dwumetrowym drucie i zauwa甜y, 甜e
paszczyzna drga takiego wahada systematycznie si obraca.
Dowiadczenie powt坦rzy 1851 publicznie wieszajc 67
metrowe wahado w Pantheonie w Pary甜u. Widzowie mogli
zobaczy, 甜e to obr坦t Ziemi pod wahadem powoduje cig
zmian paszczyzny drga wahada. Foucault zachca ludzi do
uczestniczenia w dowiadczeniu sowami:
przybd添cie i zobaczcie jak krci si Ziemia
3. Wahado Foucaulta
Gdyby wahado Foucaulta byo umieszczone na biegunie, paszczyzna jego waha
dokonywaaby penego obrotu w cigu ok. 24h ( 23h 56m) tj. w czasie, jaki Ziemia
potrzebuje na dokonanie penego obrotu wok坦 wasnej osi. Czas T penego obrotu
paszczyzny waha wahada na szerokoci geograficznej q mo甜na obliczy wedug
wzoru: T = 24h/ sin q (dla Gdaska T jest r坦wne okoo 30 godzin)
Std wynika, 甜e umieszczenie wahada nie na biegunie, ale gdzie w porednich
szerokociach geograficznych spowoduje wydu甜enie czasu potrzebnego do
penego obrotu paszczyzny waha wahada. Na r坦wniku nie zaobserwujemy
obrotu paszczyzny waha wzgldem Ziemi.
4. Problemy zwizane z ruchem wahada:
1. Op坦r powietrza i tarcie wewntrzne zawieszenia
powoduje cig strat energii i w konsekwencji
zatrzymanie wahada. Przedu甜y 甜ycie wahada,
mo甜na zwikszajc mas i dugo wahada. Innym
sposobem utrzymania drga jest dostarczanie
utraconej energii np.dziaajc dodatkow si
wspomagajc si ci甜koci.
2. Przy dugotrwaej pracy wahada ka甜dy
brak symetrii w ukadzie zawieszenia, a
nawet ruch powietrza mog prowadzi do
zaburzenia ruchu. Wahado zaczyna
porusza si ruchem eliptycznym co w
konsekwencji mo甜e przyspieszy lub
op坦添ni oczekiwan zmian kierunku
10. Wahada w Polsce
Drut napinajcy sferoid
krakowskiego wahada ma 46,5
metra dugoci, a masa sferoidy
wynosi 25 kg. Pierwsze
krakowskie pokazy Wahada
Foucaulta odbyy si w 1949
roku, niemal 100 lat po
pierwszym publicznym pokazie,
jaki odby si w paryskim
Panteonie. Miejsce - Koci坦
11. Frombork - Wie甜a Radziejowskiego
Dugo linki stalowej wahada wynosi
28 m, a kula wa甜y 46,5 kg.
(wahado bez pobudzenia)
Instytut Fizyki UMK
16 m 29kg
(wahado pobudzane)
12. W roku 1837 Poisson opublikowa rozpraw, w kt坦rej dowodzi, 甜e pociski wystrzeliwane
horyzontalnie na p坦kuli p坦nocnej powinny si odchyla na wsch坦d wskutek obrotu
Ziemi. Zauwa甜y tak甜e, 甜e obr坦t Ziemi powinien mie wpyw na ruch wahade, jednak,
jego zdaniem, efekt jest zbyt may by mo甜na go zaobserwowa. Przemylenia Poissona
oparte byy na wczeniejszych (z r. 1831) rachunkach jego studenta Coriolisa, kt坦ry w
swojej rozprawie doktorskiej zajmowa si przyspieszeniami w rotujcych ukadach
wsp坦rzdnych. Foucault zna prac Poissona i podziela jego pogldy co do maoci efektu
odchylenia paszczyzny waha wahada, lecz po serii dowiadcze zrozumia, 甜e wahado
ma wasno kumulowania maych odchyle w du甜e odchylenie po wielu oscylacjach.
Pierwsze eksperymenty wykona w swojej piwnicy z wahadem o dugoci 2 m i ci甜arze 5
kg. Pokaz publiczny, g坦wnie dla koleg坦w naukowc坦w, odby si w Obserwatorium
Paryskim 3 lutego 1851 r. z wahadem o dugoci 11 m. Foucault przywita goci sowami,
kt坦re znajduj si na zewntrz paryskiego Pantheonu - "wityni" najznamienitszych
umys坦w Francji - "Vous 棚tes invit辿s venir voir tourner la Terre ...", co oznacza:
"Przybd添cie i zobaczcie jak krci si Ziemia...". Pokaz wywoa ogromne wra甜enie i
ksi甜 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, przyszy Napoleon III, poprosi Foucaulta o
zademonstrowanie eksperymentu szerokiej publicznoci. Miao to miejsce 26 marca 1851 r.
pod kopu Pantheonu przy pomocy wahada o dugoci 67 m z podwieszon kul armatni
o ci甜arze 28 kg. Pokaz by sensacj dla uczestnik坦w wystawy wiatowej w Pary甜u i
wywoa p坦添niej ogromn liczb podobnych eksperyment坦w na caym wiecie.
Wahada Foucaulta zostay umieszczone w licznych, wa甜nych dla
kultury, nauki czy polityki miejscach na caym wiecie.
Wyb坦r najciekawszych instalacji zawiera poni甜sza tabela.
Dugoci L podane s w zaokrgleniu do penych metr坦w, za masy M - do penych kilogram坦w.
Miejsce L[m] M[kg]
Pantheon, Pary甜 67 28
Oregon Convention Center in Portland 27 408
Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago 20 300
National Museum of American History, Washington, DC 21 105
Wie甜a Radziejowskiego, Frombork 28 47
ONZ, Nowy Jork 23 91
Instytut Fizyki, Toru 16 29
Politechnika Gdaska 26 64
Informacje -
15. Ciekawe strony w sieci students/baker/SouthPoleFoucault.html