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Who We Are
    Wake鍖eld is a market research consultancy specializing in
    strategic and tactical research for corporate and political clients
    throughout North America, Europe and Asia. Our staffdrawn
    from the worlds of research, marketing and mediaserve as
    trusted advisors to heads of industry, marketing professionals
    and elected of鍖cials. We have informed the marketing
    and positioning of some of the most prominent brands
    in the marketplace.

    Wake鍖elds work gets noticed. In fact, our surveys are frequently
    featured by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA
    Today, NBCs The Today Show, and a host of other major
    media. Wake鍖elds principals are regularly interviewed on
    business and consumer issues, and have conducted research in
    the U.S. and four continents.

What We Believe
Research should tell you something you dont already          Wake鍖eld 鍖nds new ways to make research more interesting,
know. And it should give you more than just a lot of          more useful and even more fun for our clients. We work hard to
numbers and charts.                                           honor their trust when they ask us to help grow their business,
                                                              strengthen their brand or educate their consumers or members.
Research should give you clear directionnot endless
maybesso you can strengthen your brand, secure media
coverage and educate your consumers or members. Unless
research achieves these kinds of goals, it isnt helping
your bottom line.

This vision drives Wake鍖eld to develop and conduct research
that is accurate, actionable, credible and creative. These
principles guide us in every project we perform.

Where Were Making an Impact
We combine best-in-class research practices with expertise              HOSPITALITY & TRAVEL: Traditional de鍖nitions of
in a wide range of industry verticals. Our objective: help you          value are changing. Consumers now assess each
better understand your consumers, make critical decisions,              facet of travel in very different ways. Wake鍖eld has
develop compelling messaging and earn media coverage                    helped clients segment consumers based on how
                                                                        they de鍖ne value and where they will spend more
for your brands.
                                                                        to get more.
                TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Wake鍖eld is working
                with clients to capitalize on the emergence of the      CONSUMER PRODUCTS: Advertising and product
                鍖rst truly wireless generationand its signi鍖cant     placement are expanding to new venues. Wake鍖eld is
                purchasing power. For companies in this sector,         working with a range of clients to test how these ads
                understanding this generation will mean the             create word-of-mouth traf鍖c and reach in鍖uencers
                difference between success and failure.                 rather than simply driving purchase intent.

                VIDEOGAMING & DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT:                    FINANCIAL SERVICES: Wake鍖eld has helped clients
                Its no longer just about the hardcore gamers.        use research to bolster both their brands and public
                Today, virtually all Americans are using some kind of   imagea critical need in an era when the publics
                digital entertainment device. Being a leader in this    con鍖dence in 鍖nancial institutions has fallen.
                space means understanding the habits, values and
                needs of all users.

Where Were Making an Impact
     FOOD & BEVERAGE: Consumers have always
     weighed the dynamics of taste and price. Yet they
     are willing to upgrade in areas where they feel an
     emotional connection to a brand. Our clients are
     learning how this factor shapes purchase decisions.

     conducting research about sensitive health and
     medical issues, enabling clients to gain insights
     from many hard-to-reach audiencesfrom medical
     specialists to groups of patients.

     FASHION & APPAREL: More brands than ever are
     competing in an increasingly crowded marketplace.
     Thats why some brands are adopting both strong
     positioning and de-positioning strategies. We help
     clients understand this and other industry trends.

Practice Areas
    Strategic Market Research

    PR Polling

    B2B Research

    Public Advocacy

    Crisis Management

Strategic Market Research
Wake鍖eld is a full-service strategic research 鍖rm.   Qualitative Research
Our capabilities include:                               Focus Groups
                                                        Instant-Response Dial-Polling Sessions
Quantitative Research                                   In-Depth Interviews (1-on-1s, Dyads, Triads)
   Benchmarking & Tracking                              Ideation & Product Innovation Sessions
   Message Development & Testing                        Product Exploration/Usability Testing
   Product Concept Testing & Price-Point Research       Research Audits
   Targeting & Market Segmentation
   Market Sizing                                     Hybrid Research
   Advertising Testing                                  Combat Communications Testing
   Customer/Member Satisfaction                         Media Content Analysis
   Identity & Brand Positioning                         Argument/Rebuttal Loyalty Research
   Quick-Turnaround Flash Polls                         Message Architecture Research

PR Polling
Wake鍖elds PR Polling division combines former journalists,               WE OFFER:
senior market research specialists and PR executives who know                Online and telephone omnibus surveys
鍖rsthand what it takes to produce compelling stories that the                Custom surveys with select populations such
media will cover.                                                            as doctors, teachers, CEOs, etc.
                                                                             U.S. and international studies
This groups job is to ensure that your survey data becomes a                Brand tracking and measurement polls
story. They write the questionnaire for you and develop a Pitch              Focus groups
Guide showing you the best way to talk about the study with the
mediacomplete with headlines, pitch angles, and full-color        THE WAKEFIELD DIFFERENCE
charts and graphs.                                                 Our Editorial Panel relies on its experiences
                                                                   writing for The New York Times, The Boston
Wake鍖eld surveys are regularly covered by the countrys top-tier
                                                                   Globe, msn.com, Glamour, CBS and more to
media. Our studies are frequently covered by the AP, Reuters,
The Today Show, The New York Times, The Wall Street
                                                                   help you turn statistics into a newsworthy story.
Journal, US News & World Report, ABC and countless other
media outlets.

B2B Research
In addition to better understanding consumers, many businesses
succeed by learning more about other links in the business
chaintheir suppliers, retailers or distributors.

Theres a time for bar graphs and scatter plots, but most sales
and marketing staff will tune out research if they dont feel
it has a clear connection to their roles. Wake鍖eld
understands this.

Wake鍖eld has worked with many clients to conduct this kind of
business-to-business (B2B) research. We can get you access to
C-level executives and other hard-to-reach audiences.

From the sales team to the C-Level, we
specialize in making research compelling
and useful to everyone in your organization
not just the research team.

Public Advocacy
Senior Wake鍖eld staff cut their teeth on issue organizing,                   ACCESS & OPPORTUNITY: Our senior staff have
political campaigns and other forms of non-pro鍖t sector work.                worked closely with leading civil rights and
Our experience and knowledge can help you identify fresh                     disability organizations. We understand their issues
approaches to framing issues, reaching new audiences and                     and the misconception that their issues have already
                                                                             been solved.
raising your pro鍖le.

               EDUCATION: Wake鍖eld understands the key trends
               driving educational policies and programs. In          THE WAKEFIELD DIFFERENCE
               addition to helping clients distinguish real reform    Weve been in the trenches at non-pro鍖ts,
               from reform du jour, we can arm your message with      foundations and on the campaign trail.
               sound and compelling data.                             We understand how to work with your
                                                                      organization to advance your agenda, inspire
               PUBLIC HEALTH & WELLNESS: A lot of
               organizations are working to change public health
                                                                      your donors and raise your visibility.
               policiesmaking it tough for one group to break
               out of the crowd. Wake鍖elds insights can help by
               providing research that gives you solid news hooks
               to get the attention of key editors and reporters.

Crisis Management
When youre facing a crisis, every minute counts. Getting
recommendations one week later is as good as getting them one
year later. We also understand that our approaches must make
every dollar count.

We know that the decisions required to effectively manage a
crisis often must be made in a competitive context. In other
words, these decisions not only need to be smartthey need to
be smarter than what the other side is saying.

Our experience as campaign operatives, PR
executives and spokespeople means were
better than our competitors at using research
to inform decision-making in a crisis. Weve
seen political and corporate 鍖restorms from
the inside.


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  • 2. Who We Are Wake鍖eld is a market research consultancy specializing in strategic and tactical research for corporate and political clients throughout North America, Europe and Asia. Our staffdrawn from the worlds of research, marketing and mediaserve as trusted advisors to heads of industry, marketing professionals and elected of鍖cials. We have informed the marketing and positioning of some of the most prominent brands in the marketplace. Wake鍖elds work gets noticed. In fact, our surveys are frequently featured by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, NBCs The Today Show, and a host of other major media. Wake鍖elds principals are regularly interviewed on business and consumer issues, and have conducted research in the U.S. and four continents. 2
  • 3. What We Believe Research should tell you something you dont already Wake鍖eld 鍖nds new ways to make research more interesting, know. And it should give you more than just a lot of more useful and even more fun for our clients. We work hard to numbers and charts. honor their trust when they ask us to help grow their business, strengthen their brand or educate their consumers or members. Research should give you clear directionnot endless maybesso you can strengthen your brand, secure media coverage and educate your consumers or members. Unless research achieves these kinds of goals, it isnt helping your bottom line. This vision drives Wake鍖eld to develop and conduct research that is accurate, actionable, credible and creative. These principles guide us in every project we perform. 3
  • 4. Where Were Making an Impact We combine best-in-class research practices with expertise HOSPITALITY & TRAVEL: Traditional de鍖nitions of in a wide range of industry verticals. Our objective: help you value are changing. Consumers now assess each better understand your consumers, make critical decisions, facet of travel in very different ways. Wake鍖eld has develop compelling messaging and earn media coverage helped clients segment consumers based on how they de鍖ne value and where they will spend more for your brands. to get more. TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Wake鍖eld is working with clients to capitalize on the emergence of the CONSUMER PRODUCTS: Advertising and product 鍖rst truly wireless generationand its signi鍖cant placement are expanding to new venues. Wake鍖eld is purchasing power. For companies in this sector, working with a range of clients to test how these ads understanding this generation will mean the create word-of-mouth traf鍖c and reach in鍖uencers difference between success and failure. rather than simply driving purchase intent. VIDEOGAMING & DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT: FINANCIAL SERVICES: Wake鍖eld has helped clients Its no longer just about the hardcore gamers. use research to bolster both their brands and public Today, virtually all Americans are using some kind of imagea critical need in an era when the publics digital entertainment device. Being a leader in this con鍖dence in 鍖nancial institutions has fallen. space means understanding the habits, values and needs of all users. 4
  • 5. Where Were Making an Impact FOOD & BEVERAGE: Consumers have always weighed the dynamics of taste and price. Yet they are willing to upgrade in areas where they feel an emotional connection to a brand. Our clients are learning how this factor shapes purchase decisions. HEALTH & PHARMACEUTICAL: Wake鍖eld is conducting research about sensitive health and medical issues, enabling clients to gain insights from many hard-to-reach audiencesfrom medical specialists to groups of patients. FASHION & APPAREL: More brands than ever are competing in an increasingly crowded marketplace. Thats why some brands are adopting both strong positioning and de-positioning strategies. We help clients understand this and other industry trends. 5
  • 6. Practice Areas Strategic Market Research PR Polling B2B Research Public Advocacy Crisis Management 6
  • 7. Strategic Market Research Wake鍖eld is a full-service strategic research 鍖rm. Qualitative Research Our capabilities include: Focus Groups Instant-Response Dial-Polling Sessions Quantitative Research In-Depth Interviews (1-on-1s, Dyads, Triads) Benchmarking & Tracking Ideation & Product Innovation Sessions Message Development & Testing Product Exploration/Usability Testing Product Concept Testing & Price-Point Research Research Audits Targeting & Market Segmentation Market Sizing Hybrid Research Advertising Testing Combat Communications Testing Customer/Member Satisfaction Media Content Analysis Identity & Brand Positioning Argument/Rebuttal Loyalty Research Quick-Turnaround Flash Polls Message Architecture Research 7
  • 8. PR Polling Wake鍖elds PR Polling division combines former journalists, WE OFFER: senior market research specialists and PR executives who know Online and telephone omnibus surveys 鍖rsthand what it takes to produce compelling stories that the Custom surveys with select populations such media will cover. as doctors, teachers, CEOs, etc. U.S. and international studies This groups job is to ensure that your survey data becomes a Brand tracking and measurement polls story. They write the questionnaire for you and develop a Pitch Focus groups Guide showing you the best way to talk about the study with the mediacomplete with headlines, pitch angles, and full-color THE WAKEFIELD DIFFERENCE charts and graphs. Our Editorial Panel relies on its experiences writing for The New York Times, The Boston Wake鍖eld surveys are regularly covered by the countrys top-tier Globe, msn.com, Glamour, CBS and more to media. Our studies are frequently covered by the AP, Reuters, The Today Show, The New York Times, The Wall Street help you turn statistics into a newsworthy story. Journal, US News & World Report, ABC and countless other media outlets. 8
  • 9. B2B Research In addition to better understanding consumers, many businesses succeed by learning more about other links in the business chaintheir suppliers, retailers or distributors. Theres a time for bar graphs and scatter plots, but most sales and marketing staff will tune out research if they dont feel it has a clear connection to their roles. Wake鍖eld understands this. Wake鍖eld has worked with many clients to conduct this kind of business-to-business (B2B) research. We can get you access to C-level executives and other hard-to-reach audiences. THE WAKEFIELD DIFFERENCE From the sales team to the C-Level, we specialize in making research compelling and useful to everyone in your organization not just the research team. 9
  • 10. Public Advocacy Senior Wake鍖eld staff cut their teeth on issue organizing, ACCESS & OPPORTUNITY: Our senior staff have political campaigns and other forms of non-pro鍖t sector work. worked closely with leading civil rights and Our experience and knowledge can help you identify fresh disability organizations. We understand their issues approaches to framing issues, reaching new audiences and and the misconception that their issues have already been solved. raising your pro鍖le. EDUCATION: Wake鍖eld understands the key trends driving educational policies and programs. In THE WAKEFIELD DIFFERENCE addition to helping clients distinguish real reform Weve been in the trenches at non-pro鍖ts, from reform du jour, we can arm your message with foundations and on the campaign trail. sound and compelling data. We understand how to work with your organization to advance your agenda, inspire PUBLIC HEALTH & WELLNESS: A lot of organizations are working to change public health your donors and raise your visibility. policiesmaking it tough for one group to break out of the crowd. Wake鍖elds insights can help by providing research that gives you solid news hooks to get the attention of key editors and reporters. 10
  • 11. Crisis Management When youre facing a crisis, every minute counts. Getting recommendations one week later is as good as getting them one year later. We also understand that our approaches must make every dollar count. We know that the decisions required to effectively manage a crisis often must be made in a competitive context. In other words, these decisions not only need to be smartthey need to be smarter than what the other side is saying. THE WAKEFIELD DIFFERENCE Our experience as campaign operatives, PR executives and spokespeople means were better than our competitors at using research to inform decision-making in a crisis. Weve seen political and corporate 鍖restorms from the inside. 11