Walk Climb or Fly, Surviving and Thriving in the Workplace Wilderness will be released in Spring of 2019. The book highlights three "Operational Styles" common to every workplace, and helps readers understand how to better navigate workplace dynamics, develop and sustain better relationships, arrest negative patterns and align to work that is more energizing and sustaining. The book is for any reader, of any age, at any rank, in any work environment or industry. Using the simple OST Framework will help readers find better professional fit, strengthen relationships, improve collaboration and derive a greater sense of satisfaction from their work.
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Walk Climb or Fly - Sample Materials Summer 2018
1. Copyright 息 2002-2018 Leigh Durst. All Rights Reserved - Do not use or republish without written author permission. No Derivative Works..
Copyright 息 2018 Live Path All Rights Reserved
Walk, Climb or Fly
Surviving & Thriving
in the Workplace Wilderness
Sample Content - SXSW 2019
2. Copyright 息 2018 Live Path All Rights Reserved
Designed to Help Readers:
Embrace and work within areas of strength
Minimize weakness by arresting negative
Better understand others in the workplace
Work adaptively, effectively and collaboratively
Develop and sustain better relationships
Secure a better professional fit
Obtain better, more satisfying results
Walk, Climb or Fly: Surviving & Thriving
in the Workplace Wilderness is a
guidebook for navigating workplace
The book introduces three primary Operational
Styles that dominate the modern workplace and
establishes a simple framework that will help any
reader understand how to work better with others,
drive better results and derive a greater sense of
satisfaction from work -- regardless of age, position,
rank or industry.
3. Copyright 息 2018 Live Path All Rights Reserved
There are three, active
Operational Styles are
found in the workplace.
(Three active, one dormant)
Every person has a dominant style
No one style is superior to another
People dont shift from one style to another
Styles are usually easy to understand and recognize
Style balance is critical to driving business success
Walkers Climbers Flyers
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Operational styles are
characterized by
unique areas of
strengths & potential
Pros are commonly associated positive traits
that are often demonstrated for a person with a
given style.
Pitfalls represent traits that can become
negative or positive depending on conditions and
a persons context. Pitfalls represent potential
stumbling blocks common to a given style.
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Style Dynamics
Causes of Style Clashes
Misaligned goals
Resolving Style Clashes
Common understanding
Personal ownership
Adaptive engagement
Eradicate negative patterns
Demonstrate mutual respect
Styles are meant to work together, which is why a really productive
environments have a style balance. However, its important to manage the
natural tensions that occur between people that have different styles.
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Leveraging the OST Framework
Step 1: Get your Bearings
Trace your professional journey-to-date
Evaluate your current state
Determine where you want to be
Challenge and reframe your definition of success
Study Operational Styles
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The Operational Styles Framework
Step 2: Map Out A New Approach
Identify ways to better align tasks to things that energize you
Identify ways to partner better with others in your workplace
Help people better understand how you process and function
Arrest negative patterns that compromise your success
Develop a plan for working adaptively with others
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The Operational Styles Framework
Step 3: Press Toward the Summit
Work energetically and adaptively with others
Celebrate your wins remember you are playing a long game
Help others! Its not meant to be a solitary journey
Take breaks along the way to rest, regroup and recover
Plot your progress against your new definition of success
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Im a Flyer. I work
with a Climber who
seems to disregard
me and my ideas. It
makes me mad
because it feels like
disrespect. What
should I do?
Map your ideas to the Climbers Agenda
Clearly connect your idea(s) to corporate agenda/priorities
Consider Climbers personal concerns/activities/agenda
Find a good time and schedule a brief chat
Choose timing wisely with Climbers, timing is everything
Minimize distraction quiet place, private space
Come in with a VERY clear agenda
Keep it short think elevator pitch
Plan what youll say in advance, using words as economically as possible
Clearly state & summarize key points do not share too much information
Curtail emotion stay factual
Stay focused avoid trailing off into idea land or a rabbit trail
Clearly state what you need and the other people who support your point
Underscore whats in it for you to the Climber
Mapped to his/her agenda!
Clearly articulate your ask and be patient
Listen for hesitations and concerns
Give Climber time to process
Ask for next steps
Remember: Climbers often keep information close to the chest and typically need time to process new information. Therefore, the Climber may not have a ready
response, which can be frustrating and require follow up (Flyers dont like to be left hanging, but Climbers dont always mind). Climber support is often attached to
two things: 1) How things align to their agenda and current focus; and 2) the opinions of other people the Climber respects, especially persons of influence. It may
take time to win over a Climber, especially with other distractions or demands. If your idea is rejected, be prepared for pushback. If your idea is accepted, be
prepared for action: Climbers often latch on to good ideas, and can assume a high level of ownership of the ideas of others even selling it up the chain without
your involvement or permission. This kind of attachment is a sign of support. Try not to get territorial or let your ego create problems if this happens. Go in with a
clear perspective on the Climbers role and stand your ground with a smile!
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Im a Walker. I feel
consistently run over
by a Flyer who is
trying to change my
department and push
me to do things
beyond my comfort
zone that I find hard to
support. What can I
Schedule a private but casual meeting or lunch
Consider including a trusted colleague who you and the Flyer relate well to, just for
friendly back-up
Identify shared goal/objectives up front
Focus on what you both want, and articulate what you understand.
Give Flyer the floor first demonstrate active listening and positive body language
as you hear him/her out
Set a parameter for sharing e.g. Can you explain at a very high level
Do your best to stay tuned in. Dont shut down
Respond thoughtfully
Ask the flyer if s/he wants to hear your perspective
Start positive acknowledge intention and hard work
Tell the Flyer what s/he may not know and wait for response
Ask questions to seek clarification in areas of grey and remember to ask for
background or the why - which the Flyer may forget to communicate.
Highlight your concerns clearly and stand your ground on issues of importance
Jointly identify
Common Ground
Concerns, obstacles, challenges
Ways to jointly address or resolve problems
Next-steps and follow up in writing
Remember, Flyers are earnest problem solvers that exhibit a lot of passion. Dont be intimidated by this. Flyers can also present an overwhelming
amount information swooping down into executional detail from the high level with blinding speed. This can be confusing and feel scattered. Slow
the flyer down patiently . Use your meeting ally to help ensure the Flyer does not veer too far off-topic. Its your job to help the Flyer benefit from the
depth of wisdom and knowledge you possess. Debunk myths, expand knowledge, and when necessary push back for more information (research,
metrics, etc.) to prove the Flyers case. As you find common ground, you may be surprised at the collaboration that may ensue.
11. Copyright 息 2002-2018 Leigh Durst. All Rights Reserved - Do not use or republish without written author permission. No Derivative Works..
Copyright 息 2018 Live Path All Rights Reserved
Spring 2019