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Pamela QuinnWho am I?
Founder, Elemental OM
Author, The Elemental Cleanse
Creator, The Elemental Lifestyle
Yoga Teacher
Kundalini Teacher
Ayurvedic Specialist
Social Entrepreneur
Single mother of two
Really bad dog owner.
 Is there stuff stuck in your digestive
 Are mucus plugs real?
 What is really going on here?
Thats me!
Ayu Veda
lifefrom conception beyond
that which our
human minds can
Rest the organs of digestion.
Dramatically bring light to poor choice making
Re-establish yourself in yoga, meditation, movement,
mindfulness, life-purpose, and of course food.
Agnithe seat of health
Do you need to Cleanse?
acid reflux/heartburn
allergies and food
atherosclerosis (hardening
of the arteries)
chronic pain
Crohns disease
heart disease
high blood pressure
Irritable Bowel
Joint aches and pains
Parkinsons disease
periodontal disease
spastic colon
weight gain
Situations you might not consider
as Cleanse related
 Lack of Joy
 Feeling dull and lethargic
 High Stress
 Feeling angry all the time
 Feeling overwhelmed
 No desire for Sex
 Poor relationships with
partner, children or
Do you sometimes
wonder how it all
ended up this way
and dont know how
to fix it?
Total flush of 7 tissues
Plasma = 5 days
Blood = 5 days
Muscle = 5 days
Fat = 5 days
Bone = 5 days
Bone Marrow = 5 days
Shukra = 5 days
35 Days
120 dayschange your
Examples of shift(short list)
@ 5 days
Chronic Fatigue
Aches & Pains
Self Confidence
@ 10 days
Craving Meat
Lack of Enthusiasm
@ 15 days
Inability to
Muscle weakness
@ 20 days
Slow metabolism
Underactive thyroid
Craving for Sweet
@ 25 days
Poor hearing
Joint Pain
Grinding Teeth
@ 30 days
@ 35
Lack of joy
First! Visit
www.elementalom.com and
take the body quiz, mind
quiz, and balance quiz
Getting Started with your Fast
Click where it says Take
the Quiz
The Wind (Vata)
air + space
The Fire (Pitta)
fire + water
The Earth (Kapha)
earth + water
Frame I tend to be thin. I have a medium build and tend to
have a more athletic structure.
I have a heavy build and
am strong.
Weight Gain When I gain weight, which is hard
to do, it tends to settle on my belly.
I can gain and lose weight easily. I gain weight very easily and
lose it with difficulty.
Bones If you were to hug me, you would
feel my skeletal structure. My
bones are brittle and fragile.
I am well-proportioned and tend
toward an athletic build.
My bones are heavy
and larger.
Skin Condition My skin tends to be thin, dry,
rough and cool.
My skin is fair and tends to have
issues; rashes, acne, blackheads,
whiteheads or blotching.
My skin is pale and smooth
with very few marks. My pores
are almost invisible.
Nails My nails tend to be dry, brittle
or flaky.
My nails are strong and flexible. My nails are strong and thick.
Menstrual Cycle
(for women in child-
bearing years. All
others simply skip.)
My periods tend to be irregular. I
dont bleed a lot and it tends to be
dark red. I get really bad cramps
and sometimes constipation.
I have regular periods, with a heavy
flow that is bright red. I feel like my
periods last an extended time and I
may experience mild cramping and
loose bowels.
My periods are regular
with a light, average flow. I
experience bloating and mild
cramps during my period.
Appetite My appetite is irregular. I may go
all day without eating and not
realize it.
My digestion is very strong as well
as my appetite. I like routine meals
and get grumpy if I dont eat.
I have a stable appetite. I can
skip meals.
Cravings I love salty crunchy snacks. I crave iced beverages and
cold food.
I crave sweets and starches.
Digestion My digestion is unpredictable. I
can be normal, constipated, have
diarrhea or gas and bloating from
day to day.
I have strong digestion. When I do
have issues it tends to be hearburn,
indigestion or loose bowels.
My digestion is slow and
steady. Food feels heavy in
my belly.
Temperature My hands and feet tend to be cold.
I tend to be cold overall.
I tend to be hot. My skin is cool to touch, but I
do have cold hands and feet.
Total your  x s.
The Wind (Vata)
air + space
The Earth (Kapha)
earth + water
The Fire (Pitta)
fire + water
What isyourdosha?
Your Bod y
What dosha rules your body? This quiz determines the predominant element or  dosha in your body.
Place an  x next to the sentence that best describes you. If you simply cant decide, choose The Wind (Vata).
The column with the highest number of xs is your dosha.
Many people struggle
with the body portion
of the dosha quiz
because they have
been living out of
balance for a very long
time and dont really
know the answers
anymore. Dont worry.
We will take this quiz
again at the end of the
program and you will
better understand
which element
resonates with you
after you come back to
balance. Just like with
the mind, you may 鍖nd
that two or more
elements describe you
almost equally. All of
the doshas are present
in you body and its
quite common to have
an even split between
two. Less common is to
have the doshas split
almost equally
between all three, but
it does happen.
1 = Not at all 2 = A little bit 3 = Somewhat 4 = Moderately 5 = Very much
I've been having trouble concentrating. I am forgetful.
I have been talking a lot and having trouble listening.
I have been having trouble sleeping. I can't go to
sleep or I wake up and can't fall back to sleep.
I have been very worried lately.
I can't seem to stick to a routine. I am impulsive.
I've been having trouble concentrating. I am forgetful.
I have been talking a lot and having trouble listening.
I have been having trouble sleeping. I can't go to
sleep or I wake up and can't fall back to sleep.
I have been very worried lately.
I can't seem to stick to a routine. I am impulsive.
I've been having trouble concentrating. I am forgetful.
The Wind in Your Mind
1 = Not at all 2 = A little bit 3 = Somewhat 4 = Moderately 5 = Very much
I have no routine. I eat, sleep and perform activities at
inconsistent times each day.
I am suffering from gas and bloating.
I have constipation. My elimination is hard and dry.
I have been suffering from a lot of situations; back
pain, headaches.
My skin, nail and hair feel dry.
The Wind in Your Body
Answerhowyouhavebeenfeelingthepast 21days
Do You Have Bal an ce?
Rank each question below on a scale of 1 to 5:
1 = Not at all 2 = A little bit 3 = Somewhat 4 = Moderately 5 = Very much
The Wind in Your Mind
The Wind in Your Body
Overall Total
Overall Total
If your scores are in the 5  9 range, you are in balance. If your scores are 10  15, you have a moderate imbalance. If your scores are above
15, you are out of balance. If you have anything above 10, you should take action to prevent deeper long-term imbalance.
If you score 5 
10  15out of Balance
15 and aboveTake
immediate action!!! You
need The Elemental
 Triphala Guggulu
 Sesame or Coconut or Almond Oil
 Flax Oil
Rules of the elemental Fast
 Dont suffer
 Bed by 10 pm
 Up before the sun (5  7 am)
 6 sun salutations a day
 Meditate 30 minutes (so hum or sa ta na ma)
 Daily Sesame Oil Massage, scrape the tongue
 Take your herbal therapy. Add a probiotic and flax oil if you
 Small portions of not more than 2 cups at any meal
 Eliminate Cold Turkey: meat, dairy, alcohol, processed food, fried
food, white sugar
 Eliminate by choice Cold Turkey: caffeine (you will suffer a bit)
 Eliminate by choice: strenuous exercise, sex
 Avoid TV, Media, Social Media, Cell Phones, Crowds, & Talking
 Daily Journalingdo the exercises
 Attend 3  5 yoga classes each week.
 1 spa dayhot bath, hot oil, pamper yourself a little.
Elemental OM, 2013all rights reserved
Daily Journaling & Self Study
Daily: Write down 3 things each day you are grateful for.
Day 1: Wear the color red today.
What was the one choice you made all year that plagued you the most? Write 3 action steps to make a
new choice.
Day 2: Wear the color orange today.
What makes you smile spontaneously? What do you get lost in while doing? How can you experience
this daily, weekly, or monthly?
Day 3: Wear the color yellow today.
Is your willpower getting weak? Dont give in. You are in charge of your mind. Activate your will center
and be strong. Write about a major success in your life and how you got there.
Day 4: Wear the color green today.
Who do you love and why? How do they reflect back to you your own gorgeous qualities?
Day 5: Wear the color light blue today.
Write down 7 things that you believe with your whole heart.
Day 6: Wear the color purple today.
Journal about a synchronistic event in your life where everything magically came together.
Day 7: Wear the color white today.
Write a thank you letter to Spirit and also ask for one thing that you really desire. Tell Spirit why you
deserve this thing and how your life will change when you get it.
day 6 (+ here to extend)
This is an all water day.
Hot water & Lemon is good.
If you need to eat, choose
All Yummy Congee
Day 7
This is a 1/2 day of water
All Yummy Congee
Before bed:
Yogi Breakfast
day 4, 5
1. Drink a cup of hot water with
lemon first thing in the
2. Juice
No snacking
Lunch and Dinner
The intent is to
only drink juice.
If you are simply starving but want
to maintain your fast have a small
serving of Dahl or All Yummy
Congee served very hot and eaten
very slowly. Chew each bite 15 
25 times and sip warm water
between bites.
Day of Workshop:
 Mentally prepare and begin to incorporate the
meditation practice.
 Go to the Grocery Store.
day 1, 2, 3
1. Drink a cup of hot water with lemon first thing
in the morning. (You may drink this 15
minutes prior to ANY meal)
2. Within one hour, eat fruit for
breakfastberries are best.
Snack Options:
Ginger Tea
Berries, nuts, dried fruit
Yogi Breakfast
Yogi Energy Drink
1. Dahl
2. Steamed veggies
Basmati Rice & Steamed Veggies
Soup with a slice of multi-grain bread
Do you
Take your
Eat for your body dosha if you balance. Eat to balance if you do not.
Yogi Energy Drink (Recipe is from Food as Medicine
by Dharma Singh Khalsa
遜 cup water
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
8 ounces of non-milk milk (soy, rice, hemp, almond)
3  5 dates
1 Tablespoon almond oil
1 teaspoon honey
1. Place water and turmeric in a pot. Boil until the turmeric
has a paste like consistency, thick and viscous, then add
non-milk milk. Stir well and bring to a boil.
2. Chop the dates and add to the milk. Let boil for 3
minutes and then let cool for a few minutes
3. In a blender, place the almond oil, the mixture you just
made, and honey. Blend.
Consume within 2  3 hours and do refrigerate.
Dahl Stew by Amar Kaur
1 lb of yellow split peas
1 cup of chopped onion and red, yellow, green peppers, any
3 or 4 small red potatoes, quartered
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp. each: ground turmeric, ginger. & coriander
Pataks mild curry seasoning
1 tsp. sea salt
Fresh cilantro
1. Use a heavy soup pan or Dutch oven and begin by heating
the olive oil over medium heat
2. Add the spices and start to brown (do not blacken)
3. Add the chopped onions and peppers and cook until they
begin to soften
4. Add the yellow split peas
5. Add 6 cups of water and red potatoes, and bring to a boil
6. Bring to a simmering boil and cook until peas are soft40
minutes to 1 hr.
7. When the peas are soft, turn off heat,
8. Add 1 tsp. salt, and 1 rounded tbsp. of Pataks curry blend
9. Stir to blend and adjust the seasonings for taste
10.Serve with a topping of fresh cilantro.
Dal = Dahl = Mung = Lentils = any bean that cooks in less than 30 minutes w/o a soak
Basic Basmati Rice:
1 cup rice
2 cups liquid
Bring to boil, cover, reduce to simmer
and 20 minutes later..YUM
Cayenne is used to
treat arthritis,
migraine, cramps,
gas, and obesity
Organic Veggie Stock/Brothgreat tip from
Amy Wells
Over the course of the week accumulate your veggie scraps in
a plastic bag. Keep the ends, peels (including onion peels,
carrot tops, etc.) and "ugly" pieces (never moldy or bad food, of
course) of any of the following veggies in the bag: carrots,
celery, onions, spinach, garlic, parsnips, mushrooms, broccoli,
asparagus, potatoes.
Fill up a colander pasta pot with water and toss the ingredients
in the colander. Add a fresh clove of garlic or two, crushed; a
bay leaf, several peppercorns, and any extra fresh herbs you
have on hand.
Bring to a boil, then reduce to simmer for 45 minutes. Allow the
broth to cool.
Beets, broccoli, Brussels
sprouts, cabbage, carrots,
cauliflower, celery,
clementine's, escarole, fennel
artichokes, kale, leeks, lemons,
onions, oranges, parsnips,
potatoes, radishes, shallots,
sweet potatoes, squash
Place the almonds in a small sauce pan. Pour
in milk & heat on low until milk is warm and
bubbles just on the edge. Remove from heat
and poor in a mug. Add the honey, nutmeg, &
cinnamon to taste. Enjoy.
Yogi Breakfast
8 unsalted almonds
1 cup of non-milk milk like
soy milk, almond milk or rice milk
1 teaspoon honey
Cinnamon, Cardamom
Dried Ginger (optional)
Turmeric (optional)
It isnteasybeingGreen
(allthingsgreenwork in thisone)
Cucumber (1)
Parsley (some)
Spinach (1 cup)
Kale (1 cup)
Celery (1 stock)
Lemon (1/2)
Ginger (too taste)
Blend it all together and LOVE LIFE. If you want to
thicken this up a bit, you can blend (not juice) an avocado
and a little bit of coconut oil.
EnergyUp Juice
1 carrot
1 celery
1 apple
2 cups of leafy greensspinach, kale or other green
1 square cube of fresh ginger
Cumin to taste
Cayenne pepper to taste
Flushyour precious kidneys
村 cup Cranberry juice (I like Just Tarte)
1 cup or more cold water
Add some peppermint leaves for a fun kick.
No-stick Juice
(bye bye cholesterol)
Carrots (3  4)
Apple (1)
Ginger (to taste)
Parsley (handful)
Garlic (1/2 to 1 clove)
Go easy on salt
Top secret: add
ginger, lemon, and
apple to anything
to make it yummy
3 4
Ayurvedic Weight Loss Tea
 1/8 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
 1 tsp. Honey
 村 of a lemon
 1 cup of water
 Dash of cayenne pepper
Heat the water to boiling, remove
from heat and add other ingredients.
Take before meals or fist thing in the
Lemon Tea
 1 cup hot water
 1/2 of small Lemon
Heat the water to boiling, remove
from heat and squeeze lemon in.
You can add honey to this too, but
dont eat more than 1 tsp. of
honey in any day.
Ginger Tea
 4 cups water
 2 inches of ginger, peeled and
Bring water and ginger to boil, cover,
reduce to simmer for 15  20
Make your water work for you!
Dont bother with plain old
water, add herbs and spices!
Elemental OM, 2013all rights reserved
1 cup grain, rice, millet, buckwheat, rye, oat, or quinoa
5 cups water adjust this to make it thicker or soupier to
your liking
So the basic recipe is any grain that you love and water. So
simple. You want to heal though and you to play and enjoy
so here is where we get creative.
Water = broth = coconut milk = almond milk = soy milk
Grains for Adrenals = millet, buckwheat or rye
Spices for Adrenals = allspice and cinnamon to taste
Grains for bloat = barley or brown rice
Spices for bloat = cinnamon and ginger
Other options so that you fall in love:
Dried fruit such as raisins, cranberries, prunes, dates and
Nuts such as sesame seeds, pine nuts, almonds, cashews
and peanuts
Vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, squash,
spinach, kale, and onions (you can always throw an apple
in too!)
Other spices to consider are cloves, nutmeg, cayenne
peppers and turmeric
All Yummy Congee (rice gruel)
Return to life..
Go easy..
Yogi Breakfast and fruit
Light lunchsmall portion
Light dinnersmall portion
Keep (1) Dahl, (2) Basmati Rice,
(3) Steamed Veggies as your lunch
or dinner for several days.
Avoid meat, alcohol, caffeine,
processed food, fried food, dairy,
and large portions for another 7
days or for life.
com and tell her
how you did!
Elemental OM, 2013all rights reserved
Pamela Quinn

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Wanderlust Snowmass/Aspen Cleansing July 6, 2014

  • 1. Pamela QuinnWho am I? Founder, Elemental OM Author, The Elemental Cleanse Creator, The Elemental Lifestyle Yoga Teacher Kundalini Teacher Ayurvedic Specialist Social Entrepreneur Single mother of two Really bad dog owner.
  • 2. Why Cleanse? Is there stuff stuck in your digestive track? Are mucus plugs real? What is really going on here?
  • 5. Ayu Veda lifefrom conception beyond death Knowledge that which our human minds can understand
  • 6. Rest the organs of digestion. Dramatically bring light to poor choice making Re-establish yourself in yoga, meditation, movement, mindfulness, life-purpose, and of course food. Why Cleanse?
  • 8. Do you need to Cleanse? acid reflux/heartburn acne allergies and food sensitivities asthma atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) bronchitis cancer chronic pain Crohns disease Cirrhosis colitis dementia dermatitis diabetes eczema fibromyalgia gastroenteritis gingivitis heart disease high blood pressure Irritable Bowel Syndrome Joint aches and pains osteopenia Parkinsons disease periodontal disease psoriasis sinusitis spastic colon tendonitis weight gain
  • 9. Situations you might not consider as Cleanse related Depression Lack of Joy Fatigue Feeling dull and lethargic High Stress Feeling angry all the time Feeling overwhelmed No desire for Sex Poor relationships with partner, children or coworkers Do you sometimes wonder how it all ended up this way and dont know how to fix it?
  • 10. Total flush of 7 tissues Plasma = 5 days Blood = 5 days Muscle = 5 days Fat = 5 days Bone = 5 days Bone Marrow = 5 days Shukra = 5 days TOTAL 35 Days minimum 120 dayschange your consciousness
  • 11. Examples of shift(short list) @ 5 days Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Aches & Pains Libido Self Confidence @ 10 days Inflammation Eczema Craving Meat Lack of Enthusiasm @ 15 days Potbelly TMJ Inability to meditate Muscle weakness @ 20 days Obesity Lethargy Slow metabolism Underactive thyroid HBP Fear Sadness Craving for Sweet @ 25 days Poor hearing Scoliosis Osteoporosis Arthritis Joint Pain Grinding Teeth @ 30 days Tumors Insomnia Parkinson's Epilepsy ADD Tingling, twitching Hypertension @ 35 days Lack of joy
  • 12. First! Visit www.elementalom.com and take the body quiz, mind quiz, and balance quiz Getting Started with your Fast Click where it says Take the Quiz
  • 13. The Wind (Vata) air + space The Fire (Pitta) fire + water The Earth (Kapha) earth + water Frame I tend to be thin. I have a medium build and tend to have a more athletic structure. I have a heavy build and am strong. Weight Gain When I gain weight, which is hard to do, it tends to settle on my belly. I can gain and lose weight easily. I gain weight very easily and lose it with difficulty. Bones If you were to hug me, you would feel my skeletal structure. My bones are brittle and fragile. I am well-proportioned and tend toward an athletic build. My bones are heavy and larger. Skin Condition My skin tends to be thin, dry, rough and cool. My skin is fair and tends to have issues; rashes, acne, blackheads, whiteheads or blotching. My skin is pale and smooth with very few marks. My pores are almost invisible. Nails My nails tend to be dry, brittle or flaky. My nails are strong and flexible. My nails are strong and thick. Menstrual Cycle (for women in child- bearing years. All others simply skip.) My periods tend to be irregular. I dont bleed a lot and it tends to be dark red. I get really bad cramps and sometimes constipation. I have regular periods, with a heavy flow that is bright red. I feel like my periods last an extended time and I may experience mild cramping and loose bowels. My periods are regular with a light, average flow. I experience bloating and mild cramps during my period. Appetite My appetite is irregular. I may go all day without eating and not realize it. My digestion is very strong as well as my appetite. I like routine meals and get grumpy if I dont eat. I have a stable appetite. I can skip meals. Cravings I love salty crunchy snacks. I crave iced beverages and cold food. I crave sweets and starches. Digestion My digestion is unpredictable. I can be normal, constipated, have diarrhea or gas and bloating from day to day. I have strong digestion. When I do have issues it tends to be hearburn, indigestion or loose bowels. My digestion is slow and steady. Food feels heavy in my belly. Temperature My hands and feet tend to be cold. I tend to be cold overall. I tend to be hot. My skin is cool to touch, but I do have cold hands and feet. Total your x s. The Wind (Vata) air + space The Earth (Kapha) earth + water The Fire (Pitta) fire + water What isyourdosha? Your Bod y What dosha rules your body? This quiz determines the predominant element or dosha in your body. Place an x next to the sentence that best describes you. If you simply cant decide, choose The Wind (Vata). The column with the highest number of xs is your dosha. Many people struggle with the body portion of the dosha quiz because they have been living out of balance for a very long time and dont really know the answers anymore. Dont worry. We will take this quiz again at the end of the program and you will better understand which element resonates with you after you come back to balance. Just like with the mind, you may 鍖nd that two or more elements describe you almost equally. All of the doshas are present in you body and its quite common to have an even split between two. Less common is to have the doshas split almost equally between all three, but it does happen.
  • 14. 1 = Not at all 2 = A little bit 3 = Somewhat 4 = Moderately 5 = Very much I've been having trouble concentrating. I am forgetful. I have been talking a lot and having trouble listening. I have been having trouble sleeping. I can't go to sleep or I wake up and can't fall back to sleep. I have been very worried lately. I can't seem to stick to a routine. I am impulsive. I've been having trouble concentrating. I am forgetful. I have been talking a lot and having trouble listening. I have been having trouble sleeping. I can't go to sleep or I wake up and can't fall back to sleep. I have been very worried lately. I can't seem to stick to a routine. I am impulsive. I've been having trouble concentrating. I am forgetful. The Wind in Your Mind 1 1 = Not at all 2 = A little bit 3 = Somewhat 4 = Moderately 5 = Very much I have no routine. I eat, sleep and perform activities at inconsistent times each day. I am suffering from gas and bloating. I have constipation. My elimination is hard and dry. I have been suffering from a lot of situations; back pain, headaches. My skin, nail and hair feel dry. The Wind in Your Body Answerhowyouhavebeenfeelingthepast 21days Do You Have Bal an ce? Rank each question below on a scale of 1 to 5: 1 = Not at all 2 = A little bit 3 = Somewhat 4 = Moderately 5 = Very much The Wind in Your Mind The Wind in Your Body Overall Total Overall Total If your scores are in the 5 9 range, you are in balance. If your scores are 10 15, you have a moderate imbalance. If your scores are above 15, you are out of balance. If you have anything above 10, you should take action to prevent deeper long-term imbalance. If you score 5 9Balanced! 10 15out of Balance 15 and aboveTake immediate action!!! You need The Elemental Cleanse
  • 15. Triphala Guggulu Sesame or Coconut or Almond Oil Neem Probiotic Flax Oil
  • 16. Rules of the elemental Fast Dont suffer Bed by 10 pm Up before the sun (5 7 am) 6 sun salutations a day Meditate 30 minutes (so hum or sa ta na ma) Daily Sesame Oil Massage, scrape the tongue Take your herbal therapy. Add a probiotic and flax oil if you choose. Small portions of not more than 2 cups at any meal Eliminate Cold Turkey: meat, dairy, alcohol, processed food, fried food, white sugar Eliminate by choice Cold Turkey: caffeine (you will suffer a bit) Eliminate by choice: strenuous exercise, sex Avoid TV, Media, Social Media, Cell Phones, Crowds, & Talking Daily Journalingdo the exercises Attend 3 5 yoga classes each week. 1 spa dayhot bath, hot oil, pamper yourself a little. Elemental OM, 2013all rights reserved
  • 17. Daily Journaling & Self Study Daily: Write down 3 things each day you are grateful for. Day 1: Wear the color red today. What was the one choice you made all year that plagued you the most? Write 3 action steps to make a new choice. Day 2: Wear the color orange today. What makes you smile spontaneously? What do you get lost in while doing? How can you experience this daily, weekly, or monthly? Day 3: Wear the color yellow today. Is your willpower getting weak? Dont give in. You are in charge of your mind. Activate your will center and be strong. Write about a major success in your life and how you got there. Day 4: Wear the color green today. Who do you love and why? How do they reflect back to you your own gorgeous qualities? Day 5: Wear the color light blue today. Write down 7 things that you believe with your whole heart. Day 6: Wear the color purple today. Journal about a synchronistic event in your life where everything magically came together. Day 7: Wear the color white today. Write a thank you letter to Spirit and also ask for one thing that you really desire. Tell Spirit why you deserve this thing and how your life will change when you get it.
  • 18. day 6 (+ here to extend) This is an all water day. Hot water & Lemon is good. If you need to eat, choose All Yummy Congee Day 7 This is a 1/2 day of water Dinner: All Yummy Congee Before bed: Yogi Breakfast day 4, 5 Breakfast: 1. Drink a cup of hot water with lemon first thing in the morning. 2. Juice Snack: No snacking Lunch and Dinner The intent is to only drink juice. If you are simply starving but want to maintain your fast have a small serving of Dahl or All Yummy Congee served very hot and eaten very slowly. Chew each bite 15 25 times and sip warm water between bites. Day of Workshop: Mentally prepare and begin to incorporate the meditation practice. Go to the Grocery Store. day 1, 2, 3 Breakfast: 1. Drink a cup of hot water with lemon first thing in the morning. (You may drink this 15 minutes prior to ANY meal) 2. Within one hour, eat fruit for breakfastberries are best. Snack Options: Ginger Tea Juice Berries, nuts, dried fruit Yogi Breakfast Yogi Energy Drink Lunch: 1. Dahl 2. Steamed veggies Dinner Basmati Rice & Steamed Veggies or Soup with a slice of multi-grain bread Vata Pitta KaphaS t o p s t o p Do you balance? Take your quizzes Eat for your body dosha if you balance. Eat to balance if you do not.
  • 19. Yogi Energy Drink (Recipe is from Food as Medicine by Dharma Singh Khalsa 遜 cup water 1 teaspoon turmeric powder 8 ounces of non-milk milk (soy, rice, hemp, almond) 3 5 dates 1 Tablespoon almond oil 1 teaspoon honey 1. Place water and turmeric in a pot. Boil until the turmeric has a paste like consistency, thick and viscous, then add non-milk milk. Stir well and bring to a boil. 2. Chop the dates and add to the milk. Let boil for 3 minutes and then let cool for a few minutes 3. In a blender, place the almond oil, the mixture you just made, and honey. Blend. Consume within 2 3 hours and do refrigerate. Dahl Stew by Amar Kaur 1 lb of yellow split peas 1 cup of chopped onion and red, yellow, green peppers, any combination 3 or 4 small red potatoes, quartered 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp. each: ground turmeric, ginger. & coriander Pataks mild curry seasoning 1 tsp. sea salt Fresh cilantro 1. Use a heavy soup pan or Dutch oven and begin by heating the olive oil over medium heat 2. Add the spices and start to brown (do not blacken) 3. Add the chopped onions and peppers and cook until they begin to soften 4. Add the yellow split peas 5. Add 6 cups of water and red potatoes, and bring to a boil 6. Bring to a simmering boil and cook until peas are soft40 minutes to 1 hr. 7. When the peas are soft, turn off heat, 8. Add 1 tsp. salt, and 1 rounded tbsp. of Pataks curry blend 9. Stir to blend and adjust the seasonings for taste 10.Serve with a topping of fresh cilantro. Dal = Dahl = Mung = Lentils = any bean that cooks in less than 30 minutes w/o a soak Basic Basmati Rice: 1 cup rice 2 cups liquid Bring to boil, cover, reduce to simmer and 20 minutes later..YUM
  • 20. Cayenne is used to treat arthritis, migraine, cramps, gas, and obesity Organic Veggie Stock/Brothgreat tip from Amy Wells Over the course of the week accumulate your veggie scraps in a plastic bag. Keep the ends, peels (including onion peels, carrot tops, etc.) and "ugly" pieces (never moldy or bad food, of course) of any of the following veggies in the bag: carrots, celery, onions, spinach, garlic, parsnips, mushrooms, broccoli, asparagus, potatoes. Fill up a colander pasta pot with water and toss the ingredients in the colander. Add a fresh clove of garlic or two, crushed; a bay leaf, several peppercorns, and any extra fresh herbs you have on hand. Bring to a boil, then reduce to simmer for 45 minutes. Allow the broth to cool. Winter Veggies. Beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, clementine's, escarole, fennel artichokes, kale, leeks, lemons, onions, oranges, parsnips, potatoes, radishes, shallots, sweet potatoes, squash Place the almonds in a small sauce pan. Pour in milk & heat on low until milk is warm and bubbles just on the edge. Remove from heat and poor in a mug. Add the honey, nutmeg, & cinnamon to taste. Enjoy. HOMEMADEfoodROCKS Yogi Breakfast 8 unsalted almonds 1 cup of non-milk milk like soy milk, almond milk or rice milk 1 teaspoon honey Nutmeg Cinnamon, Cardamom Dried Ginger (optional) Turmeric (optional)
  • 21. It isnteasybeingGreen (allthingsgreenwork in thisone) Cucumber (1) Parsley (some) Spinach (1 cup) Kale (1 cup) Celery (1 stock) Lemon (1/2) Ginger (too taste) Blend it all together and LOVE LIFE. If you want to thicken this up a bit, you can blend (not juice) an avocado and a little bit of coconut oil. EnergyUp Juice 1 carrot 1 celery 1 apple 2 cups of leafy greensspinach, kale or other green favorite 1 square cube of fresh ginger Cumin to taste Cayenne pepper to taste Flushyour precious kidneys 村 cup Cranberry juice (I like Just Tarte) 1 cup or more cold water Add some peppermint leaves for a fun kick. No-stick Juice (bye bye cholesterol) Carrots (3 4) Apple (1) Ginger (to taste) Parsley (handful) Garlic (1/2 to 1 clove) Gingerreducescholesterol,inflammationandmay fightcancer. Go easy on salt Top secret: add ginger, lemon, and apple to anything to make it yummy 1 2 3 4
  • 22. Ayurvedic Weight Loss Tea 1/8 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar 1 tsp. Honey 村 of a lemon 1 cup of water Dash of cayenne pepper Heat the water to boiling, remove from heat and add other ingredients. Take before meals or fist thing in the morning. Lemon Tea 1 cup hot water 1/2 of small Lemon Heat the water to boiling, remove from heat and squeeze lemon in. You can add honey to this too, but dont eat more than 1 tsp. of honey in any day. Ginger Tea 4 cups water 2 inches of ginger, peeled and slice Bring water and ginger to boil, cover, reduce to simmer for 15 20 minutes. Make your water work for you! Dont bother with plain old water, add herbs and spices! Elemental OM, 2013all rights reserved
  • 23. Ingredients 1 cup grain, rice, millet, buckwheat, rye, oat, or quinoa 5 cups water adjust this to make it thicker or soupier to your liking Directions So the basic recipe is any grain that you love and water. So simple. You want to heal though and you to play and enjoy so here is where we get creative. Water = broth = coconut milk = almond milk = soy milk Grains for Adrenals = millet, buckwheat or rye Spices for Adrenals = allspice and cinnamon to taste Grains for bloat = barley or brown rice Spices for bloat = cinnamon and ginger Other options so that you fall in love: Dried fruit such as raisins, cranberries, prunes, dates and apricots Nuts such as sesame seeds, pine nuts, almonds, cashews and peanuts Vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, spinach, kale, and onions (you can always throw an apple in too!) Other spices to consider are cloves, nutmeg, cayenne peppers and turmeric All Yummy Congee (rice gruel) B r e a k y o u r f a s t w i t h t h i s Return to life.. Go easy.. Yogi Breakfast and fruit Light lunchsmall portion Light dinnersmall portion Keep (1) Dahl, (2) Basmati Rice, (3) Steamed Veggies as your lunch or dinner for several days. Avoid meat, alcohol, caffeine, processed food, fried food, dairy, and large portions for another 7 days or for life. Psstemail pamela@elementalom. com and tell her how you did! Elemental OM, 2013all rights reserved

Editor's Notes

  • #15: 5 10 in balance 11 16 going out 17 and upout of balance and have been there for awhile. Dont judge yourself. You will be in balance in 28 days. A few people and thats because they didnt commit. They skipped yoga. They didnt give up their habits. They quit. 油WIND Disorders Insomnia Tremors Constipation Arthritis IBS Most headaches Back pain FIRE Heartburn Ulcers Diarrhea Bad breath Hemorrhoids Infection Rashes Inflammation Canker sores Sore throats EARTH Respiratory illness Colds with deep cough Flu Asthma Bronchitis Swollen glands Obesity Diabetes Depression Cysts Rheumatoid arthritis
  • #17: Juice fasts should be done only by someone whose body is already intrinsically strong enough to withstand the toxins that will be eliminated. -Beads of Truth Winter 1992
  • #19: Juice fasts should be done only by someone whose body is already intrinsically strong enough to withstand the toxins that will be eliminated. -Beads of Truth Winter 1992