The document discusses order picking in warehouses. It describes an X-shaped warehouse layout and compares the average distances traveled by workers in this layout versus a traditional layout. The X layout is modeled in MATLAB and the average distances for different input-output point combinations are calculated as the dimensions of the layout are varied. The results show that the X layout performs better, with lower average distances, when the warehouse length is large. There is potential to further optimize the X layout by adjusting parameters like the angle of inclination and number/location of input-output points.
2. Order picking is the most time consuming operation
It accounts for 55% of the warehouse operating costs
3. Cross Aisle Structure
Input and output points
Number of aisles
Length of the aisles
Dimensions of the warehouse
5. Concerned with unit load warehouse i.e. items are stored and
retrieved in pallet quantities
Dual command Cycle- a worker first stores and then picks the
Flow through process
The angle of inclination of the cross aisles to be 45 degrees
6. The goal is to compare the average distances travelled by a
worker from selected input and selected output in X layout with
respect to the traditional layout.
7. Y-height of the warehouse
X-Width of the warehouse
a-cross aisle width
b-sub aisle width/ picking aisle width
Theta angle of inclination
x 1-X coordinate of intersection point of the sub aisle with the cross aisle
y 1-Y coordinate of intersection point of the sub aisle with the cross aisle
Entry i-Input i i={1,2,3}
Exit i-Output I i={1,2,3}
(Entry,Exit)=(coordinate x, coordinate y):
( 1,1)=((0,0),(0,Y)),(2,2)=((X/2,0),(X/2,Y)),(2,3)=((X/2,0),(X,Y))
8. H-total number of aisles along horizontal
V-Total number of aisles along the vertical
Aisle offset_H-Aisle offset along horizontal
Aisle offset_V-Aisle offset along vertical.
I_x1,I_y1-x,y coordinates of point of intersection of first x .
I_x2,I_y2-x,y coordinates of point of intersection of first x .
Perzone_H-Number of sub aisles / picking aisles in each
horizontal zone.
Perzone_V-Number of sub aisles / picking aisle in each vertical
12. Finding the intersection points of the picking aisle line with the
cross aisle line by using simple coordinate structure.
For e.g.: If we consider
Zone 2 :
LocalAisle = aisle - (zone-1)*perZone_H;
x_1 = AisleOffset_H+(zone-1)*perZone_H*b+ LocalAisle*b;
ymax = Y - AisleOffset_H + (-m)*x_1;
ymax = Y - m*(x_1 -AisleOffset_H);
perzone _H=X-4*Aisle offset_H*a/8*b
13. Calculate the total number of aisles i.e. sum of horizontal and
vertical aisles.
We number the aisles from zone 1 to zone 8 in anti clockwise
direction and the zone 9 to 12 for vertical aisles .
We generate two random aisle number s .
Then we identify the zone in which the two random aisle number
the aisle number is converted into the local aisle number. This is
formulated as below for zone 2 :
LocalAisle = aisle - (zone-1)*perZone_H;
14. The point of intersection of this randomly generated aisle and cross
aisle is found.
LocalAisle = aisle - (zone-1)*perZone_H;
x_1 = AisleOffset_H+(zone-1)*perZone_H*b+ LocalAisle*b;
ymax = Y - AisleOffset_H + (-m)*x_1;------------1
ymax = Y - m*(x_1 -AisleOffset_H);-----------2
It can lie in any of the two coordinates.
We assumed a variable to take value between (0,1).
So, if the value is < 0.5 takes one side or else the other (Just like
tossing the coin).
Now ,we know that a random number on this aisle should between
the two known points .
15. y_1 = ymax+ rand(1,1)*(Y/2-a/2-ymax);
The same methodology is used for the zones 2,3,6,7.And for the
vertical zones the random point varies along the X-axis.
After generating two random points and two random aisle number we
can calculate the total travel distance from entry to point 1 to point 2
and then to exit.
E.g.: Entry 1 exit 1 and the two zones are 1 and 3 .
Pick1_dist = distance(Pick1_x,Pick1_y,Pick1_x,Pick1_ymax);-
Pick2_dist = distance(Pick2_x,Pick2_y,Pick2_x,Pick2_ymax);
Travel_dist =
16. The X-layout model is programmed in matlab and run for 500
different points by fixing 3 different input and 3 different out put
points i.e.11,22,23.
25. The average distance is low for the entry 2 and exit 2 compared
to the other input and output points as the b is varied
The average distance decreases as we increase the dimensions
of the layout
In a traditional layout, the average distance increases as the b is
Also, the average distance increases with the increase in the
dimensions of the x
Comparing the two layouts, the X layout would be much better
when the length of the warehouse is more and also the average
travel distances are low for X compared to the traditional layout
26. The X layout can be extended by increasing the Xs appropriately
with respect to the length of the warehouse , I/O points and the
storage space
Finding an optimal angle of inclination for X
Finding optimal number of inputs and output points at proper