The document describes several warm up activities that can be used for groups:
Hot potato involves passing a potato or ball around a circle while music plays, with the person holding it when the music stops doing an action. Quick link is forming random groups based on attributes. Boppity bop bop bop has one person in the middle pointing left or right, with the pointed person naming the person on their side. Categories and Jeopardy involve guessing things in categories. Up, down, stop, go has children responding to different calls by the teacher to move in specified ways. The activities are meant to energize groups, encourage socialization and fun, and build group cohesion.
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Warm up activities
1. Warm up Activities
Hot potato!
Equipment: Potatoes or tennis balls, music
Description: Firstly you divide the class into groups of four or more. Then give each group
a potato. The activity works by passing the potato clockwise around the group until the
music stops. Once the music stops the person left holding the potato stands up and is asked
to do an action i.e. cluck like a chicken!
Once they have done this task they can sit back down and the music starts again, they
continue passing the potato. The catch is that the person who has been given the action
must stand up and perform this action every time they get hold of the potato.
The result is that you have a group all doing different actions while passing a potato along
to an up to date piece of music. This has never failed to break the ice!
Quick Link
Size of Group: 10 to?
Focus: energizer, socialization, fun
Description: As the group leader shouts out get into groups of fours, everyone quickly
joins a group of four. At any time, even before the group of four is formed, the leader
shouts out another instruction.
Examples: everyone with the same colour shoes, everyone with the same colour eyes,
group of five people born in the same month, people with the same Zodiac sign, form a
letter Z with a group of 3 people.
Expected Outcome: group cohesion, laughter and feelings
Boppity bop bop bop
Equipment: None
Description: Get the group to stand in a circle. Everyone remains standing and there is one
person in the middle. The person in the middle will go to someone and point saying zip
or zap. Zip means left and Zap means right. When the person in the middle says Zip
the person to whom they are pointing must say the name of the person on their left before
the person in the middle says Boppity bop bop bop.
If the person who is in the circle cannot do this, then they change places with the person
who is it in the middle.
This activity is great with older kids (14-19yrs)
2. Warm up Activities
For this game, one person thinks of a category, such as MOVIES. In a circle, everyone
must take a turn thinking of a Movie title (in English of course). If someone takes too long
to give an answer (the leader should count to five) then that person is out and a new
category begins. If someone gives an answer that doesn't make sense or is incorrect, he is
also out of the game.
For example, if the category is VEGETABLES and someone says "banana" that person is
out. The game continues until only one person is left!
In this game, which is based on the famous gameshow Jeopardy, everyone writes down ten
answers to questions about themselves. After writing down the answers, people have to
form pairs or small groups and try to find out what the questions are.
Example: (answer = purple) "What is your favorite colour?" "Blue." "What colour do you
hate?" "Green." "What colour is your underwear?" "Purple!"
You can stop at three guesses if you want, or keep going until someone in the club can
guess the question.
Up, Down, Stop, Go!
Children have to listen very carefully!
On GO - children must stop still.
On STOP - children must move around the space either walking or running.
On UP - children must sit or lay down.
On DOWN - children must stretch up to the ceiling.
Teacher can catch children 'out' if so desired.